TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................................................2
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1000/1001/1004/1005/1200/1201/1204/1205 ........................................................3
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1022 / 1023 / 1202 / 1203.......................................................................................4
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1040 / 1041 / 1240 / 1241.......................................................................................5
GAS OVENS .........................................................................................................................................................20
PARTS / MODEL SERIES 1000 & 1200 - GENERAL..............................................................................................60
BLOW UP / 1000, 1200 – GENERAL.......................................................................................................................61
PARTS / ACCESS DOOR & 1050 DOOR................................................................................................................62
BLOW UP / ACCESS DOOR & 1050 DOOR ...........................................................................................................63
PARTS / MODEL 1000,1001,1050,1051,1004, &1005 – S/N 100 TO 4389 ............................................................64
BLOW UP / 1000, 1001, 1050, 1051, 1004, & 1005 S/N 100 TO 4389 ...................................................................65
PARTS / MODEL 1000,1001,1004, AND 1005 S/N 4390 & ABOVE .......................................................................66
BLOW UP 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005 S/N 4390 & ABOVE.........................................................................................67
PARTS / 1022-1023..................................................................................................................................................68
BLOW UP / 1022, 1023 ............................................................................................................................................69
PARTS / 1040-1041..................................................................................................................................................70
BLOW UP / 1040, 1041 ............................................................................................................................................71
PARTS / 1200, 1201, 1204 AND 1205.....................................................................................................................72
BLOW UP / 1200, 1201, 1204, 1205........................................................................................................................73
PARTS / 1202-1203..................................................................................................................................................74
BLOW UP / 1202, 1203 ............................................................................................................................................75
PARTS / 1240-1241..................................................................................................................................................76
BLOW UP / 1240, 1241 ............................................................................................................................................77
PARTS / OVEN BACK - GAS...................................................................................................................................78
BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – GAS .............................................................................................................................79
PARTS / OVEN BACK- ELECTRIC..........................................................................................................................80
BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – ELECTRIC ...................................................................................................................81
PARTS / CONVEYOR MOTOR ASSEMBLY S/N 4390 & ABOVE ..........................................................................82
BLOW UP / CONVEYOR MOTOR ASSEMBLY S/N 4390 & ABOVE .....................................................................83
PARTS / SERIES 1000 – CONVEYOR....................................................................................................................84
BLOW UP / SERIES 1000 CONVEYOR ..................................................................................................................85
PARTS / SERIES 1200 - CONVEYOR CONTROL..................................................................................................86
BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR CONTROL ............................................................................................87
PARTS / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR....................................................................................................................88
BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR ...............................................................................................................89
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic2
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1000/1001/1004/1005/1200/1201/1204/1205
MODEL 1000 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - NATURAL GAS
MODEL 1001 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS
MODEL 1004 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - NATURAL GAS
MODEL 1005 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS
MODEL 1201 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS/DUAL BELT
MODEL 1205 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ L.P.GAS/DUAL BELT
POWER SUPPLYElectrical Power to be supplied to the Oven by a four conductor service. . Voltage
from the black conductor to the white conductor is 120 VAC.
Black conductor is Hot
Red conductor is Hot
White conductor is Dedicated Neutral
Green conductor is Ground
MAIN FAN CIRCUITElectrical power is permanently supplied to the normally open contacts of the Double
BURNER CIRCUITClosing the Fan Switch and the normally open Burner Switch supplies 120 VAC
100 to 4389)
(S/N 4390 and UP)Closing the fan switch and the normally open conveyor switch supplies 120 VAC to
When the temperature in the Control Box reaches 120°F + 3°, the Cooling Fan
Thermostat will switch power to the Control Box Cooling Fan. The Thermostat will
interrupt power to the Cooling Fan when the Control Box temperature falls to 100°F +
Pole Main Fan Relay, the Cooling Fan Thermostat, the normally open Main Fan
Switch, and the normally open Cool Down Thermostat (thermostat closes at 160°F
and opens at 140°F). Closing the Main Fan Switch energizes the coil of the Relay.
The normally open contacts now close, energizing the Main Fan Motor through (2)
10A fuses, and the Cooling Fan. Closing the Fan Switch also supplies power to the
Hour Meter (hour meter discontinued after S/N 3484), the 12.6 VAC Transformer, the
Burner and Conveyor Switches.
Upon closure of the Fan Switch, 120 VAC is supplied to the primary of the 12.6 VAC
Transformer. The Transformer steps the voltage down to 12.6 VAC (normally 13 to
14 VAC) with a center tap, and supplies power to the Time/Temp Display. The
voltage from each leg of the Transformer's secondary to the center tap should be
one half of the secondary voltage.
through the Air Pressure Switch, to the normally open contacts of the Burner Motor
Relay, and the primary of the 24 VAC Step Down Transformer. The Transformer
secondary supplies 24 VAC (through a 1A fuse on Model 1004 and 1005) to the
Relay Coil (the normally open contacts close within 30 seconds), and the normally
open Centrifugal Switch. When the Relay contacts close, the Burner Blower Motor is
energized. As this motor reaches approximately1600 R.P.M., its internal centrifugal
switch closes, supplying 24 VAC to the Gas Control Valve. When the Gas Control
Valve is supplied with 24 VAC the pilot valve is energized, and the ignitor circuit is
energized. Ignition should now occur. After pilot flame is proven, the main gas valve
is energized. The Burner Indicator Light is also energized.
Closing the Fan Switch and the normally open Conveyor Switch supplies 120 VAC
through a 3A Fuse, to the Motor Control Board. AC volts are converted to D.C. volts
and are supplied to the Conveyor motor at board terminals A1 and A2 through a
D.P.D.T. Reversing Switch. Adjustment of the Speed Control Potentiometer (500
ohm, 10 turn) will change resistance at terminals S1, S2, and S3 varying the D.C.
voltage to the motor. The speed of the Conveyor Motor will increase or decrease as
the D.C. voltage from the Motor Control Board increases or decreases respectively.
the Motor Control Board. AC volts are converted to DC volts and are supplied to the
Conveyor Motor at terminals A+ and A-. Adjustment of the Speed Control
Potentiometer (5,000 ohm 10 turn ) will change resistance at terminals P1, P2, and
P3 varying the DC voltage to the motor. The speed of the conveyor motor will
increase or decrease as the DC voltage from the board increases or decreases
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic3
respectively. As the motor turns, it drives both the reducer gearbox and the tach.
generator. The tach. generator is a DC voltage generator which supplies a voltage to
the DC motor control board and is used as a reference for maintaining a constant
conveyor speed.
TIME TEMP DISPLAYThe Time/Temp. Display is energized when the Fan Switch is closed, supplying120
The 1200 Series Ovens utilize 2 complete conveyor drive systems.
VAC to the primary of the 12.6 volt Transformer The secondary output of the
transformer, normally 13 to 14 VAC (depending on input), with a center tap is
supplied at terminals 1,2, and 3 of the Time/Temp. Display. The center tap is
terminal 2. The display works on a balanced input and center tap voltage to each leg
must be 1/2 the total reading.
The speed side of the Time/Temp. Display uses a slotted disc (cemented to tach.
coupling) to break the infra-red light beam of the optical switch (mounted on gear
motor) producing electrical pulses that are transmitted to the display. The display
converts these pulses into a read-out of minutes and seconds. The temperature
portion of the display uses a Thermistor Probe to sense oven temperature. The
thermistor outputs a resistance proportional to the oven temperature. This resistance
is then converted by the display into a temperature reading.
NOTE: The 1200 Series Ovens use a Double Pole Double Throw Switch to connect
the two Optical Encoder Assemblies to the Time/Temp Display. By activating the
switch, either the front or rear belt speed can be shown by the Time/Temp Display.
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1022 / 1023 / 1202 / 1203
MODEL 1022 - 120/208 VAC - 3 PHASE
MODEL 1023 - 120/240 VAC - 3 PHASE
MODEL 1202 - 120/208 VAC - 3 PHASE - DUAL BELT
MODEL 1203 - 120/240 VAC - 3 PHASE - DUAL BELT
POWER SUPPLYElectrical Power to be supplied to the Oven by a five conductor service. Voltage from
the black conductor to the white conductor is 120 VAC.
Black conductor is Hot
Red conductor is Hot
Orange conductor is Hot
White conductor is Dedicated Neutral
Green conductor is Ground
MAIN FAN CIRCUITElectrical power is permanently supplied through 6, 50A fuses to the normally open
contacts of the Mercury Contactors. Power is also supplied through 2, 15A fuses to
the normally open contacts of the Double Pole Main Fan Relay, the Double Pole
Main Fan Switch, and the normally open Cool-Down Thermostat (thermostat closes
at 160°F and opens at 140°F.) Closing the Main Fan Switch energizes the coil of the
Main Fan Relay. The normally open contacts now close, energizing the Main Fan
Motor, and the Control Box Cooling Fan. Closing the Fan Switch also supplies power
to the Hour Meter (hour meter discontinued after S/N 3484), the 12.6 VAC
Transformer, the Heat and Conveyor Switches.
HEAT CIRCUITClosing the Fan Switch and the normally open Heat Switch supplies 120 VAC
Upon closure of the Fan Switch, 120 VAC is supplied to the primary of the 12.6 VAC
Transformer. The Transformer steps the voltage down to 12.6 VAC (normally 13 to
14 VAC) with a center tap, and supplies power to the Time/Temp Display. The
voltage from each leg of the Transformer's secondary to the center tap should be
one half of the secondary voltage.
through the Air Pressure Switch and the normally closed Hi-Limit Thermostat
(manually re-settable, opens at 190°F) the 3A Fuse, to the L1 terminal of the
Temperature Control Board, the coils of the Mercury Contactors, and to the Heat
Indicator Light.
When the Heat Switch is closed, 120 VAC is supplied to the Temperature Control.
The Temperature Control Potentiometer (2.5K ohm) is adjusted to desired
temperature. The Thermocouple will provide varying millivolts to the Temperature
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic4
Controller. The Temperature Controller switches the L2 line of the Contactor coils at
intermittent intervals to maintain desired temperature.
(S/N 100 to 4389)
(S/N 4390 and UP)Closing the fan switch and the normally open conveyor switch supplies 120 VAC to
NOTE*The 1200 Series Ovens utilize 2 complete conveyor drive systems.
TIME/TEMP DISPLAYThe Time/Temp Display is energized when the Fan Switch is closed, supplying 120
NOTE*The 1200 Series Ovens use a Double Pole Double Throw Switch to connect the two
Closing the Fan Switch and the normally open Conveyor Switch supplies 120 VAC
through a 3A Fuse, to the Motor Control Board. AC volts are converted to D.C. volts
and are supplied to the Conveyor Motor at board terminals A1 and A2 through a
D.P.D.T. Reversing Switch. Adjustment of the Speed Control Potentiometer (500
ohm, 10 turn) will change resistance at terminals S1, S2, and S3 varying the D.C.
voltage to the motor. The speed of the Conveyor Motor will increase or decrease as
the D.C. voltage from the Motor Control Board increases or decreases respectively.
the Motor Control Board. AC volts are converted to DC volts and are supplied to the
Conveyor Motor at terminals A+ and A-. Adjustment of the Speed Control
Potentiometer (5,000 ohm 10 turn) will change resistance at terminals P1, P2, and
P3 varying the DC voltage to the Conveyor Motor. The speed of the conveyor motor
will increase or decrease as the DC voltage from the board increases or decreases
respectively. As the motor turns, it drives both the reducer gearbox and the tach.
generator. The tach. generator is a DC voltage generator which supplies a voltage to
the DC motor control board and is used as a reference for maintaining a constant
conveyor speed.
VAC to the primary of the12.6 volt Transformer. The secondary output of the
transformer, normally 13 to 14 VAC (depending on input), with a center tap is
supplied to terminals 1,2, and 3 of the Time/Temp Display. The center tap is terminal
2. The display works on a balanced input and center tap voltage to each leg must be
1/2 the total reading.
The speed side of the Time/Temp. Display uses a slotted disc (cemented to tach.
coupling) to break the infra-red light beam of the optical switch (mounted on gear
motor) producing electrical pulses that are transmitted to the display. The display
converts these pulses into a read-out of minutes and seconds.
The temperature portion of the display uses a Thermistor Probe to sense oven
temperature. The thermistor outputs a resistance proportional to the oven
temperature. This resistance is then converted by the display into a temperature
Optical Encoder Assemblies to the Time/Temp. Display. By activating the switch,
either the front or rear belt speed can be shown by the Time/Temp. Display.
SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1040 / 1041 / 1240 / 1241
MODEL 1040 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - NATURAL GAS
MODEL 1041 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS
MODEL 1241 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS/DUAL BELT
POWER SUPPLYElectrical Power to be supplied to the Oven by a four conductor service. Voltage
from the black conductor to the white conductor is 120 VAC.
Black conductor is Hot
Red conductor is Hot
White conductor is Dedicated Neutral
Green conductor is Ground
MAIN FAN CIRCUITElectrical power is permanently supplied to the normally open contacts of the Double
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic5
When the temperature in the Control Box reaches 120°F ± 3°, the Cooling Fan
Thermostat will switch power to the Control Box Cooling Fan. The Thermostat will
interrupt power to the Cooling Fan when the Control Box temperature falls to 100°F +
Pole Main Fan Relay, the Cooling Fan Thermostat, the normally open Main Fan
Switch, and the normally open Cool Down Thermostat (thermostat closes at 160°F
and opens at 140°F). Closing the Main Fan Switch energizes the coil of the Relay.
The normally open contacts now close, energizing the Main Fan Motor through two
10A fuses, and the Cooling Fan. Closing the Fan Switch also supplies power to the
12.6 VAC Transformer, the Burner and Conveyor Switches.
BURNER CIRCUITClosing the Fan Switch and the normally open Burner Switch supplies 120 VAC
(S/N Q14791 & Above,
1200 series refer to Pg.
5 & 6 S/N Q14974 &
Above, 1000 series refer
to Pg. 5 & 6 (STEPPER)
NOTE:The 1200 Series Ovens utilize 2 complete conveyor drive systems.
DISPLAY(S/N Q14790 &
Below, 1200 series
S/N Q14973 & Below
1000 series)
(S/N Q14791 & Above,
1200 series refer to Pg.
5 & 6 S/N Q14974 &
Above, 1000 series refer
to Pg. 5 & 6 (STEPPER)
NOTE*The 1200 Series Ovens use a Double Pole Double Throw Switch to connect the two
CONVEYOR DRIVEClosing the Oven Fan Switch supplies 120 VAC, through the Power Transformer, to
Upon closure of the Fan Switch, 120 VAC is supplied to the primary of the 12.6 VAC
Transformer. The Transformer steps the voltage down to 12.6 VAC (normally 13 to
14 VAC) with a center tap, and supplies power to the Time/ Temp. Display. The
voltage from each leg of the Transformer's secondary to the center tap should be
one half of the secondary voltage.
through the Air Pressure Switch, to the Temperature Control Board, the normally
open contacts of the Burner Motor Relay (Burner Motor Relay discontinued after S/N
14791) and the primary of the 24 VAC Transformer. The transformer's secondary
supplies 24 VAC to the burner motor relay coil (the normally open contacts close
within 30 seconds), and the normally open Centrifugal Switch. When the relay
contacts close, the Burner Blower Motor is energized. As this motor reaches approx.
1,600 R.P.M its internal centrifugal switch closes, supplying 24 VAC to the Gas
Control Valve. When the Gas Control Valve is supplied with 24 VAC, the pilot valve
is energized, and the igniter circuit is energized. Ignition should now occur. After pilot
flame is proven, the Main Gas Valve is energized. The Burner Indicator Light is also
Closing the Fan Switch and Burner Switch supplies 120 VAC to the Temperature
Control Board. The 1K or 1000 ohm Temperature Potentiometer is adjusted to
desired temperature. The Thermocouple will provide varying millivolts to the
Temperature Controller. The Temperature Controller supplies 120 VAC to the
Solenoid Valve at intermittent intervals to maintain desired temperature.
Closing the fan switch and the normally open conveyor Switch supplies 120 VAC to
the Motor Control Board. AC volts are converted to DC volts and are supplied to the
Conveyor Motor, at terminals A+ and A-. Adjustment of the Speed Control
Potentiometer (5,000 ohm 10 turn) will change resistance at terminals P1, P2, and
P3 varying the DC voltage to the Conveyor Motor. The speed of the conveyor motor
will increase or decrease as the DC voltage from the board increases or decreases
respectively. As the motor turns, it drives both the reducer gearbox and the tach.
generator. The tach. Generator is a DC voltage generator, which supplies a voltage
to the DC motor control board and is used as a reference for maintaining a constant
conveyor speed.
The Time/Temp. Display is energized when the Fan Switch is closed, supplying 120
VAC to the primary of the12.6 volt Transformer. The secondary output of the
transformer, normally 13 to 14 VAC (depending on input), with a center tap, is
supplied to terminals 1,2, and 3 of the Time/Temp. Display. The center tap is
terminal 2. The display works on a balanced input and center tap voltage to each leg
must be 1/2 the total reading.
The speed side of the Time/Temp. Display uses a slotted disc (cemented to tach.
coupling) to break the infrared light beam of the optical switch (mounted on gear
motor) producing electrical pulses that are transmitted to the display. The display
converts these pulses into a read-out of minutes and seconds. The temperature
portion of the display uses a Thermistor Probe to sense oven temperature. The
thermistor outputs a resistance proportional to the oven temperature. This resistance
is then converted by the display into a temperature reading.
Optical Encoder Assemblies to the Time/Temp. Display. By activating the switch,
either the front or rear belt speed can be shown by the Time/Temp Display .
the normally open Conveyor Switch. Closing the Conveyor Switch supplies 120 VAC,
through a 3 AMP Fuse, to the primary of the Conveyor Control Transformer. The
secondary of this Transformer supplies 10 VAC and 29 VAC to the Conveyor
Control. The conveyor control supplies voltage pulses to the Conveyor Control. The
Conveyor Control Potentiometer varies the frequency of these pulses. The motor
speed will increase or decrease, as the frequency of the pulses increase or decrease
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic6
TIME TEMP DISPLAYClosing the Oven Fan Switch supplies 120 VAC, through the Power Transformer, to
the primary of the Time/Temp. Transformer. The secondary output of the
Transformers, 12.5to 15 VAC with a center tap, is supplies to terminals 1, 2, and3 of
the Time/Temp. Display. The display works on a balanced input, and the center tap
voltage to each leg must be 1/2 the total reading.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic7
SCHEMATIC / 1000, 1001
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic8
SCHEMATIC / 1004, 1005
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic9
SCHEMATIC / 1022, 1023 – S/N Q19077 & BELOW
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic10
SCHEMATIC / 1022, 1023 – S/N Q19078 & ABOVE
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic11
SCHEMATIC / 1040, 1041 – S/N Q14279 & BELOW
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic12
SCHEMATIC / 1040, 1041 – S/N Q14280 & ABOVE
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic13
SCHEMATIC / 1200, 1201
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic14
SCHEMATIC / 1202, 1203 S/N Q14790 & BELOW
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic15
SCHEMATIC / 1202, 1203 S/N Q14791 & ABOVE
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic16
SCHEMATIC / 1204, 1205
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic17
SCHEMATIC / 1240, 1241 – S/N Q14279 & BELOW
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic18
SCHEMATIC / 1240, 1241 – S/N Q14280 & ABOVE
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic19
Oven fan will not run
No Main Fan Cool
No Control Box
Cooling(For ovens
equipped with Control
Box Cooling Fan)
No automatic control
box cooling (For ovens
equipped with control
box cooling fan)
Control box cooling fan
continues to run
Oven will not heat
Incoming Power SupplyCheck breakers/ Reset if required / Call Power Co.
if needed.
(Export Ovens)For some export ovens, there is a control circuit
step-down transformer. This transformer steps
down supply voltage to 120 VAC. If main fan will
not run, the secondary of this transformer must be
checked for 120 VAC output. Check specific oven
model schematic for circuit location.
Oven Fan Fuse(s)Check and/or Replace
Fuse HolderCheck and/or Replace
Fan SwitchCheck continuity between switch terminals.
Main RelayCheck continuity to 120 VAC coil. Check for power
to relay coil (120 VAC). Check for 208/240 VAC to
relay terminals. Visually check for contact pull-in.
Fan MotorCheck for opens, shorts, or grounds. WITH
POWER OFF: Turn Fan Blade to check for locked
CapacitorCheck for opens, shorts, or grounds.
Cool Down ThermostatCheck cool down thermostat (thermostat closes at
160°F and opens at 140°F). Check for power (120
VAC) at cool down thermostat. With the cool down
thermostat pre-heated, check for continuity. If
switch is open, replace.
Main Fan Relay
(Export Ovens)
Axial Cooling Fan
Incoming Power SupplyCheck breakers/Reset if needed. Check for
Cooling Fan ThermostatCheck cooling fan thermostat (thermostat closes at
Axial Cooling FanCheck for 120 VAC to cooling fan, if present and
Cooling Fan ThermostatSee "Cooling Fan Thermostat"
Gas SupplyCheck for adequate gas supply to oven.
Manual Gas Shut-off ValveCheck to see that manual shut-off valve is open.
Fan SwitchCheck to see that fan switch is "on".
Main Oven FanCheck if main oven fan is operating. If not, refer to
Burner SwitchCheck for 120 VAC to neutral on both sides of
Check for power to Main Fan Relay. Visually check
for contact pull in.
(For ovens equipped with a control circuit step-
down transformer, the supply voltage for the
cooling fan is 240 VAC.)
WITH POWER OFF: check for locked rotor. Check
for power (120 VAC) to cooling fan. If 120 VAC is
present at the fan motor and the fan does not run,
replace fan assembly.
incoming power (120 VAC)at cooling fan
120°F and opens at 100°F). With cooling fan
thermostat pre-heated, check for continuity. If
switch is open, replace.
fan does not run, replace fan.
"Oven fan will not run". Page 20.
switch. If switch is closed and 120 VAC is present
on one side only, replace the switch.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic20
For ovens with
Johnson Controls
Ignition Control
(For ovens with
Honeywell Ignition
control, See Pg. 21)
Air Pressure SwitchCheck for 120 VAC on both sides of switch. If
voltage present on one side only, check for air tube
blockage. Adjust air switch. If above fails, replace
air pressure switch.
Transformer, 24 VACCheck for 120 VAC to primary of transformer.
Check for 24 VAC from secondary of transformer. If
there is primary voltage, but no secondary voltage,
replace transformer.
(Model 1004 & 1005)For oven models 1004 and 1005, there is a 1 Amp
fuse located between the 24 VAC output from the
transformer and the coil of the burner motor relay. If
there is 24 VAC output from the transformer, but no
burner motor relay action, check fuse and fuse
holder. Replace as necessary.
Burner Motor RelayDelete burner motor relay refer to Section D, Page
Burner Blower MotorCheck for 120 VAC supply to burner blower motor.
If 120 VAC is present and motor does not run,
replace motor. WITH POWER OFF: turn blower
wheel to check for locked rotor.
Centrifugal Switch of Burner
Blower Motor
Check for 24 VAC output from secondary of
transformer. If voltage is present, check for 24 VAC
at pin 6 and the ground bar on ignition control and
valve assembly. If the burner blower motor is
running and there is no voltage at pin 6 and the
ground bar on the ignition control valve, replace the
burner blower motor.
Ignition Control and Valve
Check for 24 VAC supply to the ignition control and
valve assembly at pin 6 and the ground bar. If
voltage is present, check for 24 VAC across pin #1
and the ground bar (pilot valve). If voltage is not
present, replace electronic control package. If the
pilot valve is energized, check to see that the high
voltage ignitor circuit is also energized. To check,
disconnect the ignitor lead from the bottom of
ignition control. Place female terminal of ignitor
lead approximately 1/8" from terminal post on
ignition control. Spark should jump the 1/8" gap. If
no spark is present, replace ignition control.
No PilotIf the ignition control is supplied with 24 VAC, and
the pilot valve (internal to valve assembly) and
ignitor circuits are energized, visually check for pilot
flame. This may be done by opening the small
inspection door on the end of the burner, or by
opening the main oven door and looking under the
lower finger housings on the right side of the oven.
If no pilot flame is visible, check the following.
Pilot Shut-off ValveCheck to see that pilot shut-off valve is open (shut-
off valve is located between ignition control and
valve assembly and burner.)
Pilot TubeCheck for gas pressure at pilot tube. Disconnect
pilot tube at burner and connect manometer to pilot
tube. If no gas pressure is present, check for
blockage in pilot tube or pilot shut-off valve. If these
are clear, and there is gas supplied to the oven,
replace the ignition control and valve assembly.
Pilot OrificeIf there is gas pressure at the pilot tube, check the
pilot orifice for obstructions. Replace as need
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic21
Pilot flame but no main
For ovens with
Honeywell ignition
No Pilot
Burner IgnitorCheck the burner ignitor head for any obstructions,
also check for frayed or broken wire, any type of
damage to spark gap (.100 in. 2.5 m.m.) If there is
visible damage, replace ignitor assembly.
Flame Sensor(There should be a visible pilot flame at this time.)
To check for proper flame sensor operation,
connect a digital multimeter (capable of measuring
D. C. microamperes) in series between the flame
sensor wire (normally connected to terminal #4)
and terminal #4. NOTE: This is a current
measurement and the meter must be connected in
series. This procedure is for checking the pilot
flame only. Remove main valve wire (Red) from
terminal #3 on ignition control. With a visible pilot
flame, the current readings should be as follows:
Johnson G-65 control, 0.2 micro amp. D.C.
minimum/Johnson G-60 control, 0.7 micro amp.
D.C. minimum. If these values are not achieved,
replace flame sensor. Also check for any type of
damage to flame sensor wire and connections.
Ignition Control and Valve
If there is a pilot flame, and there is sufficient micro
amp. current at terminal #4, check for 24 VAC
that the main valve (internal to valve assembly) has
opened. Connect a manometer to the manifold gas
pressure tap located on the back side of the ignition
control and valve assembly. If no gas is present,
replace ignition control and valve assembly.
Centrifugal Switch of Burner
Blower Motor
Check for 24 VAC output from secondary of
transformer. If voltage is present, check for 24 VAC
at terminals marked "24V" and "24V gnd" on
Ignition Control. If the Burner Blower Motor is
running and there is no voltage at terminals 24V
and 24V gnd on the ignition control, replace the
Burner Blower Motor.
These Ignition Controls have a 30 second pre-
purge(Delay) and a 15 second lock-out time – The
Ignition Control will try for ignition for 15 seconds
and then shut-off. To Re-try for ignition, turn off
burner switch, wait 30 seconds and re-try ignition.
Ignition Control
Check for 24 VAC supply to ignition control at
terminals "24V" and "24V gnd". If voltage is
present, check for 24V at terminal "P.V. (Pilot
Valve) and "gnd". If voltage is not present, replace
Ignition Control. If the pilot valve is energized,
check to see that the high voltage ignitor circuit is
also energized. To check, disconnect the ignitor
lead from the ignition control. Place the terminal of
ignitor lead approximately 1/8" from terminal post
on Ignition Control. Spark should jump the 1/8"
gap. If no spark is present, replace ignition control.
If the ignition control is supplied with 24 VAC and
the pilot valve (in gas valve) and ignitor circuits
Pilot Shut-off ValveIf no pilot flame is visible, check to see that the pilot
shut-off valve is open(shut-off valve is located
between gas valve and burner).
Pilot TubeCheck for gas pressure at pilot tube. Disconnect
pilot tube at burner and connect manometer to pilot
tube. If no gas pressure is present, check for
blockage in pilot tube or pilot shut-off valve.
Pilot OrificeIf there is gas pressure at the pilot tube, check the
pilot orifice for obstructions. Replace as needed.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic22
Burner IgnitorCheck the burner ignitor head for any obstructions,
also check for frayed or broken wire, any type of
damage to spark gap (.100 in. 2.5 mm) If there is
visible damage, replace ignitor assembly.
Spark Ignitor (Flame Sensor)(There should be a visible pilot flame at this time).
Pilot flame but no main
NOTE: The Honeywell Ignition Control uses the
spark ignitor as the flame sensor. If spark
continues, check for proper ground connections at
Ignition Control. Check pilot orifice for any partial
blockage. If the above checks OK, replace ignition
control. If spark stops when pilot is lit, check for 24
VAC across M.V. - M.V/ P.V. terminals, if voltage is
not present, replace ignition control. If voltage is
present at terminals M.V. - M.V./P.V., the indicator
light on the control panel should be on, verify that
the main valve has opened, connect manometer to
manifold gas pressure tap(located on the
Red Indicator Light is
on, but no main
flame(For ovens with
(For ovens with
Temperature Control)
Temperature Control Valve
(Robert Shaw)
Main OrificeCheck for blockage of main orifice. If there is no
Temperature Control
Check for gas supply at temperaturecontrol. Check
for temperature control set above 300°F.
blockage to the main orifice, replace the
temperature control.
Check for 120 VAC across L1 and L2on
temperature control board. Potentiometer (1000
ohm,1 turn) WITH POWER OFF: check ohms
across red and black leads, the ohm reading
should be 0 to1000 ohms as the dial is turned.
From green to red, the reading should be 1000
ohms steady throughout the full turn of the dial.
NOTE: Ovens S/N Q18037 and above, the potentiometer is internal to temperature control. Proceed to next
Thermocouple ProbeRemove thermocouple leads from the temperature
control board, and measure the millivolt output of
these leads. Refer to chart on page 38 in the
adjustment section for proper readings.
Temperature ControlTurn temperature control dial to full "on" position.
Measure for 120 VAC across terminals "N.O." and
"L2", if voltage is not present; replace control.
Solenoid ValveIf voltage is present at terminals "N.O."and "L2",
check for voltage at solenoid valve. If voltage is
present, listen for valve to open and close. Also,
check for opens and shorts in coil. If solenoid valve
is defective, replace
Intermittent HeatingBoth the main fan motor and burner blower motor
are equipped with thermo-protection and will cease
to operate when not cooled properly. This can
cause the units to cycle on and off intermittently.
Also, most of the problems listed under "oven will
not heat" can cause intermittent failures.
For continuing intermittent problems, a series of test lights may be made and installed in
the ovens. The lights will allow the customer to advise the service technician a trouble code when
the oven fails.
The lights should be connected in the following manner:
Light#l attached in 120VAC line after Air Pressure Switch.
Light#2 attached after 120VAC contacts of Burner Motor Relay (or, refer to Bulletin #028
for Relay Removal).
Light#3 in 24VAC Burner Transformer Secondary.
Light#4 in 24VAC at terminal #6 of Johnson control valve or "24V" on Honeywell Control.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic23
Light#5 in 24VAC at terminal #1 of Johnson control valve or "PV" on Honeywell Control.
Light#6 in 24VAC at terminal #3 of Johnson control valve or "MV" on Honeywell Control.
All lights off - lights of main power, main fan off, air pressure switch out.
1 on 2 off 3 on 4 off 5 off 6 off - Burner Motor Relay bad.
1 on 2 on 3 on 4 off 5 off 6 off - Burner Motor Centrifugal Switch bad.
1 on 2 on 3 on 4 on 5 off 6 off - Ignition Control bad.
1 on 2 on 3 on 4 on 5 on 6 off - Pilot Shield missing or warped, Flame Sensor bad, Pilot
- Orifice plugged, or Gas Valve bad.
1 on 2 on 3 on 4 on 5 on 6 on - Unit still not working Main Orifice plugged, Gas Valve bad,
- Temperature Control bad.
- However, Main Orifice would not be intermittent problem.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic24
Oven fan will not run
No Main Fan Cool
No control box cooling
Oven will not heat
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic25
Incoming Power SupplyCheck breakers/Reset if required/ Call Power Co. if
(Export Ovens)For some export ovens, there is a control circuit
step-down transformer. This transformer steps
down supply voltage to 120 VAC. If main fan will
not run, the secondary of this transformer must be
checked for 120 VAC output. Check specific oven
model schematic for circuit location.
Oven Fan Fuse(s)Check and/or Replace
Fuse HolderCheck and/or Replace
Fan SwitchCheck continuity between switch terminals.
Main RelayCheck continuity to 120 VAC coil. Check for power
to the relay coil (120 VAC). Check for 208/220/240
VAC to relay terminals. Visually check for contact
Fan MotorCheck for opens, shorts, or grounds.WITH
POWER OFF: Turn Fan Blade to check for locked
CapacitorCheck for opens, shorts, or grounds.
Cool Down ThermostatCheck cool down thermostat (thermostat closes at
160°F and opens at 140°F). Check for power (120
VAC) at cool down thermostat. With cool down
thermostat pre-heated, check for continuity. If
switch is open, replace.
Main Fan RelayCheck for power to main fan relay. Visually check
for contact pull in.
Axial Cooling FanWITH POWER OFF: turn the fan blade to check for
locked rotor. Check for power (120 VAC) to cooling
fan. If 120 VAC is present at the fan motor and the
fan does not run, replace fan assembly.
Main Oven FanCheck if main oven fan is operating. If not, refer to
"Oven fan will not run."
Heat SwitchCheck for continuity between switch terminals with
switch on. Replace if defective.
Air Pressure SwitchCheck for 120 VAC on both sides of switch. If
voltage present on one side only, check for air tube
blockage, adjust air switch. If above fails, replace
air pressure switch.
Hi Limit ThermostatTerminals are normally closed. If open, reset and
test oven for proper operation. If thermostat will not
hold for maximum oven temperature, and oven is
not exceeding temperature dial setting, replace
thermostat (rated at 190°F).
Hi Limit Thermostat
(Model 1032)
3 Amp Temperature Control
FuseholderCheck and/or replace.
Terminals are normally closed. If open, reset and
test oven for proper operation. If thermostat will not
hold for maximum oven temperature, and oven is
not exceeding temperature dial setting. Replace
the thermostat. Check for proper location of
sensing bulb in its spring holder. If hi-limit is still
tripping, replace (rated for 368°C).
Check and/or Replace
Oven heats with switch
Conveyor will not run
(S/N 100-4389)
Temperature Control BoardCheck for 120 VAC input to temperature control
board. If not present, check wiring from fuse holder
to temperature control board. Turn the temperature
adjustment dial to the maximum temperature
position Check for 120 VAC at coil of mercury
contactor(s). Next, short the leads of thermocouple
on the temperature control board, check for 120
VAC at coil of mercury contactor(s). If voltage is
not present, replace temperature control board. If
voltage is present proceed.
Temperature Control
Potentiometer is 0 to 2.5K ohm. WITH POWER
OFF: remove the leads from the temperature
control board terminals 1, 2, and 3 and measure
ohms from black to white leads. The ohm reading
should be 0 to approximately 2.5K ohms as the dial
Thermocouple ProbeRemove thermocouple leads from the temperature
control board, and measure the millivolt output of
the leads. Refer to chart in adjustment section for
proper millivolt readings.
Mercury Contactor(s)Check for 120 VAC to the contactor coil. If voltage
is present and contactor will not activate, replace
the contactor(s). Also check each contactor for
proper high voltage input and output.
50 Amp FusesIf there is no high voltage input to the mercury
contactor(s), check the 50 amp fuses and replace if
Heater ElementsCheck the Amp. draw on each hot leg for proper
load. Check the specifications plate for rating
information. If the Amp. draw is low or high, check
the individual elements for opens, shorts, and
proper resistance . To check resistance of the
elements, turn off the power! Remove all leads
from the elements and use an accurate digital
VOM. The element resistance should be as
follows: 208V - 9.8 ohms approx. 220V - 10.5 ohms
approx. 240V - 13 ohms approx. If all readings are
not correct, replace elements as needed.
Mercury Contactor(s)The mercury contactor has probably malfunctioned
in the closed position. If there is no voltage to the
operating coil, but there is high voltage at the
contactor output, replace the mercury contactor.
Voltage SupplyCheck incoming voltage supply at line 1 to neutral.
There should be a voltage reading of 120 VAC. If
not present, check breakers.
3 Amp FuseThis conveyor fuse is located on the front panel.
Replace if defective.
Fuse HolderCheck and/or Replace.
Conveyor SwitchSame procedure as for fan switch.
D. C. Motor Control BoardCheck for 120 VAC input to D. C. control board
across L1 and L2. Check the 3 amp fuse on the D.
C. control board. Check for D. C. voltage at
terminal F1 and F2. Voltage should be 10 VDC +
10 steady. If this voltage is not present, replace D.
C. control board. Check for D. C. voltage output to
the motor across terminals A1 and A2 (this voltage
should be approx. 125 VDC at maximum conveyor
motor speed).
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic26
Conveyor will not
run(S/N 4390 to
Q190771000 Series)
(S/N 4390Q147901200 Series)
Speed Control PotentiometerThis is a 0 to 400 ohm or 0 to 500 ohm, 10-turn
potentiometer. WITH POWER OFF: remove the
red, white, and black leads from terminals S1, S2,
S3. With a digital multimeter, check the ohm
reading across the red to black leads. This ohm
reading should be a steady 400-ohm, or 500-ohm,
through the entire 10-turn rotation of the
potentiometer. Check for shorts or opens or
unsteady, ohm reading, if potentiometer is
defective, replace. If the potentiometer checks OK,
and there is no output at terminals A1 and A2,
replace the D. C. control board.
Reversing SwitchIf there is D. C. voltage output from the motor
control board, but the conveyor drive motor is not
running, check the D.P.D.T. reversing switch.
Conveyor Drive MotorCheck the conveyor drive sprocket for tightness.
Disconnect the motor, check the red and black
motor leads for opens, shorts or grounds. Check
the brushes for excessive or abnormal wear.
Replace as needed. Reconnect motor. Test for
operation. If motor does not run, replace.
Voltage SupplyCheck incoming voltage supply at line 1 to neutral.
There should be a voltage reading of 120 VAC. If
no present, check breakers. 3 Amp Fuse. This
conveyor fuse is located on the front panel.
Replace if defective.
FuseholderCheck and/or Replace.
Fan SwitchSee procedure for checking on Page 20.
Conveyor SwitchSame procedure as for fan switch.
(Dual Belt Ovens)Dual belt ovens utilize 2 complete independent
conveyor drive systems. The trouble shooting
procedures are the same as single belt ovens,
except that the dual belt ovens use one each of the
following: one "A" D. C. control board and one "B"
D. C. control board.
Speed Adjustment
This is a 0 to 5 K ohm, 10 turn potentiometer With
power off, remove the red, black and white pot
leads from the motor control board at terminals P1,
P2 and P3. With a digital multimeter, check the
ohm reading across the red lead (P3) to the black
lead (P1). This reading should be 5 K ohms ± 5%
as the pot is rotated from low to high. Place the
meter leads on the red lead (P3) and on the white
lead (P2) Rotating the pot. slowly, from low to high,
the meter reading should show an even transition
from O to 5 K ohms ± 5%. There should be
DC Motor Control BoardCheck for 120 VAC input to the control board at
terminals L1 and L2. If not present, check the
conveyor switch and wiring back to 3-amp fuse and
then back to power source if necessary. If 120 VAC
is present at L1 and L2, check the VDC output at
terminals A+ and A-. If a DC voltage is not present,
check the 4 amp and the 1 amp fuses on the
control board. Also reset and check the mini
breaker in the armature line to the gearmotor. If
120 VAC is present at terminals L1 and L2, but DC
voltage is not present at A+ and A-, providing the 1
amp and 4 amp fuses are good, replace the board.
If DC voltage is present at A+ and A-, but motor
does not run, check gear motor as follows.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic27
Conveyor speed
varying or intermittent
Conveyor will not
run(S/N Q19078 &
Up1000 Series) (S/N
Q14791 & Up1200
Conveyor Gear MotorIf DC voltage is present at A+ and A- and the motor
does not run, first check the mini breaker and then
the conveyor. Refer to the next possible cause.
Check the leads to the motor for evidence of any
shorts or opens, and each lead to ground. If the
motor fails the above tests, replace motor. Remove
dust cover from the top of the motor and rotate
motor shaft to determine if there is a locked rotor or
a locked gear box (use care so encoder disc is not
ConveyorCheck for any mechanical misalignment or
improper adjustment. Also check for worn
bearings. The Installation and Operations Manual
shows proper conveyor belt adjustment. A
conveyor belt that is over tightened will cause
excessive bearing wear and sometimes, irregular
Power SupplyCheck power supply at the DC control board for the
120 VAC at board terminals L1 and L2. If voltage is
not present, check main circuit breakers.
Tach generator and DC Motor
Control Board
With the power to the DC motor control board
turned off, remove the leads from terminals T1 and
T2.Place the test leads of a digital meter on the
tach leads, turn power on, and the meter reading
should be approximately 30 to 35 VDC. This
reading should be steady within ± 0.2 to 0.3 VDC.
If this reading is not within + 0.5 VDC, place the
test meter probes on terminals A+ and A-. The
meter reading should be approximately 150 to 160
VDC and steady within approximately 2 VDC. If the
tach. voltage is unsteady, and the board output is
steady, check the coupling for loose set screws or
any type of damage. If the coupling checks good,
the tach. is usually bad. If the board voltage output
is unsteady beyond limits, then the board is
probably bad. Always check the speed pot. Be sure
it is okay before changing a board or tach. This test
is not always 100% accurate as this test is not
performed at operating speeds. However, this test
is the best method currently available.
Readjustment should always be attempted at least
once before replacement. See procedure for board
adjustment on page 44.
DC GearmotorIf the DC control board is steady then the problem
may be the motor or gearbox. Check the brushes
in the motor for excessive arching and/or unusual
wear. Check the motor and gearbox from
instruction located on page 27 under "possible
cause" listing "Conveyor gear motor".
Voltage SupplyCheck incoming voltage supply at Line 1 to neutral.
There should be a voltage reading of 120 VAC.
Fan SwitchSee procedure for checking on page 20.
Conveyor SwitchCheck for 120 VAC to conveyor switch. If no
voltage is present, trace wiring back to the fan
switch. WITH POWER OFF: Check continuity
between switch terminals.
Conveyor Fuse (3A)Check, replace if necessary.
FuseholderCheck, replace if necessary.
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - Domestic28
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