LG Electronics USA V500 Users Manual

Maps and Latitude

You can find your current location, view real-time traffic conditions and get detailed directions. You can search on a street map or a satellite image to locate an address or a landmark.

To open the Maps application

Apps > Maps

Icon Description

Search – You can search for a location you want.

My Location – Point your current location on the map.

Places – Searches for places around your current location that are related to the category you choose.

Directions – This will let you find out the route of any place you enter. Touch the My Location and End point fields to input the data. You can also choose a location from Contacts or a point on the map.

Layers – You can switch view from Traffic to Satellite, Terrain, or others.

More – Clear map or find Starred places and more.

Getting directions

1. While viewing a map, touch .

2.Enter your start point and destination point, type the address, or find from contacts.

3.Choose the transportation method and touch


Starring a location

You can star any location or labeled feature on a map to make it easy to spot.

1.Touch and hold a location or labeled feature on a map.

2.Touch the balloon that opens.

3.Touch the gray star at the top of the screen to star the location.

You can open a list of your starred locations, so you can quickly go to a starred location on the map.

• Touch

> Starred Places


Joining Latitude

Google Latitude™ lets you and your friends view each others’ locations on maps and share status messages with each other. Your location is not shared automatically. You must join Latitude and then invite your friends to view your location, or accept invitations from your friends.

This allows you to choose to share your location with friends you choose.

• While viewing a map on the Google Maps application, touch > Join Latitude

Finding your friends with Latitude

1. Apps > Latitude > > Add friends

2.Touch Select from Contacts to check all of the contacts you want to invite. Touch Add via email address to enter one or more email addresses, then touch Add friends.

3.When your friend accepts your invitation, you can share locations.

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Android Market™ lets you download useful applications and games. If you install applications and games from Android Market™, they appear in the menu. You can check the downloaded application by touching the My apps tab.

To open the Market application

Apps > Market

Downloading applications

1.Select a category to browse its contents.

2.Choose an application to install.

3.For free applications, touch Install. For paid applications, touch the price button.

4.Read the information on the type of information the application will access. If you agree to the application’s access requirements, touch OK.

Removing applications

1.Apps > Market

2.Touch the My apps tab.

3.Choose the application you wish to remove and touch Uninstall.

You can also remove an application from the Settings menu.

Apps > Settings > Applications > Manage applications > Downloaded

WARNING: To protect your device and personal data, download applications only from trusted sources, such as Android Market™. If some applications are not properly installed on your device, your device may not work normally or a serious error can occur. You will need to uninstall those applications and all of its data and settings from the device.



This application lets you chat with other people who also use Google Talk™. You remain signed in, even when you’re using other applications, until you deliberately sign out.

Managing Your Friends List

Your Google Talk™ Friends list contains the friends you’ve invited to become friends or whose invitations you’ve accepted in Google Talk™. Friends can invite each other to chat in Google Talk™ and see each others’ online status in Google Talk™ and other applications, such as in Gmail™ and Google Maps™.

To add a friend : Touch and enter your friend’s email address. Then touch Send invitation.

Chatting with a friend

1.Apps > Talk

2.Find the friend you want to chat with and enter

your message. Then touch

to send it.

The messages that you exchange are displayed on the screen and include information about the chat, such as whether it’s on the record, the time a message was sent (if there’s no response after a short while), etc.

If your friend is available for voice chat, will appear next to their name on the Friends list. Touch in the conversation screen to begin a voice chat.

If your friend is available for video chat, will appear next to their name on the Friends list. Touch

in the conversation screen to begin a video chat.

To sign out of Google Talk™

You can sign out of Google Talk™. For example, if you want to limit Google Talk™ conversations to your device. Also, signing out can extend your battery life.

Apps > Talk > > Sign out

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LG Electronics USA V500 Users Manual


Use Books to read eBooks you purchase or download for free from the web-based Google Books service.

To shop for books:

1.Apps > Books > Shop

2.You will be connected to Market where you can search for books.

To read books:

Apps > Books > Select a book from the library.

To show the menu while you are reading, touch the screen.

returns to the main Book screen at any time.

shows the table of the contents.

goes to the settings.

opens the book menu.

Slide the bar to skip the page backward and forward.



Enjoy user-friendly Email environment with your device. You can add multiple Email accounts using POP3, IMAP and Exchange ActiveSync.

To open the Email application

Apps > Email

Adding an account

The first time you open the Email application, a setup wizard opens to help you set up an email account. Your service provider or system administrator can provide the account settings you need.

To add other email accounts:

Apps > Email > > Account settings >

Add account


Apps > Settings > Accounts & sync > Add account

Opening inbox

After the initial setup, Email displays the contents of your inbox. If you have added more than one account, you can switch among accounts.

allows you to compose an email.

synchronizes your messages with the mail web server.

Using Combined view

If you added more than one account, you can view all messages sent to all accounts. The accounts are distinguished by colored labels.

Touch Combined view from the drop-down menu at the top left corner of the screen. You can also switch accounts by touching the desired account on this menu.

Changing account settings

Once you finished setting up the email account, you can change the general settings and set your favorite ringtone to notify you when new email has arrived or add and remove accounts.

Apps > Email

Touch > Account settings

Personalize the settings according to your needs.

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Remove an email account

Apps > Email > > Account settings >

Remove account


Gmail™ is configured when you first set up your device. Depending on your synchronization settings, Gmail™ on your device is automatically synchronized with your Gmail™ account on the web.

When you open the Gmail application, the most recent conversations are displayed in your Inbox.

To open the Gmail application

Apps > Gmail

The current Google account is displayed at the top left corner of the Inbox. If you have more than one Gmail account, you can switch accounts to view the messages in each Inbox.

To search specific emails

Apps > Gmail >

A list of results will appear, displaying all of the conversations with emails that contain the words you searched for.



You can add contacts on your device and synchronize them with the contacts in your Google account or other accounts that support syncing contacts.

To open the Contacts application

Apps > Contacts

Adding a new contact

1.Touch Apps > Contacts.

2.Touch to create a new contact.

Choose the account you wish to add the contact to, if necessary.

3.If you want to add a picture to the new contact, touch the image area. Choose Take photo to take a photo with the Camera or Select photo from Gallery to choose one from your Gallery.

4.Enter any contact information you want to add.

5.Touch Done when you finish editing.

Editing a contact

While viewing a contact’s details, touch and enter the desired contact information. Then touch Done to save the contact entry.

Searching for a contact

Touch Find contacts on the top left side of your screen and type the name you want to find. Matching contacts will be displayed immediately. Touch the contact you are searching for.

Once you find a contact, you can use the following options:

Touch the Email field to send an email.

Touch the Website field connect to the URL.

Touch the Address field to pinpoint the location on the map.

Touch the IM field to connect to instant messaging.

Touch and Delete contact to delete a contact.

Importing and Exporting contacts to your memory

If you have contacts stored in vCard format on your device’s memory, you can import and export them into your Contacts application.

You can also export all of the contacts on your device to your device’s memory as vCard files.

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