LG Electronics WS-2080 User Manual

Ambient Weather WS-2080 W ireless Home Weather
Station User Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Warnings and Cautions ................................................................................................................... 3
3. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................ 3
3.4.1 Display Console Layout ................................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Initial Display Console Set Up ......................................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Radio Controlled Clock (RCC) ........................................................................................ 14
3.4.3 Sensor Operation Verification .......................................................................................... 14
4. Weather Station Installation .......................................................................................................... 15
5. Console Operation ......................................................................................................................... 15
5.13.1 Temperature Calibration............................................................................................... 26
5.13.2 Humidity Calibration ................................................................................................... 26
5.13.3 Wind Speed Calibration ............................................................................................... 26
5.13.4 Calibration Mode ......................................................................................................... 27
6. PC Software .................................................................................................................................. 27
6.5.1 Main Display .................................................................................................................... 29
6.5.2 Set-up and Alarms ............................................................................................................ 29
6.5.3 Alarm Values .................................................................................................................... 30
6.5.4 Historical Highs and Lows ............................................................................................... 31
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6.5.5 Historical Data ................................................................................................................. 32
6.5.6 Graph Data ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.5.7 Clearing Rainfall from EasyWeather ............................................................................... 33
6.5.8 EasyWeather Legal Notes ................................................................................................ 34
7. Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 34
8. Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 35
9. Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 36
10. Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................................................................. 36
11. Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 38
12. Liability Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 39
13. FCC Statement .......................................................................................................................... 40
14. Warranty Information ............................................................................................................... 40
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1. Introduction

Thank you for your purchase of the Ambient Weather WS-2080 wireless weather station. The following user guide provides step by step instructions for installation, operation and troubleshooting. To download the latest manual and additional troubleshooting tips, please visit:

2. Warnings and Cautions

Warning: Any metal object may attract a lightning strike, including your weather station
mounting pole. Never install the weather station in a storm.
Warning: Installing your weather station in a high location may result in injury or death.
Perform as much of the initial check out and operation on the ground and inside a building or home. Only install the weather station on a clear, dry day.

3. Getting Started

The WS-2080 weather station consists of a display console (receiver), a thermo-hygrometer transmitter unit, a wind direction sensor, a wind speed sensor, a rain gauge, mounting hardware, USB cable and a PC software package on CD-ROM.

3.1 Parts List

QTY Item
1 Display Console
Frame Dimensions (LxWxH): 6.75” x 4.5” x 1.25”
LCD Dimensions (LxW): 4.5” x 3.5” 1 Thermo-hygrometer transmitter 1 Thermo-hygrometer transmitter mounting bracket 1 Thermo-hygrometer transmitter rain shield 1 Wind direction sensor 1 Wind speed sensor 1 Anemometer mounting arm (L: 12”) 1 Rain gauge 1 Rain gauge mounting bracket 1 USB cable (L: 41”) 1 Easy Weather CD 3 1” nuts and bolts (long) 1 13/16” bolt (short) 1 ½” set screw (long) 1 3/8”set screw (short) (Optional) 1 Upper pole (L: 12”) 1 Lower pole (L: 12”)
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QTY Item
4 Zip ties 2 Hose clamps (2 ¾” diameter)

3.2 Recommend Tools

Precision screwdriver (for small Phillips screws)
Phillips screwdriver
Flat blade screwdriver
Tack (small) hammer or rubber mallet
Compass or GPS (for wind direction calibration)

3.3 Sensor Assembly Set Up

1. Connect the wind cup assembly to either end of the anemometer mounting arm. Align the
holes, and fasten with long bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver while securing the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
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2. Connect the wind vane assembly to the other end of the anemometer mounting arm. Align the
holes, and fasten with long bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver while securing the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
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3. Connect the anemometer assembly to the top mounting pole, align the holes, and fasten with
short set screw (optional, we recommend NOT connecting this) and long bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver while securing the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 3.
Note: This may be a tight fit – rotate the pole back and forth to shave off some of the
plastic, and use a small hammer to tap the top of the anemometer mounting arm while securing the pole on a solid, flat surface. Use a piece of cloth or padding to dampen the hammer and avoid damage to the anemometer mounting arm.
Figure 3
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4. Connect the rain gauge with long set screw. Tighten with precision screwdriver, as shown
in Figure 4.
Note: There may be a slight “play” in the rain gauge and the screw may not be flush.
Do not force the screw.
Attach the rain gauge mounting arm to the upper mounting pole, at right angles to the wind speed and wind direction assembly to avoid obstruction of rainfall.
Note: There are two mounting holes on the side of the rain gauge in the event you wish to
mount the rain gauge in a different location than the mounting arm.
Figure 4
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5. Connect the thermo-hygrometer with short bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver,
as shown in Figure 5. Slide the rain shield over the thermo-hygrometer after connecting the cables from the anemometer and rain gauge (step 7). Attach to the thermo-hygrometer mounting arm to the upper mounting pole.
Figure 5
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6. Fasten the lower mounting pole (which is swaged on the top end) to your mounting pole or
bracket (purchased separately) with the hose clamps. Tighten the lower mounting pole to your mounting pole with the hose clamps with a flat head screw driver, as shown in Figure 6. Slide the top weather station pole (with the sensor array) into the lower pole (connected to your mounting pole) when your station is finally mounted.
When you install the weather station, you will need to calibrate the anemometer pointer to true north. True north can be estimated with a compass (which points to magnetic north) or a GPS, which provides true north. Wind direction is defined as the direction the wind is coming from (example, Winds from the north).
Note the four channels on the side of the wind vane. Each quadrant is labeled North, South, East and West (reference Figure 6 as an example for “E” or East). Locate the North direction (“N”) and mark it with a piece of tape for future reference. You will need this for wind direction calibration upon final assembly.
Figure 6
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Connect the wind speed cable to the wind direction phone jack, as shown in Figure 7. Connect the wind direction cable to the thermo-hygrometer phone jack (reference the label on the thermo-hygrometer). Connect the rain gauge cable to the thermo-hygrometer phone jack (reference the label on the thermo-hygrometer).
Figure 7
Insert two AA batteries in the thermo-hygrometer, as shown in Figure 8. The transmitter LED will light up momentarily (4 seconds), and then flash once every 48 seconds for each transmission update.
Note: Do not install the batteries backwards. You can permanently damage the
thermo-hygrometer. Do not use rechargeable batteries.
Note: We recommend installing Lithium AA batteries:
Lithium batteries provide longer life and operate in colder temperatures.
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Figure 8
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Install the rain shield over the thermo-hygrometer/transmitter, as shown in Figure 9, and use the enclosed zip ties to clean up the cables.
Figure 9

3.4 Display Console

3.4.1 Display Console Layout

The display console layout is shown in Figure 10.
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