Lincoln Electric COBRAMAX IM774, CobraMAX K2252-1, CobraMAX K2252-2 Operator's Manual

GMAW Push-Pull Gun
MK 091-0525
December 2006
Rev. E
Model numbers K2252-1 & K2252-2
Safety Depends on You
Lincoln arc welding equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your over­all safety can be increased by proper installation...and thoughtful operation on your part. DO NOT
And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful.
Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distibutors Worldwide
Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE:
Copyright © 2006 Lincoln Global Inc.
World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products
Safety Considerations
Table of Contents
Technical Specications .....................................................................................1
Support Equipment Required .............................................................................1
Coolant Recommendations ................................................................................1
Gun Lead Connections ......................................................................................1
............................................................................... Section A
Operation .................................................................................Section B
General ..............................................................................................................2
Controls and Settings .........................................................................................2
Drive Roll and Idler Rolls....................................................................................3
Accessories .............................................................................Section C
Optional Kits .......................................................................................................4
Conduits .............................................................................................................4
Snake Skins .......................................................................................................4
Contact Tips .......................................................................................................5
Gas Cups ...........................................................................................................5
Maintenance ............................................................................Section D
Periodic Maintenance.........................................................................................6
Maintenance Tools ............................................................................................. 6
Recommended Spare Parts List ........................................................................6
Troubleshooting .......................................................................Section E
Troubleshooting Guide .......................................................................................8
Testing The Gun .................................................................................................8
Appendices ..............................................................................Section F
Diagrams / Parts List ..........................................................................................9
Mechanical .......................................................................................................10
Safety Warnings
CobraMAX™ Owner's Manual
Declaration of Conformity for
European Community (CE) Products
Note This information is provided for units with CE certication (see rating label on unit).
Manufacturer’s Name:
16882 Armstrong Ave. Irvine, CA 92606
Declares that the product: CobraMAX
conforms to the following Directives and Standards:
Arc Welding Equipment Part I: Welding Power Sources: IEC 60974-1
MK Products, Inc.
Low Voltage Directive: 73/23/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive: 89/336/EEC
(September 1998 - Second Edition)
Arc Welding Equipment: Wirefeed Systems: IEC 974-5
(September 1997 - Draft Revision)
Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code): IEC 529:1989
(November 1989 - First Edition)
Insulation Coordination For Equipment With Low-Voltage Systems:
Part I: Principles, Requirements and Tests: IEC 664-1: 1992
(October 1992 - First Edition)
Electromagnetic Compatibility, (EMC): EN 50199
(August 1995)
Torches And Guns For Arc Welding, EN 50078
CobraMAX™ Owner's Manual
CobraMAX™ Owner's Manual - Page i
ARC RAYS can burn.
4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and cover plates to protect your eyes from sparks and the rays of the arc when welding or observing open arc welding. Headshield and filter lens should conform to ANSI Z87. I standards.
4.b. Use suitable clothing made from durable flame-resistant material to protect your skin and that of your helpers from the arc rays.
4.c. Protect other nearby personnel with suitable, non-flammable screening and/or warn them not to watch the arc nor expose themselves to the arc rays or to hot spatter or metal.
3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuits are electrically “hot” when the welder is on. Do not touch these “hot” parts with your bare skin o r wet clothing. Wear dry, ho le- free
gloves to insulate hands.
3.b. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation. Make certain the insulation is large enough to cover your full area of physical contact with work and ground.
In addition to the normal safety precautions, if welding mu st b e p er forme d und er e lec tr ica ll y h az ard ou s con ditions (i n damp loc ations or while wearing we t clothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings or scaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sitting, kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable or accidental contact with the workpiece or ground) use the following equipment:
• Semiautomatic DC Constant Voltage (Wire) Welder.
• DC Manual (Stick) Welder.
• AC Welder with Reduced Voltage Control.
3.c. In semiautomatic or automatic wire welding, the electrode, electrode re el, welding head, no zzl e or semiautomatic welding gun are also electrically “hot”.
3.d. Always be sure the work cable makes a good electrical connection with the metal being welded. The connection should be as close as possible to the area being welded.
3.e. Ground the work or metal to be welded to a good electrical (earth) ground.
Maintain the electrode holder, work clamp, welding cable and welding machine in good, safe operating condition. Replace damaged insulation.
3.g. Never dip the electrode in water for cooling.
3.h. Ne ver simult an eousl y touch electr ically “h ot” p arts of electrode holders connected to two welders because voltage between the two can be the total of the open circuit voltage of both welders.
3.i. When working above floor level, use a safety belt to protect yourself from a fall should you get a shock.
3.j. Also see Items 6.c. and 8.
FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous.
5.a. Weldi ng m ay p roduce fum es a nd g ases hazardous to health. Avoid breathing these fumes and gases. When weld ing , k eep your head out of the fum e. U se e noug h ventilation and/or exhaust at the arc to keep
fumes and gases away from the br eathing zo ne. When
we ldi ng with el ect ro des wh ich req ui re spe cia l ve nti la ti on s uc h as s tainl es s or h ard f ac in g (se e in st ru ct io ns o n c on ta in er o r M SD S) o r on l ea d o r cadmium p lat ed steel an d other metals o r coatings which produce highly toxic fumes, keep exposure as low as possible and below Threshold Limit Values (TLV) us in g local e xh au st o r me ch anica l v entil at io n. I n confined spaces or in some circumstances, outdoors, a respirator may be required. Additional precautions are al so r equ ir ed w hen w eldin g on g alv an ize d st eel .
5. b. The operation of welding fume control equipment is affected by various factors including proper use and positioning of the equipment, maintenance of the equipment and the spe­cific welding procedure and application involved. Worker exposure level should be checked upon installation and periodically thereafter to be certain it is within applicable OSHA PEL and ACGIH TLV limits.
Do not weld in locations near chlorinated hydrocarbon
vapors coming from degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations. The heat and rays of the arc can react with solvent vapors
to form phosgene, a highly toxic gas, and other irritating prod­ucts.
5.d. Shielding gases used for arc welding can displace air and cause i nju ry or deat h. Al ways use enou gh vent ilation, especially in confined areas, to insure breathing air is safe.
5.e. Read and understand the manufacturerʼs instructions for this
equipment and the consumables to be used, including the ma ter ia l s afety data she et (MS DS ) a nd fol lo w y our employerʼs safety practices. MSDS forms are available from yo ur w eld in g d is tri bu tor o r fro m the m anufa ct ure r.
5.f. Also see item 1.b.
AUG 06
CobraMAX™ Owner's Manual - Page ii
FOR ELECTRICALLY powered equipment.
8.a. Turn off input power using the disconnect switch at the fuse box before working on the equipment.
8.b. Insta ll equip ment in acc ordance with the U. S. Natio nal Electri cal Code, al l local codes and the manufacturerʼs recommendations.
8.c. Ground the equipment in accordance with the U.S. National Electrical Code and the manufacturerʼs recommendations.
CYLINDER may explode if damaged.
7.a. Us e on ly com pr es se d ga s cy li nd er s containing the correct shielding gas for the pr ocess u sed a nd pr operl y ope ra ti ng re gulat or s de si gn ed f or t he gas an d
pressure used. All hoses, fittings, etc. should be suitable for the application and maintained in good condition.
7.b. A lwa ys ke ep cylin ders i n an up rig ht po sit ion se curel y chained to an undercarriage or fixed support.
7.c. Cylinders should be located:
• Away from areas where they may be struck or subjected to
physical damage.
• A safe distance from arc welding or cutting operations and
any other source of heat, sparks, or flame.
7.d. Never allow the electrode, electrode ho lder or any other electrically “hot” parts to touch a cylinder.
7.e. Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outlet when opening the cylinder valve.
7.f. Valve protection caps should always be in place and hand tight except when the cylinder is in use or connected for use.
7.g. R ead and f ol low the i ns tructio ns on c ompre ss ed ga s cylinders, associated equipment, and CGA publication P-l, “Precautions for Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders,” available from the Compressed Gas Association 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.
Jan, 07
WELDING and CUTTING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion.
Remove fire hazards from the welding area. If this is not possible, cover them to prevent the we ldi ng spark s fr om st art ing a fire.
Re membe r th at we ld in g spa rk s an d h ot materials from welding can easily go through small cracks an d o pe nings to a dj acent ar ea s. Avoid we ld ing near hydraulic lines. Have a fire extinguisher readily available.
6.b. Where compressed gases are to be used at the job site, special precautions should be used to prevent hazardous situations. Refer to “Safety in Welding and Cutting” (ANSI Standard Z49.1) and the operating information for th e equipment being used.
6.c. When not welding, make certain no part of the electrode circuit is touching the work or ground. Accidental contact can cause overheating and create a fire hazard.
6.d. Do not heat, cut or weld tanks, drums or containers until the proper steps have been taken to insure that such procedures will not cause flammable or toxic vapors from substances inside. They can cause an explosion even
they have been “cleaned”. For information, purchase “Recommended Safe Practices for the
for Welding and Cutting of Co ntain er s a nd P ip in g T hat Hav e H el d H aza rd ou s Substances”, AWS F4.1 from the American Welding Society (see address above).
6.e. Vent hollow castings or containers before heating, cutting or welding. They may explode.
Sparks and spatter are thrown from the welding arc. Wear oil free protective garments such as leather gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes and a cap over your hair. Wear ear plugs when welding out of position or in confined places. Always wear safety glas ses with side shields when in a welding area.
6.g. Connect the work cable to the work as close to the welding area as practical. Work cables connected to the building framework or other locations away from the welding area inc rea se t he p oss ibility of the welding curre nt p ass ing through lifting chains, crane cables or other alternate cir­cuits. This can create fire hazards or overheat lifting chains or cables until they fail.
6.h. Also see item 1.c.
6.I. Read and follow NFPA 51B “ Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work”, availabl e from NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park,PO box 9101, Quincy, Ma 022690-9101.
6.j. Do not use a welding power source for pipe thawing.
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