LG Electronics USA WCP310 Product information

1000 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Ciliffs, New Jersey, United States
Date: Jun 18, 2014
LG Electronics USA.
Letter of declaration
a) Power transfer frequency is less than 1MHz
b) Output power from each primary coil is less than 5 watts
Output power from each coils are Max. 5 watts.
c) The transfer system includes only single primary and second coils. This includes charging systems that may have multiple primary coils and clients that are able to detect and allow coupling only between individual pairs of coils
The DUT are consist of one charging coil using A11 coil as below, so the DUT can detect and allow coupling only between TX and RX Coil.(A11 coil is only single coil.)
d) Client device is inserted in or place d di re ctly in contact with transmitter When the client device is placed directly in contact with transmitter, then charging is able to star t.
e) The maximum coupling surface area of the transmit (charging) device is between 60Cm
The Maximum coupling surface area of the charging transmit is 57Cm
Maximum coupling surface area(7.55 Cm X 7.55 Cm)
f) Aggregate leakage fields at 10 surrounding the device from all simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 30% of the MPE limit.
The highest leakage filed is less than 30 % of the MPE limit.
and 400
Jacob Cho Director, Standards & Compliance