Best-Value Power Protection for PCs and Peripherals
Liebert® PSP is a full featured UPS that delivers cost-eective power protection
in a compact package
The UPS provide sbattery-backed outlets and a surge protection-only outlet. The UPS battery
oers four minutes of backup power at full load - ample time to shut down protected equipment if
an outage occurs. Shutdown software and a USB cable are also included, to allow remote alerts and
automated graceful shutdown of the connected equipment.
Liebert PSP UPS Supports Your
Sensitive Electronics With These
Standard Features:
Three battery-backed UPS outlets,
and one surge protection-only outlet
dierentiated by color
USB port, Vertiv MultiLink Software
shutdown software, and USB cable
User replaceable batteries.
Higher Availability
Up to four minutes of battery backup
time at full load. Protects against
lightning, spikes and surges
Full sequenced battery testing to
ensure batteries are available when
Advance early warning of UPS
RJ-45 port for data line surge
Lowest Total Cost Of Ownership
Two-Year replacement warranty
Optional one year warranty
The Liebert PSP Is Ideally
Suited For:
Professional workstations
Small routers and bridges
Point-of-sale terminals
Other sensitive electronics.

Liebert® PSP Specifications
Capacity VA/W 500 / 300 650 / 390
Net Weight: kg 3.9
Shipping Weight: kg 4.8
Dimensions: W x D x H, mm 87 x 215 x 251
On-Line Mains Voltage 160-287VAC
On-Line Frequency 50/60Hz ±5Hz
Output Voltage (Mains Normal) Typical 160-287VAC
Output Voltage (Battery Operation) 230VAC ±5%
On-Battery Wave Form Stepped Sinewave
Battery Type - VDC x Ah - Quantity 12V x 7.2Ah x 1
Typical Recharge Time 6-8 hours to 90%
Audible and Visual Audible alarm / LED
Backup Sockets IEC 320 C13 (3)
Surge Sockets IEC 320 C13 (1)
Operating Temperature, °C 0 to 40
Storage Temperature, °C -15 to 40
Operating / Storage Relative
EMI Classification Class B
Safety IEC/EN/AS 62040-1-1
Transportation ISTA Procedure 1A Certification
Warranty 2 years standard (+ 1 year warranty extension available)
User Manual on CD, Software CD, USB cable, Safety Instruction Sheet,
0%-90%, non-condensing
EN 62040-2:2005 Class B
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge
IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated E-RFI fields
IEC 61000-4-4 Fast E transients
IEC 61000-4-5 Surges/Lightning
IEC 61000-4-6 Conducted RFI
Environment protection sheet
Windows built-in power
management functions provide
monitoring of UPS status and
manage the automatic orderly
shutdown of the computer if a
power outage ever exceeds the
battery capacity of the UPS.
Vertiv™ MultiLink™ shutdown and
monitoring software is also
RJ-45 jacks (2)
USB interface
Input plug
Surge - only
(1) IEC-320-C13
Circuit Breaker
Battery Backup
(3) IEC-320-C13
Load Autonomy
LOAD (WATTS) PSP500MT3-230U PSP650MT3-230U
50 55 56
100 18 18
150 11 12
200 8 8
250 5 5
300 3 4
350 0 3
Note: All run t imes are in minutes, as sume full y charged b atterie s and are typ ical at 25°C ( 77°F ) with resistive load s.
Tech Support
Always On! Our Commitment to your daily Business,
provided by multi language Tech Support.
Toll-free 0080011554499
Toll +39 02 98250222
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VertivCo.com | Emerson Network Power Limited, George Curl Way, Southampton, SO18 2RY, VAT Number: GB188146827
© 2016 Vertiv C o. All rights reser ved. Vertiv™, the Vertiv l ogo, Liebert® P SP and Vertiv MultiLin k™ are trademarks or re gistered tradema rks of Vertiv Co. All othe r names and logos re ferred to are trade nam es, trademarks or r egistered trade marks of their respe ctive
owners. W hile every preca ution has been taken t o ensure accuracy an d completenes s herein, Vertiv Co. a ssumes no respon sibility, and discl aims all liabilit y, for damages resulti ng from use of this infor mation or for any error s or omissions. Sp ecifications a re subject
to change wi thout notice.
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