Lifan LF 620 User Manual [ru]

Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Great appreciation for your preference on LF620 sedan! Please read this manual carefully for driving and maintaining correctly.
Please follow the indications ofsafety instructionandvehi cle damag ein the manual to avoid personal injury and vehicle damage.
Safety Marks
The indications are as follows:
The requirements for easy maintenance
The re quire ments to avo id vehi cle and pe rsona l dangers
The fi gures i n the manual a re illustr ati ons and j ust f or refe ren ce. Sin ce this m anual i s a gener al desc ripti on for th is type o f sedan, con cerning di ff ere nt configu rations, t hus, so me feat ures he rein ma y not be ap plica ble for yo ur car of s pecif ic kind . When pu rchas ing, pl ease conf irm des cript ions wi th real p roduc ts.
The com pany reser ves the right to change the spec ificat ion of the product s and desc riptions in this manual without notice.
Many th anks for yo ur selection of our cars, and your are welcomed. comme nts
The saf ety mar k as show n in the figur e
means “Do Not s”.
Technical Parameter & Vehicle Identification (LF 620 Complete Car)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Operation of Instrument and Controller
LF620 Driving Guide
Starting and Driving
Urgent Trouble Treatment
Anti-corrosive and Outer Maintenance of the Vehicle
Maintenance Instructions
Maintenance DIY
Component Specification
10 5
11 5
12 2
13 6
14 2
15 0
16 8
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Product Model
LF7162 LF7162A LF7162B LF7162C LF7162D LF7162E
L (mm)
W (mm)
Outline Dimension
H (mm)
Wheel Base (mm)
Front (mm)
Rear (mm)
Vehicle Weight (kg)
Vehicle Weight with Load (kg)
Wheel Specification
Approach Angle (°)
Departure Angle (°)
Front Suspension (mm)
Rear Suspension (mm)
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
620620 620
Technical Parame ter & Vehicle Identification (LF 620 Comp lete Car)
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Technical Parameter
……Technic al Parameter
…… … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……6
Vehic le Identif icatio n
……………… … … … … … … … ……………7
Vario us Indic ator Pla tes and Warnin g Pla tes
…… … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……4
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Product Model
LF7162 LF7162A LF7162B LF7162C LF7162D LF7162E
Maximum Speed (km/h)
Engine Model
Tritec1.6 LF481Q3
Type 4-cylinder in-line, 16 valves, single OHC, MFI
Displacement (ml)
1596 1587
Maximum Power (kw)
85(6000r/min) 78(6000r/min)
Maximum Torque (N·m)
149(4500r/min) 137(4500r/min)
Idle Speed (r/min)
Oil Consumption (L/100 )
7.5 7.8
Grade Ability (%)
Emission Standard GB III/GB IV GB III/GB IV
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
620 620
Vehicle Identification
Vehicle Identif ication N umber (VI N)
Engin e No.
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
VIN is located within the engine compartment as well as at the upper left side of dash board (as shown at “1” in the above figure), which is used for the record by the owner. Manufacturer data plate with VIN is located within the engine compartment (as shown at “2” in the above figure).
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
LF 4 8 1Q3
TR I TE C1 .6 L
The engin e No. i s located on the cy lin der block (as s how n in the above figu re) .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Various Indicator Plates and Warning Plates
The indicato r pla te fo r fuel No. is located insi de the cap of the oil
. filler
LF 4 8 1Q3
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
620 620
1、Warnin g pla t e for power -assis t ed steerin g oil .
2、Warnin g p la te fo r oil and coo la nt fil ling .
3、Warnin g p la te fo r A/C refrig erant.
4、Warnin g p la te fo r gla ss cle aning solu tio n .
5、Warnin g pla te for engin e coolant.
Notes f or air ba g are loc ated on
the fr ont p assen ger sun v iso r.
The indicator plate fo r tire pres sure is located at the lower side of the left
front door lock.
2 3
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
TR I TE C1 .6 L
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Chapter 1
Operation of Instrument and Controller
Dash Board Key and Door… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 1 7 Seat, Safety Belt, Steering Wheel and Rearview Mirror… … … … … … … … … … … … … … 33 Illumination, Wiper and Demister… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 56 Instrument and Maintenance Indicator… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 63 Ignition Switch, Manual Transmission and Parking Brake… … … … … … … … … … … … 72 Car Audio System… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 7 6 A/C System… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 85 Other Equipment…… …… ……… … ……… … …… ……… … ……… … ……… … ……… … …… ……99
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 10
Operation of Instrument and Controller
Dash Boa rd
Dash Board
Manual A/ C Controller ( Optional)
Automatic A/C Controller (Optional)
Instr ument Cluster
Instr ument Cluster Indicator
…… … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …11
…… … …… …… …… …… ……1 2
…… … …… …… …… …… ……1 3
…… … …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……1 4
…… … …… …… …… …… …… …… ……1 5
Chapter 1-1
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Dash Board
1 2
Side defroster outlet
Side vent
Instr ument clu ster asse mbly
Central vent
Front interior lamp and switch assembly
Glass regulator switch
Right sundries box
Cup stand
Central sundries box
Rear ashtray
10 . 11 . P arking control knob
Shift control kn ob
12 .
Small sundries box
13 .
Control handle for engine hood
14 . 15 .
Locking switch for passenger doors and
Dash board left switch assembly
16 .
Power A/C Controller
Left co mbination switch (lighting)
Right combination switch (wiper & wash)
Vehicle audio unit (CD)
Warning l amp switch for danger
Central door lockings witch
A/C con trol knob
Front ashtray an d cigarette lighter assembly
Anti-theft war ning lamp
Power rearview mirror switch
Adjusting knob for background luminance of
dash board
Small sundries box
A/C swi tch
Inter nal and external circulation button
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Automatic A/C Controller (Optional)
Left combi nat ion switch (lighting )
Right comb ina tion switch (wiper & was h)
Vehicle aud io un it (DVD)
Warning lamp for danger
Air intake m ode s election button
Fan speed re gul ation knob
Front asht ray a nd cigarette lighter asse mbl y
Anti-the ft wa rning lamp
Power rear vie w mirror switch
Adjustin g kno b for background lumin anc e
Small sund rie s box
Rear compa rtm ent door switch
Temperatur e adj ustment
Internal a nd ex ternal circulation s ele ction button
Switch for a dju sting the height of low beam ax is fo r
15 .
of dash
Instrument Cluster
1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、Speedometer Tachometer Fuel level dis pla y Odometer Trip odomete r Coo la nt te mperatu re displa y
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instrument Cluster Indicator
Brake system fau lt warning lamp*
Safety belt unfa stened indicator*
Batte ry charge indicator*
Too low oil pressure warning lamp*
OBD indi cat or*
ABS ( anti - l ock braking system) fault indicator*
Door ajar warning and re vers e rada r display*
SRS (Supp lem ental Restraint System) wa rni ng lamp*
12 0
Engine ( OBD excluded) fa u lt wa rn in g lamp*
Too high wate r tempe rature war ning lamp
Parking brake indicator
Luggage boot ajar warning lamp
Overd rive warning indicator (optional)
Position indicator
Headlamp high beam indicator
Stee ri ng sig na l indi ca tor(sol el y illumi na ting) Emer ge ncy lamp (s im ul taneous ly i llumina ti ng)
Front fog light indicator
Too low fuel indicator
Check and eliminate the concerned troubles immediately when the indicators with “*” are illuminated.
Regul ating Swi tch for Bac kground L uminanc e
Turn the regulating button and adjust the background lumi nance for the instrument cluster whe n the position lamp is on.
Rear fog light indicator
Body control module warning lamp
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Chapter 1- 2
Operation of Instrument and Controller
Key and Door
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 18
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 1 9
Door Remote Controlle r Power Win dow Luggage Hood Engin e Hood Vehic le Anti-theft System Fuel Tank Cover ……
…… …… ……… …… ……… …… ……… …… ……… …… …21
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 25
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 26
…… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… 2 8
…… …… ……… …… ……… ……… … ……… ………2 9
…… … ……… …… ……… …… ……… … ……… …… …… 32
Two kin ds of keys are equip ped for the vehic le
1、King key (with words printed on bothsides)
al l the locks can be opened by the king key
1 set
( ) .
2、Que en key (wi th wor ds on s ingle s ide ) f or
val et pa rking or ot he rs.
Note : The l ugg age boot loc k can not be opened by th e q ue en key if i t is l ocked b y tu rn ing th e k ing key
coun te rc loc kwise
The ke y numbe r is reco rded on the nu mber pla te, and
the ke y can be re pro duced b y provid ing the key nu mber if it is lo st or a spare ke y is need ed. The key c an be repr oduce d in Lif an sale s servic e store spec ia l
Key num ber plate
repa ir sta tion
P lease wri te down the ke y num ber and keep it in a safe pla ce. It is not re asonab le to l eave it in th e car.
Break t he smallest window if the key is locked within
the car to minimize the repair cost for th e window. Take extra care not to be c ut by the bro ken glass .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Lock an d Unlock
Insert and turn th e key in the ke y hole. Unlock: Turn the key clockw ise.
Loc k: Tur n the key cou nter clock wise.
The oth er doors can be lo cked and unlo cked
together with the door at the driver sid e when the is install ed.central door lo ckin g
Lockin g Butt on of Inte r nal Door Ha ndle
Move th e locking button.
Unlock: Pu ll the button backwa rds. Lock: Push the but ton forwa rds.
Set the b utton in lo cking posit ion if need to clo se the door outsid e. Pull the handle outwards fir st if need to c lo se th e front doo rs at le ft and rig ht sid e.
T he d oor at th e dr iver si de c an not be loc ked
if it is u nc losed a nd t he igni tion ke y is l eft in the ig nitio n switc h.
The do or at the d river s ide can b e opene d in the v ehicl e even if t he lock ing but ton of the in terna l handl e is plac ed at the lock ing
positio n.
Central Door Locking Switch at Driver Side
Press the switch .
Unlock : Pr ess for the fir st time to
open the lef t front door and
to open the rest thr ee door s simul taneo usl y.
Lock: Pre ss to lock all t he doors
simulta neously.
Automatic Lock an d Unlock (Optional)of Door
A. Automatic Lock (20 Km/h))
When vehic le speed exc eed s 20Km/ h, all doors
will be locked automatically, while dec eleratin g to below 20km/ h and t hen accele ratin g to above 20km/h , the doors will not be lo cked again. However, after a sto p of th e veh ic le wit h engin e on, then clo s e the door and c ontin ue
to drive, w hen the spee d exceeds 20 km/h, the
doors will be lo cke d again . The lo c k can b e
automat ic ally rele ase d when th e ig n it io n s wit ch is dis con nected.
B. Oil- cut and Unl ock in Crash
The oi l sup ply at the BCM oil con trol end and the l ock wi ll be rel eas ed aut omat ical l y for t hr ee times when crash
occ urs.
“ ”
the sec ond time
“ ”
will be cut of f
Child Protection Lock (Rear Door)
Ensure al l the doors are loc ked before d riv ing, espec ially with chil d in your car. Corre ctly using s afe ty belt and locking t he doors can prot ect you from s eri ous injury when cras h occurs and prev ent the door s ope ning acciden tally.
Move th e lock bar to position “LOCK”,
as shown in the figure .
The rear door ca n not be opened by the interna l handle if it is lock ed by the ch ild prote cti on lock . Apply this protecti on lock at any time with ch ild in yo ur ca r.
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Remote Controller
1. lo ck button“ ”
2. Indi cator
3. unlock bu tton“ ”
The remot e cont rol ler is used to luck and unl ock al l t he door s wit hi n a cer tain di st ance.
The co ntrol ler is unava ilabl e unles s
the opera tio n indicato r fla shes.
Follow the inst ruc tio ns below to avoid damages o n the c ont roller:
Do not p la ce the cont ro ll er in hig h
temp er ature.
Do not disassemble the contro ller.
Avoid knocking or beating.
Avoid water.
Seve ral rem ote co ntrol lers ca n be co nside red
for on e ca r, p lease co nta ct Lifa n se rvi ce stat ion if nece ss ary.
The fo llowing fa cts may l ead to op erati on fail ure of the con troll e:
The rad io st at ion or radio t ransm itter nearby .
●Ex hau ste d bat ter y.
Visit Li fan as soo n as poss ible to d elete the re giste red ide ntifi catio n numbe r and ask for repair for the re mote co ntrol ler if it i s lost or d amage d, in ord er to avoi d vehic le thef t or . Reg ister t he iden tific ation numb er agai n when Mean while , regis ter the i denti fication number for the spar e contr oller.
serv ice sta tion
acci dent
appl ying fo r a new con troll er.
“ ”Lock Button
Pres s lock button to lock the door. Rel ease the button and then pres s it again to ca rr y out another lock ing operat ion.
Loc k: Pres s to mak e al l the doo r
loc king mot or s t o per form locki ng ope rat ion onc e, and the steer ing signa l light wi l l flas h onc e at thi s moment .
Then , the sy stem wi ll ent er int o ant i-t hef t prot ec t ion t hr ee se co nds lat er.
Do not use ignition key i s lef t in the ignition switch and
the four doors as w ell a s the l uggage boot are unclos ed.
If th e anti -th eft pro tecti on is unav ail able, the alarm wi ll ke ep silent while th e ste e rin g light will be lighte d. operati o ns wi ll not be carrie d out at this moment. Re pre ss“ ”onl y afte r th anti -th eft pro te cti on is availabl e again
and th e steerin g ligh t has g one out.
“ ”
“ ”to loc k the d oor if the
Locking an d oth er
Vehicle Locking & War ning Indication and Se t ting
Cut off th e ignit ion swi tch, pu ll out th e igni tion ke y and clo se all th e doors . If the ve hicle i s within 10 seco nds, th e locking op era tion wi ll
be indica ted by th e steer ing lig ht and
alar m for three ti mes.
Pre s s“ ”
lockin g moto rs
once if th e four doors has alre ady been locked whil e the anti - t
unavail able.
Release th e ala rm : When the alarm for anti-t h eft pro tectio n is activat ed, p re ss button to m ake all the door lo cking moto rs to perf orm l ocking opera t ion once and t he al arm can be rele ase d at the same ti me, door is loc ked o r unlocked ,
anti- t hef t pro tec tio n for t he vehicle i s sti ll
availab le.
not lo cked
butto n to make th e fo ur door
to perfo rm lo cking operatio n
heft pro tectio n is
“ ”
whether t he
then, the
“ ”Unlocking Button
Press th e unlo ckin g butto n to un lo c k th e
door. R ele ase the butto n and th en press it to car ry out anoth er un lo c kin g operatio n.
Unlo ck: Pre ss th e unl ock ing b utto n on th e
remote contro ller to relea se th e alarm . Then th e fo u r doo rs are unl ock ed, th e ste erin g
light will fl ash fo r two times and the alarm will chime fo r two ti mes also. Only carry out unlocking opera ti on wh en th e anti- th eft
pro tecti on is out of serv i ce.
The lo cki ng and un locki ng buttons a re unav ail able wh en the ig nit ion key i s left in the igni tio n switch. Carry out
locking and un loc king operatio n onl y after pullin g out t he ignition key .
If the r oo f light switc h is at t he“DOOR”
position, the roo f ligh ts can be ligh ted by
the remot e co nt r ol led un locki ng or t he
open ing of an y do or. The roo f ligh t wil l go ou t if the do or is not op en ed by remot e
cont rol led un l oc k ing wi thin 3 0 sec on ds .
The illumi nat ion wi ll be gr ad ual ly weak ened
8 seco nds lat er af ter
And the li gh t will go ou t gradua lly withi n seco nds. The roof li gh t will cr ush ou t
ediat ely if press the locki ng bu tton on the
rem ot e con trol l er after cl osi ng the do or .
The door can be opened withi n 30 seco nds when pressi ng the unl ocki ng but ton on the rem ote cont rol ler. If the door fails to be opened within 30 secon ds, al l door s will
be aut omat ical ly lock ed aga in.
Vehicle Tra cing: The ve hicle t racin g functio n c an
be act iv ated by co ntin u ously p ressin g the lo ckin g butt on on the remo te cont rolle r equal o r than two se conds when t he anti - theft p rotectio n is availa ble . Then, the st eerin g lig ht will flash for 15 se conds , and the a la rm will chim e for 1 5 seco nds ( e ach chim ing la sts for 0 . 2 secon ds at an in t erval of 0 . 6 second s). Pres s any button t o stop t he vehicle t racin g funct io n wit hin 15 se conds (pre ss the lo ckin g butto n to stop t he trac in g functio n and pe rform auto matic lo ckin g o perat io n, while p ress unlo ckin g butto n to stop t he trac in g fun ctio n and perf orm automa tic unlo ckin g o perat io n) .
the do or i s cl ose d or opened .
anot he r 5
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Replace Battery for Remote Controller
Cr2016 li thi um battery ( two p ieces)
equivalent battery is preferable. To renew the battery for the remote
controller in Lifan service
greatly r eco mmended.
station i s
Take care of the old battery and keep it a way from th e childre n.
Dispo se the ol d bat ter y accor ding loca l regu lat ions .
Battery Replacing Procedure:
1. Re move the co nnecting bolt wi th cross -tip screwd river. Op en the remo te contr oller wi th flat-blade s crewd river or some s imi lar tools.
2. Remove the old battery.
CR2 0 1 6
CR2 0 1 6
3. Put the new b attery with the pos itive side (+) upwards into the re mo te
controlle r, and then tight en the cover for the c ontroller.
●Ens ure “+” an d “ –” on the batt er y are correc t.
●Do not r eplac e th e batte ry with w et h and to avo id rust in g.
Do not touc h or move a ny pa rt in the
control ler, or it s per forma nce can be affected.
Take extr a care not to bend th e electr ode when inse rt ing t he ba ttery. Kee p the i nterna l of the cont rol ler box free from dust or o il and grea se.
Prop erly ti ghten t he cove r for the co ntrol ler.
Check th e contro ller fo r corre ct opera ti on afte r renewi ng th e batte ry. Contact Li fa n serv i ce stati on if it sti l l can not work afte r repla cing th e batte ry.
●Do not change or a mpl ify th e transmissio n power fo r the re mote contr oll er by yours elf (do not additi ona lly insta ll transmi ssi on frequency am pli fi er), extern al co nnection or use of oth er tr ansmission ante n na by
yourself is fo rb idd en.
●Do not in terfere va rious le gal rad io comm unic atio n
when usin g the r emote cont roll er.
serv ic es Once in terferen ce occu rs, sto p usin g t he cont roll e r imme diate ly and adopt m easur es for in terfe rence eli m in atio n, on ly afte r whic h
be used aga in .
●The in te rfe ren ce from th e ra radia ted in terfe rence fr om the in dus tr ia l, scie n tif ic and me dical equip ments is unavoid ab
usin g mic ro- p owe r radio device.
can the con tro ll er
dio ac tiv ity or the
le when
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Power Window
Windo w loc king swi tch
Door Sw itch Oper ation
Keep ignitio n swi tch i n position ON”.
Window Operation (Driver Side)
The door sw itch at driv er side can co ntr ol all doors .
Normal Operation:
Clo se: Pre ss (≤1s) window regulator switc h
upward s to ascend th e window glass. Stop this operati on by releasing th e switc h .
Open: Press (≤1s) win dow r egu la tor switc h downward s to de sce nd th e win dow gla ss. Sto p this operatio n by rele a sin g th e switc h.
Autom atic Oper ation:
Asce nd : Pr ess (>1s) windo w re gu la tor swit ch up wa rd s
to asc en d th e win dow gla ss, wh en reachin g t he t op , th e powe r will b e cu t off. T he regula to r will be a ut om at ic ally stop pe d af te r an operation of 8 s ec on ds t o protect the m ot or if the top d et ec tio n signal is out of serv ic e. D ur in g ascendin g , if ano th er o pe ration for asce nd in g or descendin g is ca rrie d
out, t he w in dow gla ss w ill stop asce nd in g, t he power will
be cut o ff when re ac hing the to p.
Desc en d: P re ss (>1 s) window reg ul at or s wi tch downwar ds to desce nd t he w in dow glass, wh en r ea ching t he b ottom,
the po we r will be cut o ff. Th e re gulat or w ill be automa ti ca ll y
stoppe d af te r an o peration of 8 s ec on ds t o pr otect the motor
if the b ot to m de tection s ig nal is out of s er vice. D ur in g
descen di ng , if a nother oper at io n fo r as cending or de sc en di ng is carri ed o ut , th e window glas s wi ll s top descendin g, t he powe r wi ll b e cu t of f wh en r eaching t he b ot tom.
Extended Opera tion Time
The wi ndow regu la to r st il l ca n be operat ed w it hi n 60 second s af te r cu tt ing off t he i gn it ion switc h. The e xt en de d operation t im e fo r 60 s ec onds will be ended if t he d oo rs a re c losed and l oc ke d wi th in 60 second s.
Autom atic Clos e
Repre s s th e locking b utt on on th e re m ote co ntrolle r aft e r lo ck ing th e doo rs th rough th e c on tr oller, th e l eft fron t, ri g ht front, l eft re ar, and ri gh t re ar window s wi ll be clo se d in tu rn at an i nterval o f 0.5 second. T he low-l e ve l signal of 2 s ec onds will b e se nt to sun ro of regu la to r to close th e su n ro of 1 seco nd l ater. Pre ss any bu tt on to suspend th e a utomati c as ce nding fo r
wind ows.
Window Ope ra ti on (Passe ng er S id e)
Th e doo r switc h at pa sse nger side or at driv er
side can co ntro l the w indow glas s at pa ssenger side.
Open: P ress the sw itch down wards.
Close : Pull the switch upwards.
The window glas s at pa sse nger side can not be opera ted if it is locked by the door switc h at driv er sid e, and it can only be opera te d by the door switc h a t driv er side.
Luggage Hood
●Anti-tr ap func tio n is unav ailable fo r the power w indow . Take ex tra c are
for safety.
●Lock t he p ow er window w it h th e door swit ch a t dr iver side
from u nexpect edly trig gerin g th e powe r window sw itch at p as senge r side .
Ensu re th e ign iti on key has been take n off wh en leaving the ca r.
●The cut- off function for o ve rheating is
cons id er ed for the po we r wi ndow moto r.
It is norm al f or t he m ot or t o be o ut o f service for a shor t ti me a ft er f re qu en t operations. Contac t Li fa n se rv ic e st at ion if it still keeps u na va il ab le after a lo ng t im e.
to pre ve nt c hildren
Insert the kin g key and turn it clo ckwis e to open the lu ggage hood.
Ref er to Not es for Lug gage Loa ding” (Chap ter 3) for relat ed inf ormat ion.
Close the luggage hood by pre ssing down the hood.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Close the lugga ge ho od du rin g dri ving to keep the luggage wi thi n the l ugg age boot and keep the exha ust ed ga s out of the car.
Lug gage Boot Cont rol Hand le
Pul l the cont rol handl e upw ards of dr iver seat to aut omat ically unl luggage boot .
at the lef t
ock the
Deactivate Luggage Boot Control Handle
Insert th e kin g key and turn it cou nte rclo ckwis e after clo sin g the lu gga ge hood. Then, the lu gga ge boot cont rol h and le is deactivat ed an d the lu ggage hood can not be op ene d by the queen key.
Engine Hood
Open Th e Engine Ho od
1. Pul l the eng ine ho od control ha nd le outwar ds to open the eng ine ho od.
Ensure th e engi ne ho od ha s been closed and locked befo re dri ving. Or accident may occur during dri ving when th e engine h ood is opened sudde nly.
2. Pul l the eng ine hood assi stant handl e
upwar ds in front of the ve hi cl e
3. Ins ert t he sup porti ng rod of the engine hood as sho wn in the figu re to op en the eng ine ho od .
Check if any tool or wip ing clo th is le ft with in the eng in e com partm ent befo re clo sin g th e engin e hood. Repositi on th e supportin g rod and dro p down th e engin e hood. Make sur e the eng in e hoo d is correctly locked .
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Vehicle Anti-theft System
Ensure stable supporting for the supporting rod to avoid personal injury caused by the dropping of engine hood.
Check if any tool or wiping cloth is left within the engine compartment before closing the engine hood. Close the engine hood only after repositioning the supporting rod, or the engine hood can be deformed.
The vehicle anti-t hef t sys tem w ill give alarms for the follo win g sit uat ions if the vehicle is under ant i-t hef t con dition.
Any door is opened.
●Ignition switch is turned to position
The contro l component of battery or
vehicle anti-t heft syst em is disco nnected or re connected.
●The ignition key is inserted in.
When th e above situation occurs, the oil s upply will be cut off, with the war ning voices from the alarm and the f lashes from the ste ering light . The alarm wil l be stopped 20 secon ds later, and the flashes of the steer ing light will go out in another 10 seco nds. Press the unlocking
button to release the warning and recover the control on oil supply
by ignition s witch.
Manual Setting
Set up ve hicle ant i-theft s ystem with re mote cont roller.
The anti- theft f unc tion ca n be selecte d only 1 seco nd late r aft er pres sing button on t he remo te co ntrol ler. Then, the anti- theft w arn ing lam p sta rts to
flash slowly.
The anti-theft function is una vai lab le under the following situatio n:
Any door is opened.
The buzzer will chi me fo r 1 sec ond. Th en, reset the anti-th eft s yst em after closing the door.
“ ”
It is a hig h-level anti-theft design to
set up vehicl e anti-th eft syste m with
remote controller. The starter can not be operated and the safety indicator flashes slowly when such anti-theft syste m is set up. The steering light will flash and the alarm will chime if something abnormal is discovered by the sy stem. This function can be cancelled by pressing b utton on the re mote controller.
When th e anti- theft system is under operatio n, the ant i- theft functio n can not be cancell ed by unlo c kin g the door with key and th e engin e can not be st arted. Press on fir s t to cancel
the anti- theft functio n a nd then the engin e
can be started.
“ ”
“ ”butt
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Automatic Setting
This fu nction is opti onal. Refer to “th e Sett i ng of Opti o nal Function”for re lated
info rmati on.
The anti -theft fu ncti on wi ll be a uto mati cal ly selecte d if th e door is unloc ked a nd th e anti -th eft fu ncti on is n ot selecte d by th e remote contro ller within 30 se con ds afte r taking off th e key and closing th e door, engine hood as well as luggage boot. Then , th e ste erin g lig ht wi ll flash while th e alarm will not chime if th e igniti on key is in serte d into th e igniti on switch. The an ti -th eft fu ncti on wi ll be auto matically cancell ed if th e key is tu rn ed to the position “ON”. The anti - th eft fu ncti on can also be cancelled by pre s sin g butto n (low-le v el an ti -th eft d esi gn).
“ ”
Cancel the Anti-theft Function
Press but ton, unlock all the doo rs
“ ”
and cance l the ant i-thef t funct ion.
Confirm the Anti-theft Function:
Inact ivat ed vehi cle ant i-thef t syst em:
The st eeri ng signa l lam p flashe s twice.
●Activ ated vehicle anti-theft system: The ste ering signal lamp flashes three time s, and the anti-theft warning lamp
flashes quickly. The warnin g lamp will go out when the ignition switch is turned to po sition “ON”.
When th e vehicle anti-theft function is not available, the rear interior light (in position “DOOR ”) and ig niti on key
indicator will light up for about 30
seconds and then go out even wi th the door closed. (Th e extended illumi nation time fo r the two lig hts can be changed, refer to Op tio nal Anti-theft Sy stem
for detail).
Afte r the anti-th eft fu nctio n is cancell e d, if
no door is ope ned with in 30 se conds, all the doors wil l be lo cked a uto matic all y and the anti -th eft functio n will be av ail able again .
Fuel Tank Cover
1. Pull up the internal contr ol ha ndl e
to open th e cap of oil filler .
Stop th e engine when filling oil.
2. Open the fu el tank cover and turn it counter clockwise. Take i t away a moment lat er and hang it over the cover fram e.
A normal sm all whoosh can be hear d when openi ng the cov er. Turn the cov er clock wise unt il it cl icks dur ing inst allat ion.
Ens ure the cov er is f irm ly ti gh ten ed
to av oid fue l ov erf lowi ng when accide nt occurs.
●Ado pt origina l LF 62 0 fue l tan k cov er ,
whi ch can ad j us t t he pr es s ur e i n the
tan k.
Follow oil filling regulations to
avoid fire caused by spark or flame.
●Do not take a way t he fuel tank cove r soon afte r ope ning the cover. In h ot
summer, the fuel und er pr ess ure may spurt out and personal in jur y
may occur i f it is immediately taken
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Operation of Instrument and Controller
Seat, Safety Belt, Ste erin g Wheel and Rearvie w Mir ror
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… …… ……… 34
Seat …… Front Seat Headrest Mid dle Armrest of Rear Seat Safe ty Belt
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… …… ……… … 34
…… ……… ……… ……… … …… …… …… … 36
…… ……… ……… ……… …… … 37
…… …… ……… ………
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… 37
Air Bag fo r Driv er and Front Passenger Ste erin g Wheel Power Ste ering Syste m
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… … 53
…… ……… ……… ……… …… 53
Ele ctr ic Exte rio r Rearvie w Mir ror Inte rio r Rearview Mir ror Vanity Mir ror
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… … ……55
…… ……… ……… ……… ……… … 55
…… ……… …
… ……
…… ……… …
…… …… 4 5
…… …… ……… …
…… ……… ………
…… ……… ……
…… ……… ……… ……… …… 54
…… ……… ………
Chapter 1-3
…… …
…… ………
When driv ing, passe nge rs in the vehi cle should ad just the sea t bac krest to a pro per positio n and use the sa fet y belt corre ctly.
● Do not drive the v ehi cle before the passenge rs si t down and are fastened wit h the s afety belt. Sit ting on the folded se at ba ckrest or among luggag e or on c argo is not allowed, oth erw ise, serious in jur y will occur in ca se of e mergency brake or crash .
● When driving , it is n ot allowed that passenger st and s up or moves among the seat s. Ot herwise, serious inju ry wi ll occur in case of emergency br ake o r crash.
Front Seat
Notes for Seat Adjus tment
Adju st dr iver se at in order th at the dr ive r can ea sil y contr ol the foot pe dal, st eer ing wheel and d ashbo ard contro ller.
● Do not adjust se at wh en driving; otherwise, t he in cident that the d riv er can not contro l the vehicle may occu r.
● Pay atten tio n not t o ma king seat knock agains t pas sengers or lugg age when adjusti ng se ats.
● Slide the seat f orw ard and backward to en sur e the seat is locke d after it is a dju sted.
● Lean y our bod y backw ard to en sure seat b ackre st is loc ked aft er it is adju sted.
● Do not p lace ob jects u nder th e seat , which w ill affec t seat lo cking mech anism o r push th e seat ad justi ng leve r upwar d accid ental ly, causin g seat to mov e abrup tly. Th us the dr iver ca n not co ntrol t he vehi cle.
● Do not p ut your h and und er the seat o r near th e movin g compo nent when a djust ing the s eat. Ot herwise, you ha nd or fin gers ma y be jamm ed.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Front Seat Adjustment
1. Seat Adj usting Lever
Hold the middl e par t of seat adjusti ng lever, and pul l it up ward. Slide the seat with a slig ht pr essure from bod y to a needed posi tio n, and then release the ad jus ting lever.
2. Seat Height Adjus ting Knob
Tur n the a dju sting knob to adj ust t he seat to a pro per p osi tion.
3. Seat Backrest Ang le Adjusting Lever
Pull the angle a dju sting lever upw ard . Adjust it to a nee ded p osition, and then release t he le ver.
4. Seat Wai st Suppor t Adjusting Lever
Move the adjus tin g lever forward o r backward, th en th e waist support c an be adjusted.
To effectivel y pr ot ect pa s sen ge rs in a cras h, the seat ba ckr es t of dr iver an d passen ge rs sho uld be ad jus ted to the angl e whe re you r ba ck can be res t ed on the seat ba ckres t whe n sitti ng straigh tly. In thi s cas e, the safet y be lt can pl ay a full rol e in a cras h. If the sea t ba ckr es t is inc line d wi th a lar ge angl e an d y ou r bo dy lea ns on the s ea t, the saf et y be lt may sl ip you r hip an d pr ess on your stomac h, thu s risk of inj ur y is increa sed.
For saf ety and com fort, hea drest should be adjusted before driving.
Ascend: Pull it up.
Descend : Press it down when
pressin g the lock releas e button
- .
The hea drest can be mov ed forward as well a s backward. If a djustment is neede d, pull or press t he headrest at your na pe.
The nea rer your head is to th e headrest,
the mor e effe ctiv e it can b e. Thus, headrest
pad is no t require d on th e seat backrest.
Adj ust the middl e part of headres t
to al most above your ear.
Ensur e head rest is locked after
it is adj ust ed.
Do not drive t he ve hicle without headrest.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Middle Armrest of Rear Seat
Pull ou t the middle armres t of rear seat as s hown above when using.
Safety Belt
Notes for Safety Belt
Lifa n particu larl y emphasizes dri v er and passen gers sho uld be fa stened with the safe ty be lt at all ti mes. Oth erw ise, possibil ity o f inj ury and/or seri ous i nju ry may incre ase in a n acc ident.
The equipped safety belt is designed for adults, and child can sit on th e re ar seat and must be fa ste ned with safe ty belt. According to th e stati stics fo r accidents , it is safe r when the child sits with a rig ht pro tecti on on the re ar seat inste ad of on the fro nt seat.
If chi ld has to si t on the front seat , he/ she shou ld be fast ene d with saf ety bel t cor rect ly
If chi ld has not bee n fast ened well in
case of an acci den t , rapi d deploym ent of ai r
will cause child
bag to suff er ser ious injur y
or dea th.
Whether child sit s on the front seat or rea r sea t,
standin g or kn eein g on th e sea t is not allo wed. In case of emerg enc y brake or cra sh
unprotec ted c hild will suffer serio us inju ry
or death Similarly, child , sitting on s ome one ' s
legs, can not be w ell p rotected.
Whe n driving, passen ger s should sit on the sea t and be fastened wi t h safety bel t correctly. Ot herwi se,
in case of eme rgency brake or
crash, pas sengers wi ll su ffer seriou s injury or de ath more easily.
Observe the following instru cti ons when using safety belt:
●One pe rson uses on e safety bel t at one ti me. A safety b elt c an not be
shared by t wo pe rsons or mor e, even chil dre n.
Avoi d the s eat b ackrest exces siv ely inclini ng. Th e safe ty belt can
into full play when se at ba ckr est its straight upwa rd posit ion ( Se e the
seat adju stmen t ins truction).
It should be noted th at st rap o r
hardware of th e safety bel t should not
be damage d, and bo th of them sho uld not be lock ed or nip ped b y seat or d oor.
● Chec k the saf ety bel t syste m peri odica lly. Ch eck the c ompon ent for in cisio n, abra sion an d slack . If dama ge is fou nd, rep lace th e damag ed comp onent . Remov ing or re trofi tting the sy stem is n ot allo wed.
be brough t
dry mild soapsuds or tepid water Wa shing with decolourant d ye solut ion or grinding deterge nt is forbidden Otherwi
caused to safe ty be lt (S ee Chapter 5
● If a serio us crash has hap pened, th e
safe ty belt mechanism (in cluding b olts) should be re placed. Even if damage is not obvious, th e mechanism still needs replacin g.
the safety belt clean an d
Wash the s afe ty belt with
se, serious da mag e wil l be
Three-point Safety Belt
Adjust th e seat as requ ire d. Pull t he safety be lt out of retr act or, and t hen plug the be lt head into b uckle when fasteni ng the safet y bel t.
A “click” will be h eard when the
belt he ad is plugged in to buckle.
The length of safety belt can adjuste d automatically according to the sh ape of passenger and position of seat.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
In ca se of em ergenc y brak e or cr as h
or inc line fas t for war d, the ret rac tor wi ll
loc k the sa fet y bel t. The sa fet y bel t can be st ret ch ed for yo ur free mov em ent when dri vi ng vehi cl e slowl y and st abl y.
If the safety bel t can n ot be pulled out from retractor, it can be solved as long as you strain at it and then release it .
When the sh oul der belt of the rear pas senge r is co mpl et ely st ret ch ed, the
safet y bel t is l oc ked at that pos ition and ca n not be st ret ch ed any mor e if
the sh oul der bel t is slight ly sh or tene d. The sa fet y bel t can be releas ed aga in onl y when ful ly retracted, and then pul l
it out .
Ensure the belt hea d and b uck le
are fastened stea dil y and s afety belt is not twisted a fte r the b elt head plug ged.
Do not plug su ch ob jec ts as coin
and paper cl ip in to th e buc kle in ord er that the belt hea d can b e ri ghtl y bol te d with the buckle.
● Repai r the saf ety bel t at the ser vice st ation as soon as poss ibl e if its funct ion is abnor mal: Do not use thi s seat unt il its saf ety bel t has been
repai red for it can not prot ect
pass enger or chi ld in cas e of an acc ident , other wise, inj ur y is
inevi tabl e.
Safet y Bel t with Hei ght Adjustab le Dev ice
Adj ust the he i gh t adj us tabl e devi ce to a pr oper po sition .
Asc end: Pre ss the adjusting bu tton of h eight
adju stabl e devic e and slide the devic e upward s.
Descend: Press the adjust in g b utt on of h eig ht adju stable device and sli de th e dev ic e d own war ds.
Ensure th e heig ht ad ju s ta ble devic e is lo cked afte r adju ste d.
Tig ht en in g re lease part
Too high
Keep t he bel t under hip as best as you can
Adj ust the safety belt at you r wai st and sho ul der.
Keep th e waist belt under hip as best as
possible; do not buckle it at waist. Pull up part of the shoulder belt th rough
latc h plate and th en adjust th e safety belt to a pro p er positi on.
Too high
● If the wa ist belt is f ast ened a t a higher position and the sa fety belt is worn loose ly, se rious injury will be cause d for the belt will sl ide to the part below waist in a cras h or other acc idents. Keep the waist belt under hip as best as poss ible.
For safety, sho uld er be lt should
not be placed und er ar m.
Press the release button on the buckle when loosing the safety belt. And the belt wi ll be retracted automat ically.
If the sa fety belt c an not be ret racted automatically and smo othly, pull it out and check wh ether there is knot or
distortion. Ma ke sure no distortion
exists wh en retracted.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Make sure sho ulde r be lt go es across the midd le of sho ulde r. The saf ety be lt sho uld kee p away from the neck, bu t the be lt sho uld ped from
sho ulder. Ot he rwi se , the prot ect ion from saf ety be lt will be de cr eased in cas e of acc ide nt , and inj ury will be cau sed in a cr ash .
not be slip
Two-point Safety Belt
Prot ra ct
Keep the belt un der h ip as best as you can
The bel t hea d ca n be plugged into
the buckle when fas ten ing safety bel t.
A “click”will be heard when the belt
head is plugged into the buckle.
If th e safety be lt is not lon g enough, keep a right angle betw een the belt head and safe ty belt. Then pull the bel t head .
Too high
Ret rac t the too-long po rtion of sa fet y bel t and adjust the bel t.
Pull th e unfastened termi nal of safety belt wh en shortening the belt.
Keep the wai st bel t under hip as best as you can , and it can not be tied at your waist . Then adj ust the saf ety bel t to a pr oper posi tion.
Adjust th e belt to a proper positio n
If the w ais t belt is lo ose ly mounted a t a hig her
positio n, se rious inju ry wil l be caus ed because
the be lt wil l slide down wards in a cra sh or o ther
accidents. K eep the wais t belt under h ip as best as you can.
Ensu re the bel t hea d and buc kle
are fastene d stead ily and safet y bel t is not twi st ed after the bel t hea d plugg ed.
Do not plug such object s as coi n
and paper clip i n the buckl e in or der
that the bel t head can be right ly bol ted with buckl e.
● Repair th e safet y bel t at servi c e station a t once if i ts functio n is abnorm a l. Do not use th is seat u nti l its saf ety belt has been rep aired .
Pre ss th e re lease butto n on th e buckle when lo osing th e s afe ty bel t.
Front S eat Belt Pr etensio ner
The safety belt preten sioner of driver and
front passenger w ill provide protection for them in case of a frontal crash.
Retra ctor will pull the sa fety belt backwar ds immed ia tely whe n air bag sensor dete cts a collis ion or crash. In this cas e, the safety belt ca n tig htly tether th e front passenger .
The fro nt safety belt pre tens ioner is still in operation even if the re is no pers on in the fro nt seat.
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Safety belt pretensioner and SRS air bag may not work at th e same time in a crash with certa in speed and angle.
SRS warn ing la mp is li ghte d when tu rn in g the ig nitio n key to “ON”, an d th en it goes out afte r about 5s, whic h in d ic a te s the fr ont safe ty be lt pre tensioner works norm all y.
The warning la mp sy stem is to monito r the air bag ECU, safe ty belt prete nsione r ass embly, air chargin g d evic e, wa rnin g lamp, wirin g and power supply ( See S ectio n 1- 5 “Mainte nan ce Indicator an d Warnin g Buzzer”fo r deta il).
The fr ont safe ty be lt pre ten sio ner syste m includes th e fo llowin g ass embli es, whose positio ns are shown in th e a bov e fig ure .
1. SRS warning lamp
2. Safety belt pretensioner assemb ly
3. Air bag ECU (Elect ron ic Co ntr ol Unit)
The fr o nt safe ty belt pre te nsioner assembly is controlle d by air bag ECU.
When th e fro nt s afe ty bel t pre te nsioner i n opera ti on,
oper ation noi se can be hear d
and a bit of smoke lik e gas will be given out. This ga s is harmle ss and does n ot mean a fir e as well .
Once th e fr ont safe ty bel t pre te nsioner is work ing, safety belt re tr actor will be kept under its locking sta te .
The fr ont s afety belt p rete nsio ner assemb ly, air bag sen sor or its surrou ndin g wirin g is not all owed to be retr ofitte d, r emoved, kn ocked or opened. O th erwis e, it wil l res ult in a sudde n operatio n of th e fr ont safe ty be lt pretens io ner or cause an in effe c tiv e syste m, and fin all y cause an ac cident.
Contact servic e statio n for any repair
and retr ofit .
Lifa n
Any of the follo win g alt eratio n is not a llo wed before con sultin g the perso nnel at servic e statio n . Such a lt eratio n may influenc e the normal ope rat io n of the fro nt safety belt pretensio ner un der some cir cumstances.
Inst all such elect roni c devi ces as movabl e two- way radi o communi cation
devi ce, phonog raph or sm al l disc phonog raph .
Repair on or near th e fro nt safety belt re tra ctor assembly.
● Ret rof it the susp ensi on de vice .
● Ret rof it the fron t st ruct ure.
Inst all gr id prot ect ion devi ce or ot her
suppl ement ary equi pment in front par t.
Repai r on or near the fro nt fender ,
fro nt stru cture or bra cket.
casset te
Lif an
The mai nten an ce ind i ca tor i n the fron t safet y belt pr eten si oner sy st em is us ed to ind icate the op er at i on trou bl e drive r.
Any of the fol lowi ng situa tion s ind icates the ab no r mality of ai r ba g or pr et en sion er.
Repa ir the ve hi cl e at servi ce st at i on at
once in ca se of su ch situa tion .
● The ma intenanc e indic ator is not li ghted or kep t on when turn ing the i gnition ke y to ON”.
This i ndi ca tor w ill lig ht up or twinkl e when
dri vi ng.
happ en i ng to the
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Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Abnormali ty or activ atio n of th e fr ont safe ty belt prete nsio ner wil l cause th e front safe ty belt not to be retr a cte d or pulled out.
Insp ect and r epair t he vehi cle at serv ice sta tion at o nce i n case of t he
followi ng situ ation s.
● An ac ci dent in the fr ont par t of the ve hi cl e (sh aded por tion in the fi gur e) does not mak e
the front sa fet y bel t pret ens ione r work.
Front saf ety bel t pret ensi oner assem bly or its sur roundi ng par t is scr atched , spl it or
dam aged due to ot her reasons .
Lifa n
Air Bag for Driver and Front Passenger
play only when work ing with w ell -f a stened safe ty belt. There fore , for your and your
family s safe ty, pa y extr a att enti on to Note
and Fri endly Tips in this part
● Use safety belt at all times whe n
drivi ng!
Keep the rig ht sitting postur e,
in this case , the safety belt and
Air bag sys tem is a supplemental re stra int
system ( SRS ) , which is a s upp lement to the seat belt. The system can pro vide an additional pro tection for the head and chest of driver and passenger in a fro n tal
cra sh and re duce injury and death.
The air bag syste m can n ot ta ke place of th e safe ty belt, fo r it is j ust a p art of th e whole passive safe ty pro tec ti on syste m in ve hic le. Additi onally, pl ease be note d that th e a ir
bag syste m b ri ngs into its la rg e st pro tecti ve
air bag syst em can bring their
largest protective p lay !
Rear seat is mu ch sa fer for child
under 1 2 y ears old !
Installati on an d removal of air bag comp one nt without p erm ission are
not allowed!
System Component
SRS air bag s ystem incl ude s the follow ing assembl ies, whose posi tions are sh own in the abov e figure.
1. SRS warn ing lamp
2. Fr ont pas senge r air bag assembly (ai r bag and air char gi ng dev ice )
3. Driver air bag asse mbl y (ai r bag a nd air charging de vic e)
4. Air bag ECU ( Electron ic Co ntrol Unit )
It consists of a safety sen sor and safety
air bag s ensor.
Air Bag Warning Lamp
The air bag s ystem , monitored by ECU, has a self-di agnos tic functi on. It indic ates th e system st atus th ro ugh the wa rn ing lamp on the i nst ru men t panel:
After the i gn iti on switch is t urned on, the
air ba g warni ng lam p ligh ts up for ab out 5 s , and the n goes ou t. In thi s case , the syst em
is no r mal.
● If th e a ir bag ha s be en clos ed by sta ti on , warn in g lamp wi ll be alw ay s on when turn ing on th e ig niti o n switc h, w hich me ans th is syste m provi de s no pro te ction a t th is mome nt.
Lifa n serv i ce
The warn ing lamp sys te m i s to monito r the air bag ECU, fro nt se at sa fe ty belt prete nsi one r assembly, air charg i ng de vice, warn ing l amp , wirin g and power sup ply (S ee Se ction 1-5 “Mainte nance Indi cato r and Warn ing Buzzer” for deta il).
The followi ng situations indicate that
the air b ag sy stem has troub les or has bee n clo sed.
Warning lamp can no t light up
when turni ng on the ignition switch.
Warning lamp can not go o ut aft er 5 s
or tw ink les a gain and lights up aft er going out when turn ing on th e ignition switch.
The war nin g la mp wil l light up again
afte r the ig niti on switc h is clo sed.
War nin g lamp twink les or light s up
when driv ing.
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Check th e air b ag syste m at serv ice sta tio n immediate ly in case of th e
above p henomen a. Otherw ise, th e syste m may not work normally when accid ent occurs .
Lifa n
Condi tions for Tr iggerin g Air Bag
Conditions f or tri gge ri ng air bag are de sig ned as follows: Air b ag sy stem will be tri g gere d in case of a fro nta l crash to certai n ext ent; air bag system may b e tri ggere d in case of a special cra s h.
Genera lly, th e air bag system will not be tri gge re d i n cas e of a sl igh t fro nta l c ra s h and side impact, or bump against th e rear part of th e veh icl e, or o vertu rn of th e veh icl e. Under such circumsta nces, driver and passenger can be prote cte d by th eir safe ty belts.
Decisiv e fa c to r fo r trig gerin g air bag s yste m: Give an ove ra l l inte lligent co mparis on betw e en the set val ue an d decelera ti o n curv e produced in a cra sh an d re q uire d by ECU and th e n mak e a judgeme nt. The a ir bag will not be trig gere d if th e produced a nd dete cte d dec elera ti on sign al is below th e re l ated re fe re nti al set value in th e ECU, alth oug h th e vehicl e may h ave been distorte d serio usl y in the crash.
When s etting the E CU of air b ag syst em, Lifa n as fully con sider ed the va rious c ommo n misu ses an d road co nditions in Ch ina Howe ver d ue t o the v ariou s causes and phys ical condi tions o f crashes and for your safet y, pl ease ob serve t he instruc tion manu al s trict ly wh en u sing vehicl e to avoid misu sing Ot her wi se the expecte d eff ect for air b ag can not be e nsure d
Prote ctive Process of Air Bag
Onc e t he air bag sy st em is tri gge red, air wi ll ent er into the ai r bag at onc e and will ex pan d and inf lat e in front of drive r and pas senge r. They wi ll si nk int o t he dep l oy ed ai r bag , and then f or war d dashi ng iner tia i s redu ce d, thus hea d, nec k and ch es t injur ies of the dr ive r and pas se nge r wi ll be r edu ced.
Deve loped w it h a spe cial pu rpose, the de pl oye d air
bag wi ll ab sorb energy and di scha rge the ai r at cert ain rat e an d red uce the force ag ai nst driver and pa ssen ger w he n the ba g is squ ee zed by the m af t er de ploym ent, t hu s to red uce t he . After the acci dent , air in t he deploye d ba g al most discha rge s ou t, so the ba g wil l no t bl ock you r visi on ahea d.
. ,
inj ury
The deployment of air bag can be fi nished in a fra ction of a s econd. Thus the air bag can pro vide pro tecti on for driv er and passenger in case of an accident.
Deploym ent of air bag w ill c ause a larg e n oise, but it will n ot cause inj ury to peopl e in mo st cases (t h e possibil ity o f ti nni tu s o r te mpora ry
hearing l oss is not exc lud ed. Howeve r, th is phenome non will dis app ear quickl y). The a ir, pro duced b y th e d eploymen t of air bag, ma y have an odo r and will affe ct your a ppe ti te , but it will not c ause to xic osi s. In th e p ro c ess of chargin g air, th e air bag wi ll give out a bi t of
smoke, which is a normal phen ome non.
No fi re will o ccu r, so worry is unnecessary.
The Situations That Air Bag Will Not Explode
The vehi cle bum ps agai nst cem ent pi llar , tree or ot her slender obj ect s.
The ve hi cle bum ps a gainst th e low er
part of a truck.
The ve hi cle bumps against the w all
with its side pa rt.
Air bag may not be tri ggered in the above three situations.
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
The rear is bumped by another vehicle.
The side is bumped by another vehicle.
The vehicle tu rns o ver on one side.
SRS air b ag may not be tr iggered in case of accid ents th at th e sid e o r rear of the veh ic le is crashed by anoth er vehic le ; the vehicle turns o ver or is bumpe d at a slow speed.
Sit uatio ns That Air Bag May Explo de
The vehi cle bum ps agai nst t he saf et y i sl and, bul ge besi de road or st one besi de st reet
The vehicle bu mps i nto a deep pit.
The bott om b um ps a ga in st the gr ound wh en drivin g
down a s lo p e.
SRS air bag ma y be tri ggere d when th e vehicle su ff ers th e seri ous wallop fro m the bott om, which is shown in th e above figure s.
Air bag is devel oped and mat ched for
the desi gnat ed vehi cles , any modi ficat ion to suspens ion , tire si ze , bum per, chass is and the or igi nal ly equi pped devi ce wi ll aff ect
the ai r bag sys tem. Addi t ional ly, transf er ring any com ponent of air bag sys tem t o the vehi cles of ot her model s is not al lowed , other wise, the ai r bag sys tem may be out
of ser vice , t hus inj ur ies ar e caused .
Fasten th e sa fet y belt and ke ep the ri ght sit t ing postu re wh en dri ving . Ri sk of inj ury will i ncre a se in an acc ident air ba g sy ste m to be tri ggered , if the safet y
belt is not f astened or s itting po wron g.
It is vi tal for driver to keep a di stance of at least 25cm bet ween ches t and st eer ing wheel . In thi s cas e, the syst em can provi de the mo
st eff ective pr ot ect ion for the dr iver
when i t is trigger ed.
which ca use s the
sture is
Any ob je ct ca n no t be stu c k or pla ced o n the surfa ce of steer in g whe el o rname ntal cap an d th e surfa ce near th e fr ont pas se nger air bag, or oth er
deco ratio n is not allo wed to th e se surfa ces. Use slig htly wet or dip ped rag to cle an the tw o surfa ces, and bea tin g the tw o s ur fa ces is not
allo wed.
● It is fo rb i dden th at child sits in th e fro nt
seat without any pro tec tio n. Ch ild may suffer a seri ous i nju ry or e ven dea th if air bag is tri ggere d in an acciden t.
● No perso n , ani mal or objec t is al lowed among dri ver, f ro nt passe nge r and air bag. It is very da nge ro us for chi ldre n if th ey sit on an adu lt' s legs in the fro nt se at.
● Any acces sory , such as p hon e suppo rt , cup and ash tra y, is forb idd en to install ed with in th e acti on are a o f air bag. Oth erwise, risk of inj ury will inc re ase if air b ag is tri ggere d in an accide nt.
on th e air bag o rn amenta l cap o r
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Instru cti on Manual of Lifan Sedan
Forbid changing any a sse mbly of air bag
syste m, in clu din g the correspondin g lab el.
Any op eration on a ir bag, i nclud ing
remo val and inst allat ion of co mpone nts
in the s ystem d ue t o the rep air work fo r othe r parts ( e. g. remo val of st eerin g
whee l), ccom plish ed b y
Lifa n
Replace t he air bag sys tem wi thin 1 0
years sin ce the ma nufac turin g date
(lab eled on t he cert ifica te of the v ehicl e and ta g wi thi n the eng ine comp art me nt).
The repla cing wo rk shou ld be done by
Lifa n
made if
syst em
Air bag can pr ovi de prot ect ion once only.
Once t he air bag is t riggered or dam aged , thi s syst em m ust be repl aced .
can on ly be a
serv ice sta ti on .
serv ice sta tion . Re cord shoul d be
a cert ain comp onent o f the air b ag
has be en repl aced be fore th is date .
Hand al l enclosed materi als to the
new own er when transferr ing the vehicl e. at if the air bag h as been cl ose d, han d this data to the ne w owner as well.
Obser ve the r el at ed saf ety pr ovi sions
and scr appi ng pr ocedur e when scr appi ng any com ponent of the vehi cle or ai r bag sys t em . Scr appi ng di sposal must be done by or the si milar qual ified uni ts.
Air bag syst em can resist the
electrom agnetic interfe rence and disturba nce. However, to av oid accident , use the vehicle und er the electr omagnetic envir onment permitte d by th e sta te.
Air ba g system of LF 62 0 ha s tak en
the common misus e situa tion s and roa d con di t ion s in Chi na into con side rat ion . Howe ver, to avoi d
Please be noted th
Lifan ser vice stat ion
accident, do not make the veh icl e bottom su ffer a se rious bump o r drive it
reckles sly on a bad roa d.
Close Air Bag
As sti pula te d , th e air bag fo r dri ver and
fro nt passenger will be closed under some conditi ons, fo r example :
Twent y five centi met er s be tween the
midd le pa rt of stee ring whee l and chest of dr iver can no t be en sured , al thoug h the dr iver sea t is ad jus ted at a right position.
A special devi ce needs to be instal le d for the disa ble w ith in the acti o n are a of air bag of stee ring wh eel .
The area can not be guara nte ed with in
the preset positi on are a at fa cto ry wh en the fr ont passenger seat nee ds to b e adjuste d fo r som e re a son.
Clos ing work for a ir bag sy stem sh ould be done b y ser vice st ati on .They will
label a tag o n the c orrespondin g par t and ma ke a re cor d after c losing cer tain air bag.
Lifa n
If the ai r bag nee ds to be cl osed under som e speci al si t uat ions , the cl osing w or k shoul d be don e by ser vice st at i on . Otherwi se, ser ious inj ur y or dea t h may hap pen !
Reopen th e clo sed air bag a s soon a s possib le to re cov er its pro te c tiv e func tio n!
Other Matters
● If you w ant to tr ans fe r or de moli s h your vehic le , read th e man ual car efull y and in for m th e new
owner or demoli shin g unit th a t your vehic le has been equip ped w ith air bag syste m, an d suggest them to rea d th is manual car efu ll y.
● Avoid co ntacti ng the ai r bag mou ld asse mbly dire ctly ( otherw ise you m ay suffe r s cald or toxi cosis ) afte r th e air bag s yste m p layed i ts role . Remov al work fo r air bag s hould b e done
Lifa n
by s ervic e stati on . Once th e air b ag syste m plays i ts role , re pla ce a new on e at once .
Air ba g syst em pl ays its r ol e in cas e of
a fron tal cr ash to cert ain extent . No probl em
may exi st in the syst em i tsel f eve n tho ug h it is not tr iggered. Dam ag e of veh icle or ab normal rep ai r can aff ect the no r mal op erat ion of air ba g syst em.
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
Chongqing Li fan P assenger Vehic le Co . , Ltd .
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