B. As the skin is worked down over
the core, the tubing may slip from
the channel slightly. The tubing
can usually be slipped back into
position after the skin is slid
completely onto the core.
5. Work Fingers into Place
Guide the fingers and thumb carefully
into the proper holes as the skin is
slipped further down on the core. (See
figure 7.) If you encounter resistance,
simply slide the skin back an inch or
two from the fingers and begin again.
6. Draw Skin Tightly over Core
A. After the fingers are positioned
in the hand, slide the skin over
the remainder of the core to
provide a snug fit. (See figure 8.)
B. If air is trapped in the fingers, a
22-gauge needle can be used to
puncture the fingertip and allow
the air to escape.
7. Check Tubing Location
Feel along the tubing channels to be
certain that the tubing is properly
seated. If it has slipped out of its
channel, it can usually be moved
back into position by working it with
your fingers on the outside of the skin.
List of Components
• Replacement Skin
• Lace Tie
• Life/form® Lubricant
• Vein Tubing
1. Remove Old Skin and Veins
A. To remove the old skin from the
arm, open the tie at the top end
of the arm. Then, coat the exterior
skin lightly with the lubricant and
strip off the skin so that it will be
inside out when you finish. (See
figures 1 and 2.)
B. Remove the old vein tubing by
pulling the tubing out of the
channel in the arm core.
2. Place New Tubing in Channel
Double the tubing to find the
approximate center and place in
the groove of the core, starting with
the center of the tubing at the center
of the front of the wrist. (See figure 3.)
3. Lubricate Skin
A. Pour the remaining lubricant into
the skin, allowing lubricant to run
down the sides. (See figure 4.)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
B. Squeeze the skin between extend-
ed hands. Work hands back and
forth, up and down the skin to
coat the inside of the skin thor oughly. (See figure 5.)
4. Slide Skin On
A. Grasping the skin with both hands,
slide the skin down over the core
until the fingers are approaching
the finger hole. (See figure 6.)
Caution: Work the skin on gently.
Pulling hard on the end of the
skin will stretch the material.