Libelium Waspmote LoRa Networking Manual

Networking Guide
Document Version: v7.0 - 02/2017 © Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
1. LoRa and LoRaWAN ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Hardware .............................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Dual radio with Expansion Board ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Expansion Radio Board ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. General considerations ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Waspmote libraries ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1. Waspmote SX1272 les ............................................................................................................................................12
4.1.2. Constructor ...................................................................................................................................................................12
4.2. API functions ...............................................................................................................................................................................12
4.3. Additional functions ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.3.1. Getting temperature .................................................................................................................................................14
4.3.2. Getting maximum allowed current supply .......................................................................................................15
4.4. Waspmote reboot ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5. Transmission modes .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.1. LoRaTM mode ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1. Bandwidth ....................................................................................................................................................................17
5.1.2. Coding Rate ..................................................................................................................................................................17
5.1.3. Spreading Factor ........................................................................................................................................................17
6. Initialization ....................................................................................................................................... 18
6.1. Setting on .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.2. Setting o .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7. Node parameters ............................................................................................................................... 19
7.1. Node address ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.2. Frequency band .........................................................................................................................................................................19
7.3. Channel.........................................................................................................................................................................................20
8. Packet parameters ............................................................................................................................. 22
8.1. Structure used in packets ......................................................................................................................................................22
8.2. Maximum payload .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
9. Power gain and sensitivity ................................................................................................................ 23
9.1. Power level ..................................................................................................................................................................................23
9.2. RSSI of one packet and RSSI of the channel .................................................................................................................... 24
9.3. SNR ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
10. Long range tests .............................................................................................................................. 25
10.1. Line of Sight test ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
10.2. Non Line of Sight tests .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
10.2.1. Tests in Zaragoza ......................................................................................................................................................26
10.2.2. Test in Paris .................................................................................................................................................................28
11. Connectivity ..................................................................................................................................... 29
11.1. Topologies ................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
11.2. Connections .............................................................................................................................................................................30
11.2.1. Unicast .........................................................................................................................................................................30
11.2.2. Broadcast ....................................................................................................................................................................31
11.3. Connection parameters .......................................................................................................................................................32
11.3.1. Setting retries ............................................................................................................................................................32
11.4. Sending process ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
11.4.1. SX1272 API packet structure ..............................................................................................................................32
11.4.2. Using Frame class to create SX1272 packets .................................................................................................33
11.4.3. Sending data .............................................................................................................................................................33
11.5. Receiving data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
11.5.1. How to receive packets in Waspmote ..............................................................................................................35
11.5.2. How to show received Frames ............................................................................................................................35
11.5.3. Receiving all packets ..............................................................................................................................................36
12. Starting a network ........................................................................................................................... 37
12.1. Choosing a channel ............................................................................................................................................................... 37
12.2. Choosing a mode ..................................................................................................................................................................37
13. Joining an existing network ........................................................................................................... 38
13.1. Channel ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
13.2. Mode ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
14. Security and data encryption ......................................................................................................... 39
14.1. Security in transmissions ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
15. Understanding LoRa ....................................................................................................................... 40
15.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................40
15.2. Long Range VS Transmission time / consumption ..................................................................................................... 41
15.3. LoRa VS XBee 868/900 MHz ................................................................................................................................................ 42
15.4. For what applications is LoRa a good option? ............................................................................................................42
15.5. For what applications is NOT LoRa a good option? ................................................................................................. 43
16. Code examples and extended information ................................................................................... 44
17. API changelog .................................................................................................................................. 46
18. Certications .................................................................................................................................... 47
LoRa and LoRaWAN
1. LoRa and LoRaWAN
This guide explains the LoRa features and functions. There are no great variations in this library for our new product lines Waspmote v15 and Plug & Sense! v15, released on October 2016.
Anyway, if you are using previous versions of our products, please use the corresponding guides, available on our Development
You can get more information about the generation change on the document “New generation of Libelium product lines”.
Libelium currently oers two options of this type of radio technology: LoRa and LoRaWAN
LoRa contains only the link layer protocol and is perfect to be used in P2P communications between nodes. LoRa modules are a little cheaper that the LoRaWAN ones.
LoRaWAN includes the network layer too so it is possible to send the information to any Base Station already connected to a Cloud platform. LoRaWAN modules may work in dierent frequencies by just connecting the right antenna to its socket.
These modules are based on the same modulation technology (the same PHY layer): LoRa™, developed by Semtech. The LoRa module implements a simple link protocol, created by Libelium. However, the LoRaWAN module runs the LoRaWAN protocol, a much richer and more advanced protocol, created by the LoRa Alliance.
The LoRa module and the LoRaWAN module are not compatible because the protocols are dierent.
This guide talks about the LoRa module, not about LoRaWAN. If you are interested in the LoRaWAN module, please read the LoRaWAN Networking Guide:
2. Hardware
The SX1272 chipset has been developed by the company Semtech. Based on this chipset, Libelium created the Waspmote­compliant LoRa module (or SX1272 module).
Dual frequency
Sensitivity Channels Distance
863-870 MHz
14 dBm -134 dBm
22+ km
(13.4+ miles)
902-928 MHz (US) 13
Figure: LoRa module
Figure: LoRa module with 4.5 dBi antenna
The user must keep in mind that there are two dierent antennas for LoRa modules regarding the frequency band: 868 or 900 MHz. Although the appearance of these antennas is the same, the user must choose which one needs to be purchased.
Note: It is not recommended to work without an antenna screwed to the module. The module could be damaged due to RF reections.
The frequency used in Europe is the free ISM band of 868 MHz, using 8 channels with a bandwidth of 0.3 MHz per channel. That is shown in the following gure.
Figure: Frequency channels in the 868 MHz band
Note: These channels were chosen arbitrarily, according to the UN-111 appeared in the Spanish BOE-A-2013-4845. If necessary, users can select the appropriate channels according to their country regulations.
The frequency used in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore or Israel is the free ISM band of 900 MHz, using 13 channels with a bandwidth of 2.16 MHz per channel. It is shown in the following gure.
Figure: Frequency channels in the 900 MHz band
Note: These channels were chosen arbitrarily; they t the channels used by the equivalent XBee 900 MHz. If necessary, users can select the appropriate channels according to their country regulations.
Channel Number Central frequency Channel Number Central frequency
865.20 MHz
903.08 MHz
865.50 MHz
905.24 MHz
865.80 MHz
907.40 MHz
866.10 MHz
909.56 MHz
866.40 MHz
911.72 MHz
866.70 MHz
913.88 MHz
867 MHz
916.04 MHz
868 MHz
918.20 MHz
920.36 MHz
922.52 MHz
924.68 MHz
926.84 MHz
915 MHz
Figure: Channels used by the LoRa modules in 868 MHz and 900 MHz
Note: Due to the propagation characteristics of the 868/900 MHz bands, the near eld eect could make that 2 modules cannot communicate if they are placed very close (< 1 m). We suggest to keep a minimum distance of 3 or 4 meters between modules.
Regarding the energy section, the transmission power can be adjusted to several values:
Parameter SX1272 power level
0 dBm
7 dBm
14 dBm
Figure: Transmission power value
Figure: SX1272 output power level
The LoRa module uses the SPI pins for communication. The SPI port allows more speed communication and frees up the Waspmote’s UART for other purposes. The Expansion Board allows to connect two communication modules at the same time in the Waspmote sensor platform. This means a lot of dierent combinations are possible using any of the radios available for Waspmote and the LoRa module.
Figure: LoRa module in Socket 0
Note: The SX1272 module can only be used in special Waspmote v12 units which have been modied to drive the SPI pins to socket 0.
The SX1272 module does not implement any security method. Encryption is provided through the Waspmote Encryption library. Specically, through the AES algorithm with symmetric key, with a length of 128, 192 or 256 bits.
The classic layout of this type of network is Star topology (shown in the gure), as the nodes establish point to point connections with brother nodes through the use of parameters such as the Node Address.
Figure: Star topology
Note: OTA programming is not implemented for the LoRa module. Due to its low datarate, it would take much time to send one program.
Dual radio with Expansion Board
3. Dual radio with Expansion Board
3.1. Expansion Radio Board
The Expansion Board allows to connect two communication modules at the same time in the Waspmote sensor platform. This means a lot of dierent combinations are possible using any of the wireless radios available for Waspmote: 802.15.4, ZigBee, DigiMesh, 868 MHz, 900 MHz, LoRa, WiFi, GPRS, GPRS+GPS, 3G, 4G, Sigfox, LoRaWAN, Bluetooth Pro, Bluetooth Low Energy and RFID/NFC. Besides, the following Industrial Protocols modules are available: RS-485/Modbus, RS-232 Serial/Modbus and CAN Bus.
Some of the possible combinations are:
802.15.4 - Sigfox
868 MHz - RS-485
RS-232 - WiFi
DigiMesh - 4G
WiFi - 3G
CAN bus – Bluetooth
Remark: GPRS, GPRS+GPS, 3G and 4G modules do not need the Expansion Board to be connected to Waspmote. They can be plugged directly in the socket1.
Figure: Waspmote with XBee radio on socket0 and Bluetooth Pro module on socket 1
Dual radio with Expansion Board
The LoRa module can be used only in the socket 0. If the user wants to use a wireless radio, they must use the socket 1.
Avoid to use DIGITAL7 pin when working with Expansion Board. This pin is used for setting the XBee into sleep.
Avoid to use DIGITAL6 pin when working with Expansion Board. This pin is used as power supply for the Expansion Board.
Incompatibility with Sensor Boards:
- Agriculture v30 and Agriculture PRO v30: Incompatible with Watermark and solar radiation sensors
- Events v30: Incompatible with interruption shift register
- Gases v30: DIGITAL6 is incompatible with CO2 (SOCKET_2) and DIGITAL7 is incompatible with NO2 (SOCKET_3)
- Smart Water v30: DIGITAL7 incompatible with conductivity sensor
- Smart Water Ions v30: incompatible with ADC conversion
- Gases PRO v30: Incompatible with SOCKET_2 y SOCKET_3
- Cities PRO v30: Incompatible with SOCKET_3. I2C bus can be used. No gas sensor can be used.
General considerations
4. General considerations
4.1. Waspmote libraries
4.1.1. Waspmote SX1272 les
WaspSX1272.h, WaspSX1272.cpp
It is mandatory to include the SX1272 library when using this module. The following line must be introduced at the beginning of the code:
#include <WaspSX1272.h>
4.1.2. Constructor
To start using the Waspmote SX1272 library, an object from class WaspSX1272 must be created. This object, called sx1272, is created inside the Waspmote SX1272 library and it is public to all libraries. It is used through the guide to show how the Waspmote SX1272 library works.
When creating this object, some variables are dened with a value by default.
4.2. API functions
Through the guide there are many examples of using parameters. In these examples, API functions are called to execute the commands, storing in their related variables the parameter value in each case.
Example of use:
{ sx1272.getPreambleLength(); // Gets the preamble length that is going to be send }
Related variables:
sx1272._preamblelength stores the preamble length
When returning from sx1272.getPreambleLength() the variable sx1272._preamblelength will be lled with the appropriate values.
Before calling the function, the related variable is created but it is empty.
All the functions return a ag to know if the function called was successful or not. Available values for this ag:
0 : Success. The function was executed without errors and the variable was lled.
1 : Error. The function was executed but an error occurred while executing.
2 : Not executed. An error occurred before executing the function.
-1 : Function not allowed in this mode.
General considerations
The main functions are listed here:
Basic functions
Class constructor.
Opens the SPI and switches the SX1272 module on.
Closes the SPI and switches the SX1272 module o.
Reads the indicated internal register.
Writes the indicated internal register.
Clears the interruption ags.
Conguration functions
Sets the module in LoRaTM transmission mode.
Gets the BW, CR and SF of the LoRaTM modulation.
Sets the BW, CR and SF of the LoRaTM modulation.
Indicates if module is congured in implicit or explicit header mode.
Sets the module in explicit header mode (header is sent).
Sets the module in implicit header mode (header is not sent).
Indicates if module is congured with or without checking CRC.
Sets the module with CRC on.
Sets the module with CRC o.
Indicates the frequency channel within the module is congured.
Sets the indicated frequency channel in the module.
Gets the signal power within the module is congured.
Sets the signal power indicated in the module.
Sets the signal power indicated in the module.
Gets the preamble length from the module.
Sets the preamble length in the module.
Gets the payload length from the module.
Sets the packet length in the module.
Gets the node address in the module.
Sets the node address in the module.
Sets the maximum number of retries.
Gets the current supply limit of the internal power amplier.
Limits the current supply of the internal power amplier.
Gets the temperature from the measurement block module.
Gets the content of dierent registers.
General considerations
Link information functions
Gets the SNR value in LoRaTM mode.
Gets the current value of RSSI from the channel.
Gets the RSSI of the last packet received in LoRaTM mode.
Sending functions
Sends a packet to the specied destination before a timeout expires.
Same as previous function with maximum timeout.
Sends a packet to a destination before a timeout and wait for an ACK response.
Same as previous function with maximum timeout.
Sends a packet to a destination before a timeout, wait for an ACK response and retry to send the packet if ACK is lost.
Same as previous function with maximum timeout.
Receiving functions
Receives information before a timeout expires.
Same as previous function with maximum timeout.
Receives information before a timeout expires and responds with ACK.
Same as previous function with maximum timeout.
Receives all the information on air with maximum timeout.
Prints a frame received in a packet.
4.3. Additional functions
4.3.1. Getting temperature
It reads the module temperature in Celsius. Negative temperatures can be expected. It stores the information in the global
_temp variable in Celsius.
Note: this feature has not a good accuracy because it requires internal calibration. Libelium recommends to use dedicated temperature sensor.
Example of use:
{ sx1272.getTemp(); // Gets the temperature of the module }
Related variables:
sx1272._temp stores the temperature of the module
SX1272 getting temperature example:
General considerations
4.3.2. Getting maximum allowed current supply
It reads the current supply limit of the power amplier. This value is set to 240 mA at the beginning of the conguration when the module is switched on. Parameter range: from 0x00 to 0x1B corresponding to a range from 45 to 240 mA.
Example of use:
{ sx1272.getMaxCurrent(); // Gets the maximum current supply }
Related variables:
sx1272._maxCurrent stores the maximum current supply of the module
SX1272 getting current supply example:
4.4. Waspmote reboot
When Waspmote is rebooted, the application code will start again, creating all the variables and objects from the beginning.
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