Lincoln 1461, 1462 User Manual

Impinger® Tandem Conveyorized Oven
1461/62 with 1481 Solid Conveyor
1461/1462 with 1487 Split Conveyor
Standard Features:
Air Impingement uses hot
surrounds fo od w it h je ts o f
hot air.
FastBake™ Pa ne l
Configurat io n - De si gn ed
specifically to prod uc e a
bake faster than any o th er
Tandem-joined Impinger® I
oven s to optimized
capacity and baki ng
per formance.
Each deck contains two
independent heating
Front doors allow access
to chamber for e as ie r
Tandem Conveyorized Oven
Gen eral: Gas Fired Baki ng/Fin ishing O ven is
sel f-con tained, c onveyo rized and stac kable up t o 2
hig h. Temp eratur e is adjust able from 250 F ( 121C)
to 600 F (316C ). C onveyo r speed is a djust able
fro m 1min ute t o 30 m inute s cookin g time. Front
doo r has acc ess o pening with see- throug h win dow
to allow produ ct to be pla ced o n the movin g
conv eyor inside the b aking cham ber wh en a short er
coo k cyc le is desir ed. A ir di strib ution finge rs are
rem ovable through the f ront d oor f or eas y cle aning.
Cru mb pans a re lo cated below the conv eyor b elt
out side the bak ing cham ber.
Dig ital Contro ls: Two 4-but ton d igital
mic roproc essor contr ol panels are locate d at the
bac k of each si de of the deck and have a powe r on-
off switc h, te mperature controls , and the c onveyo r
1111 Nor th Hadley Road P.O. Box 1229 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801-1229
Tel 1.260.459.8200 Fax 1.260.436.0735 E mail web www.lin
spe ed con trol. The vacu um flores cent readou ts
dis play a ctual cavi ty te mperat ure in degre es (F or
C), conve yor b elt sp eed, therm ostat indic ator l ight,
and diagn ostic mess ages for easy troubl eshoo ting.
All settings are automa tical ly lo cked o ut to
eli minate acci dental ch anges to d esired sett ings.
All ovens are digi tally cali brated at the fac tory,
red ucing the n eed fo r per iodic calibrat ion.
Cons truc tion: Exterior is fabr icate d from No. 4
fin ish stainles s ste el. E ach d eck c ontain s two air
dis tribu tion s ystem s that cons ist o f an a xial type
fan power ed by 1/3, AC motor. The he ated air is
forc ed th rough sixte en (1 6) distribution fing ers
loc ated i n the baki ng ch amber with e ight (8) a bove
the conve yor be lt an d eig ht (8) belo w. Each fing er
has requi red n umber of holes to c reate the air
imp ingement effec t on the fo od product passin g
thr ough t he ba king chamb er on the co nveyor belt .
The conve yor be lt is a flexib le st ainle ss ste el si ngle
pie ce des ign w ith c apacit y for 32” (813mm ) wid e
pro duct and a travel di stanc e of 115”, of whic h 80
3/1 6” is in the bakin g cha mber. T he ch ain drive n
conv eyor syst em is power ed by an AC mo tor
wit h an external reve rsing switch on t he rea r of
the motor cont rol bo x for insta llati ons re quiri ng
opp osite belt travel .
48⅝” (1235 mm)
21⅝” (549 mm)
Ga s Se rvic e pe r de ck: Curre ntly availa ble in Natu ral Gas Only.
Each oven de ck c ontains two sep arate gas contro l syste ms w ith
the f ollowin g require ments: Gas cont rol sys tem has a m anua l
shut- off valve, internal pressure regulat or (facto ry pre set at 3
½” wate r co lumn/. 87 k Pa or 8.7 0 mbar fo r Natur al G as), and an
electri c so lenoid op erated main gas valve. Hea t is suppli ed b y
one ( 1) b urner rat ed at 1 20,0 00 BTU/ H. ( 126M J) wit h el ectronic
ign itio n. Natural Gas requir es 7 ” WC/ 1.7 kPa o r 17 .4 mbar inl et
with maxi mum allow able of 14. 5” WC/3.6 kPa o r 36 .05 mbar.
Gas l ine from me ter to oven s should be s ufficie nt t o insure full
vol ume flow of gas to ove ns. AG A/CGA d esign app roved fle xibl e
con nect ion to each o ven mus t be ¾” NP T an d lengt h mu st n ot
exc eed 6 ft. (18 29mm ).
Electri cal Ser vice pe r de ck: Each deck req uires t wo e lect ric
hooku ps w ith the f ollowin g require ments: stan dard 120V ser vice
and c omes with a fac tory i nsta lled co rd with N EMA 5-15 plug. It is
rec omme nded th at a sep arate 20 amp – 1 p ole circuit breaker be
pro vide d with each oven d eck.
120⅝” (3051 mm)
Ventil atio n: Venti lati on is r equi red. Local co des pre vail. The se
are the “aut hori ty h aving jur isdi ctio n” as s tated by the Nat iona l
Fire Protec tion Ass ociatio n, I nc. in NF PA 9 6-19 94. Consul t Mo del
1450, 145 1 In stallat ion and Opera tions Man ual for ven tilatio n
rec omme ndation s.
Spaci ng: T he oven mus t have 5” (12 7mm) of clear ance fr om
com bust ible sur face s and 2 4” (61 0mm) cle arance on b oth sid es
fro m ot her coo king e quip ment. A pe rman ently i nsta lled ov en
deck require s ap proxi mate ly 11 f t of cle arance overall to allow
for remova l of conveyor an d prote ctiv e gu ards for cleanin g. T he
con veyor i s remov ed f rom the contro l si de of t he o ven.
War ranty : Al l ne w Im ping er® ov ens come wi th a one ye ar p arts /
labor war ranty. Defe ctive p arts o f th e or iginal equi pment o n
all i nsta lled ov ens are w arra nted fo r one yea r from the date of
803/16” (2037 mm) 20” (508 mm)
Tandem Conveyorized Oven
Tandem Components
Description Cat. # Width Depth
Left Hand*1461 60” 565/8 52” 645/8
Right Hand*1462 60” 565/8 52” 645/8
Solid Conveyor 1481 115½” 32” -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Split Conveyor 1487 115½” 32” -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Single Deck (Tandem containing 1461 and 1462 with a 1481 tandem conveyor belt)
Cat. # Width Depth
Tandem 1201/8 565/8 52” 645/8
NOTE: Spe cications subj ect to change wi thout notice. * Testi ng Agency Listi ng: NSF/CSA
1111 Nor th Hadley Road P.O. Box 1229 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801-1229
Single Stack
Single Stack
Tel 1.260.459.8200 Fax 1.260.436.0735 E mail web www.lin
Double Stack
Double Stack
©2007 Lincoln Foodser vice Products, LLC. Printed in the U.S.A. 1557-2.5M-02/07-SP
Volts Amps Phase Hz
120 7 1 60
120 7 1 60
Volts Amps Phase Hz
120 14 1 60
1461/1 462 with 1481 Solid Conveyor
1461/1 462 with 1487 Split Conveyor