LG Electronics USA E2342SA Users Manual

LG Electronics USA E2342SA Users Manual


Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.


2 Regulatory Information


This equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits of a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular


If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception (which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off), the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:

yyReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

yyIncrease the separation between the equipment and the receiver.

yyConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

yyConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's (or your) authority to operate the equipment. Only peripherals (digital input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this monitor. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. Only shielded signal cables may be used with this System.


The regulations are applied only to the products with the ID LABEL indicating specific requirements.


This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.


The regulations are applied only to the products with the ID LABEL indicating specific requirements.


The following information is for the models certified by TCO. If you want to know the specification of the purchased product, see the label attached on the back of the product.

Regulatory Information




Your display is designed for both you and the planet!

This display carries the TCO Certified label. This ensures that the display is designed for minimal impact on the

climate and natural environment, while offering all the performance expected from top of the line electronic products. TCO Certified is a third party verified program, where every product model is tested by an accredited independent test laboratory. TCO Certified represents

one of the toughest certifications for displays worldwide.

Some of the Usability features of the TCO Displays 5.0 requirements:

Visual Ergonomics

Good visual ergonomics in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain

problems. Important parameters are:

Light levels without color tint, Uniform color and luminance, Wide color gamut

Calibrated color temperature and gamma curve

Wide luminance level, Dark black levels, Low motion blur

Electrical Safety

Product fulfills rigorous safety standards


Low alternating electric and magnetic fields emissions

Low acoustic noise emissions

Some of the environmental features of the TCO Displays 5.0 requirements:

The brand owner demonstrates corporate social responsibility and has a certified environmental

management system (EMAS or ISO 14001)

Very low energy consumption both in on-and standby mode

Restrictions on chlorinated and brominated flame retardants, plasticizers and polymers

Restrictions on heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead (RoHS compliance)

Both product and product packaging is prepared for recycling

The brand owner offers take-back options

The requirements included in this label have been developed by TCO Development in cooperation with

scientists, experts, users as well as manufacturers all over the world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has been

involved in influencing the development of IT equipment in a more user-friendly direction. Our labeling system started with displays in 1992 and is now requested by users and ITmanufacturers all over the world.

For more information, please visit:


4 Regulatory Information



Information for Environmental Preservation

LGE. announced the 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' in 1994, and this ideal has served as a guiding managerial principle ever since. The Declaration is a foundation that has allowed us to undertake environmentally friendly activities in careful consideration of economic, environmental, and social aspects.

We promote activities for environmental preservation, and we specifically develop our products to embrace the concept of environment-friendly.

We minimize the hazardous materials contained in our products. For example, there is no cadmium to be found in our monitors.

Information for recycling

This monitor may contain parts which could be hazardous to the environment. It is important that this monitor be recycled after use.

LGE. handles all waste monitors through an environmentally acceptable recycling method. There are several take-back and recycling systems currently in operation worldwide. Many parts will be reused and recycled, while harmful substances and heavy metals are treated by an environmentally friendly method. If you want to find out more information about our recycling program, please contact your local LG vendor or a corporate representative of LG.

We set our vision and policies on a cleaner world by selecting the issue of the global environment as a task for corporate improvement. Please visit our website for more information about our ‘green’ policies. http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability environment take-back-recycling.jsp


Informationen zur Erhaltung der Umwelt

Im Jahr 1994 verkündete LGE die 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (LG Erklärung für eine sauberere Umwelt). Seitdem dient dieses Ideal als führendes Prinzip des Unternehmens. Diese Erklärung war die Basis für die Durchführung von umweltfreundlichenAktivitäten, wobei wirtschaftliche, umweltbezogene und soziale Aspekte in die Überlegungen mit einbezogen wurden.

Wir fördernAktivitäten zum Schutz der Umwelt und die Entwicklung unserer Produkte ist darauf ausgerichtet, unserem Konzept bezüglich Umweltfreundlichkeit gerecht zu werden.

Wir sind darauf bedacht, denAnteil der in unseren Produkten enthaltenen schädlichen Materialien zu minimieren. So ist in unseren Monitoren beispielsweise kein Kadmium zu finden.

Informationen zum Thema Recycling

Dieser Monitor enthält Teile, die umweltschädlich sein können. Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass der Monitor recycelt wird, nachdem er außer Dienst gestellt wurde.

Bei LGE. werden alle ausrangierten Monitore in einem unter umweltbezogenen Aspekten geeigneten Verfahren recycelt. Augenblicklich sind weltweit mehrere Rücknahmeund Recyclingsysteme im Einsatz. Viele Teile werden wieder verwendet und recycelt. Schädliche Substanzen und Schwermetalle werden durch umweltverträgliche Verfahren behandelt.

Falls Sie mehr über unser Recyclingprogramm erfahren möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte

an Ihren lokalen LGHändler oder einen Unternehmensvertreter von LG.

Wir richten unsere Firmenpolitik auf eine sauberere Umwelt hin aus, indem wir umweltspezifische Aspekte als wichtigen Punkt in die Weiterentwicklung unseres Unternehmens einfließen lassen. Zusätzliche Informationen über unsere ‘grüne’ Firmenpolitik erhalten Sie auf unserer Website.

http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/environment/ take-back-recycling.jsp


Regulatory Information 5




Information sur la protection

Informazioni per la tutela



LGE. a publié sa 'Déclaration en faveur d’un environnement plus propre' en 1994 et celleci est restée, depuis lors, un principe directeur de notre entreprise. Cette déclaration a servi de base à notre réflexion et nous a permis de prendre en compte à la fois les aspects économiques et sociaux de nos activités, tout en respectant l’environnement.

Nous encourageons les activités en faveur de la préservation de l’environnement et c’est dans cet esprit que nous développons nos produits : nous réduisons au minimum les matières dangereuses qui entrent dans leur composition et l’on ne trouve pas de cadmium, par exemple, dans nos moniteurs.

Information sur le recyclage

Ce moniteur peut contenir des composants qui présentent un risque pour l’environnement. Il est donc important que celui-ci soit recyclé après usage.

LGE. traite les moniteurs en fin de cycle conformément à une méthode de recyclage respectueuse de l’environnement. Nous reprenons nos produits et les recyclons dans plusieurs sites répartis dans le monde entier. De nombreux composants sont réutilisés et recyclés, et les matières dangereuses, ainsi que les métaux lourds, sont traités selon un procédé écologique. Si vous souhaitez plus de renseignements sur notre programme de recyclage, veuillez contacter votre revendeur LG ou un l’un de nos représentants.

Nous voulons agir pour un monde plus propre et croyons au rôle de notre entreprise dans l’amélioration de l’environnement. Pour plus de renseignements sur notre politique “verte”, rendez visite à notre site : http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/environment/ take-back-recycling.jsp

La LGE. ha annunciato nel 1994 la cosiddetta 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (Dichiarazione di LG a favore di un ambiente più pulito), un ideale che da allora funge da principio ispiratoredellagestioneaziendale.Ladichiarazione rappresenta il fondamento che consente di intraprendereattivitàafavoredell'ambientetenendo conto degli aspetti economici, ambientali e sociali. Noi della LG, promuoviamo attività a favore della tutela dell'ambiente sviluppando appositamente i nostri prodotti per cogliere il concetto del rispetto dell’ambiente riducendo i materiali dannosi presenti nei nostri prodotti.Ad esempio nei nostri monitor non è presente il cadmio.

Informazioni per il riciclaggio

Il monitor può presentare componenti che potrebbero risultare eventualmente dannosi per l'ambiente. È importante che il monitor sia riciclato al termine del suo utilizzo.

La LGE. gestisce tutti i monitor di rifiuto con un metodo di riciclaggio soddisfacente dal punto di vista ambientale. In tutto il mondo sono attualmente in funzione numerosi sistemi di riciclaggio e recupero. I diversi componenti sono riutilizzati e riciclati, mentre le sostanze dannose e i metalli pesanti vengono trattati con un metodo rispettoso dell’ambiente.

Se si desiderano maggiori informazioni in merito al programma di riciclaggio, è

consigliabile rivolgersi al proprio rivenditore LG o ad un rappresentante aziendale della LG.

Noi della LG impostiamo la nostra visione e le nostre politiche a favore di un mondo più pulito ponendo la questione dell'ambiente dal punto di vista globale come una mansione rivolta al miglioramento della nostra azienda. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito internet per ulteriori informazioni sulla nostra politica “verde”.

http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/ environment/take-back-recycling.jsp

6 Regulatory Information


Información para la conservación medioambiental

LGE. presentó la 'Declaración para un entorno más limpio de LG' en 1994 y este ideal ha servido para guiar nuestros principios empresariales desde entonces. La Declaración es la base que nos ha permitido llevar a

cabo tareas que respetan el medio ambiente siempre teniendo en cuenta aspectos sociales, económicos y medioambientales.

Promocionamos actividades orientadas a la conservación del medio ambiente y desarrollamos nuestros productos

específicamente para que se ajusten a la filosofía que protege el entorno.

Reducimos al máximo el uso de materiales de riesgo en nuestros productos. Un ejemplo de ello es la ausencia total de cadmio en nuestros monitores.

Información para el reciclaje

Este monitor puede contener piezas que entrañen riesgos medioambientales. Es importante reciclar este monitor después de su utilización.

LGE. trata todos los monitores usados siguiendo un método de reciclaje que no daña al entorno. Contamos con diversos sistemas de recuperación y reciclaje que funcionan a nivel mundial en la actualidad. Es posible

reciclar y reutilizar muchas de las piezas, mientras que las sustancias dañinas y los metales pesados se tratan siguiendo un método que no perjudique al medio

ambiente. Si desea obtener más información acerca del

programa de reciclaje, póngase en contacto con su proveedor local de LG o con un representante empresarial de nuestra marca.

Basamos nuestra visión y nuestras políticas en un mundo más limpio y para ellos optamos por un entorno global como tarea principal de nuestra evolución como empresa. Visite nuestra página Web para obtener más información sobre nuestras políticas ecológicas.


Informações relacionadas à preservação ambiental

ALGE. anunciou a 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment'(DeclaraçãodaLGparaumambiente mais limpo) em 1994 e esse ideal tem servido desde então como um princípio administrativo

de orientação.ADeclaração é a base que nos tem permitido realizar atividades favoráveis ao ambiente com consideração atenta aos aspectos econômicos, ambientais e sociais.

Promovemos atividades de preservação ambiental e desenvolvemos nossos produtos para englobar especificamente o conceito de favorável ao ambiente. Reduzimos os materiais perigosos contidos em nossos produtos. Por exemplo, não há cádmio em nossos monitores.

Informações relacionadas à reciclagem

Este monitor pode conter peças que podem representar riscos ao ambiente. É importante que ele seja reciclado após o uso.

A LGE. cuida de todos os monitores descartados através de um método de reciclagem agradável ao ambiente. Há vários sistemas de devolução e reciclagem atualmente em operação no mundo. Muitas peças serão reutilizadas e recicladas e as substâncias nocivas e os metais pesados passarão por tratamento através de um método favorável ao ambiente.

Para obter mais informações sobre nosso programa de reciclagem, entre em contato com seu fornecedor LG local ou com um representante corporativo da LG. Definimos nossa visão e nossas políticas relacionadas a um mundo mais limpo selecionando a questão do ambiente global como uma tarefa de aprimoramento corporativo. Visite nosso site para obter mais informações sobre nossas políticas de meio ambiente. http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/


http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/ environment/take-back-recycling.jsp

Regulatory Information



Informatie met betrekking tot het behoud van het milieu

LGE. publiceerde in 1994 de 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (de LG-verklaring met betrekking tot een schoner milieu).

Deze verklaring en het ideaal van een schoner milieu fungeren sindsdien als een bestuurlijke leidraad voor onze onderneming. Op basis van deze verklaring ontplooien

wij milieuvriendelijke activiteiten, waarbij er zowel met sociale en economische aspecten, als met milieuaspecten zorgvuldig rekening wordt gehouden.

Wij ondersteunen activiteiten die zijn gericht op het behoud van het milieu en wij houden bij het ontwikkelen onze producten specifiek rekening met de milieuvriendelijkheid van onze producten. Wij minimaliseren het gebruik van schadelijke stoffen in onze producten. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld geen cadmium verwerkt in onze monitors.


Информация по охране окружающей среды

В1994годукорпорацияLGEопубликовала «ДекларациюLGпоохранеокружающейсреды», котораястехпорслужитосновнымпринципом управления.Наосновеэтойдекларациимы смоглипредпринятьдействия,обеспечивающие безопасностьокружающейсреды,уделяя приэтомдолжноевниманиеэкономическим, экологическимисоциальнымаспектам.

Мы стимулируем деятельность по охране окружающей среды, уделяя особое внимание разработке нашей продукции в соответствии с концепцией экологической безопасности. Мы сводим к минимуму содержание опасных веществ в нашей продукции. Например, в наших мониторах вы не найдете кадмия.

Informatie met betrekking tot recycling

Deze monitor bevat materialen die schadelijk zouden kunnen zijn voor het milieu. Het is belangrijk dat deze monitor aan het einde van zijn levensduur wordt gerecycled.

LGE. verwerkt alle afvalmonitors via een milieuvriendelijke recyclingmethode. Hiervoor worden er momenteel wereldwijd verscheidene innameen recyclingsystemen gehanteerd. Een groot aantal onderdelen wordt opnieuw gebruikt en gerecycled, waarbij schadelijke stoffen en zware metalen volgens een milieuvriendelijke methode worden verwerkt.

Voor meer informatie over ons recyclingprogramma kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke LGvertegenwoordiger of een LG-vestiging.

Onze visie en ons beleid met betrekking tot een schonere wereld vloeien voort uit het feit dat wij het milieu hebben aangemerkt als een onderwerp dat speciale aandacht verdient binnen onze onderneming. Bezoek onze website voor meer informatie over ons 'groene' beleid. http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/


Информация по утилизации отходов.

Этот монитор может содержать компоненты, которые могут нанести ущерб окружающей среде. Необходимо утилизировать монитор после использования.

КорпорацияLGE перерабатывает все бракованные мониторы с помощью экологически приемлемого метода утилизации отходов. По всему миру действуют системы утилизации отходов и возврата использованной продукции. Многие компоненты будут вторично использованы и утилизированы, в то время каквредные вещества и тяжелые металлы будут обработаны с помощью экологически приемлемого метода.

За более подробной информацией по нашей программе утилизации отходов обращайтесь к местному поставщику или представителю корпорации LG.

Мы ориентируемсяна обеспечение экологической безопасности, ставя себе целью глобальную защиту окружающей среды. Дополнительную информацию о нашей политике по охране окружающей среды вы можете найти на нашемсайте:

http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/environment/ take-back-recycling.jsp

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