ZL-6250A EElleeccttrroonniicc TThheerrmmoossttaatt
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall
1. Feature
ZL-6250A is cooling/heating thermostat, dedicated to control the cold storage, seafood
machine, poultry production, water heaters, etc. Front panel water-proof level is IP65. The
small case size is same as those on the market.
2. Main Function
● Temperature regulation: switch between cooling and heating automatically
● Temperature display
● Temperature calibration
● Output delay protection
● Buzzer alarm output
● External warning input
● Max high-temperature or min low-temperature exceed warning.
● Sensor failure warning
3. Size Specification
1. Front panel dimension: 78* 34.5mm
2. Drilling template: 71* 29mm
3. Whole machines dimension: 78* 34.5* 71mm
4. Length of sensor(s): 3m (including the sensor probe)
4. Technical Specification
● Temperature Sensor: NTC
● Setting Range: -40~120℃
● Display Range: -40~130℃
● Working Temperature: -10~45℃
● Storage Temperature: -30~70℃
● Humidity: 5~85%RH (without dewing)
● Power Supply: AC185~245V, 50HZ
● Terminal Wire: <= 2 * 1.5mm2 or 1 * 2.5mm2
● Load Current: 7A 250Vac(Resistive load)
● Case: PC + ABS Fire Proof
● Protection Degree: IP65 (front panel)
5. Display Indication