Lignomat Ligno-VersaTec User Instructions

User Instructions for Ligno-VersaTec
Moisture Meter
Lignomat USA Ltd.
14345 NE Morris Ct
Portland, OR 97230
Tel: 503-257-8957
FAX: 503-255-1430
Table of Contents
Functions .............................................................................................. 3
Accessories ............................................................................................ 4
Ligno-VersaTec, the Meter .................................................................. 5
First Step: Check and Change Settings for Pin and Pinless ............ 6
Summary of available Wood and Material Settings ......................... 6
Function and Calibration Check for Pin - Pinless - RH ................... 23-25
Check Software Version ....................................................................... 22
Change from US to Metric System (0F to 0C and inches to mm) .... 22
EMC Chart for Relative Humidity and Wood Moisture/EMC ........ 18
Pin Mode
Pin Technology and Settings ............................................................... 7
Measurements ...................................................................................... 8
Measuring Wood, Sheetrock, Concrete and other Bldg Materials... 8, 9
Monitoring using the Ligno-VersaTec ............................................... 10, 20
Monitoring using the BL2 Data Logger and Wireless ...................... 19
Function and Calibration Check - Pin ............................................... 23
Pinless Mode
Pin Technology and Settings .............................................................. 11
Measurements ...................................................................................... 12
Dual-Depth 1/4” and 3/4” ................................................................. 13
Toggle between 1/4” and 3/4” ............................................................. 14
Measuring Wood, Bamboo and Veneer ............................................. 14, 15
Find Settings for Composites and Engineered Boards .................... 15
Measuring Building Materials ............................................................ 16
Wood Floor Installations .................................................................... 17
Calculating Specific Gravity ................................................................ 19
Function and Calibration Check - Pinless ......................................... 23, 24
RH Mode
RH Technology ..................................................................................... 20
Measuring Ambient Conditions RH, T, DP, GPP............................... 20
Data Logger for Ambient Conditions RH, T, DP, GPP, EMC............. 19
In-situ RH Test for Concrete Moisture .............................................. 21
EMC Chart for Relative Humidity and Wood Moisture / EMC ....... 18
Function and Calibration Check - RH BluePeg ................................ 25
Ligno-VersaTec, a Multi-Function Meter: Pin - Pinless - RH
The Ligno-VersaTec comes with 220 built-in corrections for measuring dif-
ferent wood species, bamboo, panel products and sheetrock. Also built-in are
reference scales (pg 6) for measuring concrete and other building materials.
The Ligno-VersaTec with RH BluePeg probe and adapter RH can measure
relative humidity, temperature, dew point and GPP. Accessories are
available for in-situ RH moisture testing of concrete slabs and wall cavities.
Use as Pinless Meter:
meter by itself as a dual-depth pinless meter with select­able measuring depth 3/4” and 1/4”. The pinless mode of the Ligno-VersaTec has the same features as the Ligno-
Scanner SDM.
Use as Thermo-Hygrometer:
sion RH BluePeg probe. The connection between meter and probe can be made by the adapter RH or an extension cable. Ligno-VersaTec indicates ambient relative humid-
You can use the Ligno-Versatec
Add fast-responding, preci-
ity and temperature, GPP and dew point.
Use for in-situ RH Testing in Concrete:
sleeves and the removable RH probes for in-situ RH testing. The Lignomat system complies to ASTM F2170. Pin or pinless mode can be used to take qualitative mois-
ture measurements in concrete. ASTM F2659. Page 21.
Use as Pin Meter:
- Add slide hammer electrode E12. Teflon-coated pins
allow measuring up to 2” deep. Differences between
surface and core moisture can be detected with the E12.
- Add inspector electrode E14V. The E14V is a tool used in construction and restoration to track moisture in corners, behind moldings, under base boards and other hard-to-reach places. The handle can be elongated to reach high up or down low. Add EL pins 7”
Add RH cable,
long. E14V with EG pins 3/4” is also used to measure hard materials (bamboo). Page 9.
The pin mode of the Ligno-VersaTec has the same fea­tures as the Lignometer K.
Slide-Hammer Electrode E12 measures surface and core up to 2” deep. Detects a moisture gra­dient within the board.
Pins: DZ, DA, DB
Coated pins: DZ, DA, DB up to 2” deep.
For electrode E12
Drive-in Electrode E10 shown with EL pins up to 7” deep.
Pins: EL, EG coated EV, EA, EC uncoated
Coated pins: EG up to 3/4” deep EL up to 7” deep.
electrodes E10, 14, 16
Inspector Electrode E14V, slim to reach corners. For hard ma­terials such as bamboo. Can be extended.
Pins: EL, EG coated EV, EA, EC uncoated
Uncoated pins: EA, EV, EC up to 5/8” deep.
electrodes E10, 14, 16.
Specialty Electrode E16 for hard building materials (concrete).
Pins: EL, EG coated EV, EA, EC uncoated
Thermo-Hygrometer: add RH BluePeg probe and adapter to meas­sure RH/T/DP/GPP.
RH BluePeg probes. For concrete test and relative humidity of air.
Calibration Check:
Pin and pinless meters from Lignomat internally check and adjust the calibration before each reading.
Check blocks are used to confirm calibration and function of pinless meters and pin meters, cables,...
Salt solutions are necessary to check RH BluePeg probes.
More info on pages 23-25.
RH cable with sleeve-seal-plug. RH adapter.
Sleeves 1.8” and 3” long for in-situ moisture testing in concrete.
TS check block for all Lignomat pinless meters.
TP check block for all Lignomat pin meters, cables,...
Sleeve with RH probe to measure moisture in wall cavities with or without insulation.
Salt solution to check RH BluePeg probes, RH 75%.
Ligno-VersaTec, the Meter
If the display is blank and the SET/HOLD key is pressed repeatedly, active settings are displayed:
- pin or scan mode.
- wood or material setting.
- wood temperature (pin).
- measuring depth (pinless).
If the display shows a measured value and the SET/HOLD key is pressed repeatedly, the meter is put into HOLD mode first. Then, the active settings are recalled. See above.
Press up or down key to change settings.
For measurements in pin, pinless or RH mode, press the READ key.
Two measuring pads are mounted on the back of the meter. The measuring pads cover an area of:
2.75” L x 1.75” W (6.8 x 4.2 cm)
Overall size of Meter:
4.5” x 2.4” x 1” (12 x 6 x 2.5 cm)
BNC connector for:
- cable from electrode.
- adapter H for in-kiln cables.
3.5mm Stereo connector for RH BluePeg using
- RH Adapter.
- RH cable.
Once the RH probe is connected, the meter switches automatically into RH mode.
Measured value.
% sign is only present, if the indicated value is a moisture percentage. If % sign is missing, the value is a reference number.
Press up or down key to change settings.
The up or down key can also be used to change depth settings in pinless mode while taking mea­surements. Toggle mode. Page 14.
Battery cover is located at the back of the meter. Battery: One 9V battery.
A low battery symbol will appear on the display, when the battery is drained to 25%.
Hold Function for all Modes: Pin - Pinless - RH
The HOLD key is used (while taking readings) to “freeze” measured
values for three minutes. During that time you can switch back to
measuring by pressing the READ key again. This feature is helpful when
taking notes or when measuring in areas, where the display cannot be read.
Warranty: All Lignomat meters have a 2-year warranty. Accessories have a 1-year warranty. Battery and pins are excluded.
First Step : Check and Change Settings for Pin / Pinless Mode
Before using the Ligno-VersaTec, the active (previously chosen) settings in the meter need to be checked and if necessary changed to fit the job to be done. To recall active settings, press the SET/HOLD key repeatedly. Use up or down keys to change settings:
1st 2nd
See table below: Not all code numbers 0-250 are available for pin and pinless mode. If the wood or material setting is not available in pin and pinless mode, the meter will automatically select the available mode. If the code number is not defined at all,
Measuring mode: Pin or scan (pinless).
Setting for wood and non-wood materials: # 0-250. Corrections for different wood species and non-wood materials are needed in pin and scan mode. Check table below and pocket-guide for available settings for pin and/or pinless mode.
Setting for wood temperature: Wood temperature corrections are only needed in pin mode.
temperature of the wood at the depth of the pins. Page 7(2).
Setting for measuring depth: 1/4” and 3/4”. Measuring depth is only used in pinless mode. Page 13.
It is difficult to determine the
the mode indicated at the left side of the display toggles between PIN and SCAN. Example: Code# 30 is only available in SCAN mode. Code# 108 is not defined at all.
Settings for moisture measurement of individual wood species 111-230 111-230
Settings for measurement of wood species with known specific gravity - 30-100
Settings for EMC measurements with Lignomat’s EMC sensor 5, 105 -
Settings for wood moisture measurements of wood groups #1-4 101-104 ­#1-4 is used in old Lignometers. #2 and #3 is used in all mini-Lignos 1-4 -
Settings for bamboo, vertical, horizontal, strand and engineered 170-180 11-24*
Settings for moisture measurements of sheetrock and gypsum 15 15
Reference Scale for concrete and other similar materials 25 25
Reference Scale for bldg materials other than concrete or sheetrock 10 10
Reference Scale for laminates and composites made of wood 0 0
*11-24 for bamboo only work on depth setting 1/4”.
Pin Technology and Settings
The Ligno-VersaTec functions as a resistance-type meter in pin mode. The conductivity between the pins is measured and the moisture content is calculated according to the active wood species and wood temperature settings. The meter indicates the highest
moisture value within the small measuring area between the tip of the teflonized pins.
Ligno-VersaTec pin measurements have to be corrected for:
Pin Mode
(1) Wood species or other materials being measured. (2)
Wood temperature.
Settings for measuring depth do not affect pin measurements.
(1) The settings for the most common wood species, bamboo products and different
building materials are listed on the laminated pocket guide included with the meter. For unlisted species or new products call customer service at 800-227-2105. If no list-
ing is available, Lignomat offers testing to determine the correct setting.
Pin mode (Unlisted code numbers do not work in pin mode) code #
Moisture measurements of individual wood species, 5-99.9% 111-230
Bamboo in pin mode within wood settings, 5-99.9% 170-180
Reference scale for laminates and composites made of wood, 0-99.9 0
Moisture measurements of sheetrock and gypsum, 0.1-22% 15
Reference scale for concrete and other similar materials, 0-99 25
Reference scale for bldg materials other than concrete or sheetrock, 0-99 10
Wood groups used in older Lignomat pin meters, 5-99.9% 1-4, 101-104
EMC measurements with Lignomat’s EMC sensor, 5-27% 5, 105
The meter will not produce values in pin mode for code numbers not listed here. Page 6.
The meter needs to be set for the correct wood temperature. Different ambient temperatures do not affect the readings. However, measuring hot or cold lumber will affect the readings. The Ligno-VersaTec has corrections for different wood temperatures built-in. Once you set the meter for the wood temperature and for the wood species, the corrected moisture value is displayed. Temperature adjustments are not necessary if the
meter is set for a wood temperature of 700F and the lumber is within 55-850F.
It is difficult to actually measure the wood temperature at the depth, where the tips of
the electrode pins are measuring. If the wood has been acclimated to the ambient (air)
temperature, choose the ambient temperature. If the wood is not acclimated, choose the
average temperature over the last few hours.
After settings have been checked and changed, press the READ key to
obtain readings. The active settings appear briefly. Then, if no electrode
is connected or if the electrode is not inserted into any material, the
lowest possible reading for the active material and temperature settings
appears. Example: PIN/Min is 5% for setting 147 for 700F. If an elec-
trode is connected and inserted into material, the moisture value and
the active settings for material and wood temperature are displayed.
Example: Wood species 147, wood temp 850F, measured value 6.9%.
While taking measurements:
- If the material is too dry to be measured, the meter will show the lowest possible
value indicated by PIN/Min on the left side of the display.
- If the material is too wet to be measured, the highest possible value is indicated by
PIN/Max on the left side of the display.
Pin Mode
Obtain stable Readings at low Moisture Contents
- Minimize electro-magnetic interference: If you measure close to computers, electrical
wires or power tools in use, readings could become erratic. To avoid the interference,
take measurements in a different location.
- Reduce static electricity: In dry climates and at low moisture contents static electricity
may cause erratic readings. The wood, the meter and the person holding the meter
should not move while taking measurements. Best results are achieved, when the meter
is placed on the board to be measured.
Measuring Wood
Select the correct setting for wood species and
wood temperature. Page 7.
Wood Range is 5-99%. Readings above fiber
saturation point (25-30%) are less accurate.
The slide-hammer electrode E12 with teflon-
insulated pins is most commonly used for
wood. As the pins are hammered towards the
core, consecutive readings indicate any changes
between surface and core moisture. For core
readings at least a third of the board needs to
be penetrated.
+ 17 hidden pages