Liebert S600 User Manual

Liebert S600 Single and Parallel System 10kVA- 20kVA User Manual
Version: V1.1 Revision date: September 27, 2018 BOM: 50490209008
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@2017 Vertiv Co. All rights reserved. Vertiv and the Vertiv logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vertiv Co. All other names and logos referred to are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Vertiv Co. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Special Declaration
Personnel Safety
1. This product must be installed and commissioned by professional engineers of the manufacturer or its authorized agent. Failure to observe this could result in product malfunction or personnel safety risk.
2. Take the time to read this product manual and the safety precaution thoroughly before installing and commissioning this product. Failure to observe this could result in product malfunction or personnel safety risk.
3. This product is not intended for life support equipment application.
4. Never dispose of the internal or external battery of this product in a fire, as it may explode and jeopardize personnel safety when exposed to flame.
Product Safety
1. If this product will be stored or remain de-energized for a long period, it must be placed in a dry and clean environment within specified temperature range.
2. This product should be used in an appropriate operating environment. For details, refer to the section on the environmental requirement in this manual.
3. This product is not designed for application in an environment:
Where the temperature and relative humidity are outside the specifications Subject to vibrations or shocks Where conductive dusts, corrosive gases, salts, or flammable gases are present Near heat sources or strong electromagnetic interferences
Vertiv disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the defects or malfunction caused by:
Application range or operating environment outside the specifications Unauthorized modification, improper installation or operation Force majeure Other actions not in compliance with the instructions in this manual
Application Note: S600 UPS is suitable for IT load applications such as computers, servers, routers, CCTV, banking automation
equipments, scientific equipments, projector, POS, etc. The UPS is suitable for industrial customer for above load and UPS should be installed in AC environment. The UPS is not suitable for industrial load such as motors, drives, lift, PLC, DCS, SCADA, etc.
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Safety Precaution
Always observe the following safety symbols!
Safety symbol
Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe injury should the unit be used improperly
Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or equipment damage should the unit be used improperly
Used for instructions intended to notify the user to carefully read and observe this unit though it may not cause damage
This manual contains information concerning the installation and operation of the Liebert eXM UPS single UPS module and parallel system 80kVA ~ 200kVA.
Read this manual thoroughly before installing, using and servicing the UPS.
The UPS with standard configuration is a category C3 product for commercial and industrial application in the second environment. Installation restrictions or additional measures may be needed to prevent disturbances.
The UPS adding C2 EMC option based on the standard configuration is a category C2 product. In a residential environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take additional measures.
Conformity and standards
This product complies with CE 2006/95/EC (low voltage safety) and 2004/108/EC (EMC), EMC standards of Australia and New Zealand (C-Tick), and the following UPS product standards: * IEC62040-1 General safety requirements for UPS * IEC62040-2-EMC * IEC62040-3 Performance requirements and test methods For details, refer to Chapter 11 Specifications. Continued compliance requires installation in accordance with these instructions and the use of manufacturer approved accessories only.
The selection of the upstream distribution protection equipment of the UPS shall be selected in accordance with the details in 3.1.4 Selection Of UPS I/O Switch and shall comply with the local
Vertiv|Liebert® S600 10kVA ~ 20kVA UPS | User Manual 5
electrical regulations.
Warning: high earth leakage current
Earth connection is critical before connecting the input supply (including both mains supply and battery). This equipment is installed with an EMC filter. Earth leakage current is less than 3000mA. Transient and steady state earth leakage currents, which may occur when the equipment is started, should be taken into account in the selection of instantaneous RCCBs or RCD devices. RCCB which is sensitive to unidirectional DC pulse (class A) and insensitive to transient state current pulse must be selected. Note also that the earth leakage currents of the load will be carried by the RCCBs or RCDs. The equipment must be earthed in accordance with the local electrical code of practice.
Warning: backfeeding protection
This UPS is fitted with a dry contact closure signal for use with an external automatic disconnect device (supplied by others) to protect against backfeeding voltage into the incoming terminal through the rectifier or bypass static switch circuit. A label must be added at all external incoming primary supply disconnect device to warn service personnel that the circuit is connected to a UPS. The text of the label has the following meaning: Risk of voltage backfeed! Isolate the UPS, then check for hazardous voltage between all terminals including the protective earth before working on this circuit.
User serviceable components (For service personnel)
All equipment maintenance and servicing procedures involving internal access requires the use of a tool and should be carried out only by trained personnel. There are no user-serviceable parts behind covers requiring a tool/key for removal.
Battery voltage exceeds 400Vdc (For service personnel)
All physical battery maintenance and servicing procedures requires the use of a tool/key and should be carried out only by trained personnel. Take special care when working with the batteries associated with this UPS. When connected together, the battery terminal voltage will exceed 400Vdc and is potentially lethal. Battery manufacturers supply details of the necessary precautions to be observed in working on, or in the vicinity of, a large bank of battery cells. These precautions should be followed implicitly at all times. Particular attention should be paid to the recommendations concerning local environmental conditions and the provision of protective clothing, first aid and fire-fighting facilities.
General safety (For users)
Like other types of large power equipment, the UPS and battery circuit breaker box/battery cabinet
Vertiv|Liebert® S600 10kVA ~ 20kVA UPS | User Manual 6
have high voltage inside. Because the components with high voltage can be accessed only when the front door is opened, the risk of contacting high voltage has been minimized. This equipment meets the IP20 standard, and other safety shields are provided inside the equipment. There will not be any risk when operating this equipment according to the general instructions and the steps recommended in this manual.
Multiple power inputs (For users)
This UPS system receives power from more than one source. Disconnection of all AC source and the DC source is required before servicing. This UPS has several circuits that are energized with high AC as well as DC voltages. Check for voltage with both AC and DC voltmeters before working within the UPS.
When the internal fuse of the UPS is damaged, it must be replaced with fuse of the same electric parameters by qualified personnel.
Beside the communication board is a static sensitive area, an ESD-proof action is critical before contacting with this area.
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Revision Information
V1.0 (August 21, 2018)
Initial release.
V1.1 (September 27, 2018)
Revision 1
V1.2 (October 11, 2018) Revision 2
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Chapter 1 Product Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Features .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Model Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.3 Appearance and Components ................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3.1 Appearance................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3.2 Components ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Operating Principle................................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.5 UPS State and Operation Modes ............................................................................................................................................ 15
1.5.1 Normal Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.5.2 Bypass Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.5.3 Battery Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.5.4 ECO Mode (For Single UPS with External Battery Only) ......................................................................................... 15
1.5.5 Fault State .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.6 Maintenance Bypass Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 16
1.6 Specifications ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 2 Installation and Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.1 Unpacking and Inspection ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Equipment’s Accessories........................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.2.1 UPS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.3 Installation Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Location ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Environmental Requirement....................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Selecting Power Cables .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.5 Connecting Battery Cables ................................................................................................ ..................................................... 23
2.6 Single UPS Commissioning ................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.1 Start-up Interface ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
2.6.2 Normal Mode Start-Up............................................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.3 Battery Mode Start-Up ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 3 Parallel UPS Installation and Commissioning....................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Features .................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ .......... 26
3.3 Connecting Power Cables....................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Connecting Power Cables .......................................................................................................................................... 27
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3.3.2 Connecting Parallel Cables ........................................................................................................................................ 27
3.3.3 Connecting Battery Cables ......................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Commissioning of Parallel Cables ......................................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.1 Check Before Start-Up ................................................................................................................................ ............... 31
3.4.2 Parallel System Parameters Setting ................................................................ ............................................................ 31
3.4.3 Power-On Commissioning for Parallel System .......................................................................................................... 32
3.5 Installation and Commissioning for a Dual Bus System (for 20kVA system only) ................................................................ 34
3.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
3.5.2 Connecting LBS Cable ............................................................................................................................................... 34
3.5.3 Setting Parameters Of LBS ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Chapter 4 Operation and Display Panel ................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.1 Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ............................................ 37
4.1.1 LED Indicator ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
4.1.2 Audible Alarm (Buzzer) ............................................................................................................................................. 38
4.1.3 LCD and Functional Keys .......................................................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Initial Start-Up Guidance ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.3 LCD Menu Structure .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.4 LCD Screen Types ................................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.4.1 Start Screen ................................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.4.2 Flow Screen................................................................................................................................................................ 44
4.4.3 Main Menu Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.4.4 Submenu Screen ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.4.5 Default Screen ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
4.5 Prompt Window ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.6 UPS Alarm Message List ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
Chapter 5 UPS Operation Instructions ................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.1 UPS Start-Up .......................................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Transfer Procedures Between Operating Modes .................................................................................................................... 57
5.3 Transfer from Normal Mode to Battery Mode ....................................................................................................................... 57
5.4 Transfer from Inverter Mode to Bypass Mode ....................................................................................................................... 57
5.4.1 Transfer from Bypass Mode to Inverter Mode ........................................................................................................... 59
5.4.2 Transfer from Inverter Mode to Maintenance Bypass ................................................................................................ 60
5.4.3 Transfer from Maintenance Bypass to Inverter Mode ................................................................................................ 61
5.5 REPO ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.6 Auto Restart ........................................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.7 Language Selection ................................................................................................................................................................ 62
5.8 Changing Current Date and Time ........................................................................................................................................... 64
5.9 Setting Password .................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 6 Communication ..................................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.1 Installing Intelligent Card ....................................................................................................................................................... 69
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6.1.1 Intelligent Card Port ................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.1.2 Intelligent Card Option............................................................................................................................................... 70
6.2 Connection Cables for Dry Contact Port ................................................................................................................................ 71
6.3 Connecting USB ..................................................................................................................................................................... 73
6.4 Connecting Serial Port Communication Cables ..................................................................................................................... 73
6.5 Connecting Control Port ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
6.6 Connecting Built-In Ethrenet Port .......................................................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 7 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1 Fan Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................................... 75
7.2 Battery Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................... 75
7.3 Cleaning UPS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 76
7.4 Checking UPS Status .............................................................................................................................................................. 76
7.5 Checking UPS Function ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Chapter 8 Options .................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
8.1 Option List ............................................................................................................................................................................. 78
8.2 Communication Cables .......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Appendix 1 LCD Parameter Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix 2 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Appendix 3 Hazardous Substances or Elements Announcement ........................................................................................................... 83
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Chapter 1 Product Information
S600 10~ 20kVA UPS is an intelligent online UPS system with sine wave output developed by Vertiv Co. The UPS offers reliable and high-quality AC power to the precision instrument.
This chapter introduces the features, model configurations, appearance and components, operating principle, UPS state and operation mode, and specifications of the UPS.
1.1 Features
The UPS features include:
Output power factor is 1, which enhances the UPS load capacity.
On-line double conversion efficiency up to 91% and ECO efficiency up to 94%, which provide more efficient
products for the customer.
Product volume decreased by 30% compared with the previous generation; little space occupied, simple handling
and assembly.
Capable of parallel connection to achieve up to 3 + 1 parallel redundant power
High-frequency double conversion topology structure, with high input power factor, wide input voltage range,
and output immune to grid interference, thus adaptable to areas with unstable mains supply
Full digital control platform and hardware design platform, which can adapt worse unstable mains supply and
load impact
Support 12, 16, 20-block batteries (10kVA); 24, 32, 40-block batteries (20kVA). The long back-up model has a
built-in large power charger with 13A charging capacity to provide fast charging
Provide programmable terminals with cascade protection, to protect the key devices for the customer when the
load is heavy
Innovative design of the layout and the whole process greatly promote the reliability of the product; pass high
temperature humidity durability experiment test of 1000 hours
Operation and display panel with colorful LCD to help you learn about the UPS operation state and operating
parameters. The LCD display will change according to the layout of the model
Integrate Ethernet port, support HTTP protocol, and use the web browser to achieve the remote monitoring, no
extra monitoring software required
Full configuration can achieve the functions such as Interlock, external temperature & humidity sensor, and
battery module automatic identification
Capable of ECO power supply mode and smart sleep mode, which help you save energy to the maximum extent
1.2 Model Configuration
Table 1-1 Model Configurations
Single phase
Common input configuration, split bypass configuration
Single Phase
Common input configuration (default), split bypass configuration
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1.3 Appearance and Components
1.3.1 Appearance
The UPS appearance is shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 UPS Appearance in isometric view and front view respectivel)
1.3.2 Components
Front Panel As shown in Figure 1-2, the UPS front panel provides ventilation holes, operation and display panel, LED
indicators and functional keys.
Figure 1-2 UPS front Panel
Display Panel
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Rear Panel As shown in Figure 1-3, the UPS rear panel provides input, output, bypass, maintenance bypas and battery MCBs. The figure also shows UPS power module, output transformer and a contactor. Transformer primary and secondary are connected to the contactor through cables.
Figure 1-3 UPS Rear side
Input MCB Q1
Bypass MCB Q2
Maintenance Bypass MCB Q3
Output MCB Q5
Battery Fuse Holder
Contactor KM1
Power Module
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1.4 Operating Principle
The operating principle of the UPS is shown in the figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 UPS Operating Principle
1. The UPS is composed of mains input (main and bypass), rectifier/PFC, charger, inverter, bypass, battery, DSP controller, single phase transformer, contactor and final output.
2. When the mains is normal, the rectifier will start, and the charger will charge the battery string. Before turning on the UPS, the output voltage is bypass voltage, and the mains supplies power to the load through the bypass. After turning on the UPS, the electronic transfer switch connects the inverter output to the load, and the mains supplies DC power to the inverter through the rectifier/PFC circuit. The inverter then converts DC power into pure sine wave AC power and supplies the AC power to the transformer connected to contactor. Final output is supplied to load from transformer secondary through electronic transfer switch. Refer figure 1-3 for the position of contactor and transformer.
3. When the mains is abnormal, the rectifier/PFC circuit boosts the battery voltage and supplies it to the inverter. The inverter then converts it into pure sine wave AC power and supplies the AC power to the load through the electronic transfer switch.
4. After the mains returns to normal state, the UPS will automatically transfer from Battery mode to Normal mode, the mains supply DC power to the inverter through the rectifier/PFC circuit, and then the electronic transfer switch supplies AC power to the load.
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1.5 UPS State and Operation Modes
The UPS state and operation mode include: Normal mode, Bypass mode, Battery Mode, ECO mode, Fault State mode and Maintenance Bypass mode. The operation schematic diagrams of Normal mode, Bypass mode, Battery Mode and Maintenance bypass mode are shown in Figure
1.5.1 Normal Mode
When the mains input is normal, the load is supplied with voltage-stabilizing and frequency-stabilizing power by the mains after processing of the rectifier and the inverter, and meanwhile, the charger is charging the battery. The operation mode is Normal mode.
In Normal mode, the run indicator (green) is on, the alarm indicator is off, and the buzzer is silent.
1.5.2 Bypass Mode
If the overload overtime, inverter or rectifier failure appears during the UPS operation in Normal mode, the UPS will transfer to Bypass mode, that is, the load is powered by the bypass source, which comes directly from the mains input. If the rectifier is normal, the internal charger will charge the battery.
In Bypass mode, the run indicator (green) is on, alarm indicator (yellow) is on, and the buzzer beeps every second. The 'Current' page in LCD will display 'On Bypass'.
1.5.3 Battery Mode
Upon mains failure or voltage out of range, the rectifier and internal charger will stop running, and the battery will supply power to the load through the inverter. In Battery mode, the run indicator (green) is on, alarm indicator (yellow) is on, and the buzzer beeps every second. The 'Current' page in LCD will display 'On Battery'.
1. The battery has been fully charged before delivery. However, transportation and storage will inevitably cause some capacity loss. Therefore, it is required to charge the battery for eight hours before putting the UPS into operation for the first time, to ensure the adequate backup time for battery.
2. The battery cold start can also be used to start the UPS from the Battery (charged) mode upon mains failure. Therefore, the battery power can be used independently for improving the system availability to some extent.
1.5.4 ECO Mode (For Single UPS with External Battery Only)
In ECO Mode, the load is powered by bypass when the bypass voltage is normal, and the load is powered by inverter when the bypass voltage is abnormal. ECO mode is an energy-saving operation mode. For power equipment insensitive to power grid quality, you can use the ECO mode for power supply through bypass to reduce the power loss.
1. In ECO mode, if the bypass failure or abnormal bypass voltage appears when the output is not overloaded, the UPS will transfer to Normal mode. However, if the bypass failure or abnormal bypass voltage appears when the output is overloaded, the UPS will not transfer to Normal mode, but shut down the bypass.
2. In ECO mode, the efficiency of the UPS is up to 94%.
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1.5.5 Fault State
In the normal mode, the UPS will transfer the load to Bypass mode in case of inverter failure or UPS over-temperature. In Battery mode (with no bypass mains), the UPS will shut down and stop the output if the inverter failure or UPS overtemperature appears. In UPS Fault State, the alarm indicator (red) will be solid on, the buzzer will keep beeping, and the corresponding fault information will be displayed on LCD.
1.5.6 Maintenance Bypass Mode
If maintenance and repair for UPS are needed, you can switch the load to the Maintenance Bypass through maintenance bypass MCB, and the power to the load is not interrupted. The maintenance bypass MCB is located at the back of the UPS cabinet, and the capacity meets the requirements of total load capacities.
When the UPS has malfunctions, and can not working normally, please get in touch with the nearest Vertiv branch office or local service center. It is prohibited to repaire the UPS by yourself, otherwise the personnel injury and damage to the equipment will occur.
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1.6 Specifications
Table 1-2 Specifications
10kVA (3-in 1-out)
20kVA (3-in 1-out)
Rated voltage
400vac 3-phase,4 wire
400Vac 3-Phase,4 wire
Volatge Range
176 -288VAC at 100% load; 100VAC - 288VAC at 50% load
Rated Frequency
Frequency Range
40Hz ~ 70Hz
Power factor
0.95 at full load
Input Phase Reversal
Rated power
220Vac/230Vac/240Vac (Single phase output)
Frequency synchronization range
Rated frequency±3Hz. Configurable range: ±0.5Hz ~ ±5Hz
Rated Power Factor
Crest Factor
3 : 1
Voltage harmonic distortion
< 2% (linear load)
Voltage Regulation
± 2%
Dynamic response recovery time 60ms
Isolation transformer
Inbuilt at UPS Output
Inverter Overload Capability the utility mode
At 25°C: 105% ~ 125%- 5min; 125% ~ 150%-1min; 150%- more
than 200ms
Inverter Overload Capability the battery mode
At 25°C :105% ~125%-60~ 30 s; >125%- more than 200ms
Vertiv|Liebert® S600 10kVA ~ 20kVA UPS | User Manual 18
10kVA (3-in 1-out)
20kVA (3-in 1-out)
Bypass Voltage range
Upper limit: +10%, +15% or +20%; default: +20%
Lower limit: -10%, -20%, -30% or -40%; default: -40%
Separate Bypass
Manual Bypass
ECO Mode
> 94%
> 94%
Mains efficiency (RL)
> 91%
> 91%
Inverter Efficiency(DC-AC)
Sealed, lead-acid, Tubular,LI-ION
No's of Batteries
, 16, 20; 16 by default
, 32, 40; 32 by default
Rated Voltage
144Vdc ~ 240Vdc
288Vdc ~ 480Vdc
Battery Fuse Disconnector
Battery charging capacity
Transfer Time Mains - Battery
Inverter- Bypass
Synchronous transfer: ≤0ms
Asynchronous transfer (default): ≤20ms
UPS Parallel Numbers
< 65dB
Panel display mode
Graphical LCD display
Ambient Conditions
0°C ~ 50°C
-40°C ~ +70°C (battery excluded); -25°C ~ +55°C (battery included)
5%RH ~ 95%RH, non-condensing
≤3000m; derating when higher than 3000m
W*D*H (mm)
550 X 620 X 700
550 X 620 X700
Weight (Kg)
Forced -air cooled
Ingress protection
Powder coated Black Texture finish
Cable entry
Note: (1) UPS power will derate to 70% of the total capacity (2) UPS power will derate to 80% at 40 deg and 70% at 50 deg
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Chapter 2 Installation and Commissioning
This chapter briefly introduces the mechanical installation of the UPS, cable connection and commissioning of the single UPS.
Each site has its peculiarity, so this chapter provides the guidance with general installation procedures and methods for the installation engineer who should conduct the installation according to the actual conditions.
1. The UPS should be installed by a qualified engineer according to the information contained in this chapter. If any problem is found, please get in touch with Vertiv local service center immediately.
2. The UPS shall not be powered on without approval of the commissioning engineer.
3. For other equipment which is not introduced in this manual, the detailed information about mechanical installation and electrical installation are delivered with the equipment.
2.1 Unpacking and Inspection
The UPS adopts the carton box. Open carton box as shown in the figure 2-1. Visually inspect the UPS appearance for transportation damage. If any problem is found, please notify the carrier immediately. Check the accessories and models against the delivery list. If any problem is found, please notify the dealer immediately.
Figure 2-1 Unpacking the UPS
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2.2 Equipment’s Accessories
This section describes the parts, which are supplied along with the UPS. These parts must be examined on receipt of the system.
2.2.1 UPS
The UPS is mounted on a wooden base palette and fixed on to the same. The unit is wrapped in polythene sheets and enclosed in a corrugated box. The UPS cabinet can be moved by human, or forklift or other similar lifting equipment.
2.3 Installation Preparation
2.3.1 Location
To extend the UPS life, the chosen place must offer:
Convenient wiring
Adequate operator access area
Good ventilation to meet the heat dissipation requirements
No corrosive gas, such as sulfur dioxide and so on
No excessive moisture or heat source
No excessive dust
Compliance with fire-fighting requirements
Operating temperature compliant with the specifications, see Table 1-2 for details
2.3.2 Environmental Requirement
UPS room The UPS is designed for indoor installation, which should be installed in a clean and well-ventilated environment, to keep the ambient temperature within the specifications.
The internal fans provide forced air cooling for the UPS. Cooling air enters the UPS through the ventilation holes on the front panel and exhausts the hot air through the back-ventilation holes. Therefore, do not obstruct the ventilation holes. Maintain at least 200mm clearances between the front, rear of the UPS and the wall or adjacent equipment (see Figure 2-2), to avoid obstructing the UPS ventilation and heat dissipation. Otherwise, the UPS internal temperature will rise, which will shorten the UPS life.
If necessary, an indoor exhaust fan should be installed to keep the indoor temperature from rising. An air filter should be used in a dusty environment where the UPS is to be operated.
Space Reserved
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Figure 2-2 Installation Clearances (Top view of rack installation)
1.The UPS should be installed only on the concrete surface or other non-flammable surfaces.
2.As shown in Figure 2-5, the demonstration of the clearance between the rear panel of the cabinet and the wall is 500mm. The clearance should not be less than 200mm, it needs to be considered according to the actaul situation for the sake of maintenance convenience.
Battery Room
A small amount of hydrogen and oxygen will be generated at the end of battery charging; therefore, you must ensure that the fresh air ventilation of battery installation environment meets the EN50272-2001 requirements.
The battery ambient temperature should keep constant, for the ambient temperature is the main factor to affect the battery capacity and life. The battery standard operating temperature is 20°C, operation above this temperature will shorten the battery life, and operation below this temperature will reduce the battery capacity. If the battery average temperature in operation rises from 20°C to 30°C, the battery life will be reduced by 50%; if the battery temperature in operation exceeds 40°C, the battery life will be decreased exponentially. In general, the allowed ambient temperature of the battery is 15°C ~ 25°C. The battery should be kept away from heat and ventilation holes.
When the UPS uses an external battery, you must install a battery protective device (such as fuse or circuit breaker) in areas near the battery and use the shortest wiring distance for the connection between the protective device and the battery.
Storage Environment
When the UPS does not need to be installed immediately, the UPS must be stored indoors to be protected from the excessive moisture or over-temperature environment. The battery requires dry and low temperature, well-ventilated environment for storage, and the most suitable storage temperature is 20°C ~ 25°C.
Battery Hazards
During the battery storage, the battery must be periodically charged according to the battery instructions. When charging the battery, you can connect the UPS to the mains temporarily to charge and activate the battery.
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2.4 Selecting Power Cables I/O cables and battery cables are required for connection. When connecting the cables, you should follow the local
wiring regulations, take the environment situation into account, and refer to Table 3B of IEC60950-1. The max. current in different operating modes is listed in Table 2-1, the recommended min. cable CSA is listed in
Table 2-2. Select the appropriate cables according to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.
Table 2-1 Max steady state AC and DC current
UPS Power(kVA)
Rated Current
Max Input Phase Current
Max Output Phase Current
Max.battery discharging current (A)
10(3-in 1-out)
20(3-in 1-out)
When the battery cables are selected, the maximum allowable voltage drop is 4Vdc according to the current value shown in this table. Do not ring the cables to avoid increasing the electromagnetic interference (EMI). 1: The input mains current of the rectifier and the bypass. 2: Non-linear load (switch mode power) affects the neutral cable design of the output and the bypass. The neutral cable current may exceed the rated phase current, up to1.732 times as large as the rated current.
Table 2-2 Single UPS cable CSA (unit: mm2, ambient temperature: 25 deg C)
Neutral Cable
Battery PE
10(3-in 1-out)
20(3-in 1-out)
The recommended I/O MCB capability of the UPS is listed in Table 2-4; select the MCBs according to your requirements.
1. The UPS is high leakage current equipment, it is not recommended to use the MCB with leakage current
2. The specified upstream breakers below are required to obtain the conditional short-circuit current rating, Icc
at 10kA symmetrical rms. The specified upstream breakers should comply with an IEC 60947 series Standard.
Table 2-3 UPS I/O MCB Selection
Recommended capability of input external MCB
Battery Fuse/MCB Selection
Recommended capability of output external MCB
Recommended capability of Maintenance bypass external MCB
10(3-in 1-out)
32A (mains) 63A (bypass)
63 A
20(3-in 1-out)
63A (mains) 125A (bypass)
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1. The 3-in 3-out bypass MCB (125A) is used to connect the bypass input upon split-bypass configuration. The main MCB can be used only upon common input configuration.
2. The battery CB should use the 250Vdc or above.
2.5 Connecting Battery Cables
1. Before connecting the battery cables, confirm that the actual battery cell number and capacity are consistent with the parameter settings on the LCD menus.
2. It is prohibited to reverse the polarity of the battery cables.
3. Before replacing the battery module and connecting the battery cables, disconnect the DC battery MCB, power off the UPS completely, and conduct isolation protection on the terminals.
4. It is recommended that the battery cable should not be longer than three meters. Otherwise, the UPS cannot operate normally.
2.6 Single UPS Commissioning
2.6.1 Start-up Interface
If the system is first start-up, only mains input mode can be used, and the LCD screen will display the start-up interface, see figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3 Start up interface
2.6.2 Normal Mode Start-Up
1. Close the external output MCB and input MCB of the UPS one by one.
2. The rectifier runs in normal state for about 30 seconds, the start-up of the rectifier is finished.
3. Finish and check the parameter settings of the single UPS.
a) At main menu screen, press the or key to select 'Settings', and press the key to enter the interface shown in Figure 2-4.
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Figure 2-4 Main menu screen
b) Press the or key to select and set corresponding parameters (taking 'Output' as an example). As shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5 Output interface screen
4. After setting corresponding parameters, press the power button for two seconds, and the LCD prompts a dialogue box shown in Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6 Turning on UPS
After selecting 'YES', the run indicator (green) blinks, the inverter starts, and the run indicator turns on.
5. Measure whether the inverter output voltage is normal.
6. If the battery is not connected, the alarm indicator is yellow. If the battery is connected, the alarm indicator turns off.
2.6.3 Battery Mode Start-Up
1. Close the battery MCB and press the power button on the UPS front panel for two seconds, the LCD displays the startup screen. The alarm indicator will be yellow, and the buzzer will beep continuously after the rectifier finishes the startup.
2. Press the power button for two seconds, the LCD prompts a dialogue box shown in Figure 2-7.
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Figure 2-7 Turning on UPS
After selecting 'YES', the inverter starts, and the run indicator (green) is on.
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