Linear 2GIG-IMAGE1 Installation

2GIG part number: 2GIG-IMAGE1 part number: ADC-IS-100-GC Image Sensor for 2GIG Go!Control Installation Guide
The sensor is now learned into the panel. After enrollment, be sure to keep the sensor and panel powered so the sensor can complete an initialization process with the Network Operations Center. This process will take several minutes. Images cannot be captured until initialization is complete. To verify that this process is complete, enter the “Image Sensors” menu in the “installer toolbox”. Select the Image Sensor of interest and verify “rules status: complete”.
5. Choose Sensor Location and Mount
a. Determine sensor mounting location based on installation scenario and criteria
The Image Sensor is a pet immune PIR (passive infrared) motion detector with a built-in camera. The sensor is designed to capture images during alarm or non-alarm events. Users can also initiate image capture on-demand to Peek-In on their property. Images are stored locally and uploaded either automatically when motion is captured during alarm events or manually when requested by the user. Once uploaded, images are available for viewing on the Website or an Smart phone app. The sensor is battery powered, all wireless and simple to install and operate. A system with a 2GIG Cell Radio Module connected to an account with service plan subscription is required. For additional information on product features, functionality and service plan options, visit the Dealer Site (
Highlighted Features
Battery operated Communicates wirelessly to the security control panel 35 feet by 40 feet detection coverage area Configurable PIR sensitivity and pet immunity settings Image: QVGA 320x240 pixels Color Images (except in night vision) Night vision image capture with infrared flash (black & white) Tamper detection, walk test mode, supervision
Security Control Panel: 2GIG Go!Control with software 1.10 & up  Communication Module: 2GIG Cell Radio Module  Required Radio: 2GIG-XCVR2-345  Available Zones: One zone per Image Sensor installed (Up to 3 Image Sensors per
IMPORTANT: For smoothest installation, learn in one Image Sensor at a time. Insert batteries only after initiating learn mode at the panel. (See 4-f)
1. Create Customer Account- Using the 2GIG Cell Radio Module serial
number, create an customer account on the Dealer Site ( with an Image Sensor capable service plan.
2. Verify module & XCVR2 radio installation- Ensure that the communication module and XCVR2 radio are connected and installed properly inside the control panel.
3. Register Module and Test- Power up the panel and initiate a cell phone test to ensure the communication module is properly installed and communicating with
4. Enroll Sensor in Panel-
a. Enter the “system configuration” menu in the “installer toolbox”. b. Under Q1, select the RF sensor #. (Unused zone 01 to 48) c. Select the RF sensor type. (Recommended: 04- Interior Follower, 10-
Interior w/ Delay, 23- No Response Type) d. Select RF sensor equipment type. ((2) Motion) e. Select RF sensor equipment code. (9999 ADC Image Sensor) f. Register the RF Sensor Serial Number. Click “learn” to initiate learn
mode on the panel and XCVR2 radio. Power up the Image Sensor by
inserting the batteries or using a paper clip to hold the sensor’s reset
button for 3 seconds.
g. Select RF sensor equipment age. h. Select RF sensor loop number. (Recommended: Loop 1) i. Select RF sensor dialer delay. j. Construct RF sensor voice descriptor. (Recommended shortcuts: 147-
Motion Detector, 120- IS) k. Select RF sensor reports. (Recommended: (1) Enabled) l. Select RF sensor supervised. (Recommended: (1) Enabled) m. Select RF sensor chime. n. Continue to edit next sensor or select skip, end and exit to save
changes. o. Perform a cell phone test to ensure that the updated equipment list is
sent to
noted in the “Installation Guidelines.” For best image capture, the target capture areas should be centered in the frame. (e.g. If customer wants to capture people coming through door, the doorway should be centered in camera/PIR view.)
b. Verify RF communication prior to mounting- To verify that the Image Sensor
communicates with the control panel in its mounting location, enter “system test” through the “installer toolbox” and trigger the Image Sensor.
c. Determine desired mounting angle for customer scenario; attach mounting arm to
sensor-back and re-attach sensor to sensor-back. The mounting arm attaches to the back of the sensor enabling the sensor angle to vary based on the application. To obtain the full 35’ x 40’ coverage area, mount the sensor at a 6˚ downward angle. This corresponds to a “teeth up” orientation of the mounting arm. For most smaller areas in residential installations, mount the arm with the “teeth down” for a deeper angle (18˚). Secure the back of the sensor to the mounting arm with the provided screw. If the camera will be mounted perpendicular to the wall, the mount the sensor without the mounting arm/bracket directly on the wall, at a 12° angle.
Mounting Arm Orientation Attach Mounting Arm to Sensor-Back Attach Sensor to (Top: Teeth Up, Bottom: Teeth Down) Sensor-Back
d. Choose applicable mounting bracket for customer scenario. The sensor
hardware packet contains 2 mounting brackets for different mounting scenarios. Use the provided large screws and anchors to attach the bracket to the wall.
Flat Wall Mount Corner Wall Mount
Mark location of bracket holes on mounting surface at a height of 8 feet for maximum
coverage area. (Leave at least 3 inches of clearance above the sensor to allow for battery replacement without uninstalling the mounting bracket.)
e. Place sensor with arm on mounting bracket. Adjust the horizontal positioning of
the sensor to point towards the desired coverage area. To adjust positioning, lift the mounting arm at least 1/3 of the way off the bracket and rotate the arm.
f. Secure the mounting arm location by sliding lock pin into the hole. Use the washer
and remaining small screw to secure the lock pin by screwing upwards through the bottom of the hole in the mounting bracket. (Note: To make it easier to adjust
PIR/camera field of view in step 10, complete this step after horizontal sensor
positioning is finalized.)
6. Complete PIR Testing
Verify that PIR coverage adequately covers area by performing a walk test. (See “Pro­gramming” section for more details.)
7. Test Image Capture
To conserve the customer’s monthly image upload quota, automatic alarm uploads are disabled for the first four hours after any new sensor (Image Sensor or other) is installed into the system. Installers can verify sensor positioning and test image captures on installed sensors on’s Mobile Tech website ( without accessing the customer’s account or deducting from the customer’s monthly upload quota. If possible, installers should also test night vision captures to ensure sensor infrared flash is not reflecting off surfaces and washing out images.
1 Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. Rev 1.0-Beta Image Sensor Installation Guide
To access the Mobile Tech website, go to and login with an Dealer website login name and password. Select the customer’s account and navigate to the “Image Sensor” section. Images are requested and viewed through the “Image Testing” tab. For privacy reasons, a local comm. test must be performed prior to requesting an image through Mobile Tech.
(Note: If the installer needs to continue testing beyond the 4 hour window, disable alarm auto-uploads first from the Dealer or Mobile Tech website or the image uploads will be deducted from the customer’s monthly quota.)
PIR Lens and Camera Coverage Diagrams
Figure 1.Side View: PIR Lens Coverage
Mount the sensor on a flat wall surface (do not set on shelf) free of vibrations.
The Image Sensor is enrolled into the control panel via the “system configuration”. Additional programming options available for configuring and testing include:
A. PIR Sensitivity Settings
By default, the Image Sensor is configured with a standard motion sensitivity profile (“Normal”). The sensor can also be set to a more sensitive motion profile (“High”) and a less sensitive profile with pet immunity for pets up to 40 lbs (“Low”). The sensitivity can be configured through the control panel or Dealer Website. From the panel, access the “image sensors” menu in the “installer toolbox”. Select the senor you want to configure and choose the new sensitivity level.
(Note: Using the high sensitivity profile increases the risk of false alarms, especially if the sensor is facing windows or sources of heat. When mounting the sensor near windows or heat sources use caution and select the “Low” PIR sensitivity setting.)
B. PIR Activation and Test Mode
During normal operation, the PIR can be activated at most once every three minutes while the system is disarmed. There is a 30-second delay after powering before PIR detection is active. For the first 3 minutes after a sensor is enrolled in a network, the sensor will enter PIR test mode and the sensor LED illuminates for 3 seconds upon each motion activation (at most every 8 seconds). For additional testing time, put the sensor into test mode by tampering it.
C. Tamper and Malfunction Reports
Tamper and malfunction reports are issued at the control panel. If subscribed, the customer will also receive notifications from
A built-in accelerometer detects movement or re-positioning of the Image Sensor and will initiate a tamper whenever a change in sensor orientation is detected. Reporting occurs even if the sensor back plate remains in place. The tamper automatically clears after the sensor is returned to the upright position and no movement has been detected for 5 minutes. A tamper can also be cleared by resetting the sensor.
D. Sensor LED
By default, the image sensor LED does not illuminate when activated by motion unless the sensor is in test mode. The LED can be enabled via the Dealer Website for each Image Sensor on a customer’s account. When enabled, the LED illuminates for 3 seconds upon motion activations (at most every 3 minutes while disarmed).
As indicated in Figure 2, the camera coverage area is narrower than the PIR coverage area. When installing, mount sensor where subjects are likely to be centered in or across PIR and camera field of view.
Before permanently mounting the Image Sensor, evaluate potential locations and consider the following factors to ensure optimal performance and false alarm protection: Range- Is the location close enough to the security panel to ensure adequate signal strength? False Alarm Immunity- Is installation location false alarm prone? Reduce the risk of motion-triggered false alarms by making sure the location is free of vibration and the device does not face a local heat source, window, or areas with high pet activity. (Also, make sure area is free of elevated surfaces where pets may climb.) Capture Orientation- Is the location ideally suited for detecting motion and capturing images when there is an intruder or activity? Consider where the subject is likely to enter the area and whether or not they will be facing the sensor. Lighting Conditions- How good is the artificial and natural light? Will daytime and nighttime lighting conditions ensure adequate image quality?
If possible, locate sensor within 100 ft of the panel especially if there are many walls
between the sensor & panel, or if the panel and sensor are located on different floors.
Avoid facing the sensor toward or close to areas that may affect communication such
as metallic objects or electronics likely to produce interference. Verify sensor RF
communication at panel, even if within recommended distance.
For optimal detection capabilities, mount the sensor where someone will most likely
walk across the sensor coverage area as opposed to directly towards the sensor.
By default, the Image Sensor is set to “Normal” sensitivity. A more sensitive motion
profile (“High”) and a less sensitive profile providing pet immunity for pets up to 40 lbs (“Low”) can be selected at the control panel or through the Dealer Website.
The Image Sensor is designed for indoor use only and should not be installed outdoors.
For proper operation in pet immune applications, the room should be kept between 60° and 110° F.
To maximize night vision image quality, do not orient sensor towards surfaces that will
create glare when infrared flash occurs. Avoid orienting the sensor such that the ceiling or adjacent walls are in the camera field of view.
Figure 2.Top View: PIR Lens Coverage
E. Image Capture Settings
Capture settings are configured automatically for each sensor based upon the customer’s Image Sensor service plan so it is important to subscribe the customer to a service plan before enrolling the sensor into a network.
For more information on the Image Sensor service plan options visit the Dealer Site (
Insert a paperclip into the hole on the front of the sensor to access the reset button. Press and hold for 3 seconds to power cycle the sensor. Press and hold a full 10 seconds until the sensor LED flashes rapidly to reset the sensor and clear it from its network. The sensor must be reset prior to enrolling in a new network.
(Note: The sensor can only be cleared from its network using the reset button if it is currently not communicating with its network. If the sensor is still communicating with its network, clear sensor by deleting it from the system it is enrolled in.)
Figure 3.Sensor Reset Button
When a sensor‘s batteries are low, the panel will display a low battery alert for the sensor. Notifications are also issued via the platform if the customer has subscribed to this notification type.
To replace the sensor batteries, slide the front of the sensor up off the sensor-back. (No need to remove or un-mount entire sensor-back and mounting arm.) To maximize battery life, replace the sensor batteries with 2 AA 1.5v Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries.* Dispose of used batteries according to the battery manufacturer instructions and following local regulations.
2 Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. Rev 1.0
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