Linear CC3008 Specsheet

HVAC Copper/Metal Theft Prevention
Field-Proven, Simple and Effective Copper Theft Deterrence
Copper Cop™ is an efcient, dependable and reliable security protection solution designed to combat theft of commercial air conditioning (HVAC) units. Copper Cop can be installed and activated in minutes by a security professional and, unlike other HVAC alarm products, does not require an HVAC, Plumber’s or Electrical Contractor’s License.
Linear, a leader in innovative and cost-effective security products and theft prevention systems, has developed Copper Cop for Security dealers and integrators whose customers want a quick, secure, and active deterrence solution.
The Solution Is Here
Linear’s Copper Cop consists of a unique 30-foot cable harness with eight self-tapping screw-in clip assemblies, connected to a weatherproof alarm interconnect box. The system is ready to accept a wireless alarm transmitter or hard-wired connection to a security alarm panel. Once Copper Cop is installed on the exterior of the HVAC unit and activated, removal of the HVAC unit cover or tampering with the cable triggers an alarm.
Copper Cop tamper-resistant
alarm interconnect box
Copper Cop cable harness &
interconnect box
HVAC Copper/Metal Theft Prevention
• Reliable, simple non-intrusive solution to guard against HVAC unit copper or metal theft
• Does not require Electrician’s, Plumber’s or HVAC Contractor’s license
• Does not trigger a false alarm even if uctuations in refrigerant pressure or electrical power
outages occur*
*Connected alarm system must have backup battery power to operate properly during a power outage
• Ready to accept hard-wired alarm system connection or wireless alarm transmitter
• Optional secondary 30-foot harness can be added to cover larger commercial HVAC units
(60’ length total)
• Bright yellow cable harness acts as a visual deterrent to would-be thieves
Target Markets
• Schools • Places of Worship
• Single-Story Retail Buildings • Cellular Network Facilities / Towers
• Remote Communication Centers • Substation Outbuildings
Copper Cop
Wireless and Hard-Wired System
Model # Description
DXS-31 Wireless RF Alarm Sensor Transmitter
DXR -702 2-Channel Wireless RF Alarm Sensor Receiver
CC3008XT Secondary 30-foot Extension Harness (for larger HVAC units)
CC3008WK1 Copper Cop Kit with Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
For more information, please visit Specications subject to change without notice.
Linear LLC | 1950 Camino Vida Roble | Suite 150 | Carlsbad, CA 92008 | 8 0 0.421.1587 |
P/N 2 34762 A