Crystal Optical Mouse
Manual English
Benutzerhandbuch Deutsch
Manuel Français
Manuale Uso Italiano
LINDY Art. Nr. 20599
English Manual
The LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse adopts a new revolutionary design, which allows left and right rocking movement
of the hand for left and right clic k whic h elim inates the stress within the fingers. Due to the optical sensor, which
has replaced the ol d standar d ball, i t has enhanced the perfor mance, ther efore, no more moving parts or gathering
of dust, resulting in a smooth and superior performanc e.
Package Contents:
LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse
CD ROM with Dri vers and Software
USB + PS/ 2 A daptor
LINDY Crystal Optical M ouse General Informati on
Your PC / Mac must hav e a P S /2 or USB int er face. T he system requirements to ensure full com patibility are as
How to u se t he LINDY Crystal Optical M ouse:
The LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse adopts a new revolutionary design, which allows left and right rocking movement
of the hand for left and right clic k whic h elim inates the stress within the fingers.
Install at ion and Use:
PC Installation PS/ 2:
PC Installation USB:
Software I nstallati on for PC u sers:
This manual
• PC – O/S Win 98/98SE/2000/ME /XP
• Mac – O/S 8. 5 or higher
Left Button
Right Button
Scrolling Wheel
• Shut down your PC and connect the PS/2 connector in to the PS/2 port. Tur n on the PC and insert the CD
and prepare for driver installation.
• Plug the USB c onnector directly in to an available USB por t. There i s no need to S hut Down your PC.
• Insert the CD and follow the set-up instructions, whic h will appear, on t he screen.
• Once the CD has been placed in to the CD reader selec t “setup.exe” from the CD and then select “OK”
which will start the installation.
• Choose the desired language from the dialogue box and c lick next.
• Once the m ouse has been installed, act iv ate the LINDY
Crystal Opt ical mouse settings by clicking on the Cr y stal
Optical Mouse icon in the System T r ay ( which is shown in
the diagram on the right ) and the fol lowing dialogue box
will appear for the mouse propert ies. From her e y ou set
the mouse to your user preferences.
Click this Icon twice
Uninstal l LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse driver:
• Click “Start” on the t ask bar and from “P rogram Files” select “Perfect Series”.
• Select “Uninstall Crystal Optical Mouse 3.0”.
• Once the dri vers have been uninstal led select the c or r ec t drivers for your new chosen m ouse.
Software I nstallati on for Mac u sers:
• Plug the USB c onnector directly in to an available USB por t. There i s no need to S hut Down your Mac.
• Insert the CD in to the CD Rom and choose “Crystal Optical Mouse“.
• Click on the install button.
• After installing the drivers restart the Mac.
Applying the Software for Mac users:
• Select t he A pple logo and select “Control Panel s” and then sel ec t “Mouse Power”.
• Once the Mouse Power is initiated you may change the Left and Ri ght click and the W heel to the users
preference. There are 11 functions available to choose fr om.
Uninstal l LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse driver:
• Insert the CD in to the CD Rom and selec t “Uninstall M ouse Driver ”.
• Click “Uninstall”.
• Once “Uninstall” has fini shed “Restart” is recommended.
• Once restarted the “Uninstall” is complete.