Vetro Architectural Decorative FP03
4 5/8"
Swivel Joint
3/8" Steel Tubing
4 5/8"
4 5/8"
1 1/2"
3 3/4"
16 1/2"
2 1/4"
4 3/4"
10 1/2"
10 1/2"
Page 1 of 2 Pendant
* 2-wire neutral connection required at dimming control.
Ordering Information: Complete fixture consists of Powerhead + Inner Glass + Outer Glass + Suspension Kit. Each sold separately (ie PM32SA + PG01 + GL02 + SK01).
Flush Mount Kit
Close to Ceiling
Track Mount
Spec ID (reference only) Powerhead Inner Glass Outer Glass Suspension Kit Lamp Volts
Suspension Kit:
PM32SA PG01 GL02
PM150SA PG01 GL02
*See suspensions below
CFL, 26/32 120/ 277 V
Mark X Dimming 26/32W 120V
Mark X Dimming 26/32W 227V
T-4 Mini-Can 150W 120V
Cat. No Finish Description
Satin Aluminum Clear Metallic Straight Cord/Cable, 120" Length, (10') with canopy
Satin Aluminum Clear Metallic Straight Cord/Cable, 300" Length, (25') with canopy
Satin Aluminum 36" Length 3/8" Stem with canopy
Satin Aluminum 60" Length 3/8" Stem with canopy
Satin Aluminum Close to Ceiling Kit with canopy
Satin Aluminum Silver Track Mounting Kit with Clear Metallic Straight Cord/Cable, 120" Length, (10'). Not for use with IP03. (120V only)
1. Power Compartment: Die Cast and Machined Aluminum Components.
Brushed and Clear Lacquer Finish.
2. Primary Glass: Triplex Hand Blown Glass.
3. Decorative Glass Accessory: A straight of section Hand Blown Glass,
Die Cast Aluminum Holder Ring and Stainless Steel Support Pins.
Lamping (by others)
Compact Fluorescent:
General Electric Osram/Sylvania Philips
(1) 26W Triple Tube 4-Pin (Amalgam) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
F26TBX/*/A/4P CF26DT/E/IN/* PL-T26W/*/4P/Alto
(1) 32W Triple Tube 4-Pin (Amalgam) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
F 32 TB X/ */A /4 P CF32DT/E/IN/* PL-T32W/*/4P/Alto
*Manufacturers color temperature designation
Incandescent: E11 Base, Porcelain, Copper Nickel Plated Screw Shell.
Compact Fluorescent: 4-Pin, 26/32 watt base: GX24q-3
Lightolier is a Philips group brand
Electrical (continued)
Ballasts: Fluorescent: Electronic
26 Watts 32 Watts
Voltage 120 277 120 277
Max. Watts 28 28 38 36
Max. Line Current (Amps) .25 .11 .30 .13
cULus Listed. Suitable for Damp Locations.
Job Information Type:
Job Name:
Cat. No.:
631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
www.lightolier.com © 2008 Philips Group • A0508
Vetro Architectural Decorative FP03
Page 2 of 2 Pendant
Catalog No. FPO3/FP01, 32W Triple Tube, 2400 Lumens.
Angle Mean CP Angle Mean CP
0 140 95 123
5 157 100 122
10 194 105 119
15 232 110 116
20 256 115 112
25 267 120 106
30 265 125 99
35 254 130 92
40 235 135 84
45 212 140 75
50 190 145 66
55 175 150 57
60 163 155 47
65 153 160 37
70 146 165 26
75 139 170 14
Report No. 3095FR
SC = 2.0
80 133 175 5
85 127 180 2
90 122
Catalog No. FPO3/FP01, 26W Triple Tube, 1800 Lumens
Angle Mean CP Angle Mean CP
0 124 90 10 3
5 139 95 104
10 166 100 103
15 190 105 101
20 200 11 0 98
25 203 11 5 94
30 193 120 89
35 176 125 84
40 157 130 77
45 143 135 70
50 134 140 63
55 128 145 55
60 123 150 47
65 119 155 39
70 116 160 31
75 113 165 22
Report No. 3096FR
SC = .96
80 111 170 11
85 107 175 3
90 103 180 2
Zone Lumens
0-10 16.16
10-20 65.89
20-30 122. 49
30-40 15 8.1
40-50 163 .81
50-60 15 7.3 4
60 -70 152 .38
70-80 147.13
80-90 13 8.68
90 -100 133.65
100 -110 12 6.18
110 -120 110 .74
120 -130 8 9.16
130 -140 6 5.13
140 -150 41.84
150 -160 2 2.03
160 -170 7.6 7
170 -180 .78
Zone Lumens
0-10 14. 08
10-20 53.67
20-30 92.8 5
30-40 109.8
40-50 111. 18
50-60 114 .8 5
60 -70 118.45
70-80 119.92
80-90 116 .4 6
90 -100 11 3. 2
100 -110 109.7 3
110 -120 93. 24
120 -130 74.79
130 -140 54.55
140 -150 34 .75
150 -160 18.27
160 -170 6.37
170 -180 .58
Zone Lumens %Lamp %Fixt
0-30 204.54 8.5 11.9
0-40 362.64 15.1 21.1
0-60 683.78 28.5 39.8
0-90 1121.98 46.7 65.3
90-120 370.57 15.4 21.6
90-130 459.74 19.2 26.7
90-150 566.71 23.6 26.7
90-180 597.18 54.9 34.7
0-180 1719.16 71.6 100
Efficiency = 71.6% **
Zone Lumens %Lamp %Fixt
0-30 160.61 8.9 11.9
0-40 270.4 15 20
0-60 496.44 27. 6 36.7
0-90 851.27 4 7.3 62.9
90-120 3 13.17 1 7.4 2 3.1
90-130 3 87. 96 21. 6 28.7
90-150 477. 26 26.5 28.7
90-180 502.48 27.9 37.1
0-180 1353 .75 75.2 100
Efficiency = 75.1% **
Ceiling 80% 70% 50% 30%
Wall 70 50 30 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 0
RCR Zonal Cavity Method - Effective Floor Reflectance = 20%
Room Cavity Ratio
Determined In Accordance With Current IES Published Procedures
Ceiling 80% 70% 50% 30%
Wall 70 50 30 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 0
RCR Zonal Cavity Method - Effective Floor Reflectance = 20%
Room Cavity Ratio
Determined In Accordance With Current IES Published Procedures
0 79 79 79 79 75 75 66 66 58 58 47
1 70 66 62 58 61 55 54 49 47 43 43
2 63 56 50 46 52 43 46 38 40 34 27
3 57 48 42 37 45 35 40 31 34 28 22
4 52 42 36 31 40 29 35 26 30 23 18
5 47 38 31 26 35 25 31 22 27 20 18
6 43 34 27 22 32 21 28 19 24 17 13
7 40 30 24 19 28 18 25 17 22 15 11
8 37 27 21 17 26 16 23 15 20 13 10
9 34 25 19 15 23 14 21 13 18 12 9
10 32 23 17 13 22 13 19 12 17 10 8
Luminai re Input Wa tts = 33.0
0 83 83 83 83 78 78 68 68 59 59 47
1 73 68 64 60 64 57 55 50 48 43 34
2 65 58 52 47 54 45 47 39 40 34 26
3 59 50 44 38 47 36 41 32 35 28 21
4 54 44 37 32 41 30 36 27 31 23 18
5 49 39 32 27 37 26 32 23 27 20 15
6 45 35 28 23 33 22 29 20 25 17 13
7 42 31 25 20 30 19 26 17 22 15 11
8 39 28 22 18 27 17 23 15 20 13 10
36 26 20 16 24 24 15 22 13 19 12 9
10 34 24 18 14 22 13 20 12 17 11 8
Luminai re Input Wa tts = 29.0
Catalog No. IP03/IP01 150W T-4, 950 Lumens.
Angle Mean CP Angle Mean CP
0 229 95 116
5 226 100 115
10 236 105 113
15 234 11 0 110
20 204 115 106
25 183 120 10 0
30 16 5 12 5 94
35 148 130 87
40 135 135 79
45 125 140 71
50 121 145 62
55 119 15 0 53
60 118 15 5 44
65 119 16 0 34
70 119 16 5 24
75 119 170 12
Report No. 3094FR
80 119 175 3
85 116 18 0 1
90 115
Lightolier is a Philips group brand
Zone Lumens
0-10 21. 93
10-20 64.1 8
20-30 84.37
30-40 93.08
40-50 94.43
50-60 106 .86
60 -70 118
70-80 125.89
80-90 12 7.1
90 -100 126 .29
100 -110 11 9. 43
110 -120 10 4.78
120 -130 84.33
130 -140 61.3 5
140 -150 39.33
150 -160 20.57
160 -170 6.98
170 -180 .59
Zone Lumens %Lamp %Fixt
0-30 17 0.48 6 .1 12.2
0-40 263.56 9 .4 18. 8
0-60 4 67. 85 16 .7 33.4
0-90 838.84 30 59.8
90-120 35 0.51 12 .5 25
90-130 434.83 15 .5 31
90-150 53 5.51 19 .1 31
90-180 563.65 2 0.1 40.2
0-180 140 2.49 5 0.1 100
Efficiency = 50.1% **
Ceiling 80% 70% 50% 30%
Wall 70 50 30 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 0
RCR Zonal Cavity Method - Effective Floor Reflectance = 20%
Room Cavity Ratio
Determined In Accordance With Current IES Published Procedures
0 55 55 55 55 51 51 38 44 38 38 30
1 48 45 42 40 42 37 31 32 31 28 21
2 43 38 34 31 36 29 26 25 26 22 16
3 39 33 29 25 31 24 22 21 22 18 13
4 35 29 25 21 27 20 20 17 20 15 11
5 33 26 21 18 24 17 18 15 18 13 9
6 30 23 19 15 22 15 16 13 16 11 8
7 28 21 17 13 20 13 15 11 15 10 7
8 26 19 15 12 18 11 13 10 13 9 6
9 24 17 13 11 16 10 15 9 12 8 6
10 22 16 12 10 15 9 14 8 11 7 5
Luminai re Input Wa tts = 150
Job Informationv Type:
631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
www.lightolier.com © 2008 Philips Group • A0508