LG Electronics USA NSPDP5009 User Manual

LG Electronics USA NSPDP5009 User Manual

Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

Note to reviewers: The source document left

To manually adjust the picture settings using

out step 3 (above). Does the user need to

Expert control:



select the Picture Mode before selecting

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then

Advanced Control?

press or or


to select

4 Press or to select Advanced Control.

PICTURE. The PICTURE menu opens.

The Advanced Control sub-menu opens.




6 Press RETURN to return to the previous


sub-menu opens.

menu, or press MENU to return to normal







Press ENTER to enter the PICTURE menu.

5 Press


to select Color Temperature,




to select Picture Mode, then

then press


to cycle through the


press ENTER.


various presets. Selections include Cool,




to select Expert1 or Expert2,

Medium, and Warm.







then press ENTER. The Expert Control

Manually adjusting the picture settings





To manually adjust the picture settings:





1 Press MENU on the remote control, then








or to select





PICTURE. The PICTURE menu opens.








to select Expert Control, then






press ENTER.









to select the picture setting to






adjust, then press ENTER.



ENTER to enter the PICTURE menu.




to adjust the selected picture








to select Picture Mode, then


Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to adjust the other


press ENTER.

to select Vivid, Standard,


picture settings, as needed.




Press RETURN to return to the previous


Cinema, Sport, or Game, then press


menu, or press MENU to return to normal



to select Contrast,







Reviewers: Please verify the above procedure.


Brightness, Sharpness, Color, or Tint, then






press ENTER.









to adjust the selected picture






7Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to adjust the other picture settings, as needed.

8Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Reviewers: Please verify the above procedure.



Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

Adjusting the picture settings with Advanced

8 Press RETURN to return to the previous


menu, or press MENU to return to normal

To manually adjust the picture settings using


Reviewers: Please verify the above procedure.

Advanced Control:


1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select PICTURE. The PICTURE menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the PICTURE menu.

3Press or to select Picture Mode, then press ENTER.

Note to reviewers: The source document left out step 3 (above). Does the user need to select the Picture Mode before selecting Advanced Control?

4Press or to select Advanced Control, then press ENTER. The Advanced Control sub-menu opens.

5Press or to select an advanced control picture setting. Choices include:

Fresh Contrast—Optimizes the contrast automatically, based on the brightness of the reflection.

Fresh Color—Adjusts the color of the reflection automatically to produce natural colors.

Resetting your TV to factory default picture settings

To reset your TV to factory settings:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select PICTURE. The PICTURE menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the PICTURE menu.

3Press or to select Picture Mode, then press ENTER.

Note to reviewers: The source document left out step 3 (above). Does the user need to select the Picture Mode before selecting Advanced Control?

4Press or to select Reset, then press ENTER. Your TV resets all picture settings to factory default.

5 Press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Preventing ghost images on your TV

A still picture from a PC video game displayed on the screen for prolonged periods can result in a ghost image on your TV screen. You can use the Orbiter setting to help prevent these ghost images. The other two functions are for removing ghost images.

To prevent or remove ghost images:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

Noise Reduction—Removes interference so that it does not damage the original picture.

Gamma—High gamma values display whitish images and low gamma values display high-contrast images.

Black Level—Settings include Low, High, or Auto. Not available in DTV and RGB-PC modes.

Film Mode—Choose On or Off. Best for viewing movies. The TV adjusts the 24 fps video from movies to 30 fps video for display. Only available in TV (Analog TV/CATV, Digital DTV/CADTV), AV1, AV2, Component 480i/1080i, and HDMI 1080i modes.

6 Press or to adjust the selected advanced control picture setting.

7Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to adjust the other advanced control picture settings, as needed.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.



Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

3 Press or to select ISM Method, then


Press or to select the power saving

press ENTER. The ISM Method sub-menu


setting you want. Settings include Level 0



(the brightest), Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and



Level 4 (the least bright).



Press RETURN to return to the previous



menu, or press MENU to return to normal





You can also change the Power Saving settings by

4 Press or to select the ISM method you using the Q.MENU. want to use. Choices include:

Normal—If image sticking is never a

Controlling the sound and language

problem, ISM is not necessary. Set to

Setting the automatic volume leveler


Auto Volume ensures that the volume level

Orbiter—Orbiter may help prevent ghost

remains consistent, whether you are watching a

images by moving the image every two

commercial or a regular TV program.

minutes. However, we recommend that




you do not allow any fixed image to

To set the automatic volume leveler:

remain on the screen for an extended

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then

period of time.

press or or


to select AUDIO.

Inversion—Inversion automatically

The AUDIO menu opens.


inverts the plasma display color image




every 30 minutes.

White Wash—White Wash removes ghost images from the screen. Use sparingly. Watch TV normally for a while before using this feature to see if the ghost image disappears on its own. A bad ghost image may be impossible to clear entirely with White Wash.

5Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Reducing your TV’s power consumption

To save power:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the AUDIO menu.

3Press or to select Auto Volume, then press ENTER.

4 Press or to select On or Off.

5Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Improving voice clarity

By differentiating the human sound range from others, Clear Voice improves the sound quality of voices.

To set Clear Voice:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select AUDIO. The AUDIO menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.

3Press or to select Power Saving, then press ENTER. The Power Saving sub-menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the AUDIO menu.

3 Press or to select Clear Voice, then press ENTER.

4 Press or to select On or Off.



Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

5 Press RETURN to return to the previous




to select Standard, Music,


menu, or press MENU to return to normal


Cinema, Sport, or Game, then press












to select Treble, Bass, SRS




TruSurround XT, or Reset, then press


• Clear Voice disables the SRS TruSurround XT












• You can also set Clear Voice in the Q.MENU.











Selecting preset sound settings





If you select Reset, press ENTER to reset audio




settings to the factory default.

To directly select the preset sound settings:







to adjust the selected setting

1 Press SOUND on the remote control


(Treble or Bass), then turn SRS TruSurround


repeatedly to cycle through the various




XT On or Off.



presets. Choices include Standard, Music,









Cinema, Sport, or Game.










2 When you have made your selection, press





SRS TruSurround XT takes advantage of any


RETURN to resume normal viewing.


multi-channel format without adding extra




speakers or equipment. Dialog clarity, bass

To select the preset sound setting from the


enrichment, and stereo audio enhancement



produces an immersive sound experience from


standard stereo material.

1 Press Q.MENU on the remote control. The





Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to adjust the other


Q.MENU opens.




audio settings, as needed.

8 Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Adjusting the sound balance

2 Press or to select Sound Mode, then press or to cycle through the various presets. Choices include Standard, Music,

Cinema, Sport, or Game.

3Press or to select Close, then press ENTER to return to normal viewing.

Adjusting the audio settings individually

To individually adjust the audio settings:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select AUDIO. The AUDIO menu opens.

To adjust the sound balance:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select AUDIO. The AUDIO menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the AUDIO menu.

3Press or to select Balance, then press


4 Press or to adjust the sound balance (left/right to suit your preference and your location).

5Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

2 Press ENTER to enter the AUDIO menu.

3Press or to select Sound Mode, then press ENTER.



Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

Turning your TV speakers on or off

Selecting the audio and menu languages

To turn you TV speakers on or off:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select AUDIO. The AUDIO menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the AUDIO menu.

3Press or to select TV Speaker, then press ENTER.

4 Press or to select On or Off.

5Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Selecting your audio source programming

This TV can receive MTS stereo programs and any SAP (secondary audio program) that accompanies the stereo program if the station transmits an additional sound signal (analog TV only). Mono sound is automatically used if the broadcast is only in mono. For digital broadcasts, you can select a variety of audio languages (if available).

To select your audio source programming from the Q.MENU:

1Press Q.MENU on the remote control. The

Q.MENU opens.

2 Press or to select SAP, then press

or to cycle through the presets. Choices include Mono, Stereo, or SAP (analog TV only).

- OR-

Press or to select Multi Audio, then press or to cycle through the various languages available (digital TV only).

3Press or to select Close, then press ENTER to return to normal viewing.

To select the audio and menu languages:

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.

3Press or to select Language, then press ENTER.

4 Press or to select Audio, then press or to select the language you want.

Selections include English, Spanish, or

French. - OR -

Press or to select Menu, then press or to select the language you want. Selections include English, Spanish, or



As soon as you select the menu language, the on-screen menus are shown in the selected language.

5Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Setting up Closed Captioning

Closed captions are provided to help people with hearing loss watch TV. Select a caption mode for displaying captioning information (if available).

Caption text, if provided by the broadcaster, is available for both digital and analog channels on the antenna/cable. This TV is programmed to memorize the caption or text mode which was last set when you turned the power off. This function is only available when Caption Mode is set to On.

For digital broadcasts, you can also choose the language for the captions, if multiple language captions are included in the program. This is also only available when Caption Mode is set to




Insignia NS-PDP42/50-09 42" and 50" Plasma TV

To set up Closed Captioning (analog TV):

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.

3Press or to select Caption, then press





to select On.




, then press


to select the


caption mode you want. Selections include


CC1 ~ CC4 and Text1 ~ Text4.



Captions scroll across the bottom of the screen and show the audio portion of the program.

Text appears in a large black frame that can cover a portion of the screen and show messages provided by the broadcaster.

6Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

To set up Closed Captioning (digital TV):

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.

3Press or to select Caption, then press





to select On.




, then press


to select the

caption mode you want. Selections include

CC1 ~ CC4, Text1 ~ Text4, or Service1 ~ Service6.


Captions scroll across the bottom of the screen and show the audio portion of the program.

Text appears in a large black frame that can cover a portion of the screen and show messages provided by the broadcaster.

6Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

To set up digital options with Closed Captioning (digital TV):

1 Press MENU on the remote control, then press or or or to select OPTION. The OPTION menu opens.

2 Press ENTER to enter the OPTION menu.

3Press or to select Caption, then press





to select On, then press



to select Digital Option, then press







to select Custom. The


Custom menu opens.

6 Press or to select the option and or to make adjustments to those

options. Options include:

Size—Set the word size.

Font—Select a typeface for the text.

Text Color—Choose a color for the text.

Text Opacity—Specify the opacity of the text color.

Bg Color—Select a background color.

Bg Opacity—Select the opacity for the background color.

7Press RETURN to return to the previous menu, or press MENU to return to normal viewing.

Setting the clock

Setting the clock automatically

When you choose this option, the time is set automatically from a digital channel signal. The digital channel signal includes information for the current time provided by the broadcasting station. Set the clock manually if the current time is set incorrectly by the auto clock function.



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