Lika EM58, ES58, ESC58, EMC58, EM58S User Manual

User's guide
ES58, ES58S EM58, EM58S ESC58/59/60 EMC58/59/60
Version RS-485
Singleturn and multiturn absolute rotary encoder
MODBUS RTU interface (RS-485) with programming software
Diagnostic LEDs
IP67 protection rate
Suitable for the following models:
ES5812/MB-..., ES58S12/MB-...
ESC5812/MB-..., ESC5912/MB-...,
EM5812/16384MB-..., EM58S12/16384MB-...
EMC5912/16384MB-..., EMC6012/16384MB-...
Table of Contents
Safety summary 12 Identification 14 Mechanical installation 15 Electrical connections 20 Quick reference 30 MODBUS® interface 50 Programming parameters 65 Programming examples 85
Lika Electronic Tel. +39 0445 806600
Smart encoders & actuators
This publication was produced by Lika Electronic s.r.l. 2019. All rights reserved. Tutti i diritti riservati. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Todos los derechos reservados. Tous droits réservés.
This document and information contained herein are the property of Lika Electronic s.r.l. and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Lika Electronic s.r.l. Translation, reproduction and total or partial modification (photostat copies, film and microfilm included and any other means) are forbidden without written authorisation of Lika Electronic s.r.l.
The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Lika Electronic s.r.l. Lika Electronic s.r.l. reserves the right to make all modifications at any moments and without forewarning.
This manual is periodically reviewed and revised. As required we suggest checking if a new or updated edition of this document is available at Lika Electronic s.r.l.'s website. Lika Electronic s.r.l. assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Critical evaluation of this manual by the user is welcomed. Your comments assist us in preparation of future documentation, in order
to make it as clear and complete as possible. Please send an e-mail to the following address for submitting your comments, suggestions and criticisms.

General contents

User's guide......................................................................................................................................................... 1
General contents............................................................................................................................................. 3
Subject Index................................................................................................................................................... 6
Typographic and iconographic conventions..............................................................................................7
Preliminary information................................................................................................................................ 8
Glossary of MODBUS terms.......................................................................................................................... 9
1 Safety summary.................................................................................................................................. 12
1.1 Safety..............................................................................................................................................................................12
1.2 Electrical safety..........................................................................................................................................................12
1.3 Mechanical safety.....................................................................................................................................................13
2 Identification....................................................................................................................................... 14
3 Mechanical installation..................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Solid shaft encoders (ES58, ES58S, EM58, EM58S).....................................................................................15
3.1.1 Customary installation................................................................................................................................15
3.1.2 Installation using fixing clamps (code LKM-386)............................................................................16
3.1.3 Installation using a mounting bell (code PF4256)..........................................................................16
3.2 Hollow shaft encoders (ESC58, EMC58, ESC59, EMC59, ESC60, EMC60)..........................................17
3.2.1 ESC58, EMC58.................................................................................................................................................17
3.2.2 ESC59, EMC59.................................................................................................................................................18
3.2.3 ESC60, EMC60.................................................................................................................................................19
4 Electrical connections........................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 CB cable.........................................................................................................................................................................20
4.1.1 CB cable specifications................................................................................................................................20
4.2 M12 5-pin connector...............................................................................................................................................21
4.3 Ground connection...................................................................................................................................................21
4.4 Diagnostic LEDs (Figure 1).....................................................................................................................................22
4.5 DIP switches (Figure 2 and Figure 3).................................................................................................................25
4.5.1 Setting data transmission rate: Baud rate and Parity bit (Figure 3)........................................26
4.5.2 Setting the node address (Figure 3)......................................................................................................27
4.5.3 Termination resistor (Figure 3).................................................................................................................29
5 Quick reference................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1 Getting started...........................................................................................................................................................30
5.2 Configuring the encoder using the software tool by Lika Electronic.................................................31
5.3 Main page of the interface...................................................................................................................................32
5.3.1 Configuring the serial port – Connection to the encoder...........................................................33
Read Params.......................................................................................................................................................35
Write Holding....................................................................................................................................................35
5.3.2 Reading the Input Registers.....................................................................................................................36
Continuous reading.......................................................................................................................................37
Current position...............................................................................................................................................37
Baud rate dip switch.....................................................................................................................................37
Address dip switch.........................................................................................................................................38
SW version...........................................................................................................................................................38
HW version..........................................................................................................................................................38
Status word.........................................................................................................................................................38
Alarm register....................................................................................................................................................38
Machine data not valid................................................................................................................................38
5.3.3 Reading the exception responses – Exception error......................................................................39
Exception error.................................................................................................................................................39
5.3.4 Reading / writing the Holding Registers.............................................................................................40
Counts per rev...................................................................................................................................................41
Total resolution.................................................................................................................................................41
Preset value.........................................................................................................................................................41
Offset value.........................................................................................................................................................41
Node address......................................................................................................................................................41
Baud rate..............................................................................................................................................................42
Operating parameters...................................................................................................................................42
Enable scaling function...............................................................................................................................42
Change counting dir.....................................................................................................................................42
Control word......................................................................................................................................................42
Enable watchdog...........................................................................................................................................42
Execute preset.................................................................................................................................................43
Upload defaults..............................................................................................................................................43
Auto save..............................................................................................................................................................44
Save parameters.............................................................................................................................................44
5.4 Update FW page - Firmware upgrade..............................................................................................................45
5.4.1 Information on firmware upgrade.........................................................................................................45
5.4.2 Preliminary operations and connections.............................................................................................46
5.4.3 Launching the firmware upgrade process..........................................................................................46
5.5 Manual frame page – Transmitting PDUs manually..................................................................................48
6 MODBUS® interface........................................................................................................................... 50
6.1 MODBUS Master / Slaves protocol principle.................................................................................................50
6.2 MODBUS frame description..................................................................................................................................51
6.3 Transmission modes.................................................................................................................................................52
6.3.1 RTU transmission mode..............................................................................................................................53
6.4 Function codes............................................................................................................................................................55
6.4.1 Implemented function codes...................................................................................................................55
03 Read Holding Registers........................................................................................................................55
04 Read Input Register................................................................................................................................57
06 Write Single Register.............................................................................................................................59
16 Write Multiple Registers......................................................................................................................61
7 Programming parameters................................................................................................................. 65
7.1 Parameters available................................................................................................................................................65
7.1.1 Machine data parameters (Holding registers)...................................................................................65
Custom counts per revolution [0000-0001 hex]............................................................................65
Custom total resolution [0002-0003 hex].........................................................................................67
Preset value [0004-0005 hex]...................................................................................................................70
Offset value [0006-0007 hex]....................................................................................................................71
Operating parameters [0008 hex]...........................................................................................................72
Scaling function...............................................................................................................................................72
Code sequence..................................................................................................................................................73
Control Word [0009 hex]..............................................................................................................................73
Watchdog enable............................................................................................................................................74
Save parameters...............................................................................................................................................74
Load default parameters.............................................................................................................................74
Perform counting preset.............................................................................................................................74
7.1.2 Input Register parameters.........................................................................................................................76
Alarms register [0000 hex]..........................................................................................................................76
Machine data not valid................................................................................................................................76
Flash memory error........................................................................................................................................76
Current position [0001-0002 hex]..........................................................................................................77
Register 4 [0003 hex]......................................................................................................................................77
Wrong parameters list [0004-0005 hex]............................................................................................77
DIP switch baud rate [0006 hex]..............................................................................................................78
DIP switch node ID [0007 hex]..................................................................................................................79
SW Version [0008 hex]...................................................................................................................................79
HW Version [0009 hex]..................................................................................................................................79
Status word [000A hex].................................................................................................................................80
Counting direction..........................................................................................................................................80
7.2 Exception response and codes.............................................................................................................................82
8 Programming examples..................................................................................................................... 85
8.1 Using the 03 Read Holding Registers function code.................................................................................85
8.2 Using the 04 Read Input Register function code........................................................................................86
8.3 Using the 06 Write Single Register function code.....................................................................................87
8.4 Using the 16 Write Multiple Registers function code...............................................................................88
9 Default parameters list...................................................................................................................... 89
9.1 List of the Holding Registers with default value.........................................................................................89
9.2 List of the Input Registers.....................................................................................................................................89

Subject Index

Address dip switch...........................................................38
Alarm register....................................................................38
Alarms register [0000 hex]...........................................76
Auto save.............................................................................44
Baud rate.............................................................................42
Baud rate dip switch.......................................................37
Change counting dir.......................................................42
Code sequence..................................................................73
Continuous reading.........................................................37
Control word......................................................................42
Control Word [0009 hex]..............................................73
Counting direction..........................................................80
Counts per rev...................................................................41
Current position................................................................37
Current position [0001-0002 hex]............................77
Custom counts per revolution [0000-0001 hex]65
Custom total resolution [0002-0003 hex]............67
DIP switch baud rate [0006 hex]...............................78
DIP switch node ID [0007 hex]...................................79
Enable scaling function.................................................42
Enable watchdog..............................................................42
Exception error..................................................................39
Execute preset...................................................................43
Flash memory error.........................................................76
HW version..........................................................................38
HW Version [0009 hex]..................................................79
Load default parameters...............................................74
Machine data not valid..........................................38, 76
Node address......................................................................41
Offset value.........................................................................41
Offset value [0006-0007 hex].....................................71
Operating parameters....................................................42
Operating parameters [0008 hex].............................72
Perform counting preset...............................................74
Preset value.........................................................................41
Preset value [0004-0005 hex].....................................70
Read Params.......................................................................35
Register 4 [0003 hex].....................................................77
Save parameters........................................................44, 74
Scaling function...............................................................72
Status word........................................................................38
Status word [000A hex].................................................80
SW version..........................................................................38
SW Version [0008 hex]...................................................79
Total resolution.................................................................41
Upload defaults.................................................................43
Watchdog enable.............................................................74
Write Holding....................................................................35
Wrong parameters list [0004-0005 hex]................77

Typographic and iconographic conventions

In this guide, to make it easier to understand and read the text the following typographic and iconographic conventions are used:
parameters and objects both of Lika device and interface are coloured in GREEN;
alarms are coloured in RED;
states are coloured in FUCSIA.
When scrolling through the text some icons can be found on the side of the page: they are expressly designed to highlight the parts of the text which are of great interest and significance for the user. Sometimes they are used to warn against dangers or potential sources of danger arising from the use of the device. You are advised to follow strictly the instructions given in this guide in order to guarantee the safety of the user and ensure the performance of the device. In this guide the following symbols are used:
This icon, followed by the word WARNING, is meant to highlight the parts of the text where information of great significance for the user can be found: user must pay the greatest attention to them! Instructions must be followed strictly in order to guarantee the safety of the user and a correct use of the device. Failure to heed a warning or comply with instructions could lead to personal injury and/or damage to the unit or other equipment.
This icon, followed by the word NOTE, is meant to highlight the parts of the text where important notes needful for a correct and reliable use of the device can be found. User must pay attention to them! Failure to comply with instructions could cause the equipment to be set wrongly: hence a faulty and improper working of the device could be the consequence.
This icon is meant to highlight the parts of the text where suggestions useful for making it easier to set the device and optimize performance and reliability can be found. Sometimes this symbol is followed by the word EXAMPLE when instructions for setting parameters are accompanied by examples to clarify the explanation.

Preliminary information

This guide is designed to provide the most complete information the operator needs to correctly and safely install and operate the ES58 series singleturn and EM58 series multiturn absolute encoders equipped with MODBUS interface. They are:
For technical specifications please refer to the product datasheet.
To make it easier to read the text, this guide can be divided into two main sections. In the first section general information concerning the safety, the mechanical installation and the electrical connection as well as tips for setting up and running properly and efficiently the device are provided. In the second section, entitled MODBUS Interface, both general and specific information is given on the MODBUS interface. In this section the interface features and the registers implemented in the unit are fully described. In the “Quick reference” section on page 30 the software tool designed by Lika Electronic to easily configure the encoder via RS-485 serial port is fully described.

Glossary of MODBUS terms

MODBUS, like many other networking systems, has a set of unique terminology. Table below contains a few of the technical terms used in this guide to describe the MODBUS interface. They are listed in alphabetical order.
Address field
It contains the Slave address.
Application Process
The Application Process is the task on the Application Layer.
Application protocol
MODBUS is an application protocol or messaging structure that defines rules for organizing and interpreting data independent of the data transmission medium.
ASCII transmission mode
When devices are setup to communicate on a MODBUS serial line using ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) mode, each 8–bit byte in a message is sent as two ASCII characters. This mode is used when the physical communication link or the capabilities of the device does not allow the conformance with RTU mode requirements regarding timers management.
A bus is a communication medium connecting several nodes. Data can be transferred via serial or parallel circuits, that is, via electrical conductors or fibre optic.
A Client is any network device that sends data requests to servers. MODBUS follows the Client/Server model. MODBUS Masters are referred to as Clients, while MODBUS Slaves are Servers.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Error-checking technique in which the frame recipient calculates a remainder by dividing frame contents by a prime binary divisor and compares the calculated remainder to a value stored in the frame by the sending node.
Data encoding
MODBUS uses a ‘big-Endian’ representation for addresses and data items. This means that when a numerical quantity larger than a single byte is transmitted, the most significant byte is sent first.
Exception code
Code to be returned by Slaves in the event of problems. All exceptions are signalled by adding 0x80 to the function code of the request.
Exception response
MODBUS operates according to the common client/server (Master/Slave) model: the Client (Master) sends a request telegram (service request) to the Server (Slave), and the Server replies with a response telegram. If the Server cannot process a request, it will instead return a error function code (exception response) that is the original function code plus 80H (i.e. with its most significant bit set to 1).
Function code
MODBUS is a request/reply protocol and offers services
specified by function codes. The function code is sent from a Client to the Server and indicates which kind of action the Server must perform. MODBUS function codes are elements of MODBUS request/reply PDUs. The function code field of a MODBUS data unit is coded in one byte. Valid codes are in the range of 1 ... 255 decimal (the range 128 – 255 is reserved and used for exception responses). Function code "0" is not valid. Lika devices only implement public function codes.
Holding register
In the MODBUS data model, a Holding register is the output data. A Holding register has a 16-bit quantity, is alterable by an application program, and allows either read-write or read­only access.
IEEE 1588
This standard defines a protocol enabling synchronisation of clocks in distributed networked devices (e.g. connected via Ethernet).
Input register
In the MODBUS data model, an Input register is the input data. An Input register has a 16-bit quantity, is provided by an I/O system, and allows read-only access.
LRC Checking
In ASCII mode, messages include an error–checking field that is based on a Longitudinal Redundancy Checking (LRC) calculation that is performed on the message contents, exclusive of the beginning ‘colon’ and terminating CRLF pair characters. It is applied regardless of any parity checking method used for the individual characters of the message.
A Master is any network device that sends data requests to Slaves.
The MODBUS messaging service provides a Client/Server communication between devices connected on the network. The Client / Server model is based on four types of messages:
MODBUS Request
MODBUS Confirmation
MODBUS Indication
MODBUS Response
The MODBUS messaging services are used for information exchange.
MODBUS Confirmation
A MODBUS Confirmation is the Response Message received on the Client side.
MODBUS Indication
A MODBUS Indication is the Request message received on the Server side.
MODBUS Request
A MODBUS Request is the message sent on the network by the Client to initiate a transaction.
MODBUS Response
A MODBUS Response is the Response message sent by the Server.
Network is a group of computers on a single physical network segment.
The Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is the MODBUS function code and data field. It is packed together with the Address Field and the CRC (or LRC) to form the Modbus Serial Line PDU. The MODBUS protocol defines three PDUs. They are:
MODBUS Request PDU, mb_req_pdu
MODBUS Response PDU, mb_rsp_pdu
MODBUS Exception Response PDU,
Read Holding Registers (03, 0003hex)
This function code is used to READ the contents of a contiguous block of holding registers in a remote device; in other words, it allows to read the values set ina group of work parameters placed in order.
Read Input Register (04, 0004hex)
This function code is used to READ from 1 to 125 contiguous input registers in a remote device; in other words, it allows to read some result values and state / alarm messages in a remote device.
MODBUS functions operate on memory registers to configure, monitor, and control device I/O.
RTU transmission mode
Remote Terminal Unit. When devices communicate on a MODBUS serial line using the RTU mode, each 8–bit byte in a message contains two 4–bit hexadecimal characters. The main advantage of this mode is that its greater character density allows better data throughput than ASCII mode for the same baud rate. Each message must be transmitted in a continuous stream of characters.
A Server is any program that awaits data requests to be sent to it. Servers do no initiate contacts with Clients, but only respond to them. MODBUS follows the Client/Server model. MODBUS Masters are referred to as clients, while MODBUS Slaves are servers.
Service request
It is the MODBUS Request, i.e. the message sent on the network by the Client to initiate a transaction.
A Slave is any program that awaits data requests to be sent to it. Slaves do no initiate contacts with Masters, but only respond to them.
Transmission rate
Data transfer rate (in bps).
Write Multiple Registers (16, 0010hex)
This function code is used to WRITE a block of contiguous registers (1 to 123 registers) in a remote device.
Write Single Register (06, 0006hex)
This function code is used to WRITE a single holding register in a remote device.

1 Safety summary

1.1 Safety

Always adhere to the professional safety and accident prevention regulations applicable to your country during device installation and operation;
installation and maintenance operations have to be carried out by qualified personnel only, with power supply disconnected and stationary mechanical parts;
device must be used only for the purpose appropriate to its design: use for purposes other than those for which it has been designed could result in serious personal and/or the environment damage;
high current, voltage and moving mechanical parts can cause serious or fatal injury;
warning ! Do not use in explosive or flammable areas;
failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings
elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the equipment;
Lika Electronic assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.

1.2 Electrical safety

Turn OFF the power supply before connecting the device;
connect according to the explanation in the ”Electrical connections”
section on page 20;
in compliance with 2014/30/EU norm on electromagnetic compatibility, following precautions must be taken:
- before handling and installing the equipment, discharge electrical charge from your body and tools which may come in touch with the device;
- power supply must be stabilized without noise; install EMC filters on device power supply if needed;
- always use shielded cables (twisted pair cables whenever possible);
- avoid cables runs longer than necessary;
- avoid running the signal cable near high voltage power cables;
- mount the device as far as possible from any capacitive or inductive noise source; shield the device from noise source if needed;
- to guarantee a correct working of the device, avoid using strong magnets on or near by the unit;
MAN ESx58x_EMx58x MB E 1.2 Safety summary 12 of 92
- minimize noise by connecting the shield and/or the connector housing and/or the frame to ground. Make sure that ground is not affected by noise. The connection point to ground can be situated both on the device side and on user’s side. The best solution to minimize the interference must be carried out by the user.

1.3 Mechanical safety

Install the device following strictly the information in the “Mechanical installation” section on page 15;
mechanical installation has to be carried out with stationary mechanical parts;
do not disassemble the unit;
do not tool the unit or its shaft;
delicate electronic equipment: handle with care; do not subject the device
and the shaft to knocks or shocks;
respect the environmental characteristics of the product;
unit with solid shaft: in order to guarantee maximum reliability over time
of mechanical parts, we recommend a flexible coupling to be installed to connect the encoder and user's shaft; make sure the misalignment tolerances of the flexible coupling are respected;
unit with hollow shaft: the encoder can be mounted directly on a shaft whose diameter has to respect the technical characteristics specified in the purchase order and clamped by means of the collar and, when requested, the anti-rotation pin.
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2 Identification

The device can be identified through the order code and the serial number printed on the label applied to its enclosure. Information is listed in the delivery document too. Please always quote the order code and the serial number when reaching Lika Electronic for purchasing spare parts or needing assistance. For any information on the technical characteristics of the product refer to the technical catalogue.
Warning: devices having order code ending with "/Sxxx" may have mechanical and electrical characteristics different from standard and be supplied with additional documentation for special connections (Technical Info).
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3 Mechanical installation

Installation and maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified personnel only, with power supply disconnected. Shaft and mechanical components must be in stop.
For any information on the mechanical data and the electrical characteristics of the encoder please refer to the technical catalogue.

3.1 Solid shaft encoders (ES58, ES58S, EM58, EM58S)

Mount the flexible coupling 1 on the encoder shaft;
fix the encoder to the flange 2 (or to the mounting bell) by means of the
screws 3;
secure the flange 2 to the support (or the mounting bell to the motor);
mount the flexible coupling 1 on the motor shaft;
make sure to comply with the misalignment tolerances of the flexible
coupling 1.
3.1.1 Customary installation
a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm]
ES58, EM58
- 42 50 F7 4
ES58S, EM58S
36 H7 48 - -
MAN ESx58x_EMx58x MB E 1.2 Mechanical installation 15 of 92
3.1.2 Installation using fixing clamps (code LKM-386)
a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm]
ES58, EM58
- 50 F7 67 4
ES58S, EM58S
36 H7 - 67 -
3.1.3 Installation using a mounting bell (code PF4256) ES58S, EM58S
In order to guarantee reliability over time of the encoder mechanical parts, we recommend a flexible coupling to be installed between the encoder and the motor shaft. Make sure to comply with the misalignment tolerances of the flexible coupling.
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3.2 Hollow shaft encoders (ESC58, EMC58, ESC59, EMC59, ESC60, EMC60)

3.2.1 ESC58, EMC58
Fasten the anti-rotation pin 1 to the rear of the motor (secure it using a locknut);
mount the encoder on the motor shaft using the reducing sleeve 8 (if supplied). Avoid forcing the encoder shaft;
insert the anti-rotation pin 1 into the slot on the flange of the encoder; this secures it in place by grub screw 2, preset at Lika;
fix the collar 3 to the encoder shaft (apply threadlocker to screw 3).
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3.2.2 ESC59, EMC59
Mount the encoder on the motor shaft using the reducing sleeve 8 (if supplied). Avoid forcing the encoder shaft;
fasten the fixing plate 4 to the rear of the motor using two M3 cylindrical head screws 5;
fix the collar 3 to the encoder shaft (apply threadlocker to screw 3).
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3.2.3 ESC60, EMC60
Fix the tempered pin 6 to the rear of the motor;
mount the encoder on the motor shaft using the reducing sleeve 8 (if
supplied). Avoid forcing the encoder shaft;
make sure the anti-rotation pin 6 is inserted properly into the fixing plate 7;
fix the collar 3 to the encoder shaft (apply threadlocker to screw 3).
You are strongly advised not to carry out any mechanical operations (drilling, milling, etc.) on the encoder shaft. This could cause serious damages to the internal parts and an immediate warranty loss. Please contact our technical personnel for the complete availability of "custom made" shafts.
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4 Electrical connections

Electrical connections must be carried out by qualified personnel only, with power supply disconnected. Shaft and mechanical components must be in stop.
For any information on the mechanical data and the electrical characteristics of the encoder please refer to the technical catalogue.

4.1 CB cable

Colour Description
+10Vdc +30Vdc
power supply voltage
power supply voltage
White Modbus A (RS-485)
Blue Modbus B (RS-485)
1 0Vdc of the RS-485 serial connection too.
4.1.1 CB cable specifications
Model : LIKA CB type cable Wires : 2 x 0.24 mm2 (24/19AWG) + 2 x 0.35 mm
(22/19AWG) pair cable Jacket : PUR flame retardant and halogen free Shield : tinned copper wire braid 65% nom. coverage External diameter : 6.9 mm ±0.2 (0.272” ±0.008”) Min. bend radius : external Ø x 6 (fixed); external Ø x 12 (dynamic) Operating temperature : -40°C +80°C / -40°F +185°F (fixed); -30°C +70°C /
-22°F +158°F (dynamic) Max. conductor resistance: 78.0 /km (24AWG) / 54.0 /km (22AWG) Max. translation speed : 3.0 m/sec Max. acceleration : 5.0 m/sec
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4.2 M12 5-pin connector

M12 5-pin
male connector
A coding
(frontal view)
Pin Description
+10Vdc +30Vdc
power supply voltage
power supply voltage 4 Modbus A (RS-485) 5 Modbus B (RS-485)
1 Pin 1 is intended to allow the connection of the shield to ground even if the plug connector has a plastic case. 2 OVdc of the RS-485 serial connection too. 3 Lika's EC- pre-assembled cables only

4.3 Ground connection

To minimize noise connect properly the shield and/or the connector housing and/or the frame to ground. Connect properly the cable shield to ground on user's side. Lika's EC- pre-assembled cables are fitted with shield connection to the connector ring nut in order to allow grounding through the body of the device. Lika's E- connectors have a plastic gland, thus grounding is not possible. In the specific case pin 1 of M12 connector is specifically intended to allow the connection of the shield to ground. If metal connectors are used, connect the cable shield properly as recommended by the manufacturer. Anyway make sure that ground is not affected by noise. It is recommended to provide the ground connection as close as possible to the device.
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4.4 Diagnostic LEDs (Figure 1)

Figure 1: Diagnostic LEDs
Two bicoloured LEDs located in the rear side of the encoder (see the Figure here above) are meant to show visually the operating or fault status of the MODBUS
MAN ESx58x_EMx58x MB E 1.2 Electrical connections 22 of 92
interface and the device as well. The meaning of each LED is explained in the following table. In case of error, to know in detail which alarm has been triggered, see the Alarms register [0000 hex] variable on page 76.
ACTIVITY LED Description
Blinking GREEN
Indicates the device is sending or receiving a
OFF Indicates there is no send - receive activity.
No active alarm.
Blinking RED
Indicates there are either active alarms or an
internal error. For further information refer to
Alarms register [0000 hex] on page 76.
An hardware error has occurred which
prevents the unit from continuing to run.
Please turn the device off and then on again.
If the error is still on, please contact Lika
Electronic After Sales Service.
While performing the firmware upgrade operation (bootloading, refer to the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware upgrade” section on page 45), the two LEDs operate in a specific way, as explained in the following table.
GREEN at 5 Hz
with duty cycle
= 50%
GREEN at 5 Hz
with duty cycle
= 50%
While downloading data to the flash memory
for upgrading the firmware of the unit (see
the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware
upgrade” section on page 45), both LEDs blink
green at 5 Hz with duty cycle = 50%.
RED at 2 Hz with
duty cycle =
RED at 2 Hz with
duty cycle =
The operator has pressed the BOOT STATE
button in the Firmware Upgrade page, the
encoder is waiting for the firmware upgrade
operation to start (by pressing the
DOWNLOAD button). For any information
please refer to the “5.4 Update FW page -
Firmware upgrade” section on page 45.
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RED at 5 Hz with
duty cycle =
RED at 5 Hz with
duty cycle =
While downloading data to the flash memory
for upgrading the firmware of the unit (see
the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware
upgrade” section on page 45), if an error
occurs which stops the upgrading process
(for instance: a voltage drop and/or the
switching off of the unit), as soon as the
power is turned on again both LEDs start
blinking red at 5 Hz with duty cycle = 50% as
the user program is not installed in the flash
memory (it has been deleted previously). For any information on restoring the unit please refer to the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware
upgrade” section on page 45.
While downloading data to the flash memory
for upgrading the firmware of the unit (see
the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware
upgrade” section on page 45), if data
transmission is cut off (for instance, because
of the disconnection of the serial cable), after
5 seconds both LEDs come on solidly red. For any information on restoring the unit please refer to the “5.4 Update FW page - Firmware
upgrade” section on page 45.
The firmware upgrade operation has been
carried out successfully, the encoder is
operating properly and no error is active. For
any information please refer to the “5.4
Update FW page - Firmware upgrade” section
on page 45.
During initialisation, system checks the diagnostic LEDs for proper operation; therefore they blink for a while.
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4.5 DIP switches (Figure 2 and Figure 3)

Power supply must be turned off before performing this operation!
When performing this operation be careful not to damage the internal components and the connection wires.
To access the DIP switches loosen and remove the M12 metal screw plug in the rear of the encoder. Be careful to replace the screw plug at the end of the operation.
Figure 2: Reaching the DIP switches
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The DIP switches are located just beneath.
Figure 3: DIP switches
4.5.1 Setting data transmission rate: Baud rate and Parity bit (Figure 3)
Power supply must be turned off before performing this operation!
Use the DIP switch A to set the data transmission rate (baud rate and parity bit). Set the binary value of the baud rate and the parity bit according to the following table, considering that: ON = 1; OFF = 0.
Switch Baud rate Parity bit
0000 9600 bit/s No parity 1000 9600 bit/s Even 0100 9600 bit/s Odd
1100 19200 bit/s No parity
0010 (default) 19200 bit/s Even
1010 19200 bit/s Odd 0110 115200 bit/s No parity
1110 115200 bit/s Even
0001 115200 bit/s Odd
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Set the baud rate to 9600 bits per second and Odd parity bit:
Switches 1 2 3 4
Value 0 1 0 0
Set the baud rate to 115200 bits per second and Even parity bit:
Switches 1 2 3 4
Position ON ON ON OFF
Value 1 1 1 0
The data transmission rate which is currently set in the unit can be read next to the DIP switch baud rate [0006 hex] register, see on page 78.
4.5.2 Setting the node address (Figure 3)
Power supply must be turned off before performing this operation!
Use the DIP switch B to set the node address.
Set the binary value of the node address, considering that: ON = 1; OFF = 0.
2 3 4 5 6 7
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The range of node addresses is between 1 and 247. The default address is 1.
Set the node address to 25:
2510 = 0001 10012 (binary value)
Switches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Set the node address to 55:
5510 = 0011 01112 (binary value)
Switches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
The default address is 1. The address 0 is reserved to identify a “broadcast” exchange (Master sends a request to all Slaves connected to the Modbus network). See the “6.1 MODBUS Master / Slaves protocol principle” section on page 50. The Modbus Master node has no specific address, only the Slave nodes must have an address. Each Slave must have a unique address. Addresses from 248 to 255 are reserved. If you set the address 0, device will be set to 1 automatically. If you set an address that is greater than 247, the device will be set to 247 automatically. The node address which is currently set in the unit can be read next to the DIP
switch node ID [0007 hex] register, see on page 79.
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