Lifeline SX319 Instructions For Using Manual

IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr UUssiinngg
TThhee LLiiffeelliinne
PPeerrssoonnaall HHeellpp BBuuttttoonn SSXX33119
About Your Personal Help Button
Your Lifeline Personal Help Button is powered by a long-life lithium battery. It is dust
proof and waterproof* so that it can be worn in the shower or bath.
Slimline Personal Help Buttons are designed to be worn as a pendant on an adjustable neckcord or can be converted to wristwear using the enclosed wriststrap.
To shorten the neck cord
With a “tab” between your first finger and thumb of each hand, gently slide both tabs apart in line with your shoulders.
Pull “single” strand of neckcord while sliding tab to back. Repeat on other side.
To install the wriststrap
Remove the watch pins at
each end of the button by inserting a small paper clip or similar tool into the hole on both outside edges.
Position the wriststrap over
the back of the button and insert the watch pins over the
ap into the pin holes.
*To a maximum depth of 4 feet of water. The Personal Help Button cannot transmit a signal while
submerged in water.
To adjust the wriststrap
Lift the fastener to loosen
the wriststrap.
Adjust wriststrap to desired
length and close fastener
The wriststrap will slide easily
on and off the wrist with no further adjustment needed.
SSaavvee TThheessee IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr FFuuttuurree RReeffeerreenncce
Important Safety Instructions
Please read all instructions.
Test the operation of your PHB each month and after every cleaning.
Do not remove the label. Your Personal Help Button is waterproof provided the label is firmly in place. If the label is removed, peeling off or damaged in any way, the button must be replaced. Your button will not send a signal while submerged in water. Your Personal Help Button is not intended for machine washing or drying.
Do not use any attachment or accesory that is not ind­eded for use with your PHB.
our PHB is factory serviceable only. There are no user
Y replaceable parts inside the PHB.
Replacing Your PHB
Your Personal Help Button has an internal, non-replaceable battery and will send a low battery signal when it needs to be replaced.
Cleaning Your Personal Help Button
Your Personal Help Button is designed to be worn in the shower or bath. You can submerge your button in warm water for easy cleaning. Before you start, turn off the power switch on the communicator to ensure that a false “help” call will not accidentally be sent to the response center. Wash the button with a mild, liquid dishwashing
gent, then rinse and dry with a soft to
FCC Warning and
User Notification Requirement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications no expressly approved by Lifeline System for compliance could void your authority to
operate the equipment.
This apparatus complies with the class“B” limits for radio inter­ference as specified in the Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference regulations.
FFiieelldd SSttrreennggtthh........................................LLeessss tthhaann 55990000 MMVV//mm aatt 33m
OOppeerraattiinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy....................331199..55 MMHHz
MMooddee ooff TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn................PPuullssee MMoodduullaattiioon
DDaattaa SSoouurrccee................................................IInntteerrnnaall OOnnllyy
TTyyppee ooff MMoodduullaattiioonn........................PPuullssee PPoossiittiioon
OOccccuuppiieedd BBaannddwwiiddtthh....................331199 MMHHzz--332200 MMHHz
EEmmiissssiioonn DDeessiiggnnaattoorr....................6600KK00LL11D
PPoowweerr OOuuttppuutt........................................1100 mmiiccrroowwaatttts
UUssee aanndd PPuurrppoossee ............................SSeeee IInnssttrruuccttiioonns
RRaattiinngg ............................................................33 VVDDCC,, ..000066A
One or more of the following US Patents may apply to this product: D277,465, 4,524,243, 4,656,319, 4,760,593, 4,622,544, 4,908,602, 4,884,059, D313,363, D313,362, 4,064,368, 3,989,900, 5,091,930
One or more of the following Canadian Patents may apply to this product: 1,274,930, 1,256,613
©2006 Lifeline Systems, Inc. Printed in USA P/N 0940493 Rev. 01