Lightwave Research AF1000, Dataflash AF1000 User Manual

Mini Controller
for the
Xenon Strobe Fixture
User’s Manual
High End Systems Inc.
2217 West Braker Lane
Austin, Texas U.S.A.
© High End Systems, I nc. 1995, All Rights Reserved
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February, 1997
Mini Controller for the D ATAFLASH AF1000 Xenon Strobe Fixture User’s Manual
P/N 60600045 Rev. A1
Printed in the U.S.A. M.D. T.
Table of Contents
Ta ble of Contents
About This Manual....................................................................................... Intro-1
Text Style...................................................................................................... Intro-1
Caution and Warning Symbols ................................................................ Intro-1
Safety Instructions ........................................................................................ Intro-2
Overview....................................................................................................... Intro-2
Features......................................................................................................... Intro-2
Specifications................................................................................................. Intro-2
Getting Help................................................................................................... Intro-3
Mini Controller Reference ............................................................................. Intro-4
Chapter 1
Installation and Setup.......................................................................... 1-1
Unpacking........................................................................................................... 1-1
Save the Shipping Materials .......................................................................... 1-1
Inspect the Contents....................................................................................... 1-1
Before You Begin............................................................................................... 1-2
System Configuration and Set Up ...................................................................... 1-2
AF1000 Switch Settings ................................................................................ 1-2
Mini Controller Switch Settings .................................................................... 1-4
System Set Up and Cabling ........................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2
Mini Controller Operation.................................................................. 2-1
Overview............................................................................................................. 2-1
Operating Process ............................................................................................... 2-1
Standby Mode....................................... .... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ 2-2
Flash Mode ......................................................................................................... 2-2
Program Mode .................................................................................................... 2-2
Program Hold................................................................................................. 2-3
Program Select Return ................................................................................... 2-3
Standa rd P ro g rams................ ........ ............... ........ .............. ........ .............. ...... 2 -3
Random Function Programs.......................................................................... 2-4
Advance P ro g r a m s...... .............. ......... .............. ........ ........ .............. ........ ........ 2-4
Lightning Programs ....................................................................................... 2-4
Intensity .............................................................................................................. 2-5
Incremental .................................................................................................... 2-5
Program Function .......................................................................................... 2-5
Function A d v a n ce ......... .............. ......... .............. ........ ........ .............. ........ ...... 2-5
Rate ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
Incremental .................................................................................................... 2-6
Program Function .......................................................................................... 2-6
Function A d v a n ce ......... .............. ......... .............. ........ ........ .............. ........ ...... 2-6
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Audio Mode ........................................................................................................ 2-7
Audio Parameters........................................................................................... 2-7
Audio Rate or Intensity Manipulation ........................................................... 2-8
Appendix A
Troubleshooting and Maintenance.................................................... A-1
Support Checklist............................................................................................... A-1
Possible Problems and Solutions ....................................................................... A-2
Mini Controller Reset ........................................................................................ A-3
Mini Controller ROM Version Number ............................................................ A-3
General Maintenance and Cleaning................................................................... A-3
Appendix B
Warranty Information ........................................................................B-1
Addendum.................................................................................... ADM-1
Program Mode ............................................................................................. ADM-1
Standa rd P ro g rams................ ........ ............... ........ .............. ........ .............ADM-1
Random Function Programs.................................................................ADM-13
Advance P ro g r a m s...... .............. ......... .............. ........ ........ .............. .......ADM-13
Lighting Programs ................................................................................ADM-13
Intensity Parameters................................................................................... ADM-14
Rate Parameters .......... .............. ........ ......... .............. ........ .............. ........ .... ADM-14
Audio Parameters....................................................................................... ADM-15
Figure 1. Front and Rear Panels of the MiniController ................................ Intro-4
Figure 1 .1 D IP Switch Loc ation . ........ ............... ........ .............. ........ .............. ...... 1 -4
Figure 1.2 XLR Pin Configuration. ..................................................................... 1-4
Figure 1.3 System Cabling .................................................................................. 1-5
Figure 1.4 Audio Cabling ................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1.5 Connecting the Audio Cable ..............................................................1-6
Figure 2.1 Mini Controller Operation Process..................................................... 2-2
Figure 2.2 Audio Parameter Display ................................................................... 2-7
Table 1.1 Intensity/Duty Cycle Settings.............................................................. 1-2
Table 1.2 DMX Address Switch Setting ............................................................. 1-3
Table 2.1 Standard Programs Per Channel .........................................................2-3
Table 2.2 Intensity Program Functions ...............................................................2-5
Table 2.3 Rate Program Functions ...................................................................... 2-6
Table 2.4 Audio Rate or Intensity Manipulation Functions ............................... 2-8
Table A.1 Trouble Shooting Solutions ............................................................... A-2
Table ADM.1 Available Programs for One Fixture .....................................ADM-1
Table ADM.2 Available Programs for Two Fixtures ...................................ADM-2
Table ADM.3 Available Programs for Three Fixtures.................................ADM-3
Table of Contents
Table ADM.4 Available Programs for Four Fixtures...................................ADM-4
Table ADM.5 Available Programs for Five Fixtures....................................ADM-5
Table ADM.6 Available Programs for Six Fixtures .....................................ADM-6
Table ADM.7 Available Programs for Seven Fixtures.................................ADM-7
Table ADM.8 Available Programs for Eight Fixtures ..................................ADM-8
Table ADM.9 Available Programs for Nine Fixtures...................................ADM-9
Table ADM.10 Available Programs for Ten Fixtures................................ADM-10
Table ADM.11 Available Programs for Eleven Fixtures............................ADM-11
Table ADM.12 Available Programs for Twelve Fixtures...........................ADM-12
Table ADM.13 Advance Programs.............................................................ADM-13
Table ADM.14 Lightning Programs ...........................................................ADM-13
Table ADM.15 Random Functions.............................................................ADM-13
Table ADM.16 Intensity Parameters...........................................................ADM-14
Table ADM.17 Rate Parameters .................................................................ADM-14
Table ADM.18 Audio Parameters...............................................................ADM-15
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Congratulations and thanks for selecting the Mini Controller for the DATAFLASH® AF1000 Xenon Strobe Fixture from Lightwave Research®.
About This Manual
This manual provides the means to setup and operate Mini Controller. This manual is organized in the following sections:
Introduction—introduces you to this manual, the Mini Controller, provides hardware specifications, and technical support information.
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup—explains how to install the Min i Controller.
Chapter 2 Operation—explains how to configure, program, and play back data.
Appendix A Troubleshooting and Maintenance—provides directions for troubleshooting problems and general maintenance of your controller.
Appendix B Warranty Information—provides information on the DATAFLASH® AF1000 Mini Controller warranty.
Adde nd um – provides the contents of the existing programs.
Text Style
Throughout this manual, different types of text will be used to refer to its corresponding item:
a reference to specific key will look like: push the <
> button
a reference to a DIP switch will look like: DIP switch <1>
a reference to the LED display will look like:
Caution and Warni ng Symbols
The following international symbols appear in margins throughout this manual to highlight caution and warning messages.
Caution: This symbol appears adjacent to Caution messages. Ignoring these messages could result damage to equipment.
Warning: This symbol appears adj acent to High Voltage Warning messages. Ignoring these messages could result in serious personal injury.
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Safety Instructions
Heed all caution and warning messages throughout this manual and the documentation that accompanies your AF1000 strobes.
Servicing must be conducted by the manufacturer or other qualified service personnel. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
The Mini Controller for the DATAFLASH AF1000 s trobes is a powerful compact device that can control up to 12 channels of AF1000 strobes through 24 channels of USITT DMX-512 protocol. The intensity levels of the applicable channels are conveniently displayed by 12 LEDs. All programs can be edited for live control of the AF1000 strobes.
Up to 45 programs per channel
Controls up to 12 channels of
64 intensity steps
99 rate steps
7 Lightning effect programs
30 Audio synchronization and triggering parameters
Program Hold Mode
Two year warranty
Height : 8.9 cm (3.5 i n.) Width: 48.2 cm (18.97 in.) Depth: 6 cm (2.36 in.) Weight: 1.9 Kg (4.18 lbs.) Power Consumption: 13 W (100 mA) at 120 VAC (60 Hz.)
16 W (50 mA) at 240 VAC (50 Hz.)
Audio Input: 100 mV to a maximum of 1 V peak to peak
Getting Help
High End Systems Service pr ovides a help line should you encounter any problems during your installation or initial operation. Currently, service hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. (Central), M onday through Friday. The numbers are:
Voice lines: (512) 837-3063 or (800) 890-8989 Fax line: (512) 834-9195
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Mini Co ntroller Reference
Figure 1. Front and Rear Panels of the Mini Controller
1. <
> disables controller output of programs
2. <
> when held down, causes all connected
strobes to flash at full intensity for .15 seconds at 50 Hz. and .125 seconds at 60 Hz.
3. Up/down arrow keys increments values up/down
4. <
> provides access to current program,
Program Advance Mode, and Program Hold Mode
5. <
> provides access to the Rate paramet er s
6. <
> pr ovides acce ss t o the I nte nsi ty
7. <
> provides access to the audio parameters
8. Value display displays the current value or mode via two 7-segment LEDs
9. Program hold indicator LED when lit, Program Hold Mode is in use
10. Audio beat indicator LED indicates that an audio signal is present, the rate of the beat, and the strength of the audio signal
11. Output channel display LEDs indicates the intensity and operation of the applicable channels
12. Configuration DIP switches selects the number of output channels
13. Data Link Out 3-pin female XLR connector that provides serial DMX data to the strobes
14. Audio Input 1/4-i nch stereo input jack
15. Line cord Mini Controller AC power cable
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup
Chapter 1 Installati on and Setup
In this chapter you will:
unpack the Mini Controll er configure AF1000 strobesconfigure Mini Controllerinstall the contr oller’s cables
In this section you unpack your M ini Controller and verify that it arrived complete and without any damage.
Save the Shipping Materials
Do not discard the shipping cartons and packing materials. These cartons and packing materials are specifically designed to protect the controller during transport.
If you ever need to ship this product for repair or maintenance, please return it in its original shipping carton and packing materials. You will be billed for a new shipping carton and new packing materials if you return your controlle r in a non­factory shipping carton with non-factory packing materials.
Note: Before returning anything to the factory, be sure to call your High End
Systems Dealer/Distributor for a Return Authorization Number . The factory cannot accept any goods shipped without an RA number.
Inspect the Contents
The Mini Controller arriv e s in one carton, which contains the controller and this manual. If the controller was damaged in shipping, you must notify both the shipping agent and your sales agent immediately.
Mini Controller User’s Manual
Before You Begin
Caution: Before you begin the installation read the following safety precautions.
1. Read all warnings, precautions, and safety instructions listed in AF1000 User Manual.
2. Check the label on the back of the controller to ensure that the voltage is correct for your location.
3. Do not place the Mini Controller on the same circuit with the AF1000 str o b e s, as doing so may result in erratic actions by the controller.
4. Do not use DATAFLASH strobes with this controller. This controller is designed to operate DATAFLASH AF1000 strobes only. Protocol differences will result in erratic fixture behavior and possible component damage.
5. Do not mix the operational modes of the AF1000 strobes. Refer to the AF1000 User Manual for further informa tio n.
System Configuration and Set Up
This section covers the Configuration of the Mini Controller. Take careful consideration for the placement of the strobes. The programs were specifically designed for linear (1,2,3, etc.) (left to right, right to left) operation.
AF1000 Switch Settings
For the Mini Controller to properly operate the AF1000 strobes, the Personality and Address DIP switches on the AF1000 strobes must set. For information on accessing these switches, refer to your AF1000 User Manual. The Personality switches on each strobe must be set for the same intensity/duty cycle. Refer to Table 1.1.
Note: while mixed operational modes will work together, the fixtures will respond
at different intensities, causing the programs look differently then they were designed.
Table 1.1: Intensity /Duty Cycle Settings
Personality Switch On
Standard None
Architectural 6
Special Effect 7
Chapter 1 Installation and Setup
Next, each strobe must be set for two channel DMX mode. This is accomplished by setting Personality switches <3> and <4> to the On position (switch <5> must be in the off position).
Finally, set the fixture address switches to 1–23 (depending upon how many fixtures you have). Refer to Table 1.2 for the appropriate settings.
Notes: if a DMX channel is accidentally set for an even channel number, the
Intensity and Rate functions will be reversed causing the strobe to behave erratically. The Mini Controller can control more than twelve strobes, but additional AF1000 strobes must be set at duplicate addresses with other existing strobes.
Table 1.2: DMX Address Switch Setting
1 1 none 232 353 4 7 2, 3 594 6112, 4 7133, 4 8 15 2, 3, 4
9175 10 19 2, 5 11 21 3, 5 12 23 2, 3, 5
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