LINEAR TECHNOLOGY LTC5585 Technical data

Optimizing the Performance of Very Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers
Design Note 1027
John Myers, Michiel Kouwenhoven, James Wong, Vladimir Dvorkin
Zero-IF receivers are not new; they have been around for some time and are prominently used in cell phone handsets. However their use in high performance wire­less base stations has had limited success. This is due primarily to their limited dynamic range and that they are less well understood. A new wide bandwidth zero-IF IQ demodulator helps relieve the dynamic range and bandwidth shor tcomings for main as well as DPD (digital predistor tion) receiver s, and enables 4G base stat ions to cost effectively address the ever-increasing bandwidth needs of mobile access. This article discusses how to optimize performance by minimizing IM2 nonlinearity and DC offset that reduce the dynamic range of zero­IF receivers, thus offering a viable alternative to an otherwise challenging design.
Pushing Ever Wider Bandwidth
Until recently, most base stations needed to only deal with a 20MHz wide channel bandwidth, typically allo­cated to various wireless carriers. Associated with this 20MHz channel is a companion 100MHz bandw idth DPD receiver to measure intermodulation distortion spurs up to 5th order for effective distortion cancellation. These requirements can generally be met effectively w i t h h i g h - I F ( h e t e r o d y n e ) r e c e i v e r s . N o w a d a y s t h o u g h , such designs are more challenging, with industry trends pushing for base stations to support operation over the entire 60MHz bands. Accomplishing this feat has signifi cant cost savings implications for the entire wireless manufacturing, installation and deployment business model.
To accommo date the three times increase in ba ndwidth, the DPD receiver b andwidth must increase from 100MHz to 300MHz. In 75MHz ba nds, the DPD bandwidth grows to a staggering 375MHz. The design of receivers that can suppor t this bandwidth is not trivia l. Noise increases due to the wider bandwi dth, gain fl atness becomes more
diffi cult to achieve, and the required sampling rate of A/D converters increases dramatically. Furthermore, the cost of such higher bandwidth components is ap­preciably higher.
The modest bandwidth of a traditional high-IF receiver is no longer suffi cient to support the 300MHz or higher DPD signals with typically ±0.5dB gain fl atness. The 300MHz baseband bandwidth would require choos­ing an IF frequency of 150MHz at a minimum. It is not trivial to fi nd an A/D converter capable of a sampling r a t e u pw a r d of 6 0 0 M s ps t h a t is r e a s on a b l y pr i c e d , e v e n at 12-bit resolution. One may have to compromise and resort to a 10-bit converter.
New IQ Demodulator Eases Bandwidth Constraints
The LTC5585 IQ demodulator is designed to support d i r e c t c o n v e r s i o n , t h u s a l l o w i n g a r e c e i v e r t o d e m o d u l a t e the aforementioned 300MHz wide RF signal directly to baseband (see Sidebar: Theory of Operation of a Zero-IF Receiver). The I and Q outputs are demodulated to a 150MHz wide signal, only half the bandwidth of a high­IF receiver. In order to attain a passband gain fl atness of ±0.5dB, the device’s –3dB corner must extend well above 500MHz.
The LTC5585 supports this wide bandwidth with a tunable baseband output stage. The differential I and Q output ports have a 100Ω pull-up to V
in parallel
with a fi lter capacitance of about 6pF (see Figure 1). This simple R-C network allows for the formation of o f f - c hi p lo w p a s s o r b a n d pa s s fi l t e r n et w o r k s t o r em o ve high level out-of-band blockers and equalization of gain roll-off the baseband amplifi er chain that follows the demodulator. With a 100Ω differential output loading resistance in addition to the external 100Ω pull-up resistors, the –3dB bandwidth reaches 850MHz.
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Baseband Bandwidth Extension
A single L-C fi lter section can be used to further extend the bandwidth of the baseband output. Figure 1 shows the chip’s baseband equivalent circuit with baseband bandwidth extension. With 200Ω loading, the –0.5dB bandwidth can be extended from 250MHz to 630MHz using a series inductance of 18nH and a shunt capaci­tance of 4.7pF. Figure 2 shows the variety of output responses that are possible with different loading. One r e s p o n s e i s w i t h d i f f e r e n t i a l l o a d i n g r e s i s t a n c e s o f 2 0 0 Ω and 10kΩ. For 10kΩ loading, the – 0.5dB bandwidth can be extended from 150MHz to 360MHz using a series inductance of 47nH and a shunt capacitance of 4.7pF.
Second-Order Intermodulation Distortion Spurs Matter
In a direct conversion receiver, the second order in­termodulation distortion products (IM2) fall directly in-band at the baseband frequencies. Take, for example, two equal power RF signals, f1 and f2, spaced 1MHz apart at 2140MHz and 2141MHz, respectively, while the LO is spaced 10MHz apart at 2130MHz. The resultant IM2 spur would fall at f2 – f1, or 1MHz. The LTC5585 has the unique ability to adjust for minimum IM2 spurs independently on the I and Q channels by using ex ternal control voltages. Figure 3 shows a t ypical setup for IIP2 measurement and calibr ation. The differen tial baseband
Figure 1. Baseband Output Equivalent Circuit for Bandwidth Extension with L = 18nH and C = 4.7pF
Figure 2. Conversion Gain vs Baseband Frequency with Differential Loading Resistance and L-C Bandwidth Extension
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