Liebert NETWORK POWER SWITCH 2, SSWITCH2-25A, SSWITCH2-32A Installation Manual

Business-Critical Continuity
AC Power
Installation Manual – 7,3 KVA – 230V –32A – 2 Pole
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Emerson Network Power
User Manual
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Information for the protection of the environment
1.Unit servicing: this unit makes use of components dangerous for the environment (electronic cards, electronic component). The components removed must be taken to specialized collection and disposal centers.
2.Unit dismantling: in case of unit dismantling, this operation shall be carried out by specialized personnel. The unit must be taken to centers specialized in collection and disposal of dangerous substances.
User Manual
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(08/10) Page i
This manual describes installation and operation procedures for the Network Power Switch 2.
All relevant parts of the manual should be read prior to commencing installation.
If you encounter any problems with the procedures contained in this manual
you should seek immediate assistance from the Liebert Sales Office
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User Manual
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Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1 – General description ................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Design Concept.....................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Mechanical Design Description ...........................................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Mimic Indications.................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 Manual Bypass Switch Operation........................................................................................................................1-4
1.6 Potential free contacts...........................................................................................................................................1-5
2 Chapter 2 – Operating Instructions............................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 General Notes........................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Procedure for Switching the Network Power Switch to power the load from a Power Off condition...............2-2
2.4 Switching the Load to Manual Bypass condition ................................................................................................2-2
2.5 Procedure for switching the Network Power Switch from Manual Bypass condition to Normal Operation ....2-3
3 Chapter 3 – Installation Procedure ............................................................................................................................3-3
3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................3-3
3.2 Equipment positioning and environmental considerations..................................................................................3-3
3.3 Connecting cables to Network Power Switch......................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Cable entry ........................................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.2 Cable Rating......................................................................................................................................................3-1
3.3.3 Cable connections .............................................................................................................................................3-1
3.3.4 Safety earth........................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3.5 Protective devices..............................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3.6 Cabling Procedure.............................................................................................................................................3-3
3.4 Removal and Fixing of Hotswap unit ..................................................................................................................3-3
3.4.1 Removal of Hotswap unit .................................................................................................................................3-3
3.4.2 Fixing of Hotswap unit .....................................................................................................................................3-4
4 Chapter 4 – Specifications .........................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Conformity and Standards....................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 General Specifications ..........................................................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Environmental specifications ...............................................................................................................................4-1
4.4 Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................................................4-2
4.5 Mechanical specifications.....................................................................................................................................4-2
5 Installation Drawings.................................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Power Circuit Diagram – Controller PCB........................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Power Circuit Diagram – RC Snubber PCB ....................................................................................................5-3
5.1.3 External power cable connections ....................................................................................................................5-4
5.1.4 Overall general arrangement.............................................................................................................................5-5
5.1.5 Connection of the external isolators utilizing users external power supply ....................................................5-6
5.1.6 External Power Supply realization for 230VAC shunt trip coils....................................................................5-7
5.1.7 External Power Supply realization for low voltage AC shunt trip coils..........................................................5-8
5.1.8 External Power Supply realization for DC shunt trip coils..............................................................................5-9
5.1.9 Circuit breaker selection chart ....................................................................................................................... 5-10
LIMITED WARRANTY ................................................................................................................................................ 5-11
User Manual
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(08/10) Page ii
This manual describes the following equipment:
7,3kVA, 230V, 32A, 2 Pole Network Power Switch SSWITCH2-32A
Support Information:
If you require assistance for any reason, please have the following information available:
Model and size
Serial number
Date installed
Voltage & Frequency
User Manual Chapter 1 - General Description
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Page 1-1
1 Chapter 1 – General description
1.1 Introduction
The Network Power Switch (NPS) is an automatic static transfer switch designed to provide fast automatic transfers between two independent, synchronous/asynchronous AC power sources to provide continuity of AC power to critical equipment, such as information technology equipment.
One of the two AC inputs is designated as the “preferred” source to which the Network Power Switch will connect the load as long as the designated input source is within the acceptable limits. The Network Power Switch is designed to transfer the output load to the “alternate “input source, as long as the alternate source is within the acceptable voltage limits and the preferred source is not.
The Network Power Switch provides fast, break-before-make transfers to prevent interconnection of the two sources, even under faulted source conditions.
The maximum sense and transfer times are within the tolerance of IEEE Standard 446 susceptibility curve for information technology equipment to allow uninterrupted load equipment operation.
In case of overload, Network Power Switch gives the alarm. Under Short-circuit condition a fast acting semi conductor fuse protects condition of the load.
The Network Power Switch is 2 pole switch to prevent objectionable currents in the earth due to separate grounding systems for the two sources.
Manual Bypass Switch The entire power static switch module is hot swappable. Before removing this module the load is transferred, without break to any one of the source directly by using the Manual bypass switch. After replacing the static switch module, the load is restored on static switch module, using the Manual bypass switch.
Block Diagram
Fig 1.1 – Block Diagram of Network Power Switch
User Manual Chapter 1 - General Description
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1.2 Design Concept
Fig 1.2 - Power Circuit Diagram for Network Power Switch
Figure 1.2 shows the Power circuit diagram for Network Power Switch. Source 1 & Source 2 are the two synchronized/unsynchronized power sources with fuse switches FS1 & FS2 & pair of SCR’s TA1 & TB1 in series with each path &TA2 and TB2 in the neutral path
Logic dictates that at any time only one pair of back-to-back connected SCR’s in the line and neutral should conduct. This routes the input power to the output load. Should the load feeding source fail due to any reason; the other source takes over automatically in less than 6 ms in case of synchronized sources and in less then 16 ms in case of unsynchronized sources.
The change over is always with break, which ensures that in no case two sources get paralleled.
Priority source can be selected through front panel switch. The live mimic on front panel indicates which source is on priority & which is feeding the load. Figure 1.4 shows the details of live mimic panel.
User Manual Chapter 1 - General Description
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1.3 Mechanical Design Description
Fig 1.3 – Hotswap and Fixed Unit
The Network Power Switch consists of two modules.
The fixed unit consists of the input and output connections and manual bypass transfer control switch.
The second module is hot swappable plug-in type with removable electronics & static switching module.
The Manual Bypass switch is located on the right side of the cabinet with a key lock to restrict access to qualified or designated operators. The Hotswap contains locked latches to prevent unauthorized removal of the module. The Network Power Switch is designed to allow replacement of the removable electronics /switching module without having to de-energize the load equipment.
The Entire power static switch module is detachable. Before removing this module the load is transferred without break to any one of the source directly. After replacing the static switch module, the load is again transferred back to Network Power Switch without break. Refer to section 3.4 for safe removal and fixing of Hotswap unit on page 3-5.
Fixed unit
Telescopic Slides
Manual Bypass Switch
Hotswap unit
User Manual Chapter 1 - General Description
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1.4 Mimic Indications
Fig 1.4 – Mimic and LED Indications
Mimic indications: Ten LED’s are mounted on the mimic plate; Glowing LED’s indicate the status of the Network Power Switch.
S1 Healthy: Source –1 is a healthy source and is well above the 10% under voltage setting.
S2 Healthy: Source –2 is a healthy source and is well above the 10% under voltage setting.
S1 Priority: The priority selector switch is on S1 priority position.
S2 Priority: The priority selector switch is on S2 priority position.
S1 Feeding: The load is fed through source -1.
S2 Feeding: The load is fed through source -2.
Overload: Overload has occurred i.e. current level crossed 110% of full load.
Unsynchronized: The sources are out of phase-synchronized window.
Load on S1: Source –1 is feeding the load.
Load on S2: Source –2 is feeding the load.
S1 Healthy S1 Priority S1 Feeding
S2 Healthy S2 Priority S2 Feeding
Priority Selection Switch
Load on S1
Load on S2
Unsynchronised transfer
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