2-N-1 BluePass Multi-Tech Reader Manual
User’s Guide
Copyright © 2018 Nortek Security and Control LLC
P/N: 10019180 X16

Overview ...................................................................................ii
Setting up Your Dealer Portal Account .....................................ii
Setting Up your Organization and Readers ............................. 1
Setting up Your First Reader ................................................... 2
Performing a Factory Reset on the Reader ............................. 4
Issuing Your First BluePass Credential ................................... 4
Accepting Your First BluePass Credential as an End-User ..... 5
Frequently Asked Questions .................................................... 6
Troubleshooting ....................................................................... 7
Certifi cations ............................................................................ 7
The Linear BluePass Multi-Tech Reader provides a simple and
convenient way to leverage state of the art BLE mobile credentials
for access control. Whether a new site installation or an upgrade
of an existing system, realizing the power of mobile credentials
is a very simple process. In this guide, we will walk you through
setting up and confi guring the necessary to get started.
There are several major components in the Linear BluePass
ecosystem solution illustrated in this guide:
1. The Linear BluePass Portal – This is a web based portal used
by the dealer/installer/facility administrator to manage mobile
Portal functionality includes:
a. Redeem your Credential-To-Go™ cards for mobile
credential credits.
b. Defi ne top level Organizations in which end-users have
access to via mobile credentials.
c. Issue mobile credentials to end-users for access to an
d. Manage existing BLE credentials, their associated
Wiegand IDs, and view reports on the number of
credential credits remaining for issuance.
2. The Linear Wallet Mobile Application – This mobile app is
available for both iOS and Android.
This Permission allows the Administrators/Installers to:
c. Enroll (assign) your reader to a specifi c Organization
confi gured in the Dealer Portal account.
i. Change setup confi gurations of individual reader
hardware, such as BLE range requirements for
acceptance of access requests, and the reader
power setting for LED intensity and animations.
ii. In-fi eld fi rmware upgrades and advanced version
3. The Linear BluePass Multi-Tech Reader – This is the physical
reader hardware that supports a standard mullion-style or
U.S. single-gang mounting installation. The reader uses
standard 26 to 37-bit Wiegand formats and supporting legacy
125 KHz prox cards, as well as the Linear BluePass Mobile
Credential. The reader is confi gured using the Linear Dealer/
Installer Mobile Application during installation.
Setting up Your Dealer Portal Account
To begin, a Credential-To-Go™ card must be purchased. Once
a card is obtained, set up your dealer/installer account login by
visiting https://bluepasscloud.io.
The app serves two purposes:
a. Intended for use by end-users of an organization to
gain entry to a protected area using a BluePass MultiTech Reader. It displays virtual credentials assigned
for use when the app is opened. Under normal
circumstances, the app runs silently in the background
of the user’s mobile device, transmitting the end-user
BLE credential to the reader when the user activates
the reader’s capacitive touch sensor, typically by
touching the reader.
b. The Installer Permission Credential + The Linear
Wallet APP – To gain entry to a protected area using
BluePass, as well being designed specifi cally for the
dealer/installer to confi gure and manage BluePass
Multi-Tech Readers installed at the Organizations they
manage. This permission is granted by checking the
installer Permission box located at the bottom of the
“Add User” page.
1. Click on the link at the bottom of the login page titled, “Are
you a new user? Sign Up.”
Notes: It is important to note that all accounts only have
one user name and password. An overview of our current
account options follows:

Option 1: Providing Credential Services:
If the dealer uses their e-mail address to set up the account
and then confi gures up different organizations under
their account. The dealer should not share the user
name and log in as any one logging in will see all the
organizations and credential information. This method
is for dealers who only want to provide the credentials via
a service for their customers or for their own building.
Option 2: End User Managed Credentials:
The dealer sets up the account with the end user’s
email address and generic password. The dealer then
goes into the account and issues themselves an installer
credential, sets up the readers and as part of the service
possibly issue credentials. When they transfer all the
systems over to the end-user they should inform the end
user user’s to change the password. Should the end user
want the dealer to have access, they can provide the
username and password and elect to change it after the
assistance is provided.
2. Enter your e-mail address, fi rst name, last name,
management company, dealer name, and a password.
Be sure to follow the password guidelines as listed on the
sign-up page.
Setting Up your Organization and Readers
An Organization is the top-level entity in the Access Control
hierarchy and represents the end-user company the system is
being installed into.
A reader is assigned to an Organization. The user’s credentials
are presented to the reader and passed along to the Access
Control System for validation. If the access request is valid,
entrance is granted at that reader access point.
Creating Your First Organization
You must fi rst add credentials, followed by assigning installer
credentials, which allow a reader to be assigned.
1. In the upper right hand corner of the portal, select
3. Click Sign Up.
4. The dealer/end user account is now set up.
Now that the dealer/end user account is established, some
Organizations must be set up within the portal by the dealer/
installer for managing the BluePass Credentials and Readers.
2. You are now on the “Organizations” page. Click “Create.”
Copyright © 2018 Nortek Security and Control LLC