Liebert CP20A D, CP28A U, CP20A U, CP28A D, CP34A U Technical Data Manual

Technical Data
Keeping Business in Business
LPN: SLE CP TDM E.1 HPN: 272030 (17/6/99)
Ta ble of Con tents
No men cla ture 1 In tro duc tion 2 Stan dard fea tures - all models 6 Stan dard fea tures - DX mod els 9 Stan dard fea tures - chilled wa ter mod els 12 Op tional fea tures - all mod els 13 Air cooled data 18 Water cooled data 20 Air cooled dual source data 22 Water cooled dual source data 24 Free cool ing data 26 Chilled wa ter cooled data 28 Con denser match ing ta bles 30 Chilled wa ter data - all mod els 31 Elec tri cal data - all mod els 32 Sound data - all mod els 37 Tech ni cal data - op tional com po nents 39 Di men sional data - all mod els 47
No men cla ture
System nomenclature
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Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
20 DA
Air Distribution:
D = Downflow U = Upflow
System type:
A = Air Cooled W = Water/ Glycol Cooled F = Freecooling D = Dual Source Air Cooled H = Dual Source Water Cooled C = Chilled Water Cooled
Model Number:
Nominal capacity in kW at 240C, 50% RH
Liebert Challenger Plus Unit
The range of mod els is as fol lows:
Air Cooled
Sin gle Cir cuit CP20A U/D CP24A U/D CP28A U/D CP34A U/D CP40A U/D
Dual Cir cuit CP26A U/D CP32A U/D CP42A U/D CP46A U/D
Wa ter /Gly col Cooled
Sin gle Cir cuit CP20W U/D CP24W U/D CP28W U/D CP34W U/D CP40W U/D
Dual Cir cuit CP26W U/D CP32W U/D CP42W U/D CP46W U/D
Free cool ing
Sin gle Cir cuit CP20F U/D CP24F U/D CP28F U/D CP34F U/D CP40F U/D
Dual Cir cuit CP26F U/D CP32F U/D CP42F U/D CP46F U/D
Dual Source Air Cooled
Sin gle Cir cuit CP20D U/D CP24D U/D CP28D U/D CP34D U/D CP40D U/D
Dual Cir cuit CP26D U/D CP32D U/D CP42D U/D CP46D U/D
Dual Source Wa ter Cooled
Sin gle Cir cuit CP20H U/D CP24H U/D CP28H U/D CP34H U/D CP40H U/D
Dual Cir cuit CP26H U/D CP32H U/D CP42H U/D CP46H U/D
Chilled Wa ter Cooled
Sin gle Cir cuit CP25C U/D CP35C U/D CP50C U/D CP60C U/D CP70C U/D
In tro duc tion
Pre ci sion en vi ron mental con trol may be de fined as the si mul ta ne ous con trol of air tem pera ture, hu mid ity, dis tri bu tion and clean li ness on a con tin ual, around- the- clock ba sis.
Con ven tional build ing or ‘co mfort’ sys tems, as they are called, are not de signed for this 24- hour, year- round us age; they lack the abil ity to pro vide the pre ci sion and re li abil ity or ‘close con trol ‘ that is so criti cal to many ap pli ca tions.
The Lie bert Chal lenger Plus is a new se ries of air con di tion ers de signed by Lie bert to meet the re quire ments of data proc ess ing cen ters and other small and me dium sized criti cal ar eas.
The Challenger Plus se ries com prises both di rect ex pan sion units and chilled wa ter units. Cool ing ca paci ties range from 20 to 70 kW, for a to tal of 54 mod els. Di rect ex pan sion units are equipped with com pli ant scroll com pres sors. The de sign of the scroll com pres sor, en sures a con stant re frig er ant pres sure, thus im prov ing re li abil ity, en ergy con sump tion and sound emis sion.
Liebert technology and energy efficiency
Lie bert has be come a world leader in pre ci sion en vi ron mental con trol sys tems by pro vid ing maxi mum en ergy ef fi ciency with out com pro mis ing pre ci sion and re li abil ity.
Lie bert takes a no- compromise ap proach to en vi ron mental con trol sys tem de sign. All en hance ments to en ergy ef fi ciency are de signed to re duce op er at ing time of key com po nents. This is ac com plished by tak ing ad van tage of al ter nate sources of cool ing when avail able or, by re duc ing com pres sor work load when the heat load in the criti cal space is lower.
The Chal lenger Plus unit is ide ally suited for pre ci sion close con trol of the fol low ing types of en vi ron ment:
Data processing centers
Industrial applications
The de sign of the Chal lenger Plus unit can vary de pend ing on the ap pli ca tion, con sult the Lie bert Ap pli ca tions En gi neer ing De part ment for spe cific de tails.
All units are built in ac cor dance Euro pean di rec tives 98/37/CE (89/392/CEE; 91/368/CEE; 93/68/CEE), 89/336/CEE; 73/23/CEE. The Lie bert Air Con di tion ing Qual ity Sys tem is ap proved by LRQA in ac cor dance with the stan dards UNI EN ISO 9001: 1994.
Each unit is sup plied com plete with a Test Cer tifi cate and Dec la ra tion of Con formity.
All Chal lenger Plus units carry the “CE ” mark and fully com ply with Euro pean Di rec tives con cern ing me chani cal, elec tri cal and elec tro mag netic safety.
New fan sec tion - sin gle inlet, radial cen trifu gal fans (plug
fans) with back ward curved blades. Variable speed motor with external rotor. Avail able static pres sure up to 350 Pa, stan dard con figu ra tion
High COP (Co-efficient Of Performance)
High SHR (Sensible Heat Ratio)
Low energy consumption; High EER (Energy Efficiency
Low operating cost
All materials used in the unit are fully recyclable
Low internal air-side pressure drop
High efficiency filtration, up to EU8 available
Modular construction
Sandwich construction of panels with non-flammable -
Class 0 (ISO 1182.2) insulation
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In tro duc tion (con tin ued)
System types
Air cooled units
Air cooled mod els con sist of an evapo ra tor coil, a com pli ant scroll com pres sor, high and low pres sure switches, an ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve, serv ice ports, re frig er ant line sight glass, liq uid re ceiver with pressure- relief valve and fil ter drier. The units are shipped with a hold ing charge of dry Ni tro gen.
Mod els CP20A, CP24A, CP28A, CP34A and CP40A are sin gle cir cuit. Mod els CP26A, CP32A, CP42A and CP46A are dual cir cuit.
Air cooled units re quire matched air cooled con dens ers. Fan speed con trolled con dens ers are avail able from Lie bert for a full range of out side am bi ent tem pera tures. Refer to the Condensers Technical Data Manual (P/N SLE CD TDM) for full details.
Wa ter/Gly col cooled units
Wa ter/Gly col cooled mod els con sist of an evapo ra tor coil, a com pli ant scroll com pres sor, high and low pres sure switches, an ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve, serv ice ports, re frig er ant line sight glass, fil ter drier, stainless- steel plate heat ex changer and a head- pressure con trol valve (wa ter regu lat ing valve). Pres sure re lief valves are fit ted down stream of the plate heat ex changer. The re frig er ant cir cuits are pre charged with re frig er ant in the factory.
Mod els CP20W, CP24W, CP28W, CP34W, CP40W are sin gle cir cuit. Mod els CP26W, CP32W, CP42W and CP46W are dual cir cuit.
The units op er ate with mains wa ter, cool ing tower wa ter or wa ter in a closed cir cuit with an ex ter nal drycooler.
When op er at ing in a closed cir cuit, it may be nec es sary (de pend ing on out side tem pera tures) to add mono eth yl ene gly col to pre vent the wa ter freez ing in win ter, re fer to the unit In stal la tion Man ual for ap pli ca ble per cent ages.
A pump is used to cir cu late wa ter (wa ter/gly col) through the unit (not sup plied as standard).
If mains wa ter or tower wa ter is used, it is rec om mended to fit a me chani cal fil ter on the wa ter line to pro tect the plate heat ex changer against pos si ble im pu ri ties con tained in the wa ter (for plate heat ex changer clean ing, re fer to the In stal la tion Man ual).
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Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Fig ure 1 - Air Cooled Down flow Unit
Fig ure 2 - Wa ter/Gly col Cooled Up flow Unit
In tro duc tion (con tin ued)
Freecooling units
Freecooling mod els con sist of an evapo ra tor coil, a com pli ant scroll com pres sor, high and low pres sure switches, an ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve, serv ice ports, re frig er ant line sight glass, fil ter drier, stainless- steel plate heat ex changer, a head- pressure con trol valve (wa ter regu lat ing valve), a 2- way modu lat ing valve and a free cooling coil. Pres sure re lief valves are fit ted down stream of the plate heat ex changer. The re frig er ant cir cuits are pre charged with re frig er ant in the factory.
Mod els CP20F, CP24F, CP28F, CP34F, CP40F are sin gle cir cuit. Mod els CP26F, CP32F, CP42F and CP46F are dual cir cuit.
The units op er ate with wa ter in a closed cir cuit from an ex ter nal drycooler.
When op er at ing in a closed cir cuit, it may be nec es sary (de pend ing on out side tem pera tures) to add mono eth yl ene gly col to pre vent the wa ter freez ing in win ter, re fer to the unit In stal la tion Man ual for ap pli ca ble per cent ages.
A pump is used to cir cu late wa ter (wa ter/gly col) through the unit (not sup plied as standard).
Free cool ing units have two modes of op era tion, de pend ing on the out side tem pera ture.
In nor mal op era tion, the unit cools the air in the con di tioned space us ing the com pres sor and refrig er ant coil (di rect ex pan sion).
When out side tem pera tures are low enough, wa ter from the ex ter nal dry cooler is used to cool the air in the con di tioned
space di rectly us ing the Free cool ing coil. This tem pera ture is the ZET or Zero En ergy Tem pera ture.
Dual source air cooled
Dual Source Air Cooled mod els con sist of an evapo ra tor coil, a com pli ant scroll com pres sor, high and low pres sure switches, an ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve, serv ice ports, re frig er ant line sight glass, liq uid re ceiver with pressure- relief valve, fil ter drier, 3- way mo tor ised modu lat ing valve and a chilled wa ter coil. The units are shipped with a hold ing charge of dry Ni tro gen.
Mod els CP20D, CP24D, CP28D, CP34D and CP40D are sin gle cir cuit. Mod els CP26D, CP32D, CP42D and CP46D are dual cir cuit.
Air cooled units re quire matched air cooled con dens ers. Fan speed con trolled con dens ers are avail able from Lie bert for a full range of out side am bi ent tem pera tures. Refer to the Condensers Technical Data Manual (P/N SLE CD TDM) for full details.
Op era tion
In nor mal op era tion, when the tem pera ture of the sec ond source is low enough, the chilled wa ter coil is used to cool the air in the con di tioned space. If the tem pera ture of the chilled wa ter rises above the tem pera ture re quired to main tain the load, chilled wa ter cool ing is stopped and the com pres sor is started. The load is then main tained us ing dx cool ing.
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Fig ure 3 - Free cool ing Up flow Unit
Fig ure 4 - Dual Source Air Cooled Down flow Unit
In tro duc tion (con tin ued)
Dual source water/glycol cooled
Dual Source Wa ter/Gly col cooled mod els con sist of an evapo ra tor coil, a com pli ant scroll com pres sor, high and low pres sure switches, an ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve, serv ice ports, re frig er ant line sight glass, fil ter drier, stainless- steel plate heat ex changer, a head- pressure con trol valve (wa ter regu lat ing valve), a 3- way mo tor ised modu lat ing valve and a chilled wa ter coil. Pres sure re lief valves are fit ted down stream of the plate heat ex changer. The re frig er ant cir cuits are pre charged with re frig er ant in the factory.
Mod els CP20H, CP24H, CP28H, CP34H, CP40H are sin gle cir cuit. Mod els CP26H, CP32H, CP42H and CP46H are dual cir cuit.
Nor mal Op era tion
In nor mal op era tion, when the tem pera ture of the sec ond source is low enough, the chilled wa ter coil is used to cool the air in the con di tioned space. If the tem pera ture of the chilled wa ter rises above the tem pera ture re quired to main tain the load, chilled wa ter cool ing is stopped and the com pres sor is started. The load is then main tained us ing dx cool ing.
DX Op era tion
The units op er ate with mains wa ter, cool ing tower wa ter or wa ter in a closed cir cuit with an ex ter nal drycooler.
When op er at ing in a closed cir cuit, it may be nec es sary (de pend ing on out side tem pera tures) to add mono eth yl ene gly col to pre vent the wa ter freez ing in win ter, re fer to the unit In stal la tion Man ual for ap pli ca ble per cent ages.
A pump is used to cir cu late wa ter (wa ter/gly col) through the unit (not sup plied as standard).
If mains wa ter or tower wa ter is used, it is rec om mended to fit a me chani cal fil ter on the wa ter line to pro tect the plate heat ex changer against pos si ble im pu ri ties con tained in the wa ter (for plate heat ex changer clean ing, re fer to the In stal la tion Man ual).
Chilled water cooled
Chilled wa ter mod els in cor po rate a chilled wa ter coil with a three- way modu lat ing mo tor ised chilled wa ter valve and in su lated pip ing.
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Fig ure 5 - Dual Source Wa ter Cooled Up flow Unit
Fig ure 6 - Chilled Wa ter Cooled Down flow Unit
Stan dard fea tures - all sys tems
Rou tine main te nance ac cess to re frig er ant cir cuit com po nents, com pres sor, liq uid re ceiver, ther mal ex pan sion valve, sight glass, fil ter dryer etc. is avail able through the front panel of the unit. Serv ice ac cess to the air fil ter, the fan, hu midi fier, elec tric panel, elec tronic con trol ler PCB, elec tric re heats etc. is also through the unit front panel.
Cus tomer con nec tions to the re frig er ant cir cuit (hot gas and liq uid line), cool ing wa ter cir cuits, mains power in put sup ply, hu midi fier wa ter sup ply and con den sate drain lines are lo cated in the base of the unit.
The com pres sor is housed in a sepa rate air tight com part ment within the unit, al low ing ac cess to the com pres sor while the unit is in op era tion.
Cabinet and panels
The cabi net is manu fac tured from zin tec, painted with epoxy- polyester pow der paint and as sem bled us ing stain less steel screws.
The front and rear pan els are double- skinned, with 22mm fi ber glass in su la tion sand wiched be tween the pan els to re duce noise emis sion and heat loss. The side pan els, which are iso lated from the in side of the unit, are lined with 22mm fi ber glass in su la tion sealed in an alu mi num foil.
The edges of the pan els are fit ted with seals to pre vent air loss and to keep noise lev els to an ab so lute mini mum.
The struc ture is fully in com pli ance with Class 0 (ISO
1182.2). All sur faces in con tact with the air flow are wash able in or der to re duce the for ma tion of bac te ria. All ma te ri als used are CFC- free and may be re cy cled.
Air distribution
All units in the range are avail able in three con figu ra tions, Down flow, Up flow Front Re turn and Up flow Bot tom Re turn, re fer to Fig ure 7.
Fan section
The unit is fit ted with a direct- drive, sin gle in let back ward curved, gal va nized painted steel ra dial cen trifu gal fan (plug fan). The fan mo tor is a three- phase, 25- speed mo tor (speed is ad just able via an au to trans former). The mo tor is rated to IP44 and com plete with in ter nal ther mal pro tec tion.
The fan im pel ler is stati cally and dy nami cally bal anced and equipped with self- lubricating bear ings. The fan is mounted on vibration- absorbing rub ber sup ports to re duce vi bra tion trans mis sion be tween the fan and the unit frame. This vi bra tion at tenua tion helps to keep noise emis sion to a mini mum. The mo tor is ca pa ble of pro vid ing the rated air flow at ex ter nal static pres sures of up to 350 Pa.
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Fig ure 7 - Air Dis tri bu tion
Fig ure 8 - Autotransformer and Fan
Stan dard fea tures - all sys tems (con tin ued)
Fil tra tion
The air fil ter is made of syn thetic fi ber cells in a card board frame and is de signed to mini mise the air pres sure drop while main tain ing maxi mum fil ter ef fi ciency. It is eas ily ac cessed/re placed by open ing the front doors of the unit.
The guar an teed ef fi ciency is EU4 (Eu rov ent EU4/5, 30% ef fi ciency), (G4, CEN stan dard). Optional fil tra tion lev els to EU8 (G8) are avail able on re quest.
Pre fil ters are avail able on up flow mod els.
Electrical panel
The elec tric panel, lo cated at the front of the unit in an air tight compartment, con tains the MCB’s, con tac tors, trans former, con trol ler PCB and over load re lays etc. Each high volt age sys tem com po nent is pro vided with a sepa rate over cur rent pro tec tive de vice. All high- voltage com po nents are touch pro tected by means of a plas tic cover. The elec tric panel com plies with the EN 60204-1.
All units are de signed for op era tion at 400V/3ph/50 Hz ( + 10%) and are fit ted with a mains dis con nect switch.
Microprocessor controller ­Microface
The Mi cro face en vi ron mental con trol sys tem is mi cro proc es sor based and can be pro grammed to match the unique needs of any ap pli ca tion. The proc es sor in te grates the sepa rate me chani cal and elec tri cal com po nents into a ‘state -of -the -art’ con di tioned space sup port sys tem that con trols and moni tors tem pera ture, hu mid ity, air flow and air clean li ness.
The con trol sys tem of fers a tai lored and well proven ad vance in re li abil ity and con trol flexi bil ity al low ing the unit to mod ify its per form ance in re sponse to chang ing criti cal space con di tions.
The con trol ler al lows lo cal moni tor ing and pro gram ming of the fol low ing room con di tions:
Tem pera ture (oC) Tem pera ture set point (5.0oC – 40.0oC in steps of 0.1 oC) Tem pera ture sen si tiv ity (1.0oC - 10oC in steps of 0.1 oC) Hu mid ity (%RH) Hu mid ity set point (20%RH - 80%RH in steps of 1%) Hu mid ity sen si tiv ity (5%RH - 20%RH in steps of 1%)
The pa rame ters are enun ci ated us ing sym bols and text on an LCD dis play. Nor mal op er at ing modes are in di cated by sym bols on the dis play. Alarm con di tions ac ti vate a vis ual in di ca tor.
The fol low ing alarms are stan dard:
High temperature
Low temperature
Fan failure
High pressure alarm – (compressorised systems only)
Low pressure alarm - (compressorised systems only)
Electrical reheat high temperature
Memory failure
Common alarm
Other alarms are also avail able when the rele vant op tion is or dered with the unit (e.g. if a hu midi fier is or dered with the unit, the High Hu mid ity, Low Hu mid ity etc. alarms are en abled). For a full list of all the op tions and alarms avail able with the Mi cro face con trol ler, re fer to the Mi cro face Con trol ler Op era tion Man ual (P/N SLE MF OM).
The con trol ler also in cor po rates a se quen tial auto- restart timer, al low ing field ad just able time de lays to be ap plied to unit re start af ter a power loss (or other shut down). The tim ers al low mul ti ple units to be re started while lim it ing in stan ta ne ous in rush cur rent.
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Stan dard fea tures - all sys tems (con tin ued)
Electric reheat
The three-stage re heat is of rigid de sign for ex tended op era tional life. The re heat has am ple ca pac ity to main tain room dry- bulb con di tions dur ing a sys tem call for de hu midi fi ca tion. The low- watt den sity, elec tri cally en closed ele ments are made of alu mi num sur rounded by high ef fi ciency fins, re duc ing sheath tem pera tures and elimi nat ing ioni sa tion. The re heat is phase- balanced.
Re heat con trol is of the ON-OFF type. The re heat is pro vided with a man ual re set, re heat safety ther mo stat, to dis able the re heat in the event of high tem pera ture.
The re heat safety stat. also in cor po rates a magneto- thermal switch which pro tects the re heat from short cir cuits, should the har ness be dam aged ac ci den tally.
Elec tric re heat can be com bined with hot gas or hot wa ter re heat ac ti vated in dif fer ent stages.
Re fer to the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for re heat ca paci ties, FLA’s etc.
The unit is fit ted with an elec tronic steam bot tle hu midi fier suit able for use with wa ter of vary ing degrees of hard ness, pro vided that the wa ter is not treated or demineralized. The hu midi fier is com plete with a wa ter inlet valve, a wa ter outlet valve and a maximum wa ter level sensor.
The steam cyl in der is in stalled in the unit’s air tight com part ment to avoid heat losses. Steam from the cyl in der is mixed with the dis charge air from the evapo rat ing coil by means of a cop per steam dis tribu tor.
The unit con trol ler moni tors the con di tion of the steam cyl in der, and gen er ates an alarm when the cyl in der needs to be changed. Cyl in der re place ment is easy and quick.
The hu midi fier is com plete with a self- adapting flow con trol sys tem which moni tors wa ter con duc tiv ity and con trols the elec tri cal cur rent pass ing through the cyl in der. Out put ad just ment is from 30 - 100% via the unit con trol ler.
Hu midi fi ca tion con trol may be of the pro por tional or of the on- off type, ac cord ing to the re quire ments of the in stal la tion: On- off con trol is set as stan dard.
Re fer to the Op tional sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for hu midi fier ca paci ties, FLA’s, etc.
On air- cooled mod els, the unit de hu midi fies the air by re duc ing the air flow across the coil (the fan is switched to a lower speed) and switch ing on the com pres sor.
In chilled wa ter mod els, the unit de hu midi fies by fully open ing the chilled wa ter valve.
In Dual Source units, the unit de hu midi fies us ing the "Cur rent" cool ing source. If the cur rent source is DX, the unit de hu midi fies the air by re duc ing the air flow across the coil (the fan is switched to a lower speed) and switch ing on the com pres sor. If the cur rent source is chilled wa ter, the unit de hu midi fies by fully open ing the chilled wa ter valve.
In Free cool ing units, the unit dis ables free cool ing on a call for de hu midi fi ca tion and de hu midi fies the air by re duc ing the air flow across the coil (the fan is switched to a lower speed) and switch ing on the com pres sor.
As stan dard, the units are wrapped in bubble- wrap to pro tect painted sur faces, en closed in a card board box and mounted on a wooden pal let.
On re quest, for sea trans port etc., the units can be packed in wooden crates or cases com plete with sili con des ic cant.
Warranty clauses
The war ranty does not cover any dam age or mal func tion of the unit which may oc cur dur ing or as a re sult of op er at ing the unit out side of the speci fied ap pli ca tion lim its.
Liebert does not accept responsibility for any damage caused by improper use of the product.
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Stan dard fea tures - DX sys tems (con tin ued)
Refrigerant circuit
Units are avail able as sin gle and dual cir cuit. The cir cuit(s) con sist of a com pres sor, a ther mal ex pan sion valve, a liq uid line sight glass, a fil ter dryer, an evapo ra tor coil, a liq uid re ceiver (air cooled only) and high and low pres sure switches.
For safety rea sons, (es pe cially dur ing ma chine start- up), it is rec om mended to in stall a non- return valve(s) (sup plied as an op tion, on re quest) on the liq uid line from the con denser, to pro tect the com pres sor from un ex pected re frig er ant mi gra tions. All low tem pera ture parts of the re frig er ant cir cuit are in su lated as stan dard.
The evapo ra tor coils are de signed to pro vide maxi mum coil area for more pre cise con trol of tem pera ture and hu mid ity. With this com puter de signed coil ar range ment, low ve loc ity air passes through the coil pro vid ing the most ef fec tive sur face ex po sure with less tur bu lence and greater ef fi ciency in the cool ing and de hu midi fi ca tion pro cesses. The coil is de signed for the high sen si ble heat ra tio re quired by criti cal spaces. The coil is tested to 30 Bar.
The evapo ra tor coil is made of cop per tubes with treated alu mi num fins (to with stand cor ro sive at mos pheres). A cor ro sion re sis tant drain pan is pro vided with the coil on all mod els.
The fully her metic com pli ant scroll com pres sor in cor po rates sev eral safety fea tures for pro tec tion dur ing nor mal and the oc ca sional ab nor mal op er at ing con di tions. They are:
Self resetting overloads to sense excessive currents and
An internal pressure relief valve which limits discharge
pressure to protect mechanical parts.
Motor insulation that is resistant to chemical attack.
Rubber mounting to ensure reduced compressor noise and
IP54 pro tec tion Schrae der con nec tions are fit ted to the unit for serv ice
ac cess.
R22 HCFC is the stan dard re frig er ant used in the Chal lenger Plus range. An op tional “Green” re frig er ant, R407C is also avail able. In this case the com pres sor is sup plied with es ter oil. Air cooled units are shipped with a ni tro gen hold ing charge, wa ter, dual source wa ter and free cool ing units are charged with re frig er ant in the factory.
Sight glass
Re frig er ant line sight glasses serve as a means of quick vis ual in spec tion to de ter mine if there is mois ture in the sys tem and if the sys tem is prop erly charged.
Liq uid line filter- dryers en sure a clean, moisture- free re frig er ant sys tem for ex tended com po nent life. The fil ter drier is suit able for use with stan dard R22 and op tional “Zero ODP” re frig er ant R407C.
Expansion valve
The ex ter nally equal ised, ad just able, ther mo static ex pan sion valve smoothly con trols re frig er ant flow dur ing vary ing in door heat loads and out door am bi ent tem pera tures by con trol ling evapo ra tor su per heat.
Safety controls
Each com pres sor has a manual- reset high pres sure switch for high pres sure pro tec tion and a high pres sure alarm cir cuit to warn of high sys tem pres sures, al low ing cor rec tive ac tion to be taken be fore a sig nifi cant loss of tem pera ture con trol oc curs.
The low pres sure switch is auto- resetting and de tects low pres sure con di tions such as loss of re frig er ant charge. The pres sure switch cali bra tion val ues are shown in the In stal la tion, Op era tion & Main te nance Man ual sup plied with the ma chine.
Crankcase heaters
Crank case heat ers are sup plied with all com pres so rised mod els. They main tain mini mum re frig er ant tem pera ture and are en er gised while the unit is pow ered and the com pres sor is off.
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Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Fig ure 9 - Scroll Compressor
Stan dard fea tures - DX mod els (con tin ued)
Air cooled only
Liquid receiver
A welded steel liq uid re ceiver is pro vided to main tain con stant and even re frig er ant flow to the ex pan sion valve, in all cir cum stances. Shut- off valves are in stalled as stan dard on the in let and out let of the re ceiver to as sist main te nance of the cir cuit, if re quired.
A suita bly rated pres sure re lief valve is in stalled on the liq uid re ceiver. The valve is equipped with a threaded con nec tion to al low the re frig er ant to be dis charged out side of the con di tioned space.
Air cooled condenser
A match ing Lie bert air cooled con denser with fan speed con trol should be or dered with the unit. De tails of the con dens ers are pro vided in this man ual, full de tails of all con dens ers for all out door am bi ents are avail able in the Con denser Tech ni cal Data Man ual, (P/N SLE CD TDM).
Note: The suggested condenser selections/performances for each outdoor ambient are based on calculated data. The actual selection of a condenser should always be verified on the basis of the specific working conditions on each site.
Water cooled/freecooling units only
Plate heat exchanger
All wa ter cooled units (mod els W, H, F) are fit ted with a brazed plate heat ex chang ers made of stain less steel. This type of con denser is de signed for high ef fi ciency heat ex change. The con denser is in ten tion ally over sized for the ap pli ca tion to re duce pres sure drops (and the en ergy con sump tion of the cir culation pump) in the wa ter sup ply and thus al low the unit to op er ate with an ex ter nal wa ter cooler in a closed cir cuit at high out door tem pera tures. Pres sure re lief valves are fit ted down stream of the con denser. The valve is equipped with a threaded con nec tion to al low the re frig er ant to be dis charged out side of the con di tioned space.
Wa ter cooled units can op er ate with mains wa ter, cool ing tower wa ter or wa ter in a closed cir cuit with an ex ter nal dry cooler. Free cool ing units op er ate with wa ter in a closed cir cuit from an ex ter nal dry cooler only.
When op er at ing in a closed cir cuit, it may be nec es sary (de pend ing on out side tem pera tures) to add mono eth yl ene gly col to pre vent the wa ter freez ing in win ter , re fer to the unit In stal la tion Man ual for ap pli ca ble per cent ages.
A pump is used to cir cu late wa ter (wa ter/gly col) through the unit (it is not sup plied).
If mains wa ter or tower wa ter is used, it is rec om mended to fit a me chani cal fil ter on the wa ter line to pro tect the con denser against pos si ble im pu ri ties con tained in the wa ter (for con denser clean ing, re fer to the In stal la tion Man ual).
A dry cooler can be sup plied, if re quired. Full de tails of all dry cool ers are avail able in the Dry cooler Tech ni cal Data Man ual, P/N SLE DC TDM.
Head pressure control valve
Head pres sure op er ated regu lat ing valves ac cu rately con trol the con dens ing tem pera ture and sys tem ca pac ity for vari ous en ter ing fluid tem pera tures. A 2- way head pres sure con trol valve is fit ted as stan dard on wa ter/gly col cooled, dual source wa ter cooled and free cool ing units.
The valve con trols the con dens ing pres sure by regu lat ing the wa ter flow to the plate con denser. It is in stalled at the con denser out let with the pres sure probe po si tioned on the re frig er ant dis charge line. It is auto mati cally closed when the com pres sor is not op er at ing. It is sized for in let wa ter flow tem pera tures lower than 17 0C re sult ing in low water- side pres sure drops.
For higher wa ter in let tem pera tures, higher wa ter flowrates are re quired and pos si bly spe cial wa ter regu lat ing valves, con sult Lie bert Ap pli ca tions En gi neers for de tails.
Freecooling only
Freecooling coil
The Freecooling coil is lo cated on the re turn air side of the evapo ra tor coil. Wa ter/gly col flow to the coil is con trolled by a pre-piped 2- way modu lat ing motorised valve. When sup plied with a coolant so lu tion of suf fi ciently low tem pera ture, the coil is suf fi ciently sized to of fer an equal cool ing ca pac ity to that ob tained us ing the re frig era tion cir cuit. The coil is tested to 30 Bar.
2-way control valve
As the out door am bi ent drops to a suf fi ciently low tem pera ture, the 2- way mo tor ised valve modu lates the flow to the coil, as in a chilled wa ter sys tem. The valve in cludes an op er at ing link age and elec tric mo tor.
10 SLE CP TDM E.1 (06/99)
Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Stan dard fea tures - DX mod els (con tin ued)
Dual source only
Dual source units con sist of the stan dard di rect ex pan sion re frig era tion cir cuit and an ad di tional cool ing coil with a three- way mo tor ised modu lat ing valve.
The ad di tional coil is lo cated on the re turn air side of the evapo ra tor coil. Flow to the coil is con trolled by a pre- piped 3- way equal per cent age mo tor ised valve.
The nor mal con trol strat egy of the unit is to use the sec on dary source (chil ler sup ply, pro cess wa ter sup ply etc.) to main tain the room load un til a sen sor de tects that the sec on dary source is no longer at the re quired tem pera ture. Di rect ex pan sion cool ing is then switched on and main tains the load.
Operating limits (DX models)
Chal lenger Plus di rect ex pan sion units are de signed for op era tion within the fol low ing work ing lim its (the lim its are ap pli ca ble to newly com mis sioned ma chines which have been cor rectly in stalled and main tained).
Indoor operating range
All models from 18.0°C, 45% R.H. to 27.0°C, 55% R.H. To mini mise the pos si bil ity of wa ter carry over, (i.e. too
much con den sate on the evapo ra tor coil lead ing to the for ma tion of wa ter drop lets), it is criti cal to en sure that the la tent load (dif fer ence be tween to tal and sen si ble load) does not ex ceed 5.5 kW.
Outdoor operating range (Air cooled - A, D)
Lower limit
-20°C with fan speed con trol in stalled in the con denser.
Upper limit
This is de ter mined by the ca pac ity of the con denser cou pled to the unit (at the rele vant out door am bi ent). If the limit is ex ceeded, the High Pres sure Switch will shut the com pres sor down. The switch must then be manu ally re set af ter the prob lem has been rec ti fied.
Condenser installation
Condenser above indoor unit
Maxi mum dis tance be tween in door unit and ex ter nal air con denser: 30 me ters equiva lent length.
Con denser be low in door unit
Maxi mum geo detic height dif fer ence be tween con denser and unit: 3 me ters.
Air flow
The mini mum and maxi mum air flows and avail able Ex ter nal Static Pres sure are given in the Tech ni cal Data sec tion of this man ual. The fan mo tor ther mal over load pro tects the unit from any dam age which could re sult from op er at ing out side the speci fied val ues.
Voltage tolerance
All mod els 400 V ± 10%
Fre quency tol er ance
50 Hz ± 2 Hz.
SLE CP TDM E.1 (06/99) 11
Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Fig ure 10 - Head Pressure Control Valve
Stan dard fea tures - chilled water mod els
Cooling coil
The large face area/low face ve loc ity, deep wave fin coil al lows pre cise con trol of tem pera ture and hu mid ity dur ing cool ing and de hu midi fi ca tion, and is de signed to op ti mize fluid ve loc ity and mini mize pres sure drop. The full face area is ac tive dur ing cool ing and de hu midi fi ca tion, re sult ing in op era tional en ergy sav ing in the ap pli ca tion area. A cor ro sion re sis tant drain pan is pro vided on all mod els. The coil is tested to 30 Bar.
3-way control valve
The mo tor ised chilled wa ter valve pro vides equal per cent age con trol ac tion in re sponse to room tem pera ture and hu mid ity as sensed by the mi cro proc es sor. This re sults in a pro por tional ra tio of ca pac ity to stem travel. The valve in cludes an op er at ing link age and elec tric mo tor. The valve can be manu ally ad justed to the closed po si tion (on the coil- side of the valve) us ing the tool pro vided.
Operating limits
Chal lenger Plus chilled wa ter units are de signed for op era tion within the fol low ing work ing lim its (the lim its are ap pli ca ble to newly com mis sioned ma chines which have been cor rectly in stalled and main tained).
Indoor operating range
All models from 18.0°C, 45% R.H. to 27.0°C, 55% R.H. To mini mise the pos si bil ity of wa ter carry over, (i.e. too
much con den sate on the evapo ra tor coil lead ing to the for ma tion of wa ter drop lets), it is criti cal to en sure that the la tent load (dif fer ence be tween to tal and sen si ble load) does not ex ceed 5.5 kW
Air flow
The mini mum and maxi mum air flows and avail able Ex ter nal Static Pres sure are given in the Tech ni cal Data sec tion of this man ual. The fan mo tor ther mal over load pro tects the unit from any dam age which could re sult from op er at ing out side the speci fied val ues.
Voltage tolerance
All mod els 400 V ± 10%
Fre quency tol er ance
50 Hz ± 2 Hz.
12 SLE CP TDM E.1 (06/99)
Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Fig ure 11 - Equal Per cent age Valve Characteristic
Op tional fea tures - all mod els
Hot gas reheat
Chal lenger Plus can be sup plied with a hot gas re heat coil if re quired. This type of re heat uses the heat which is nor mally re jected in the con denser to heat the air in the con di tioned space, thus sav ing en ergy. A con trol valve pre vents the re frig er ant from flow ing to the re heat ing coil when re heat is not re quired. The re heat coil is sin gle or dou ble row de pend ing on the model, and con structed of cop per tubes with alu mi num fins.
When hot gas re heat is re quested, it is sup plied in con junc tion with elec tri cal re heat in two stages as fol lows:
Stage 1: Hot gas re heat Stage 2: Hot gas re heat + elec tri cal re heat Note: The ca pac ity of the elec tri cal re heat in stage 2 is equal
to two thirds of the to tal ca pac ity of the stan dard elec tri cal re heat for a given model.
Re fer to the Op tional sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for re heat ca paci ties etc.
Hot water reheat
The eco nomi cal hot wa ter re heats are con trolled by a 3- way (on/off) valve from the mi cro proc es sor con trol panel. The sys tem is com pletely pre- piped and in cludes an air bleed valve. The re heat coil is sin gle or dou ble row de pend ing on the model, and con structed of cop per tubes with alu mi num fins. The coil is tested to a pres sure of 30 bar.
A hot wa ter ther mo stat (pro vided by the cus tomer) is used in the valve con trol se quence to de ter mine the avail abil ity of re heat ca pac ity.
When hot water re heat is re quested, it is sup plied in con junc tion with elec tri cal re heat in two stages as fol lows:
Stage 1: Hot water re heat Stage 2: Hot water re heat + elec tri cal re heat Note: The ca pac ity of the elec tri cal re heat in stage 2 is equal
to two thirds of the to tal ca pac ity of the stan dard elec tri cal re heat for a given model.
Re fer to the Op tional sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for re heat ca paci ties etc.
Non-return valves (models A and D)
Re frig er ant non- return valves for air- cooled units are avail able as an op tion.
The valve is in stalled on the liq uid line, close to the con denser and mounted ver ti cally.
Lie bert rec om mend that the valve be in stalled when the to tal sys tem charge ex ceeds the speci fied val ues given in the Op tional sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles.
High efficiency filters
EU5 filters
Op tional 100mm EU5 high ef fi ciency fil ters are avail able for all mod els. The high ef fi ciency fil ters are in ter change able with the stan dard fil ters. The fil ters are EU5 (Eu rov ent 4/5), fil tra tion class G4 (CEN stan dards).
EU6, EU7 and EU8 fil ters
Op tional 290mm high ef fi ciency fil ters, class EU6, EU7 and EU8 (Eu rov ent 4/5), are avail able on re quest. The fil ters are made of fi ber glass fil ter me dia. The fil ter me dia is con structed in ”V” sec tions with a rigid ex ter nal frame to with stand high pres sure drops and flow varia tions.
If these fil ters are or dered, a 600mm fil ter ple num is re quired to house them. The ple num is of the same col our as the unit and in stalled on the top of the unit. (Re fer to Op tions sec tion of the Tech ni cal Data Ta bles for de tails).
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Challenger Plus - Technical Data Manual
Fig ure 12 - EU6, EU7, EU8 Filters
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