Lincoln 1601-00Z-U-K Service Manual

Impinger Low Profile – Advantage Digital Series
Domestic Models
Please note that the model numbering system changed March 2007. The chart below shows the old model numbering system and its matching new model number.
Old Model Number
1600-000-A 1601-000-A
New Model Number
P/N: L371150 REV: 10.22.09
Lincoln Foodservice Products, LLC 1111 North Hadley Road Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 Telephone: 260.459.8200 Fax: 888.790.8193 Technical Support: 800.678.9511
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS / 1600-000-A, 1601-000-A
(with push button control)
MODEL 1600-000-A / 120 VAC / 60 HZ / NATURAL GAS
MODEL 1601-000-A / 120 VAC / 60 HZ / L.P. GAS
POWER SUPPLY Electrical power to be supplied to the oven by a three conductor cordset. Voltage from
the black conductor to the white conductor to be 120 VAC. White conductor is Neutral.
Green conductor is Ground. CONTROL BOX AUTO COOL DOWN
MAIN FAN CIRCUIT 120 VAC is permanently supplied to the normally open Power Switch, both normally
BURNER CIRCUIT Closing the Oven Power Relay supplies 120 VAC to the two burner systems.
CONVEYOR DRIVE Closing the main Power Switch supplies 120 VAC through the Oven Power Relay to
When the temperature in either one of the Control Boxes reaches 120°
1.7° C), the Cooling Fan Thermostats will switch power to the Cooling Fans. The
thermostats will interrupt the power to the Cooling Fans when temperature falls to
F ± 3° F (37° C ± 1.7° C).
open Cooling Fan Thermostats, and one of the normally open contacts of the Power
Relay. Closing the normally open Power Switch supplies 120 VAC through the Cooling
Fan Motor Fuse, and through both normally closed control box Hi-limit Thermostats
energizing the coil of the Oven Power Relay. These normally open contacts now close
supplying 120 VAC through the 10 Amp Main Fan Motor Fuse to the two Main Fan
Motors and the two Burner Motors. Power is also supplied to the four cooling fan
motors, the Control Transformer, heat, and conveyor control systems.
NOTE: This oven utilizes two complete burner systems. The sequence of operations is
the same for each system. 120 VAC is supplied through the Centrifugal Switch of the
Main Fan Motor (this switch closes when the Main Fan reaches approximately 1600
R.P.M.) through the 10 Amp Fuse, to the Ignition Control, the oven Temperature
Control, and the Burner Transformer. As the Burner Blower reaches approximately
1600 R.P.M., its internal Centrifugal Switch will close, supplying 24 VAC to the Ignition
Control. The Ignition Control operates on both 24 VAC and 120 VAC. When the Ignition
Control is energized by 24 VAC, 120 VAC is switched to the Hot Surface Igniter for 45
seconds for Hot Surface Igniter warm up. The igniter glows red, 24 VAC is switched to
the Gas Valve which opens, and ignition should occur. If ignition does not occur in 6
seconds, the control will lock out. To recycle after lockout, turn the Power Switch off for
45 seconds and then turn back on.
When the Centrifugal Switch of the Main Motor Fan closes, power is applied to the
oven Control. The Oven Control is set to the desired temperature. The thermocouple
will provide varying millivolts to the Oven Control. The Oven Control supplies 120 VAC
to the Temperature Regulation Valve at intermittent intervals to maintain the desired
temperature. The display on the Oven Control will indicate when the Temperature
Control Valve is energized.
NOTE: The display also indicates oven temperature.
the Conveyor Motor and to the primary of the Control Transformer. Secondary voltage,
24 VAC, is supplied to the Oven Control. Setting the Control to the desired time outputs
voltage through a Reversing Switch to the Conveyor Motor.
NOTE: The conveyor system uses a Magnet and a Hall Effect Sensor to prove
operation of the Conveyor Motor. If the Conveyor Motor is not running, “BELT JAM” is
indicated on the display.
F ± 3° F (49° C
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
1600-000-A, 1601-000-A SERIAL NUMBER L28563 AND ABOVE
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
MODEL 1600-000-A NATURAL GAS 120 VAC. 60 HZ. 1 PHASE MODEL 1601-000-A LP GAS 120 VAC. 60 HZ. 1 PHASE
NOTE: When checking components on left side of oven, be sure to check for proper connections in power connector, (marked P.C. on schematic diagram) located inside motor cover.
SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE EVALUATION Oven fan will not run Incoming power
Power switch Check continuity between switch terminals. Replace switch as
Fuse, 10 Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary. Fuse, 3 Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary. Hi-limit thermostat(s),
control box
Relay, oven power Check for 120 VAC to the relay coil. If voltage is not present,
Motor, main fan Check for opens, shorts or grounds. WITH POWER OFF: turn
Capacitor Check for shorts or grounds. WARNING: Capacitor has a stored
No control box cooling Incoming power Check circuit breakers, reset if required. Check power plug to be
Power switch Check continuity between switch terminals. Replace switch as
Fuse, 3 Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary. Hi-limit thermostat(s),
control box
Cooling fan(s) 120 VAC should now be at the fan motor. If voltage is not
No automatic control box cooling Cooli ng fan
Fuse, 3 Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary. Hi-limit thermostat(s)
Incoming power
control box
Check circuit breakers, reset if required. Check power plug to be sure it is firmly in receptacle. Measure the incoming voltage. Call power co. if needed.
Check for voltage on both sides of the switch. Terminals are normally closed. If open, reset and test oven for proper operation. If thermostat will not hold, and control box temperature is not exceeding 140°F (60°C), replace thermostat
Trace wiring back to the hi-limit thermostat. If voltage is present, check to insure contacts are closing. Check for 120 VAC supplied to terminal #2 of the relay. If voltage is not present at terminal #2, trace wiring back to the 10 Amp fuse. Replace relay as needed.
fan blade to check for locked rotor.
charge, discharge before testing.
sure it is firmly in receptacle. Call power co. if needed.
Check for voltage on both sides of the switch. Terminals are normally closed. If open, reset and test oven for proper operation. If thermostat will not hold and control box temperature is not exceeding 140°F (60°C), replace thermostat.
present, trace wiring back to hi-limit thermostat. Check motor for opens, shorts or grounds. WITH POWER OFF: Check for locked rotor. Check circuit breakers, reset if required. Check power plug to be sure it is firmly in receptacle. Call power co. if required.
Check the cooling fan thermostat. (thermostat closes at 120°F and opens at 100°F) With the cooling fan thermostat preheated, check for continuity. If switch is open, replace thermostat.
Check for voltage on both sides of switch. Terminals are normally closed. If open, reset and test oven for proper operation. If thermostat will not hold, and control box
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
temperature is not exceeding 140° F (60°C), replace thermostat.
Cooling fan(s) 120 VAC should be at the motor. If voltage is not present, trace
wiring back to hi-limit thermostat. Check motor for opens, shorts or grounds. WITH POWER OFF: Check for locked rotor.
Oven will not heat Gas supply Check for adequate gas supply and closed manual gas valves.
Also check flexible gas line connection for any damage. Main fan If not operating, refer to “Oven fan will not run”. NOTE: These ovens utilize 2 complete burner/temperature control systems. Each system will follow the same troubleshooting sequence. Oven power relay Check for 120 VAC to the relay coil. If voltage is not present,
trace wiring back to the control box hi-limit. If voltage is present,
check to insure contacts are closing. Check for 120 VAC
supplied to terminal #6 of the relay. If voltage is not present at
terminal #6, trace wiring back to the power source. Replace
relay as needed. Centrifugal switch of
main fan motor
Check for 120 VAC supplied to the centrifugal switch. If no
voltage is present, trace wiring back to the oven power relay. If
voltage is supplied to the centrifugal switch, and the motor is
running, but there is no voltage out of the centrifugal switch,
replace the main fan motor.
NOTE: See schematic diagram for proper wire numbers on
motors. Fuse, burner 10Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary. Burner blower motor Check for 120 VAC supplied to burner blower motor. If voltage is
not present, trace wiring back to oven power relay. If voltage is
present and motor does not run, replace burner blower motor.
WITH POWER OFF: Check for locked rotor. Burner transformer Check for 120 VAC to the primary of the 24 VAC burner
transformer. If voltage is not present, trace wiring back to the
burner fuse. If voltage is present, check for 24 VAC at the
transformer secondary. If no secondary voltage is present,
replace the transformer. Centrifugal switch of
burner blower motor
Check for 24 VAC to the centrifugal switch of burner blower
motor (see schematic diagram for proper wire numbers). If no
voltage is present, trace wiring back to the burner transformer. If
voltage is present, check for 24 VAC at the output of the
centrifugal switch. If there is no output, and the burner blower
motor is running, replace the burner blower motor. Ignition control Check for 24 VAC supply to the ignition control at terminals 24V
and 24Vgnd. If voltage is not present, trace wiring back to the
centrifugal switch. Check for 120 VAC supply to the ignition
control at terminals L1 and L2. If no voltage is present, trace
wiring back to burner fuse. If the above checks are okay,
proceed. The ignition control should switch 120 VAC to the hot
surface igniter, across the two terminals marked HSI. If no
voltage is present, replace the ignition control. Hot surface igniter
(located inside burner assy.
If 120 VAC is present at HSI terminals, visually check to see that
the hot surface igniter is heating (igniter may be viewed through
port in the end of burner tube). The igniter should glow bright
red. Check all connections to be sure they are tight. If the igniter
does not heat, replace hot surface igniter.
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
Ignition control After 45 seconds of hot surface igniter pre-heat, the ignition
control will switch 24 VAC to the gas control valves. Check for
24 VAC output from the ignition control, across terminals
marked “valve” and “valve gnd”. If no voltage is present, replace
the ignition control.
NOTE: The ignition control contains a safety lockout circuit. If a
flame is not detected within 6 seconds after the gas control
valve is energized, the ignition control will lockout. To reset, turn
the power switch “off”, wait 45 seconds and switch the system
“on” to retry ignition. Gas control valves Check for 24 VAC supplied to the gas control valves. If voltage
is present, the valves should open. Check for gas pressure at
the pressure tap, located in the gas piping just prior to the
burner. If there is no gas pressure, and the voltage is supplied to
the valves, check piping for obstructions. If there are no
obstructions, replace gas control valves. Flame will not stay lit Hot surface igniter The ignition control will keep the gas control valves energized
for 6 seconds. At the end of 6 seconds, the hot surface igniter
must sense a flame, or the ignition control will go into lockout.
(The ignition control requires a minimum of 0.8 micro-amps DC)
To check the flame sensing operation, connect a digital
multimeter (capable of measuring DC micro-amps) between the
“GND burner” terminal on ignition control and the ground wire.
NOTE: This is a current measurement and the meter must be
connected in series.
If these readings are not achieved, check bypass orifice for
obstructions, if bypass orifice is clear, replace the hot surface
NOTE: The DC micro-amp test must be conducted with the oven
in low flame (bypass) operation. Set the temperature control to
its lowest setting. Power supply If there is sufficient micro-amp current, but the flame will not stay
lit, check for proper polarity of the 120 VAC power supply. Ignition control If there is sufficient micro-amp current, and the 120 VAC polarity
is correct, but the flame will not stay lit, replace the ignition
NOTE: check for proper ground connection of the ignition
control. NOTE: Flame should
be lit at this time Low flame is on, but no main flame
Control transformer Check for 120 VAC supply to the primary of the control
transformer. If no voltage is present, trace wiring back to the oven power relay. If voltage is present, check for 24 VAC at the transformer secondary. If there is primary voltage but no secondary voltage, replace control transformer.
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
Oven control Check for 24 VAC supply to control. If no voltage is present,
trace wiring back to control transformer. If 24 VAC is present, check for a read-out on the control display. If there is 24 VAC supplied, but there is no read-out on the control display, replace the oven control. If there is a read-out on the control, set the control to maximum temperature (see installation operations manual for temperature adjustment). With the control set at maximum temperature, check for 120 VAC at temperature regulation valve. If there is voltage at the temperature regulation valve, proceed to “temperature regulation valve” for next check. If there is no voltage at the temperature regulation valve, trace wiring back to the oven control. If there is no voltage output at the oven control, Check the read-out on the control. If the control reads “LP FAIL” or “RP FAIL”, this indicates that the thermocouple has failed or has become disconnected from the control. “LP FAIL” indicates a problem with the left thermocouple probe, and “RP FAIL” indicates a problem with the right thermocouple probe.
Thermocouple Check to be sure that the thermocouple is securely connected to
the oven control. If the thermocouple is connected to the oven control, and the control indicates “LP FAIL” or “RP FAIL”, disconnect the thermocouple from the oven control and measure the resistance of the thermocouple. The left thermocouple should read approx. 21Ω. The right thermocouple should read approx. 11Ω. If these readings are not achieved, replace the thermocouple. If these readings are correct, proceed.
Oven control If the thermocouple checks good, but the oven control display
indicates that there is a thermocouple failure, replace the oven control. If the oven control indicates a temperature reading but the oven will not heat, proceed.
THE OVEN CONTROL: Measure the DC millivolt output of the thermocouple. Refer to the thermocouple chart (located in the “Removal” section of the manual) for proper millivolt readings. If these readings are not achieved, replace thermocouple.
Oven control If the thermocouple checks good, but there is no 120VAC output
to the temperature regulation valve, replace the oven control. If there is 120VAC output to the temperature regulation valve, proceed.
T emperature
regulation valve.
Check for 120VAC supplied to temperature regulation valve. If voltage is present, listen for valve to open and close. Also check for opens or shorts in the operating coil. Replace temperature regulation valve as needed.
Intermittent heating Thermal/overload of
main fan and burner
blower motors
The main fan motors and burner blower motors are equipped with internal thermal protection and will cease to operate if overheating occurs. As the motors overheat and then cool, this will cause the heating systems to cycle on and off intermittently. Improper ventilation or lack of preventive maintenance may cause this problem. Also, most of the problem listed under “Oven will not heat” can cause intermittent failure.
Conveyor will not run Power supply Check for incoming voltage at line 1 to neutral. There should be
a voltage reading of 120VAC. If not present, check circuit breakers.
Power switch Check continuity between switch terminals. Replace switch as
needed. Fuse, 10 Amp Check, replace if necessary. Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary.
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
Hi-limit thermostat(s),
control box
Check for voltage on both sides of the switch. Terminals are
normally closed. If open, reset and test oven for proper
operation. If thermostat will not hold, and control box
temperature is not exceeding 140°F (60°C), replace thermostat Relay, oven power Check for 120 VAC to the relay coil. If voltage is not present,
Trace wiring back to the hi-limit thermostat. If voltage is present,
check to insure contacts are closing. Check for 120 VAC
supplied to terminal #2 of the relay. If voltage is not present at
terminal #2, trace wiring back to the 10 Amp fuse. Replace relay
as needed. Control transformer Check for 120 VAC supply to the primary of the control
transformer. If no voltage is present, trace wiring back to the
oven power relay. If voltage is present, check for 24 VAC at the
transformer secondary. If there is primary voltage but no
secondary voltage, replace control transformer. Conveyor motor Check for 120 VAC supply to the conveyor motor at wire #14 to
neutral. If no voltage is present, trace wiring back to the primary
of the control transformer. If voltage is present and the motor will
not run, check the motor windings for opens or shorts.
WITH POWER OFF: Check the motor windings as follows:
Grey to black - 38Ω approx.
Grey to blue - 38Ω approx.
Blue to black - 75Ω approx.
If any of the above fails, replace conveyor motor. Cap acitor, conveyor
Check for shorts or grounds. Replace capacitor as needed.
WARNING: Capacitor has a stored charge, discharge before
testing. Switch, conveyor
Check continuity between switch terminals. Replace switch as
needed. Oven control If there is 120VAC supplied to the motor, and the motor,
capacitor, and reversing switch check good, replace the oven
control. Conveyor motor runs, but there is no speed
NOTE: Display will
indicate “Belt Jam” display Oven control Check for output voltage from oven control to hall effect sensor
(sensor is located in conveyor motor). Measure voltage at the motor connector, red wire and yellow wire. Voltage should be approx. 10VDC. If no voltage is present, trace wiring back to oven control. If there is no voltage present at the oven control, replace the oven control.
Conveyor motor If there is voltage supplied to the hall effect sensor, check for a
frequency output from the hall effect sensor. Measure frequency across the yellow and white wires at the motor connector. Frequency reading should be approx. 25 – 100 Hz. If these readings are not achieved, replace conveyor motor. If the readings are achieved, proceed.
Oven control If the hall effect sensor readings are correct, but there is no
speed indicated on the display, replace the oven control.
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
A. Remove appropriate control box cover. B. Unplug motor connector. C. Remove three (3) screws from blower tube at burner housing. D. Remove air shutter assy. from old motor for installation on new motor assy. E. Reassemble in reverse order and check system operation. NOTE: CHECK AIR SHUTTER ADJUSTMENT- Should be set at 1/2 open.
A. Remove appropriate control box cover. B. Disconnect gas line at union. C. Remove four (4) nuts from burner orifice bracket. D. Remove tube for bypass flame. E. Unplug connector at burner housing. F. Remove three (3) screws from burner housing end cap and remove hot surface igniter and burner tube assy. G. Replace igniter assembly and reassemble in reverse order. CAUTION: USE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE NEW IGNITER. NOTE: Check all gas line fittings for leaks. Make sure connector is seated properly.
A. Shut off power at main breaker. B. Remove conveyor. C. Remove control panel top and front cover. D. Disconnect wiring from motor and mark for reassembly. E. Remove sprocket from motor drive shaft. F. Remove 4 screws and remove conveyor motor and mounting bracket. G. Remove mounting bracket from conveyor motor assembly.
I. Reassemble in reverse order.
A. Shut off power at main breaker. B. Remove control box cover and front panel. C. Discharge capacitor before removing wires. Mark wires for reassembly. D. Remove mounting screw and remove capacitor. E. Reassemble in reverse order and check system operation.
A. Shut off power at main breaker. B. Remove control box cover. C. Disconnect wiring from reversing switch and mark for reassembly. D. Remove mounting nut and remove reversing switch. E. Reassemble in reverse order and check system operation.
Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
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