LG Electronics USA GW525G Users Manual

Video camera

Making a quick video

1Press and hold down the camera key on the right-hand side of the phone.

2In Camera preview mode, touch

the Video camera icon in the view finder to switch to video mode. The video camera’s viewfinder will appear on the screen.

3Holding the phone horizontally, point the lens towards the subject of the video.

4Press the camera key once to start recording. Or press the red dot

at the bottom right of the screen.

5Rec will appear in the top right corner of the viewfinder and a timer in the botttom right corner showing the length of your video.

6To pause the video, touch

and resume recording by selecting .

7 Touch on the screen or press the capture button a second time to stop recording.


Video camera

After making a video

A still image representing your captured video will appear on the screen. The name of the video runs along the bottom of the screen along with six icons on the righthand side.

Touch to view a gallery of saved videos and images.

Touch to delete the video you have just made and confirm by touching Yes. The viewfinder will reappear.

Touch to make another video immediately. Your current video will be saved.


Touch to play the video.

Touch to send the video as a

Message or Email or via Bluetooth. Touch to edit the video.


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LG Electronics USA GW525G Users Manual

Getting to know the viewfinder

Settings - Touch this icon to open the settings menu.

Video mode - Video mode is selected.

Image size

Saving to handset memory/external memory

Back - Touch here to return to the standby screen.



Video size

Stop recording

Start recording

Zoom - Touch to zoom in or to zoom out.

Camera mode - Touch this icon to switch to camera mode.

TIP! You can close all shortcut options for a clearer viewfinder screen. Simply touch the viewfinder once. To recall the options, touch the screen again.


Video camera

Adjusting the exposure

Exposure defines the difference between light and dark (contrast) in a video. A low contrast video will appear fuzzy, whereas a high contrast video will appear much sharper.

1Touch .

2Slide the exposure indicator along the bar, left for a lower exposure and hazier video, or right for a higher contrast and sharper video.

Using the advanced settings

Using the viewfinder, touch Settings to open all the advanced settings options.


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Preview settings

Video size - Change the size of the video to save memory space.

Colour Effect - Choose a colour tone to use on your new video.

White balance - The white balance ensures any white in your video is realistic. To enable your camera to adjust the white balance correctly, you may need to determine the light conditions. Choose between

Auto, Incandescent, Sunny, Fluorescent or Cloudy.

Quality - Choose between Super fine, Fine and Normal. The finer the quality, the sharper a video will be but the file size will increase. As a result, you will be able to store fewer videos in the phone’s memory.

Set time - Set a time limit for your video. Choose from No limit, or MMS to limit the size so that you can send the video as an MMS.

View Mode - Choose between Full screen or Full image. In Full screen, the image may be cropped to fit the screen.

TIP! If you choose MMS duration, choosing a lower image quality will enable you to shoot a longer video.

Other settings

Memory - Choose whether to save your videos to the External memory or to the Handset memory.

Voice - Choose Mute to record a video without sound.

Reset settings - Reset all the video camera settings.

Watching your saved videos

1In the viewfinder, touch .

2Your gallery will appear on the screen.

3Touch the video you want to view once to open it fully.

4Touch the Play icon in the centre of the screen.


Your photos and videos

Viewing your photos and videos

1Touch on the camera preview screen.

2Your gallery will appear on the screen.

3Touch the video or photo to open it fully.

4 To play the video, touch . To pause playback, touch the screen once and touch .

TIP! Flick left or right to view other photos or videos.

TIP! To delete a photo or

video, open it and select . Touch Yes to confirm.

Using zoom when viewing a photo

To zoom in press repeatedly. To zoom out press .


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Adjusting the volume when viewing a video

To adjust the audio volume on a video while it is playing, touch the speaker icon on the screen and slide the bar to the left or right.

Capturing an image from a video

1Select the video you want to capture an image from.

2Touch to pause the video on the frame you’d like to convert to an image and touch .

3From the options menu select


4The image will appear on the screen with its assigned image name.

5Touch to return to the gallery.

6The image will be saved in your My stuff folder and will appear in the gallery. You will have to exit the gallery and then re-open it for it to be shown.

WARNING: Some functions will not work properly if the multimedia file has not been recorded on the phone.

Viewing your photos as a slide show

Slideshow mode will show all the photos in your gallery one at a time as a slideshow. Videos cannot be viewed as a slideshow.

1Touch the photo you would like to begin the slideshow twice to open it.

2 Select on the lower left side of the screen.

3 The slideshow will begin.

There are options within slideshows: Touch to show a random slide.

Touch to pause the slideshow on a particular photo.

Touch again to resume playback.

Touch to increase or decrease the speed of the slideshow.

Setting a photo as wallpaper

1Touch the photo you want to set as wallpaper to open it.

2Touch the screen to open the options menu.


4You can then change the size of the picture.

5When you are happy with the picture touch Set.

6The display of the picture is changed depending on whether portrait mode or landscape mode is used.


Your photos and videos

Editing your photos

You can do lots of great things to your photos to change them, add to them or liven them up.

1Open the photo you want to edit and touch to bring up the options.

2Touch the icons to alter your photo:

Crop your photo. Choose a square or circular crop area and move your finger across the screen to select the area.

Draw something on your photo freehand. Select the line thickness from the four options, then the colour you want to use.

Add writing to the picture.

Decorate your photo with stamps. Choose from the different stamps available and touch OK. Touch your photo wherever you would like the stamps to appear.


Erase whatever you draw.

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You can select the size of the eraser from the four options.

Save the changes you have made to the photos. Select to save the changes over the

Original file, or as a New file. If you select New file, enter a file name.

Undo the last effect or edit you made to the photo.

Touch to open more effect options including Rotate. There are also more advanced editing options. See Resize, Morphing, Colour Accent, Add images etc.

Touch to add a filter effect such as Blur, Sharpen, Sketch etc. to a photo.

Touch to edit an effect to a photo.

Touch to return to the gallery.

Trimming the length of the video

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Trim.

3 Touch

and set the new start

and end points using


4Touch the Save icon or,

alternatively, touch to return to the gallery and discard the changes.

Merging two videos

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Video merge.

3The My stuff will open. Choose the video you want to merge.

4Touch and slide the photo to move it to the end or the beginning of the video.

5Touch the Effect icon to choose how the videos merge together:

None, Pan zoom, Uncover, Checker board, Split, Shape diamond, Oval, Blind or Dissolve.

6Press the Save icon followed by Yes to save the new merged video. Select whether to replace the original file or save as a new file.

7Repeat these steps to merge more videos.


Your photos and videos

Merging a photo with a video

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Image merge.

Adding text to a video

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Text overlay.

3The My stuff folder will open. Choose the photo you want to merge with your video.

4Touch and slide the photo to move it to the end or the beginning of the video.

5Touch the Effect icon to choose how the photo and video merge together: None, Pan zoom,

Uncover, Checker board, Split, Shape diamond, Oval, Blind or Dissolve.

6Press the Save icon followed by Yes. Select whether to replace the original file or save as a new file.

7Repeat these steps to merge more photos.

3Enter your text using the keypad and select Save.

4 Touch and indicate when you want the text to appear using .

5Touch the area of the screen where you want the text to appear and touch OK.

6Touch to indicate when you want the text to disappear.

7Touch Preview to ensure you are happy with the text overlay.

8Touch the Save icon and choose to save over the original file or as a new file.

9Repeat these steps to add more text.


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Overlaying a photo

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Image overlay.

3The My stuff will open. Choose the photo you want to overlay your video.

4 Touch and indicate when you want the photo to appear using .

5Touch the area of the screen where you want the photo to appear and touch OK. If the photo is too big it will overlay the whole screen, not just the selected area.

6Touch to mark when you want the photo to disappear.

7Touch Preview to ensure you are happy with the photo overlay.

8Touch the Save icon and choose to save over the original file or as a new file.

9Repeat these steps to add more photos.

Adding a voice recording

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Voice recording.

3The quality of the original audio will be affected by adding a voice recording. Touch Yes to continue.



to view your video.


When you get to the part you


want to record your voice over,






to stop recording and



to play it back.

6Touch Preview to ensure you are happy with the voice recording.

7Touch the Save icon and choose to save over the original file or as a new file.

8Repeat these steps to add more voice recordings to the video.


Your photos and videos

Adding a soundtrack to your video

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Audio dubbing.

3The My stuff will open. Choose the track you want to add to your video.

4The original audio track on your video will be erased. Touch Yes to continue.

5If the audio is shorter than the video, choose whether to play it

Once or to Repeat it.

6Select whether to replace the original file or save as a new file.

Changing the video speed

1Open the video you want to edit, select and touch .

2Select and choose Time scaling.

3Select one of the four speed options: x4, x2, x1/4, x1/2.

4Select whether to replace the original file or save as a new file.

NOTE: Only 3gp Video files can be edited.


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