Liftmaterial F5021B, SM01, SM02, SM03, F5021 User Manual

Lift controller 32 bit system
version E02.2(MA)
Table of Contents
Product characteristics.......................................................................1
Scope of operation...............................................................................1
2.System overview..............................................................................................3
Main module SM01.............................................................................3
Car module SM02................................................................................3
Command Modue SM03.....................................................................3
Floor module SM04.............................................................................3
Special module SM09..........................................................................4
funktional overview.............................................................................4
3. Operation equipment....................................................................................7
Operation of the system:.....................................................................8
Log - in:................................................................................................8
Window with status in the submenu „Monitor“..............................8
Adjusting Parameters in submenu Para.Select................................9
different functions (Func.Select)......................................................11
4.Menu tree & parameter...............................................................................13
Basic parameters (Main Para.)........................................................14
Inspection parameter (Insp.Option)................................................14
Driving cycle parameter (S-Curve).................................................14
Multistep-parameter (Multi Speed).................................................15
Door parameter (Door Control).......................................................16
Adjusting floor display (Flr.Disp.)...................................................17
Enabling floors (Service Flr.)...........................................................18
Blocking florrs (Floor Block)...........................................................18
Defining coercive stop (Comp. Stp.)................................................18
Defining the building fill-up/dump (Heavy Traf.)..........................18
5.Shaft copy......................................................................................................21
re-levelling sensor:.............................................................................22
Adjusting switch................................................................................22
Inspection end switch........................................................................22
Intelligent magnetic sensor iMS45...................................................23
Design and functionality...................................................................23
Assembly diagram iMS45_POS.......................................................24
Assembly diagram iMS45_SPD (only for controller without a
machine room)...................................................................................24
6.SM01 F5021 main board..............................................................................25
SM01 circuit points:..........................................................................25
7.SM02/SM03 carmodule................................................................................29
reference note:...................................................................................29
SM02 circuit Points...........................................................................29
SM03 Push button module...............................................................31
8.SM02/H Controlcabinet module.................................................................33
9.SM09IO/B Expansion board.......................................................................35
10.SM02/G Car box module...........................................................................37
11.SM04HRF floor module.............................................................................39
Security circle....................................................................................41
optional security switches.................................................................41
circuit of security...............................................................................42
Possible sources of error:..................................................................43
Additional controll by the controller...............................................43
Scan-circuit of the security circle.....................................................43
Relay for precontrolling....................................................................44
Trip monitoring.................................................................................44
Complementary notes for inspection:.............................................44
Isolation reading:...............................................................................45
13.Triggering of the frequency inverter........................................................47
Triggering Multistep binary.............................................................47
Driving cycle......................................................................................48
speed and distances for brake..........................................................48
14.List of parameter........................................................................................49
15.Error codes..................................................................................................59
Manual F5021B - F5021 Main board
1. F5021 Main board
Product characteristics
32bit processor ARM7 industrial
Doubble-processor-architektur for
extended security needs
2x CAN interfaces separate for internal
and external communication
high EMV-stability (EFT-4000V)
high ESD- stability (ESD 8000V)
certified for EN81, GB7588, CE
Functionallity area
For rope- and hydraulik-lifts
A lot of functions possible to parametize for nearly all kinds of lifts.
Lifts from 0,63m/s to 4m/s.
Up to 64stops, also with selective door controlling
Replace the 16bit-board F2021 (longtime supply with replacement parts is secured)
Analoge or digital triggering of the frequency inverter respectively chopper.
Shaftdetection via incremental shaft encoder (RS422, HTL, SSI)
Duplex groupe function integrated, possible to exted up to group times 8
Weight compensation at start-up with according weight measuring system.
ID-card system (credit card -transponder) possible to integrate.
Remote control locally and globally
Graphical LCD direct on board or a separate controller.
Description of Drive cycle, on- and off- activities, status information etc.
Error information memory (20 digits) with real-time coverage and full text advice.
As standard are 2 cabine doors, possible to expand for 3 doors.
Lot of special features, e.g. automatical evacuation with choose of direction conditioned to the weight.
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Manual F5021B - System overview
2.System overview
SmartCom is a modern, based on newest technology controller system, especially for elevators. The system basically composed of following components:
Main module SM01
Car module SM02
Command-module SM03
Floor module SM04
Expansion module SM09
Different variations of the serveral modules make the best and optimized adjustment of the controller system possible for the respective lift and the requested functionallity area. Based on the never changing CAN-journal its possible to realize controller for simple and complex lifts. All components are, due to the CAN-systems, nearly in any order possible to be combined, and after all possible to be extended.
Main module SM01
The main module is in the Controlcabinet and is the heart of the controller. It contains all functions, especially trigging the handler, recognitize the possition of the lift and lots of special features, which are normally directed to the shaft and the engine room. It is communicating with the other modules via CAN-Bus.
Car module SM02
All functions, which are directed to the car, are done by the car module. It is linked via CAN with the main module. There are two possible options, the „classic“ with only one module SM02/03, and from now on the, with 32bit Board F5021 established „spreaded“ option. In this case there are each a SM02/H in the Inspection box and a SM02/G in the car operation panel (COP) used. Due to this, the till now needed 36pin cable from the Inspection box to the COP, is reduced to a maximum of 12 pins. Now the connection for up to 3 cabinet tableas (2
door side, console panel via CAN is really easy.
Command-module SM03
This module is connected with the cabinet module. It is possible to connect 8 of these modules with one SM02. One command module allocate 8 entrances for inside commands and 8 outputs for the respective indication.
Floor module SM04
Modules of this kind of art can be used as well as floor display in the car or as floor module with floor display and driving display at the floors. The addressing is really simple without any tools, by settings via the floor push buttons or via the DIL-switches. The SM04 is available in different forms: horizontal, vertikal and vertikal slim. The Displays are different in their kind of art and coverage and it is also possible to be manufactered client-specific. They are all communicating via CAN-Bus and can be teamed together nearly in any order.
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Manual F5021B - System overview
At the floors, the Exterior call buttons and key buttons will be conected with the AM04 modules (Display + CAN-module) for special features. Newer modules also allow the conection of a speaker to make possible the, in EN81-70 required, „tones“.
Extra module SM09
Via this module client specific special features can be complemented without changing the central module. For example the conection to lift-maintenance-systems of the client or additional alerts, etc.
Function overview
Standardfunktionen 1 Collectioncontrolling Collecting hall calls with respect on the given direction 2 Inspection Drive Manual drive up and down. Within the area of doors, the door open
button can be used for opening the door.
3 Self liberation with slow drive In case of missing the door area within the normal mode, the lift is
driving slowly with closed safets circuit into flush position and open the door.
4 Test dive For Testcases, the lift can do a indicated number of accidentally test
5 Real time clock Errors are registred with date and time. Time-dependent funktions can
be activated.
6 Time to keep doors open Dependent of the kind of call(interior, exterior, service, special call), the
time to deep doors open can be indicated.
7 Door opening by lokal call Is the lift allready in the floor from which the call comes, the door
opens. With the Door open button, the door can be keept in open position
8 Early door closing With the Close door button, the door can be closed, earlier than the keep
door open time frame.
9 Forced opening of doors Inside the door area, with the Door open botten, the door opening can be
forced for closed doors or doors which are actually close.
10 Controlling of door closing.
(return motion automatic)
In case the bar is not closed within 15 sec. after arrival at the door-close­endswitch, the door open again for a new try.
11 Controlling of door opening In case that 15 seconds after the door opened and the door-opend-
endswitch is not activated, the door is closing until further command. 12 Call cancel By doubble-pushing a call button, the call is canceled. 13 Terminal stops At paramount stage the up command gets canceled, at the lowermost
stage the down command gets canceled. 14 Direct drive Direct drive without rat run. This function is activated at standard when
incremental detection and analog trigger of the inverter.
The driving cycle is preset by the controller. There are no special
demands on the inverter. 15 Cabinet full If full load, the cabinet do not stop anymore for hall calls. 16 Cabinet light cut off After 5 minutes without any activity, the cabinet light will be switched
off. 17 Park drive After an indicated time without any activity, the lift drives to the main
purchase postion. 18 LCD controller Graphical display with comprehensive status informations and menu
navigation. 19 Analoge speed control The rotation speed of the frequency inverter is triggered by the analog
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Manual F5021B - System overview
20 Digitale speed control Alternatively the speed can be controlled via contactors 21 Error memory The last 20 Errors get saved and displayed with information of time,
floor and error code. 22 Learn trip for schaft information The controller is learning with encoders and floor flags the bulk of the
schaft and stopping distance. After that, the lift can merge into standard
mode. 23 Floor approval Free adjustments of floors, which can be departed. 24 Adjustment of the floor display The icons, which should appear in the respective floors, can be free
adjusted to a large extent. 25 Liftboy control The lift gets drived via interior control manually. Hall calls will be
served. 26 Priority inside Hall calls are deactivated only interior calls are effective. The door must
be closed with the door-close-button. The Push-button have to be
compressed until the close-door-end-switch is activated. 27 LED-dot matrix-display,
LCD graphic-display
At every stop there ist a dot matrix display with floor update, direction
and status. The user can see that there is something going on. 28 Display with roll function Respectively to the drive direction, the display is „rolling“. 29 Automatic schaft data correction Continously the schaft datas gets corrected 30 Remote off The lift can be shut down, but before all still open cabinet commands
need to be completed. 31 Door only opens inside the door
Outside the door areas, the cabinet doors can not be opened.
32 Safty light barrier/ light gate The safty light barrier/ light gate gets evaluated by the controller. In case
of activation, the controller avoids closing the door. 33 Overload In case of overload, the door stay open and an alert sounds (buzzer) 34 Abuse recognition If the cabinet is empty (empty load) the number of cabinet calls is
bordered. 35 Stop in case of wrong agitator
In case the controller recognize a wrong agitator direction the handler
gets stopped. 36 Drive inspection (skidding) If the cabinet is not moving despite active handler, the handler gets
stopped after 40 seconds (drive inspection). New drives only possible
after Reset. 37 Inspection of traction In case of cabinet is moven despite deadlock, alarm get raised. 38 Inspections end switch The inspections end switch avoid, that the lift drives to the emergency
limit switch during inspections, return motion drives or learn trip. 39 Contactor monitoring The controller check at every drive the correct functionallity of the main
contactors and brake contactor . 40 Speed monitoring If over speed is detected an emergency stop will be effected 41 CPU monitoring The processor is monitored by watchdog, if needed restarted.
Optionale functions 1 preopening doors Using safty circuit 2 relevelling with open doors Using safty circuit. At hydraulic lifts standard function 3 Fire controll In case of fire signal the lift drive to the fire floor and stay there with
open door. 4 Fireman control All commands get canceled and the lift drives to the fire floor stage.
Now the firemen can use the lift. The door is not open atuomatically, but
have to be opened with the door-open-button. Unhand the button makes
the doors closing immediatelly.
European (EN81) und Russian (PUBEL) variant. 5 Additional COP It is easy to install a second car operation panel 6 COP for 2
door Selective door control
7 Disabled COP Particular COP (e.g. desk COP) for disabled people (longer door
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Manual F5021B - System overview
opening times) 8 Duplex-function Via the second CAN-Bus 2 lifts can be conectetd to a two- groupe. The
lifts than parting calls respective to the actual situation; so it can be
achieved that the times of waiting can be reduced to a minimum. In
addition there can be activated a function, that, if there are no more open
calls, the one of the lifts which is nearer the main stop position, gets
driven there an keep it prepared there. 9 Group function With a optional group controler board, lift groups with up to 8 lifts can
be realized. The group control collects the hall calls and allocate these
respectivlly to the condition of the several lifts in order to reach short
time of waiting. 10 Rush hour handling – fill up
Via internal time frame inputs, the capacity can be adapted to the
building. (type office buildings) 11 Rush hour handling – clear building Via internal time frame inputs, the capacity can be adapted to the
building. (type office buildings) 12 Distribution of waiting lifts If there are no more open calls, the lifts of the groupe get distributed
after 1 min. in the buildding, means one drives to main stop position, the
others disperse themself, in order to achieve shorte waiting times. 13 Interface to building control service
RS485 interface for connection to a PC of the building control service
engineering. 14 Remote control The lift can be integrated into a region comprehensive remote control
system. 15 Lift arrival gong During the drive in, the gong on the cabin roof or under the cabin floor,
about the arrival of the lift. 16 direction indicator HOP Inside the exterior panels it is possible to instal an optical and akustical
continued travel display. 17 Floor gong For every stop an lift arrival gong can be arranged. 18 Card reader in the cabin With a transponder card, either a specific call can be activated or
defined calls can be approved. 19 Card reader at the floor Approval of exterior calls 20 Selective door triggering Frontside and backside of the lift can be controlled seperatly. 21 Scramble After one minute the door is closing slowling despite of the safty light
barrier. 22 VIP Service A key switch in exterior panels cancels all hall calls and fetches the
empty cabin. Now multiple interior calls can be done. After these calls
are done, the lift change back to standard handling. 23 PIN entry via Push buttons For certain floor approvals the Push buttons can be used for entering a
PIN. 24 Local controlled floor approval For several and duplex lifts a changed floor approval via key switch can
be activated. 25 Via group controlled floor approval Floor approvals can be temporary changed via the group add-on. 26 Temporary block of sereral floors Temporary, the user can block floors 27 Automatic evakuation In case of black out with following auxiliary power supply, the cabine
will be driven to the next stop. 28 Auxiliary power supply evakuation For lift groups an evakuation will be done separate one after another 29 Earthquake function Lift get stopped during the drive and will be driven to the evaktuaion
stop. 30 Voice message Serial and parallel access for voice message
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Manual F5021B - Operation equipment
3. Operation equipment
Overview of push button functions:
Next parameter/ menu item Increase the number of selected decimal Former parameter/ menu item Decrease the number of selected decimal Jump 10 parameters back, one decimal place to the left Jump 10 parameters forward, one decimal place to the right
ENTER Access parameter menu
parameter set/adopt ESC Parameter/menu item leaving F1 2x F1 3x F1
Hot key: change from status-window to
error display, to encoder diagnostic and
to CAN-diagnostic
F2 2x F2
Hot key: change to call entry and to
status display of in-/outputs.
F3 Hot key: to travel cycle display All functions from F1 to F3 also accessable via the
Optional a control element can be directly inserted on board F5021B, or the external control element can be connected with a special cable with the 9pin Sub-D-linkage JP15. The USB-plug of the cable have to be pluged in the left plug (RS485). A plug­in into the right plub by mistake arose no claims, the control element is just not working.
Attention! Never use the special cable to link with the PC. The PC can be damaged!
Again Attention!
The inserted control element and the external control element may not be connected at the same time! In case this occurs, there won´t be any damage, but the parameter are not possible to be setted because two control elements at one time are not allowed to access the parameter memory!
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D1:driving D2: up D3: down D4: error
Floor or error code
LCD with status Menu, etc.
Manual F5021B - Operation equipment
The handling via the inserted control element and the external control element are identical. The external control element processes additionally to the shortcuts F1, F2 and F3 whereby assinged diagnostic-windows directly can be recalled. At the inserted control element all windows only accessable via the menu.
In order to see the status and for setting parameters, first you have to log-in. In case you are not logged in yet, it is displayed after pushing the ENTER button the window for log-in. By default the password is „1234“. After log-in it is possible to change this in „Chg.Password“. Attention! Do not forget the password!. The controller can without password only in the factory be unlocked!
The complete menu tree you can find in: “Menu tree & parameter“. The start window shows mode, group status, journey counter, floor, speed and the
actual activity. With Enter you can change to the main menu. Repushing Enter show you the monitor-menu auf, which occupies all diagnostic windows.
Status window in Submenu „Monitor“
Run State is the start window. In the first line you can see the mode (Normal, Inspection, Fire Return,
Firemen, Park) and the group status (Simplex, Group). Among the journey counter, floor, speed and actual activity.
In Call. Func. are displayed the actuall calls and it is also possible to enter calls (with the arrow buttons on the respective call and Enter).
Cabin call, hall calls for up and down.
Speed Curve is the graphical display of the as-is-value (of the encoder) of the speed.
Above it is displayed the actual speed value and the time of journey.
At the window Input&Output it is possible to display all outputs and inputs. With the up/down-buttons you can switch between the several 16fold groups. With the right/left-buttons a single input/output can be marked. Than in the line among is shown the function of the input/output.
The marking X (inputs SM01) and Y (outputs SM01), also TX (inputs SM02) and TY (outputs SM02) you can find again in the diagram.
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Start window
Main menu
Manual F5021B - Operation equipment
In the error memory (Fault Record) there are displayed the last 20 errors with date, time and floor.
The latest error is displayed at first. With up/down you can move between the items in the list. With Enter an
additional window pops up, in which date, time and full-text-error message is displayed.
The list Shaft Data contains the floor postions in mm which were identified at the learn trip. If there are problems in the shaft selection you can really fast identify if the floors were learned correctly.
The two windows Encoder Eva and Communication are helpful if you have problems with the encoder or the CAN-bus.
In the version window are shown date and version number of the firmware. Before doing an update it should be checked if the new software is really more active than the allready existing version.
Parameter setting in the sub menu Para.Select
Via the parameter menu you can access to the numerous parameters. There are parameter groups, in which the parameters combined thematically (e.g. engine or door parameter), as well as a list in which all parameters are sorted by numbers.
Most of the parameters can only be setted in the inspection or return motion mode. If the alert window shows up, switch to inspection.
All parameter are achived as 16bit integer. Most of them are shown as decimal, with adjustment value (e.g. means the value 50 at a device of 0,1s a parameter value of 5 seconds).
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Manual F5021B - Operation equipment
Some parameters are available as bitmask. Indeed is shown the decimal, at once you want to set the value, it will be shown as bitmask and you can set it with right/left button (move between the bits) and up/down button (* means setted/ - means canceled). In the line below shows up the description of the bit. Thus you can configure e.g. for every several input the logic (*NC/-NO)
Lvl.Mic.Adj. allows you the correction of serverl precisions in all floo rs. Normally this is not necessary as the floors get messured at the learn trip.
Multi Speed contains all parameters, which are necessary for the handling of the frequency inverters in multistep-mode (prallel control).
Door Control allows you to set parameter for the lift-door-control.
Flr.Disp. Guides you to the list with floor displays. For every floor it is possible to do the settings for the displayed letter-combination. (at Step SM04 displays). At the same time, the display code configure the voice message, which get annouced at the respective floor when lift drives in. The display codes are configured in a table in the attachment.
Service Floor configure the floors, which are approved. Furthermore floors can be configured, which are only can be unblocked via key-switch.
Block Floor allow the locking of a floor by time or key-switch.
Comp. Stop (forced stop) define stops, at which the lift by passing enforced stops. In some cases it make sence for hotels.
Heavy Traf. Allows the configuration of the function fill-u p building and clear building. By this, especially for office buildings, it is possible to improve the hoisting capacity.
In Test Run it is possible to configure the parameter F34 to a number of journeys, the lift have to do test journeay without any commands (accidentially).
Para. Setup is the access to the complette parameter list.
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Manual F5021B - Operation equipment
Reset restores all parameters to factory setting. This should only be done if absolutly necessary. Before Reset there have to be entered a number in order to avoid to do a reset by mistake.
Attention! After entry of the number the reset of all parameters starts without any further query!
F146 necessarily have to be setted to “0“!
Different functions (Func.Select)
Time Setup: Configuration of the real time clock. This is used for Error recording and the time relevant floor approvals and the function s fill-up building and clear building.
Door Teach: Detect by opening and closing the function of the door-end­switches.
Shaft Teach:learn trip, have to be done before switch to standard mode (after installation or change of door positions). Door, bus, shaft selection and cabine light have to operate correctly. After activation of the learn trip, the lift is driving self-consistent to the lowermost stop and starts the learn trip. As soon as the learn trip is finished, the lift can be switched to standard mode. If an Error occours, the learn trip is stopped with an error message.
Reset Para.F: Restore to factory setting!!! Reset Errco.: Clearance of the error memory!
Error Reset: Reset after Lift Error (fatal error) as e.g. drive monitoring, contactor monitoring, brake monitoring, etc.
Relogin: Log out and if so new log in. Normally after 10 minutes without operation the log out is automatically.
Chg.Password: Changing password. Attention! Do not forget password! Only possible to can be restored without password in the factory!
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Manual F5021B - Menu tree & parameter
4.Menu tree & parameter
Func.SelectMonitor Run State Statu s of the lift (Floor, speed,. etc.)
Call Func Enter and display calls Speed Curve Graphical display of the speed curve Input&Output Status of the inputs and outputs Fault Record Error memory Shaft Data List of floor values Encoder Analysis of encoder Communicat. Analysis of CAN-system Version Display of software version
Para.Select Main Para. Basic parameter
Insp.Option Inpection parameter S-Curve Travel cycle parameter Lvl.Mic.Adj Fine adjustment precision Multi Speed Parameter for multistep operation Door Control Door-parameter Flr.Disp. Adjustment of floor display Service Flr. Floor approval Block Flr. Floor blocking (access control) Comp.Stop Define forced stops Heavy Traf. Fill-up build ing/ clear building Test Run Number of accidential test drives Para.Setup All parameters in one list Reset Restore to factory setting!
Func.Select Time Setup Configure time
Door Teach Learns door-end-switches Shaft Teach learn trip shaft Reset Para.F Parameter to factory setting Reset Errco. Reset Error memory
Error Reset Reset from error mode Relogin Again log-in Chg.Password Password change
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Manual F5021B - Menu tree & parameter
Basic-parameter (Main Para.)
No. Standard Description Advise
F6 1m/s Nominal speed lift F7 1450rpm Nominal rotation speed engine F8 1024ppr Encoder pulses F24 1 Trigger of FU analog F11 18 Number of floors F182 1 Number of delay switches F60 3 motor contactors : 3= K1 and K2 after the
inverter and monitored F36 0 Break-monitoring-switch, 0= no monitoring F153 0 Door lock det. type F156 1 Safety loop type F62 32 Journey time monitoring. For test set to 2s. F25 35296 Configureing, if the several inputs wired as
closer (NO=normally open) or as opener
(NC=normally closed).
Depends on the diagram and the conected
Bitmasks F26 83 F27 835 F28 0 F23 0
Group function 0Simplex, or rather Duplex-master 1Duplex Slave 2for external groupe processor 3at group-ring (look at F181)
F181 0
Lift number within a group: minimum value have most priority. (F32=3)
0~7; for F23=3
Inspections-parameter (Insp.Option)
No. Value Description Advise
F201 0 at 1 it is possible to drive above the reference-journey-end-switch For test purpose F200 0 Distance for early stop at paramount stop (headgear) mostly UK F40 Top Access Dis. F42 Bot.Access Dis. F64 1 0= no door operation for inspection F165 Bit 1=0 Bit 1 avoid movements of door at inspection (door B)
Travel cycle parameter (S-Curve)
No. Value Description Advise
F0 0,55m/s² Acceleration F1 0,55m/s² Deceleration F2 1,3s Rounding at start
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Manual F5021B - Menu tree & parameter
No. Value Description Advise
F3 1,1s Rounding at the change to constant drive F4 1,1s Rounding at leaving of constant drive F5 1,3s Rounding at stopping F12 0,25m/s Inspection speed VI F13 0,06m/s Levelling speed VN F48 Down Rev. Speed F183 0,8m/s learn trip speed (for analog-trigger) F21 6mm
V0 stop distance
F175 0,06m/s Creep speed at start F186 0,5s Time of creep speed at start F180 100,00% Analog value at nominal speed (Vmax) F16 0,2 Time between inverter run signal and break release F58 0,5 Deceleration of the driving cycle at start F17 0,6 Deceleration of break after rotation speed Zero F122 0,3s Time between break off and direction off F141 0,5s Time between inverter run signal off and motor contactors
F144 0 Time between inverter direction off and inverter run signal
off F56 50 Stopping distance up, >100 stop with creep speed F57 50 Stopping distance down, >100 stop with creep speed F126 300mm Short-journey deceleration distance F193 0 Empty load-compensation Only relevant for very high
assets in order to balance the weight of the ropes.
F194 0 Full load compensation lowmost stop F195 0 Full load compensation paramount stop
Multistep-parameter (Multi Speed)
No. Value Description Advise
F32 0
Type of frequency inverter: 0: YASKAWA,CT,FUJI,iAStar 1SIEMENS 2: KEB 3: MICO 4: SIEI 5: Dietz 6: NEW FUJI 7: user-defined (look at F240~F249)
F63 2
Number of drive positions at Multistep-controler of inverter
F16 0,2s
Deceleration between inverter run signal and break contactor on.
F17 0,6s
Deceleration between inverter stop command and break contactor off
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Manual F5021B - Menu tree & parameter
No. Value Description Advise
F58 0,5s
Deceleration between FU run signal and start of drive cycle
F122 0,3s
Time between break off and FU drive signal off (speed and direction) .
F141 0,5s
Follow-up time of the engine-schuetze: approval off=>Schuetze off.
F144 0,000s
Follow-up FU-approval after switch off the direction signal.
F21 6mm
V0 stop distance
F45 1,300m
Breaking distance for V1 (floor drive)
F46 2,900m
Breaking distance for V2 (2 floors drive)
F47 4,000m
Breaking distance for V3 (more floors drive)
F157 5,500m
Breaking distance for V4 at 4 floors drive (for fast lifts)
F158 6,500m
Breaking distance for V5 at 5 floors drive (fast lifts)
F126 300
Short drive deceleration distance
F143 0
F147 0
F56 0
Fine adjustment for stopping upwards: 50 for direct drive in, >100 with creep speed
F57 0
Fine adjustment for stopping downwards: 50 for direct drive in, >100 with creep speed
F240 0 Release brake
User defined Multistep control of the frequency inverter: F24 = 0F32 = 7
F241 4 Inspection slow F242 4 Releveling F243 3 Creep speed F244 4 Inspection fast F245 5 Speed floor-drive-in F246 6 Speed 2-floor-drive-in F247 7 Speed 3-floor-drive-in F248 1 Speed 4-floor-drive-in F249 2 Speed 5-floor-drive-in
door Parameter (Door Control)
No. Value Description Advise
F50 65535 Door A approval floor 1 to 16 F51 65535 Door A approval floor 17 to 32 F52 65535 Door A approval floor 33 to 48 F191 65535 Door A approval floor 49 to 64 F53 0 Door B approval floor 1 to 16 F54 0 Door B approval floor 17 to 32
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