Stan dard fea tures - all sys tems (con tin ued)
Electric reheat
The three-stage re heat is of rigid de sign for ex tended
op era tional life. The re heat has am ple ca pac ity to main tain
room dry- bulb con di tions dur ing a sys tem call for
de hu midi fi ca tion. The low- watt den sity, elec tri cally
en closed ele ments are made of alu mi num sur rounded by high
ef fi ciency fins, re duc ing sheath tem pera tures and
elimi nat ing ioni sa tion. The re heat is phase- balanced.
Re heat con trol is of the ON-OFF type. The re heat is pro vided
with a man ual re set, re heat safety ther mo stat, to dis able the
re heat in the event of high tem pera ture.
The re heat safety stat. also in cor po rates a magneto- thermal
switch which pro tects the re heat from short cir cuits, should
the har ness be dam aged ac ci den tally.
Elec tric re heat can be com bined with hot gas or hot wa ter
re heat ac ti vated in dif fer ent stages.
Re fer to the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for re heat ca paci ties,
FLA’s etc.
The unit is fit ted with an elec tronic steam bot tle hu midi fier
suit able for use with wa ter of vary ing degrees of hard ness,
pro vided that the wa ter is not treated or demineralized. The
hu midi fier is com plete with a wa ter inlet valve, a wa ter outlet
valve and a maximum wa ter level sensor.
The steam cyl in der is in stalled in the unit’s air tight
com part ment to avoid heat losses. Steam from the cyl in der is
mixed with the dis charge air from the evapo rat ing coil by
means of a cop per steam dis tribu tor.
The unit con trol ler moni tors the con di tion of the steam
cyl in der, and gen er ates an alarm when the cyl in der needs to
be changed. Cyl in der re place ment is easy and quick.
The hu midi fier is com plete with a self- adapting flow con trol
sys tem which moni tors wa ter con duc tiv ity and con trols the
elec tri cal cur rent pass ing through the cyl in der. Out put
ad just ment is from 30 - 100% via the unit con trol ler.
Hu midi fi ca tion con trol may be of the pro por tional or of the
on- off type, ac cord ing to the re quire ments of the in stal la tion:
On- off con trol is set as stan dard.
Re fer to the Op tional sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for
hu midi fier ca paci ties, FLA’s, etc.
On air- cooled mod els, the unit de hu midi fies the air by
re duc ing the air flow across the coil (the fan is switched to a
lower speed) and switch ing on the com pres sor.
In chilled wa ter mod els, the unit de hu midi fies by fully
open ing the chilled wa ter valve.
In Dual Source units, the unit de hu midi fies us ing the
"Cur rent" cool ing source. If the cur rent source is DX, the unit
de hu midi fies the air by re duc ing the air flow across the coil
(the fan is switched to a lower speed) and switch ing on the
com pres sor. If the cur rent source is chilled wa ter, the unit
de hu midi fies by fully open ing the chilled wa ter valve.
In Free cool ing units, the unit dis ables free cool ing on a call
for de hu midi fi ca tion and de hu midi fies the air by re duc ing
the air flow across the coil (the fan is switched to a lower
speed) and switch ing on the com pres sor.
As stan dard, the units are wrapped in bubble- wrap to pro tect
painted sur faces, en closed in a card board box and mounted
on a wooden pal let.
On re quest, for sea trans port etc., the units can be packed in
wooden crates or cases com plete with sili con des ic cant.
Warranty clauses
The war ranty does not cover any dam age or mal func tion of
the unit which may oc cur dur ing or as a re sult of op er at ing
the unit out side of the speci fied ap pli ca tion lim its.
Liebert does not accept responsibility for any damage caused
by improper use of the product.
8 SLE CP TDM E.1 (06/99)
Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual