T 264Mining Truck
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): 393 t / 433 ton
Nominal Payload: 228 t / 251 ton

T 264
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): 393 t / 433 ton
Nominal Payload: 228 t / 251 ton
T 264

Liebherr Mining Equipment enables superior productivity
by loading and hauling maximum tonnage in the shortest
amount of time.
Effi ciency
Liebherr combines the proven capabilities of previous
models with new features that improve operational
effi ciency.
Customer Support
Liebherr builds more than just mining equipment; Liebherr
also builds customer partnerships.
Mining demands an ever-vigilant focus on safety, and
Liebherr strictly adheres to industry standards. Liebherr
equipment is designed to diminish risk even under the
most extreme mining conditions.
To maximize equipment reliability, Liebherr combines
manufacturing expertise with superior monitoring and
diagnostic capabilities.
Liebherr optimizes mining equipment for fuel economy,
emission compliance, and extended service intervals.
T 264

Litronic Plus AC drive system
Liebherr’s effi cient drive system with
high power to ground ratios enables
fast acceleration and high speeds on
grade for increased productivity.
T 264

By maximizing payload while minimizing cycle times, Liebherr high-horsepower
equipment effectively moves more tons per hour.
Unmatched performance
The T 264 offers high performance on grade. It combines an effi cient Litronic Plus
AC drive system and a high power engine up to 2,013 kW (2,700 HP) to yield higher
speeds on grade. With its effi cient hydraulic design and fast cycle times, the T 264
moves more material.
Flexible engine options
The T 264 supports multiple engine options with power ratings up to 2,013 kW
(2,700 HP). With application-specifi c recommendations from Liebherr, Customers
are able to select the engine that will allow the truck to meet productivity targets
while minimizing fuel consumption.
Liebherr is committed to designing mining trucks that operators want to drive.
The T 264 fulfi lls this commitment and promotes driver effi ciency with its superior
comfort, acceleration and handling.
This 240-ton class truck is well-matched with a variety of rope-shovels, hydraulic
excavators and wheel loaders. Loading the T 264 with either the Liebherr R 9800
or R 996 B hydraulic excavator offers a highly productive combination.
Extended operation
The T 264 is designed to operate for approximately 24 hours without refueling, dependent
upon application. The extended operation is
suppor ted by its low fuel consumption and
optional 4,920 liter (1,300 gallon) fuel capacity.
T 264

Dynamic braking
The T 264 features high-powered, frictionless
dynamic braking. The AC drive system delivers up
to 3,300 kW (4,425 HP) of electric dynamic braking,
reducing engine loading and fuel consumption.
T 264

Effi ciency
Effi ciency is a key ingredient for a successful mining operation. Liebherr mining
equipment enables Customers to enjoy unrivaled performance while reducing
cost per ton.
Litronic Plus technology
Developed and built by Liebherr, the proven Litronic Plus drive system determines
the optimal way to extract power from the diesel engine. Effi cient loading of the
engine is critical to minimize fuel consumption and maximize performance.
The T 264 reduces maintenance time by offering ground level service points
whenever possible. This feature allows more time to be spent in operation and
less time spent in the workshop.
Intelligent power usage
Engine power usage is optimized by running auxiliary components such as
pumps, fans and motors only when needed. Fuel is conserved when the engine
is idling and more power is available to accelerate the truck and climb grades
when necessary.
Wheel motors
The T 264’s AC induction motors
effi ciently convert electrical power
into mechanical torque.
Fewer electrical losses translate
into higher rimpull forces for faster
cycle times and increased fuel
Long life components
Components are built to perform in the most extreme mining conditions in order
to allow more time between overhauls and to reach their maximum operational life.
Engine / Fuel system
The T 264 offers reliable engine options with
the latest fuel injection technology for cleaner
combustion and reduced fuel consumption.
Customers can expect reduced maintenance
and lower fuel costs.
T 264

The T 264’s frame is designed according to
international weld fatigue guidelines, and
is fabricated according to American Welding Society standards. This steel structure
includes cast components in strategic areas
and hollow box rails with fully welded internal
stiffeners. These choices ensure the most
durable, lightweight frame available.
T 264