Liebert Hiross HPS 10L, HPS 12L, HPS 14L, HPS060/A, HPS080/A Service Manual

Cod. 273000
Rev. 16.02.2006
Issued by T.D.Service


S the manual is retained for the entire service life of the machine; S the user reads the manual carefully before carrying out any operations on the machine; S the machine is used exclusively for the purpose for which it is intended; incorrect use of the machine shall release the
manufacturer from any liability.
This manual has been prepared to enable the end ---user to carry out only the operations that can made with the panels closed. Any operations that require the opening of doors or equipment panels must be carried out only by qualified personnel. Each machine is equipped with an electric isolating device which allows the operator to work in conditions of safety. This device must always be used to eliminate risks during maintenance (electric shocks, scalds, automatic restarting, moving parts and remote control). The panel key supplied with the unit must be kept by the person responsible for maintenance.
For identification of the unit (model and serial no.) in case of the necessity for assistance or spare parts, read the identification label placed on the outside and inside of the unit.
This manual may be subject to modification; for complete and up---to---date information the user should always consult the manual supplied with the machine.
Attention: data relevant to the unit supplied is indicated on the inboard label (see the blank facsimi­le below). Data in the manual is referred to standard conditions and can be modified without any advance notice.
1 Compressor Full Load Ampere [A]
2 Compressor Locked Rotor Ampere [A]
3 Compressor quantity
4 Evaporator fan Full Load Ampere [A]
5 Evaporator fan Locked Rotor Ampere [A]
6 Evaporator fan quantity
7 Condenser fan Full Load Ampere [A]
8 Condenser fan Locked Rotor Ampere [A]
9 Condenser fan quantity
10 Electrical heating Ampere
11 Electrical heating steps
12 Humidifier Ampere
13 Steam production capacity
14 Max. unit AC Ampere
15 Max. unit DC Ampere
16 Rated peak withstand current
17 Rated short --- time current
18 Refrigerant type
19 High pressure switch Stop
20 High pressure switch Restart
21 Low pressure switch Stop
22 Low pressure switch Restart
23 Min. room operation temperature
24 Max. room operation temperature
25 Min. room operation humidity
26 Max. room operation humidity
27 Max. refrigeration circuit pressure


1 -- Preliminary operations pag. 1...............................................................
1.1 --- Foreword pag. 1.......................................................................................
1.2 --- Check operating limits pag. 1............................................................................
1.3 -- - Check sound pressure levels pag. 1.......................................................................
1.4 --- Conditioner inspection pag. 1............................................................................
1 . 5 --- Tr a n s p o r t pag. 1.......................................................................................
1 . 6 --- S e a l i n g t h e r o o m pag. 1.................................................................................
1.7 --- Servicing areas pag. 1..................................................................................
2 -- Installation pag. 1..........................................................................
2.1 --- Overall dimensions pag. 1...............................................................................
2.2 - -- Positioning the HPSE indoor unit pag. 1...................................................................
2.3 --- Positioning two inner HPSE units pag. 1...................................................................
2.4 --- Freecooling duct connections (optional) pag. 1.............................................................
2.5 --- Positioning the HPSC condensing unit pag. 2...............................................................
2.6 --- Refrigeration connections pag. 2.........................................................................
2.7 --- Condensate drain connection pag. 3......................................................................
2.8 --- Electrical connections and wiring diagram (supplied with the unit) pag. 3.......................................
2.9 --- User interface pag. 3....................................................................................
2.10 --- Emergency cooling version (EFC 48 VDC / 230 VAC) pag. 3.................................................
2.11 --- Electrical protection pag. 3..............................................................................
3 -- Starting and stopping pag. 3................................................................
3 . 1 --- F i r s t s t a r t --- u p ( o r af t e r a l o n g ha l t ) pag. 3..................................................................
3 . 2 --- S t a r t --- u p wi t h lo w o u t s i d e t e m p e r a t u r e (o n l y o n “ H P S C x x A / L” m o d e l s ) p a g . 3...................................
3 . 3 --- S e l f te s t pag. 3.........................................................................................
3.4 --- Starting and stopping pag. 4.............................................................................
4-- Operation pag. 4............................................................................
4.1 --- Control of the condenser fan speed (“HPSCxxA/L” models only) pag. 4.........................................
4.2 --- Emergency cooling (optional) pag. 4......................................................................
5-- Operatinglogic pag. 4......................................................................
5.1 --- Cooling only unit pag. 4.................................................................................
5.2 --- Unit with electric heating pag. 4..........................................................................
5.3 --- Unit with freecooling pag. 5..............................................................................
5.4 --- LAN local network management: Stand---by and Cascade modes pag. 5.......................................
5.5 --- Alarm control pag. 5....................................................................................
6 -- Settings pag. 5.............................................................................
7 -- Maintenance / Spare parts pag. 6............................................................
7.1 --- Routine maintenance pag. 6.............................................................................
7.2 --- Extraordinary maintenance pag. 6........................................................................
7.3 --- Dismantling the unit pag. 7..............................................................................
7.4 --- Spare parts pag. 7.....................................................................................
8 -- Appendix pag. 8............................................................................
8.1 --- Check the unit after the installation pag. 8..................................................................
Ta b l e s pag. 9....................................................................................
Drawings / Circuits pag. 17.......................................................................
1 --- Preliminary operations
1.1 --- Foreword
This manual covers the installation, operation and mainten­ance of HPS air conditioners, which are composed of an evaporating unit (HPSE), positioned in the room, and a con­densing unit (HPSC), positioned outside.
Also consult the manual for the microprocessor control.
1.2 --- Check operating limits
The units are designed to operate within specific working ranges (see Tab. 1, Tab. 2, Tab. 3, Tab. 4, Tab. 5 and Tab. 6). These limits are referred to new machines or for those that have been correctly installed and serviced. The warranty clauses are no longer valid for any damage or malfunction that may occur during or due to operation outside the ap­plication range.
1.3 --- Check sound pressure levels
Tab. 1, Tab. 2, Tab. 3, Tab. 4, Tab. 5 and Tab. 6 show the in­ternal (HPSE) and external (HPSC) sound pressure levels for units in standard configuration, in continuous operation, at 2m from the front surface of the machine, 1m above base level, and referred to free field conditions.
1.4 --- Conditioner inspection
On receiving the equipment immediately inspect its condi­tion; report any damage to the transport company at once.
(e.g. acid vapours).
S Position the internal evaporating unit (HPSE) so as to op-
timise the indoor air distribution and avoid hot spots.
S Position the indoor unit preferably in the centre of the
room ceiling.
S Fix the unit to the ceiling by inserting expansion or
through clamps (in this case ensure the clamp is sealed) using the slots on the two side brackets (see Fig. 2a, Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c).
S Make sure the airflow circulates freely. S To allow the servicing of the unit, the Service Area shown
in Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b, has to be left unobstructed (in Fig. 2a the 300 mm minimum clearance from the back of the evaporating unit is compulsory).
S Check if the unit is horizontal on both sides ”A” and
”B” (see. Fig. a).
Fig. a) Horizontal level control
“A” “B ”
1 . 5 --- Tr a n s p o r t
S Always keep the unit vertically upright and do not leave
it in the open.
S While carrying the unit, avoid exerting any pressure on
the upper corners of the package.
S Unpack the unit as close as possible to its installation
position. Once unpacked, avoid any impact to its internal components.
1.6 --- Sealing the room
To create stable thermohygrometric conditions within the room, proceed as follows:
S vapour seal the walls, floor and ceiling using an imperme-
able material;
S make sure that the room is airtight by sealing all gaps,
cable entries, etc.
1.7 --- Servicing areas
The unit must be provided with a suitable service area (see Fig. 4). All maintenance of the evaporating unit can be carried out as shown in Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b. Access to the condensing unit is provided by removable pan­els with screw fixings.
2 --- I n s t a l l a t i o n
The evaporating unit (HPSE) must never be installed out­doors.
2.1 --- Overall dimensions
See Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, Fig. 1c, Fig. 1d, Fig. 1e and Fig. 1f for the overall dimensions of the evaporating unit (HPSE) and external condensing unit (HPSC).
2.2 --- Positioning the HPSE indoor unit
S Unpack the unit as close as possible to the place where
it has to be installed. Once unpacked, avoid stress and any impact to its internal components.
S The indoor unit can be installed in any indoor location
provided it is not exposed to an aggressive environment
2.3 --- Positioning two inner HPSE units
The ceiling installation of two units operating in the same room must be carefully evaluated, considering the following factors:
1) each intake side of the machine must be able to intake as much as the other two;
2) possible ”Freecooling” function;
3) the thermal loads to be dissipated can be true hot air flows hitting the intake sides of the machines: in this case, the two intake sides of the two machines can be arranged even at a short distance (up to 300 mm) to intake the ther­mal load where it is highest.
2.4 --- Freecooling duct connections
The air conditioner may be supplied with an integrated Free­cooling device (optional), which uses fresh air from outside to cool the room without starting up the compressor. The device provides the correct cooling capacity required, using a motorised, modulating damper. In this case, the rear of the unit is equipped with connections which draw in the outside air, as follows:
S double circular holes, for 202 mm (HPSE 06) or 252 mm
( H P S E 0 8 --- 1 0 --- 1 2 --- 1 4 ) d i a m e t e r f l e x i b l e d u c t s t o b e fixed with metal clamps;
S single rectangular hole with flange for 560x190 mm
(HPSE 06) or 600x250 mm (HPSE 08 --- 10 --- 12 --- 14) duct (not supplied by Liebert --- HIROSS).
Inbothcases,theholesinthewallhavetobeprotectedby rainproof grilles with a prefilter, to avoid water or foreign bodies getting into the conditioner.
Outside air, taken into the room by the fan, is exhausted through an overpressure damper, which is installed on the wall of the room and protected by an external rainproof grille .
2.4.1 --- External air temperature probe installation
Install the external air temperature probe at the end of the freecooling duct.
pag. 1
The bulb must be positioned as much outside as possible but must not be exposed to direct sunlight or weather agents such as rain or snow.The unit operation could be jeopardized if these precautions are not applied.
2.5 --- Positioning the HPSC condensing unit
Available condensing unit versions: HPSC “0”: base version
HPSC “A”: advanced version HPSC “L”: long piping version (see Fig. 12)
S The condensing unit must be positioned outside to en-
able its cooling (see Fig. 3).
S It is connected to the air conditioner through the re-
frigerant pipelines. Keep the refrigerant lines as short as possible and anyway follow the indications in Tab. a, Tab. b, Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, considering that in ­stallations with equivalent length of the refrigerant pipelines over 10 m are possible only for HPSCxxL units.
S Install the condensing unit in a level position, able to bear
its weight and vibrations and away from contaminating agents (e.g. dust, leaves) to ensure the best efficiency over time. Avoid any place containing flammable gases.
S If different locations are available, preferably install the
condensing unit in places sheltered from rain, with suit­able air circulation and not subject to strong sun expo­sure; the latter precaution enables performance opti­misation and compliance with the operating limits. For in­stallationsinplaceswithwindspeedsover5m/s(e.g. building tops) consider that such conditions can offer re­sistance to the air outlet from the condensing unit, reduc­ing the air delivery and thus the heat exchange capacity, or they can make the fan run too fast jeopardizing its oper­ation, as well as increasing the hazard of the machine tilt­ing if it is not properly fixed. To lessen the problem of strong gusts of wind, position the condensing unit close to a wind barrier (e.g. building or enclosing wall) and in a direction perpendicular to the flow of the discharge air. To prevent tilting ensure that the unit is securely fixed, if necessary through additional supports or tie---rods, thus ensuring stability even in case of earthquakes. Position the unit so that the ejected hot air and the sound emissions do not disturb people. In case of snow, make sure that the unit is not completely covered and that the inlet sections are always clear. To enable sufficient air de­livery through the unit/s and to have sufficient space for maintenance, it is necessary not to obstruct the air inlet and discharge sections of the condensing unit, position­ing it, or several machines, to maintain the minimum ser­vice areas and distances indicated in Fig. 4, for some possible installation configurations.
S Fig. 3 shows some examples of how to install the con-
densing unit. For wall --- mounted installation the con­densing unit can be supplied with an optional mounting kit, comprising a pair of galvanised steel angle brackets, painted with RAL9002 polyester powder with a smooth finish; suitable elastomer anti---vibration mounts and stainless steels fixings, including anchor screws for wall fastening (see Fig. 2d). NOTE: The anchor screws included in the kit are to be used only when fastening the brackets to a concrete or brick wall (including hollow bricks). Do not use them on sandwich walls (e.g. a container) or walls of unknown composition. In these cases the most suitable fastening system for the special material must be used. If the above mentioned optional kit is not used, suitable anti --- vibra­tion mounts must always be fitted between the condens­ing unit and the mounting brackets, to avoid the trans­mission of vibrations. Also make sure that the brackets used are suitable for supporting the condensing unit in all
conditions (e.g. in case of temporary abnormal loads on the unit).
2.6 --- Refrigeration connections
The condensing and evaporating units are pre---charged with Nitrogen and have to be charged with refrigerant (see Chap. 7.2.2 – Refrigerant charging).
a) Pipeline positioning Connect the air conditioner to the condensing unit using re-
frigerant lines in hard or soft copper. S Limit the number of pre --- shaped bends. If this is not
possible, every bend must have a radius of at least 100 mm.
S The gas line must be insulated. S The liquid line must be kept away from heat sources. If
this is not possible it has to be insulated.
S If the condensing unit is located above the evaporating
unit, the last segment of the suction line (insulated pipe­work) must be inclined towards the condensing unit.
If, on the other hand, the condensing unit is located below the air conditioner it is advisable to create a trap on the suction line.
Tab. a --- HPSCxx0/A: external standard
HPS060/A 2m<L10m φ 16 x 1 φ 12 x 1 1% with 10 m
HPS080/A 2m<L10m φ 16 x 1 φ 12 x 1 3% with 10 m
HPS100/A 2m<L10m φ 18 x 1 φ 12 x 1 2% with 10 m
HPS120/A 2m<L10m φ 18 x 1 φ 12 x 1 4% with 10 m
HPS140/A 2m<L10m φ18x1 φ 12 x 1 5% with 10 m
Tab. b --- HPSCxxL: external standard diameters
diameters for external refrigerant pipelines --- R407C
Gas line
Cooling capacity
drop vs. the std. installation (2m)
for external refrigerant pipelines--- R407C
2m<L≤10m 10m<L≤20m 20m<L≤30m 30m<L≤40m 40m<L≤50m
2m<L≤10m 10m<L≤20m 20m<L≤30m 30m<L≤40m 40m<L≤50m
2m<L≤10m 10m<L≤20m 20m<L≤30m 30m<L≤40m 40m<L≤50m
2m<L≤10m 10m<L≤20m 20m<L≤30m 30m<L≤40m 40m<L≤50m
2m<L≤10m 10m<L≤20m 20m<L≤30m 30m<L≤40m 40m<L≤50m
Gas line
φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 18 x 1 φ 18 x 1 φ 18 x 1
φ 16 x 1 φ 18 x 1 φ 18 x 1 φ 18 x 1 φ22 x1
φ 18 x 1 φ 22 x 1 φ22 x1 φ22 x1 φ22 x1
φ 18 x 1 φ22 x1 φ22 x1 φ22 x1 φ28 x1
φ18 x1 φ22 x1 φ22 x1 φ28 x1 φ28 x1
φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1
φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 16 x 1
φ 12 x 1 φ 12 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1
φ 12 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1
φ 12 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1 φ 16 x 1
Cooling capacity
drop vs. the std. installation (2m)
1% with 10 m 4% with 20 m 3% with 30 m 5% with 40 m 6% with 50 m
3% with 10 m 3% with 20 m 5% with 30 m 6% with 40 m 3% with 50 m
2% with 10 m 3% with 20 m 5% with 30 m 6% with 40 m 7% with 50 m
4% with 10 m 3% with 20 m 4% with 30 m 5% with 40 m 2% with 50 m
5% with 10 m 3% with 20 m 5% with 30 m 2% with 40 m 3% with 50 m
pag. 2
Tab. c --- Equivalent lengths (m) of: curves,
shut---off and non ---return valves
90° 45° 180° 90°
12 0.50 0.25 0.75 2.10 1.90
14 0.53 0.26 0.80 2.20 2.00
16 0.55 0.27 0.85 2.40 2.10
18 0.60 0.30 0.95 2.70 2.40
22 0.70 0.35 1.10 3.20 2.80
28 0.80 0.45 1.30 4.00 3.30
b) Evacuation of the refrigerant lines The evacuation operation must be carried out with a special
(quality) vacuum pump, using the 1/4” SAE connectors, lo­cated on the unit on---off valves,
2.7 --- Condensate drain connection
During the cooling cycle part of the moisture in the air con­denses on the evaporating coil. The condensate is collected in the tank fitted under the coil and must be drained outside.
Tab. d --- Condensate drain connection
Condensate drain φ 21 mm
To drain the condensate:
S Use galvanized steel, PVC or flexible polythene pipe. S CAUTION: DO NOT INTERCONNECT THE OUTLETS OF
S Make sure there is at least a 2% gradient towards the
drain outlet.
S There must beadraintrapplacedatleast30mmbelow
the drain tank.
S Fill the drain trap with water by pouring it into the conden-
sate tank.
2.8 --- Electrical connections and wiring
diagram (supplied with the unit)
For the electric connections of the indoor units HPSE and outdoor units HPSC, refer to Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
Before connecting or disconnecting the fast couplers be­tween the indoor unit and outdoor unit, make sure that the main switch is in the “OFF” position and that:
S all electrical components are not damaged; S allterminalscrewsaretight; S thesupplyvoltageandfrequencyareasindicatedonthe
S there are no live components.
The 48 Vdc supply (in the version ”Emergency Free Coo­ling”) must be delivered through a shielded cable, with the connection of the shielding braid on the evaporating side. The signal connection cable between the evaporating unit and the condensing unit must be shielded, with the connec­tion of the shielding braid on the evaporating side.
2.9 --- User interface
The standard control system on HPS is based on a micropro­cessor board mounted inside the electrical panel, which can be connected to a user interface (remote display) that can be positioned inside the room as required. The user interface (remote display), when installed, is mounted in a painted metal box and connected to the air conditioner using a multi---pole screened cable (optional accessory).
2.10 --- Emergency cooling version
(EFC 48 VDC / 230 VAC)
When this option is used install the supply cable as described in the electrical diagram.
In the 48VDC units respect the polarity “+” and “ --- ”.
2.11 --- Electrical protection
CAUTION: For the electrical protection of the conditioner an
adequate switch with current protection must be installed in the power supply line. For the selection of the disconnect switch please refer to Tab. 7.
3 --- Starting and stopping
3 . 1 --- F i r s t s t a r t --- u p
(or after a long halt)
Before starting the air conditioner check if the power supply voltage and frequency comply with those on the identifica­tion plate of the unit. After this, it is possible to power the unit by operating the main switch. For units equipped with Power­Face microprocessor control, it is possible to start and stop the unit by following the instructions given below.
For units equipped with POWERFACE interface only:
S The unit is started by pressing the main switch ON. S The unit is stopped by pressing the main switch OFF.
For units equipped with a local or remote display interface:
S The unit is started by pressing the switch with LED. S The unit is stopped by pressing the switch with LED.
For units supplied with a HIROMATIC interface: S Start by pressing the ON --- OFF push button on the Hiro-
matic (confirmed by SYS.ON on the display).
S Stop by pressing the ON --- OFF push button on the Hiro-
matic (confirmed by SYS.OFF. on the display).
In both cases it is extremely important to consider the status of the digital input to the PowerFace microprocessor control managing the unit ON ---OFF (see relevant handbook and wir­ing diagram). Indeed, for the unit to start (operating on the unit main switch, or on the ON --- OFF button of the HIROMA­TIC interface), the digital input must be bridged (see wiring diagram). Check that there are no active alarms; wait until the system reaches the standard operation and then make the following checks:
S Check that the fans are working correctly. S Make sure that the temperature is controlled and the
compressor and the heaters (optional) work when re­quired.
S Make sure that the condensing unit fan speed controller
regulates the fan operation (only on “HPSCxxA/L” mo­dels).
3 . 2 --- S t a r t --- u p w i t h l o w o u t s i d e t e m p e r a -
ture (only on “HPSCxxA/L” models)
In case of low outside temperature (<0_C), the unit start---up is helped by the delay time of the low pressure alarm, within which the pressures in the refrigerating circuit reach the stan­dard operation values.
3 . 3 --- S e l f t e s t
The self---test function is possible only when a unit has the re­mote or local display installed. The self --- test function, per­forms a sequential, automatic check of components such as the compressor, fan, heaters, Freecooling damper, alarm relay and warning relay. This eliminates the need for manual control and leads to a remarkable decrease in the time needed for starting the unit, with the ability to carry out a quick check of the main components for the correct conditioner operation.
pag. 3
3.4 --- Starting and stopping
For the units provided with the POWERFACE control, you can switch on/off using the main switch. For the units provided with HIROMATIC interface:
S Start up the unit by pressing the Hiromatic ON --- OFF
push button (confirmed by SYS.ON on the display).
S Stop the unit by pressing the Hiromatic ON --- OFF push
button (confirmed by SYS.OFF on the display).
4 --- O p e r a t i o n
The unit operation is completely automatic. The sequence below explains (with the assistance of Fig. 8 ---Operation diagram) how the unit operates (see also Fig. 9 and Fig. 10
--- Refrigerating circuit):
1) The temperature sensor, positioned inside the HPSE evaporating unit, informs the control about the condition of the return air.
2) The control compares the information received with the programmed Set Point value (= minimum indoor tem­perature) and Proportional Band (and Differential in the versions with optional Freecooling), activating the condi­tioner’s air treatment modes as follows:
Cooling (Fig. 8a)
After switching the unit on, the evaporator fan starts immedi­ately whereas the compressor is started only when the tem­perature of the room to be conditioned exceeds the set value. In the HPSCxxA/L unit versions, the condensing unit fan starts automatically if the condensing pressure increases (control through Variex), while in the other versions the fan/s is/are controlled by a pressure switch ensuring a limit lower than the condensing pressure. The air taken in by the evapor­ator fan enters the unit through the side intakes, passing through the filters, and then reaches the evaporator. The cold refrigerant flows inside the evaporator pipes, thus cooling the air passing through it. The treated air is conveyed into the conditioned room through the supply outlet. The heat taken from the room and that generated by the conditioner motor operation is rejected through condensing coil located in the external condensing unit and cooled with outside air by the condenser fan. For the operation logic of the controls see chapter 5.
Heating (optional)
Heating of the air is achieved by means of electric heaters, located in the air flow and activated according to the logic set on the controls (see chapter 5).
Freecooling (optional)
When the temperature of the outside air is sufficiently below that of the inside air it is possible to use this difference to pro­vide cooling inside the room by direct intake of the outside air, i.e. without using the compressor. In this way it is possible to achieve considerable energy savings. When the required conditions occur, the servo --- motor, managed by the Power­Face control, opens the modulating damper which separates the flow of the inside air and outside air. Outside air, drawn into the room by the fan, is exhausted through an overpres­sure damper* which is installed on an outside wall of the room and is protected by an external rainproof grille*. The degree of opening of the damper is determined as a function of the temperature set point and the return air temperature.
4.1 --- Control of the condenser fan speed
(“HPSCxxA/L” models only)
A sensor is positioned so as to detect the condensing pres­sure of the refrigeration gas. On the basis of this information, an electronic device (Variex) modulates the fan speed in order to keep the condensing pressure within the permitted range. In this way, besides optimizing the compressor oper­ation, you can have a reduction of the sound pressure level (mainly during the night), easier start --- up of the compressor at low temperatures and some energy saving.
For the calibration of the speed controller refer to chap. 6.
4 . 2 --- E m e r g e n c y c o o l i n g (optional)
4.2.1 --- Emergency cooling 48VDC
With the 48VDC emergency cooling option, the evaporator fan, freecooling damper actuator and controls are always supplied at 48VDC, while the compressor, the condenser fan and the heaters are connected to the AC mains. If the AC mains supply fails, the conditioner does not stop but con­tinues to circulate the air, activating the Freecooling as soon as the relevant conditions are reached, automatically optim­ized in the event of mains failure.
For proper operation, the unit must always be fed by 48VDC.
4.2.2 --- Emergency cooling 230VAC --- 50Hz
In case of AC mains failure, the evaporator fan, freecooling damper actuator and controls are supplied by a second 230V/1Ph/50Hz supply, arranged by the user (UPS/gener­ator), ensuring operation in the same way as the 48VDC ver­sion.
For safety reasons open the main switch.
5 --- Operating logic
The different unit versions feature different automatic operat­ing logic, as described below.
5.1 --- Cooling only unit
5.1.1 --- Control logic
The control algorithm is based on single --- step regulation for the mechanical cooling, i.e. compressor start/stop. The con­trol manages all the activation delays, ensuring correct oper­ation and extending the operating life as much as possible.
Fig. a) Operation of the cooling only unit
Cooling only unit
Set Cooling °C
5.2 --- Unit with electric heating
5.2.1 --- Control logic
For the heating and cooling version the control algorithm is based on single---step regulation for the electric heating and single step regulation for the compressor (mechanical cool­ing). The control manages all of the compressor activation delays as previously described, ensuring its correct oper­ation and maximising run times.
5.2.2 --- Dead band
In this version the “Dead band” parameter, in the “optional devices” menu of the PowerFace microprocessor control is very important, enabling the heating semi--- band to be shirted by inserting a non --- sensitive area (ventilation only) between the set point temperature and the start of the heat­ing semi --- band (see Fig. b). In this way, without having to alter the proportional band, the electric heating can be acti­vated at lower temperatures (according to the value set for the dead band) compared to the standard setting, conse­quently reducing the energy consumption of the heaters and optimizing their operation according to the site requirements.
pag. 4
Fig. b) Unit operation with electrical heating
Dead Band
Set point CoolingHeating
Set point
CoolingHeating °C
Cooling and
heating unit
Cooling and heating unit
with Dead band
5.3 --- Unit with freecooling
5.3.1 --- Control logic
The control algorithm is based on single--- stage regulation for the heating and mechanical cooling (compressor), with modulating proportional --- integral control for the Freecooling (see Fig. c). The control manages all of the compressor ac­tivation delays, as we have seen in the 2 previous cases, in order to guarantee the proper operation and to extend its life.
The activation of the Freecooling mode occurs as a function of the difference (that can be set) between the inside tem­perature and the outside temperature. This means that if the difference between the two temperatures increases beyond the set value, the unit automatically initiates the Freecooling function; the compressor is deactivated and an analogue output controls the 3 --- point servomotor of the damper. The damper opening is determined as a function of the difference between the outdoor and indoor temperatures and as a func­tion of the intake air temperature, which cannot be lower than a preset safety value. If the indoor temperature exceeds the proportional band by more than 20% for over 10 minutes, the unit reverts to compressor --- aided cooling and the Freecoo­ling mode remains de --- activated for
/2hour. If the inside temperature exceeds the proportional band by more than 50% for over 2 minutes, the Freecooling mode is de --- acti­vated for 1 hour, and the unit reverts to cooling by means of the refrigeration circuit.
Fig. c) Compressor, heater and damper opening
Set CoolingHeating
Set CoolingHeating
Freecooling mode
Compressor cooling mode
5.4 --- LAN local network management:
Stand---by and Cascade modes
The control of the units in stand ---by can be completely auto­matic, thanks to the possibility of connection with the Power­Face control. A unit in stand --- by is automatically activated in case of an alarm causing the main unit to lock --- out. This also occurs if the main unit is switched off or disappears from the system due to a failure on the control connecting network (bus). Rotation of the stand--- by units can be set to occur automatically every 24 hours, so as to enable an even wear of the system components. If the system is connected to a Hiro­matic interface, it is possible to set timed daily or weekly rota­tion functions. When the Cascade function is activated, if sev-
eral units are simultaneously on, with the same Set Point, the temperature used for the control is the average of those de­tected. In mechanical cooling mode, the proportional semi--­band is divided by the number of units in the system, in order to share the total available cooling capacity. The activation of the Freecooling mode (if installed) is sequential on the differ­ent units forming the system, and precedes the possible ac­tivation of compressor for mechanical cooling. Fig. d) shows an example, illustrating the operation of a sy­stem formed by three units.
Fig. d) System with 3 units in cascade ---
PowerFace control
Freecooling mode
Set _CCoolingHeating
Compressor cooling mode
Set _CCoolingHeating
5.5 --- Alarm control
Two sets of alarm contacts (each n.c. or n.o.) are available on the terminal board of the electrical panel board for:
1) General Alarm (highest priority), including:
S Compressor alarm (high and low pressure). S Sensor fault. S Memory fault. S Evaporator fan fault.
2) General Warning (lowest priority), including:
S High temperature. S Low temperature.
A further General Warning is available in the unit equipped with heating, signalling the following abnormal condition:
S Electrical heater fault.
S An alarm causes the unit to stop and the unit in stand --- by
(if available) to intervene.
S A warning does not stop the unit. S Both the alarm and the warning activate visual and aud-
ible indication (on unit with Hiromatic).
S Both the alarm and the warning must be reset manually
on the PowerFace (or Hiromatic if installed).
Should the thermofuse intervene, the electrical heaters must be replaced.
6 --- S e t t i n g s
S The air conditioner has already been factory --- tested and
set as described below (see Tab. 8).
S For the microprocessor control settings please refer to
the relevant manual (to avoid incorrect operation do not use temperature and relative humidity set points or pro­portional bands which differ excessively from the stan­dard settings).
pag. 5
7 --- Maintenance / Spare parts
For safety reasons, always isolate the unit using the mains switch OFF, before opening the panels.
7.1 --- Routine maintenance
Maintenance program --- Monthly check
Check that the fan motor rotates freely without any abnormal noise, and ensure that the
bearings are not running hot. Also check the current absorption.
Check the conditions of the filters (3 for the recirculation air and 1 for the freecooling air, if this option is included), if necessary, clean or replace them. Toreplacethefiltersfortherecirculationair:
S Rotate the two filter ---locking fasteners securing each filter. S Remove the filters. S Fit the spare parts. S Lock the filters by rotating the two fasteners in the opposite direction to secure each
To replace the filter for the freecooling air (if this option is included):
S Remove the unit lower panel. S Remove the fastening bracket and pull the filter vertically downwards. S Fit the spare part. S Reposition the bracket and close the panel.
S Check the power supply on all phases. S Ensure that all electrical connections are tight.
S Check the evaporating pressures (to be performed by a refrigeration technician). S Check the compressor current absorption, the head pressure and the presence of
any unusual noise.
S Ensure that there is no ice formation on the evaporator.
S On a daily basis, check the control readings for tempera-
ture and, if shown, relative humidity.
S The Maintenance Programme described below should
be carried out by a skilled technician, preferably working under a maintenance contract.
7.2 --- Extraordinary maintenance
If you need to intervene immediately after the unit stops, wait 5 minutes before accessing the inner parts, as you could get burnt.
7.2.1 --- Check of the system vacuum and leaks
Before proceeding, recover all the refrigerant, according to the local laws.
1) Switch the unit off (main switch on OFF).
2) Remove the panels necessary for inspecting the refriger-
ating circuit.
3) Connect a high efficiency vacuum pump to the needle
valves (Schräder) on the gas and liquid lines; also ar­range a connection with a nitrogen bottle.
4) Load the circuit with nitrogen (7 bar/700 kPa). Find poss-
ible leaks in the circuit by soapy water or other specific product (foaming agents), and repair as necessary.
5) Drain the circuit by a vacuum of 0.3 mbar absolute.
6) After 3 hours check not to have exceeded 1.3 mbar abso-
lute; this condition ensures a humidity lower than 50 ppm inside the system. If the vacuum is not kept there are still leaks; repeat the operations from point 4.
7.2.2 --- Refrigerant charging
After having eliminated the humidity from the refrigerating cir­cuit (see 7.2.1), proceed as follows:
1) Make sure all the unit components are in operating order.
2) Using a charging hose, connect the cylinder to the liquid line of the circuit. Drain the substances that cannot be condensed from the hose.
Charge the circuit exclusively with the refrigerant indicated on the identification label.
Charge the quantity of refrigerant indicated in Tab. e.
3) Set the main switch on ON.
4) Start the compressor.
5) The charge operation can be considered finished when, keeping the condensation temperature at a steady level (~ 50_C, if necessary partially clog the condensing coil), no more bubbles appear for at least ten minutes. Check if the superheat in these conditions is 7---8 degrees.
Superheat calculation
a) With the unit operating in standard conditions,
measure the temperature of the suction line in the point where the bulb of the thermal expansion valve is fastened, in case of ”HPSCxxA/L” version unit, in the compressor inlet, in case of other versions.
b) Detect the evaporation pressure gauge temperature
from a pressure gauge placed on the compressor suction.
c) Subtract the obtained temperature value from the
one measured in point a). The difference is the superheat value.
pag. 6
7.2.3 --- R407C refrigerant units
4 of the refrigerating fluid R407C
At standard temperature and pressure it is a colourless gas with low toxicity, non---flammable, and it has an allowed ex­posure limit value (AEL/TLV)corresponding to 1000 ppm (av­erage value measured on 8 hours/day). In the event of leak­age, air the room before use.
Tab. e --- R407C refrigerant charge
Only cooling
Only cooling / FC / EFC
Only cooling / FC / EFC
The charges indicated in Tab. e refer to a 2 m length for the gas and liquid pipes: Tab. f shows the indications for longer measures on the additional charge in grams of refrigerant R407C by each pipe meter of the gas and liquid lines, accor­ding to the diameters indicated in Tab. a.
HPSC 060 2.2
HPSC 06A 2.7
HPSC 06L 3.7
HPSC 080 2.7
HPSC 08A 2.7
HPSC 08L 3.7
HPSC 080 3.0
HPSC 08A 3.0
HPSC 08L 4.0
HPSC 10A 2.7
HPSC 10L 3.7
HPSC 10A 3.0
HPSC 10L 4.0
HPSC 12A 3.6
HPSC 12L 4.6
HPSC 14A 3.6
HPSC 14L 4.6
R407C charge
The oil to be used when topping up is EMKARATE RL 32--- 3MA or MOBIL EAL ARTIC 22CC, if it’s unavailable use an oil with the same characteristics (see Tab. g and Tab. h). NEVER M IX DIFFERENT OILS TOGETHER. CLEAN THE PIP­ING COMPLETELY BEFORE CHANGING THE TYPE OF OIL USED.
Ta b . g --- E M K A R A T E RL 3 2 --- 3 M A o i l
viscosity at 40 _C viscosity at 100 _C viscosity index (ISO Grade)
31.2 cST
5.6 cST
Tab. h --- MOBIL EAL ARTIC 22CC oil
approx. specific weight (at 15_C) flash point (C.O.C.) pour point viscosity index viscosity at 40_C viscosity at 100_C
0.99 kg/l
245 _C
< --- 5 4 _C
23.6 cST
4.7 cST
7.3 --- Dismantling the unit
The machine has been designed and built to ensure continu­ous operation. The working life of some of the main components, such as the fan and the compressor, depends on their maintenance. If the unit has to be dismantled, this must be done by skilled refrigerator technicians. The refrigerating fluid and the lubricating oil in the circuit must be disposed of in conformity with the laws in force in your country.
7.4 --- Spare parts
We recommend the use of original spare parts. When placing an order please refer to “Component List” en­closed with the machine and specify the unit model and serial no.
Tab. f --- Additional charge in grams of refrigerant
R407C by meter of each line
Liquid line Gas line
Ø pipeline
φ 12 x 1 85.0 φ 16 x 1 4.0
φ 16 x 1 160.0 φ 18 x 1 5.5
R407C g/m
--- φ 22 x 1 8.5
--- φ 28 x 1 14.5
Ø pipeline
R407C g/m
pag. 7
8 --- A p p e n d i x
8.1 --- Check the unit after the installation
The following list includes the checks to carry out to verify that HPS is intact after the installation.
A.1) Evaporating unit HPSE
A.1.a) Sight check that the panels and rivets are in-
tact and well fixed.
A.1.b) Checkforthepresenceofacondensatedrain
for each machine and of the discharge pipe supplied separately.
A.1.c) Check that the (optional) Freecooling air in-
take ducts (rigid or flexible) and the rainproof external grille, with metallic prefilter (optional) are available and fixed.
A.1.d) Check that the unit is fixed firmly to the ceiling
or to the wall, and that any fastening devices passing along the walls of the room to be conditioned are sealed.
A.1.e) Put the electrical board of the room in the
”OFF” position.
A.1.f) Check for the correct connection of the sup-
ply cables and of the Bus cable between the PowerFacecardandtheremotedisplayor between the PowerFace and Hiromatic (if in­stalled, optional).
A.1.g) Check the fastening of cables, electronic
components and fuses.
A.1.h) Check the correct position of the air filter.
A.2) Motor ---condensing unit HPSC
A.2.a) Remove the panels of the compressor com-
partment to access the refrigerating circuit (if the weather conditions allow this; prevent water from entering the electric board and the compressor compartment).
A.2.b) Check that the refrigerating circuit is intact
and that there are no oil stains in the com­pressor compartment and along the ducts.
A.2.c) Check the evaporating fan by turning it by
means of a screwdriver: it must be free to ro­tate without any abnormal noise.
A.2.d) Check that the electrical board is free from
foreign bodies, the correct connection to the evaporating unit and that all electrical con­nections are tightened.
B.1) Check the ground connection. B.2) Put the electrical board of the room in the
”ON” position. B.3) Set the main switch of the indoor unit ”ON”. B.4) Check the voltage at the main supply cables. B.5) Check the voltage at the emergency supply
cables. B.6) Only for the units equipped with Hiromatic re-
mote interface, set the wished system con-
figuration, such as set point, network (only for
”Advanced” versions, by assigning an
identification number for each unit), para-
meter sharing, stand --- by, freecooling differ-
entials (if installed), and so on. B.7) Measure the current absorbed by the evapor-
ating fan only. B.8) Start up the compressor (if necessary force
the system via the control) and wait until the
system is stable. Measure the absorbed cur-
ing. B.9) Check all these values comparing them with
those shown in the machine plate. B.10) Check the delivery temperature with a digital
thermometer. B.11) Verify the superheating, according to par.
B.12) Close the panels of the evaporating and mo-
tor---condensing units.
The unit is ready for the dynamic check.
pag. 8
Tab. 1 -- 50 Hz Technical data for “COOLING ONLY” and “COOLING + HEATING” unit versions
(F and F + C) coupled with “HPSCxx0”
Model HPS 06 HPS 08
Operating limits
Main power supply voltage 230V ±10% / 1Ph / 50Hz 400V±10% / 3Ph+N+PE / 50Hz
Outdoor conditions
Indoor conditions with compressor running
Storage conditions
Sound pressure level
Outdoor sound pressure level
Indoor sound pressure level dB(A) 58.0 62.5
Standard electrical features
Compressor --- AC power input
Compressor --- AC operative current (OA)
Compressor --- AC max. current (FLA) A 11.4 5.1
Compressor --- AC starting current (LRA) A 47.0 32.0
Condenser fan --- AC power input
Condenser fan --- AC max. power input kW 0.08 0.10
Condenser fan --- AC operative current (OA)
Condenser fan --- AC max. current (FLA) A 1.4 1.4
Condenser fan --- AC starting current A 1.6 1.6
Evaporator fan --- AC power input
Evaporator fan --- AC operative current (OA)
Evaporator fan --- AC max. current (FLA)
Evaporator fan --- AC starting current A 1.3 2.7
Electric heating (optional)
Heating capacity kW 1.5 3.0
H e a t i n g --- m a x . cu r r e n t A 6.5
OA: Standard Operating Ampère FLA: Full Load Ampère LRA: Locked Rotor Ampère
Maximum outdoor temperature referred to 30ûC / 35% R.H. indoor unit air suction (HPSE).
Conditions referred to the suction sections of the inner unit (HPSE); the min. indoor temperature is referred to 30% of indoor relative humidity and to the min. outdoor temperature; for higher relative humidity and/or outdoor temperatures, the min. indoor temperature is higher than the table data.
Measured with 35ûC outdoor temperature at 2m far from the unit; free field conditions.
Indoor reference conditions: 30ûC / 35% R.H. at the HPSE indoor unit air suction sides; 35ûC outdoor. Nominal power supply.
It refers to nominal speed (Factory setting).
from: 10°C
to: 47°C 45°C
from: 24°C, 30% R.H. / 80% R.H.
to: 35°C, 40% R.H. 30°C, 40% R.H.
from: --- 4 0 °C, 5% R.H.
to: 55°C, 90% R.H.
dB(A) 50
kW 1.58 2.18
A 7.6 3.9
kW 0.08 0.10
A 0.6 0.7
kW 0.18 0.35
A 0.8 1.5
A 1.0 2.0
pag. 9
Tab. 2 -- 50 Hz Technical data for “FREECOOLING” and “230V/1Ph/50Hz EMERGENCY FREECOOLING”
unit versions (FC and EFC -- AC) coupled with “HPSCxx0”
Model HPS 06 HPS 08
Operating limits
Main power supply voltage 230V ±10% / 1Ph / 50Hz 400V±10% / 3Ph+N+PE / 50Hz
Emergency power supply voltage
Outdoor conditions
Indoor conditions with compressor running
Storage conditions
from: 10°C
to: 48°C 45°C
from: 24°C, 30% R.H. / 80% R.H.
to: 35°C, 40% R.H. 30°C, 40% R.H.
from: --- 4 0 °C, 5% R.H.
to: 55°C, 90% R.H.
Sound pressure level
Outdoor sound pressure level
dB(A) 50
Indoor sound pressure level dB(A) 59.0 62.5
Standard electrical features
Compressor --- AC power input
Compressor --- AC operative current (OA)
kW 1.57 2.18
A 7.3 3.9
Compressor --- AC max. current (FLA) A 11.4 5.1
Compressor --- AC starting current (LRA) A 47.0 32.0
Condenser fan --- AC power input
kW 0.08 0.10
Condenser fan --- AC max. power input kW 0.08 0.10
Condenser fan --- AC operative current (OA)
A 0.6 0.7
Condenser fan --- AC max. current (FLA) A 1.4 1.4
Condenser fan --- AC max. current (FLA) A 1.6 1.6
Evaporator fan --- AC power input
Evaporator fan --- AC operative current (OA)
Evaporator fan --- AC max. current (FLA)
kW 0.14 0.39
A 0.6 2.8
A 0.6 2.4
Evaporator fan --- AC starting current A 1.2 5.3
Electric heating (optional)
Heating capacity kW 1.5 3.0
H e a t i n g --- m a x . cu r r e n t A 6.5
OA: Standard Operating Ampère FLA: Full Load Ampère LRA: Locked Rotor Ampère
The emergency cooling option (EFC) is required.
Maximum outdoor temperature referred to 30ûC / 35% R.H. indoor unit air suction (HPSE).
Conditions referred to the suction sections of the inner unit (HPSE); the min. indoor temperature is referred to 30% of indoor relative humidity and to the min. outdoor temperature; for higher relative humidity and/or outdoor temperatures, the min. indoor temperature is higher than the table data.
Measured with 35ûC outdoor temperature at 2m far from the unit; free field conditions.
Indoor reference conditions: 30ûC / 35% R.H. at the HPSE indoor unit air suction sides; 35ûC outdoor. Nominal power supply.
It refers to nominal speed (Factory setting).
230V ±10% / 1Ph+PE / 50Hz
(with emergency cooling)
pag. 10
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