This is how your kit will arrive
When cutting the hardware package open use caution. The contents are
semi-coiled to fit in the box. They will spring open very quickly. You also
want to avoid cutting or losing any of the parts in the bag. Safest
method is to slide the carbon out one at a time, leaving the bag coiled.
All kits come with motor mount tube and screws. A poly-card with the
needed control horns (and other poly parts if needed) Heat shrink
tube(self adhering) for control horns (do not use CA with this). Wire for
z-bends is also included. Ohh, and lots of carbon fiber.
6mm x 1mm x 1000mm strip(3)
2mm x 1000mm rod (1)
1mm x 1000mm rod (2)
Poly Fiber Control Horn Card
Motor Mount Screws
Motor Mount Tubing
Adhesive Lined Heat Shrink
Wire For Z-bend
Formed Plastic Skids
A simple and very effective
method to prevent epp hinge
failure is to glue in fishing line. A
shallow slot is cut across hinge
line and a piece of fishing line is
inserted. Do this at both ends of
the hinge and at control horn.
It is possible to use many other
filaments. Various threads work
well, nylon, kevlar, etc. If using CA
be careful to avoid the glue
wicking into the pivot. Filament
packing tape also works very well
Notches will help lineup parts. Most
builders have a glue preference. Many
glues will work well for this.
Horizontal nose, midsection, wing panels
and elevator assemblies can all be glued
up with parts lying flat on build table. Only
thing to watch for is to not fill carbon slots
with glue.
The rectangular recess pockets are for
mounting servos. The servo arm should
pass through the corresponding slots.