LG WM2677HWM, WM2677HSM, WM2677HBM Owner’s Manual

Pleaseread this manual carefully.. It provides instructions on safe installation, use,and maintenance_
Retainit for futurereference_. Record the model and serial numbers of your machine
and report this information to your dealer iFyour machine
Direct Drive System
The advanced Brush_ess DC motor directly drives the drum without belt and pulley
Tilted Drum and Ex_a Large Door Opening Tilted drum and extra large opening make it possible to toad
and unload clothing more easily
Water Circulation
Spray detergent solution and water onto the load over and over, Clothes are soaked more quickly and thoroughly during wash cycle
0 _
The detergent suds can be removed more easily by the water shower during nnse cycle, The water circulation system uses both water and detergent more efficiently
RoUerJets Washing ball enhances the wash performance and reduces damage
to the clothing The jets spray and help tumble clothes to enhance washing performance while maintaining fabric care
Automatic Wash Load Detection
Automatically detectsthe loadandoptimizes thewashingtime.
Built-in Heater
Internal heater helps to maintain water temperature at its optimum level for selected cycles
-- 7¸ I
Child Lock
The Child lock prevents children from pressing any button to change the settings during operation
Using the RLM (Remote Laundry Monitor) The RLM monitors status of your washer andlor dryer You can plug the display unit into any
power outlet in your home, The RLM Display Unit can be purchased separately for this washer
Important Safety Information ..............................................................................................................................................................3
Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 4
InstallationInstructions .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Preparation Before Washing ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Using the Dispenser ............................................................................... 11
Cycles .............................................................................................................................................................................................13
How to Use the Washer ..................................................................................................... 14
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................................................... 20
Warranty ................................................................................................... 23
For your safely, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electricshock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury_or loss of life.
,t_ WARNING: To reduce the risk of lire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using the washer, follow basic
precautions, including 1he folfowing:
* Read aft instructions before using the washer. * Do not wash articles that have been previously
cleaned in_ washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or other
flammable or explosive substances, as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode,,
. Do not add gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or
other flammable or explosive substances to the wash water,, These substances give off vapors that
could ignite or explode.
, Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
produced tn a hot water system that has not been
used for 2 weeks or more,_ HYDROGEN GAS tS EXPLOSIVE° ff the hot water system has not been
used for such a period, before using the washing machine, turn on all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes° This will
release any accumulated hydrogen gas,. As the gas is flammable_ do not smoke or use an open flame
during this time.
*Do not allow children to play on or in the washer.
C!ose supervision of children is necessary when the washer ts used near children.
Before the washer is removed from service or discarded, remove the door to prevent children from hiding inside,,
, Do not install or store the washer where it will be
exposed to the weather,
Do not tamper with controls,
Do not repair or replace anypart of the washer or
attempt any servicing unless specifically recommended in the user=maintenance
instructions or published user-repair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry ouL
See Installation Instructions for grounding
AL WAYS follow the fabric care instructions
supplied by the garment manufacturer,
Do not place items exposed to cooking off !n your washer, items contaminated with cooking oils may contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause
a load to catch fire,
DO not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static unless recommended by the
manufacturer of the fabric softener or producL
This appliance must be grounded, in the event of malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric current, This appliance is equipped with
a cord having an equipment=grounding conductor and grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with aft local codes and ordinances.
Do not use an adapter or extension cord.
Do not remove groundprongo
ftyou don't have the proper outlet, consult an electrician,
,A WARNING: Improper connection of the equipment_grounding conductor can result in risk of electric shock,
Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether Ihe appliance is properiy grounded Do not modify the plug provided with the appllance - if it does not lit the outlet,
have a proper outlet instated by a qualified electrician
Shipping Bolts
Power Plug
tf thesupply cordisdamaged, itmust be replacedbythe
manufa_-tureror _ authorized se_ce technicianinorderto
avoid a hazard
= Name: mPower suppty:
= Size:
a Weight: " Wash capacity:
= Spin speed:
" Permissible water pressure: 4,5 ~ 145 PSI (30 ~ 1000 kPa)
Frontqoading Washing Machine 120V-. 60Hz
68,6 cm (W) X 75.6 cm (D) X 98.3 cm (H), 12&1 cm (D with door open) 27"(W) X 293/4"(D) X 38 t 1/16"(H), 5013/16"(D with door open) 190 tbs, (86 kg)
3.32 cu. ft, (IEC: 383 cu. fl,) _ 1320 rpm max.
Water Circulation Nozzle
Cold Water Inlet
Air Vent for Safety [ Hot Water Inlet
Safety Cover (PLC Modem)
* Specifications subject to change by manufacturer,,
Hot/Cold (1 each) Wrench
1) Per IEC 60456, washes the equivalent of a 3.83 cu_ ft. agitator washer,
to secure drain hose to standpipe,
tn_ethose, or laundry tub
Tie strap
Install or More unit wlnere it x_ill not be exposed to temperatures below freeTJng or exposed to ontside weather conditions.
Properly ground washer to conform with all governing codes and ordinances. To reduce the r'isk of electrlc sht_ck, tlt_ not install the washer in humid spaces,
The base opening must not he _tbstructed by carpeting when the washing machine is installed on a carpeted floor:,
In countries where there are areas which may be subject to infeMatlon by cockroaclnes or other vermin, pay particular attention to keeping the appliance and its surrmnndings in clean c_mdition at all times.
Damage caused by eockr_aches nr other vermin will n_t be covered by the appliance warranty.
,. Shipping bolts
The appliance is fitted with shipping bolts to prevent internal damage during transport
= Removing shipping bolts
1.To prevent internal damage during transport, 4 locking bolts are installed Before operating the washer, remove the bolts and braces
f! they are not removed, it may cause severe
vibration, noise, and malfunction.
2, Unscrew the 4 bolts with the wrench supplied
3. Take out the 4 botts and braces by twisting the braces slightly Keep the 4 bolts, braces
and lhe wrench for future use
Whenever the appliance istransported, the shipping boits and braces must be replaced.
4oClose the holes with the caps supplied
IN%TAll ATI{3N,,...... ___.v.. INSTRUCTIONS
= Installation clearances
The location must be iarge enough to fully open the washer door.
,. Washer dimensions
Most installations require a minimum 4 in, (10 cm) clearance behind the washer
= Minimum installation spacing for
recessed area installation.
The following dimensions shown are for the minimum
spacing altowed Additional spacing should be considered for
instaIMtionand servicing
. Additional clearances might be required for wall,
door and floor moldings
Additional spacing of I in. (2 5 cm) on all sides of the washer is recommended to reduce noise
Companion appliance spacing should also be
!i _ i i
(756 cm) (10 crn)
[Side Vie'.'.,]
(25 cm) (68 Scm) (2 5 cry)
(Front view)
= Level floor
Allowable slope under entire washer is 1°..
To minimize noise and vibration, the washer
MUST be Installed on a solidly constructed
Carpeting and soft tile surfaces are not recommended.
Never install the washer on a platlorm or weakly supported structure
NOTE: A firm_ solid floor is even (gore critical to a
front*leadlng ,._asher than to a lop-loader. Iflyour flour is wood and!or ff'ame
construction, you may need to reinforce il,
Front-loaders use substantially faster spin
speeds than top-loaders, causing greater
vibration. If the floor is not solid, yuur washer
will vibrate, You will hear and feel lhe
vibration throughout your house.
- Power outlet
Must be within 60 in (1 5 m) of either side of the
washer,. Do not overload the outlet with more
than one appliance
T_me-delay fuse or circuit breaker is recommended
NO]'E: It is the personal t'esponsibility and obligation
of the eu_omer to have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician,
= Electrical connection
- Do not use an extension cord or double adapter
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a qualified person in order to avoid a hazard
If the machine will not be used for an extended time, unplug it and shut off the water supply
Connect the machine to a grounded outlet in accordance with current wiring regulations
- The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is easily accessible
CAUTION! Concerning the Power Cord
Most appliances recommend they be placed upon a dedicated circuit; that is, a single outlet circuit which powers only that appfiance and has no additianat outlets orbranch circuits. Check the specification page of this owner's manual to be
Do not overload wall cutlets. Overloaded wall outlets, loose or damaged wall outlets, extension cords, frayed power cords, or damaged or cracked wlre insulation are dangerous. Any of these conditions could result in electric shock or fire. Periodk',allyexamine the cord of your appliance, and if its appearance indicates damage or detedoratJomunplug it,
discontinue use of the appliance, and have the cord repfaced with an exact replacement part by an authorized servicer
Protect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as being twisted, kinked, pinched, closed [na door, or
walked upon. Pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the cord exits the appliance,
= Connecting water supply hose
-Water supply pressure must be between 45 and 145 PSI (30-1000 kPa),
Do not crossthread when connecting inlet hose to the valve.
Ifthe water supply pressure is more than 145 PSI,
a pressure reducing device should be installed Two Sealing washers are supplied with the water
inlet hoses to prevent water leaks. Check for leakage of washing machine connections
by turningthe tap completely on
Periodically check the condition of the hose and
replace the hose if necessary
Make sure that there is no kink inthe hose and that
it is not crushed
Be sure that the two water input ports are connected
to the correct water fatJcets..The connector for hot water iscolored red
NOTE: Washing Machine is to be connected to lhe water mains using new hos_.
Old hoses should eel be used,
Repairs to the washing machine mus! only be carried out by qualified personnel, Repairs carried out by
inexperienced persong may cilllse injury or serious malhmctioning. Contact your local service eentero i)o net instal! your washing machine in a room where temperatures below freezing may occur°
Frozen hoses may burst antler pressure° The r¢liabillty of the elee|reaic control unit may be impaired at lemperatures below the freezing point,
If the applinnce is delivered in the winter months and temperatures are below fre_ing_
store |he washing machine at room temperature for a few hours hehwe putting it into operatiom
= Installation of drain hose
, Place the end of the drain hose in the hole of the
floor drain system
_=:.::_::/_ u ¸¸ -,'
Tie," _ m=i 96(_4m)
\..j'U _._.!........
The drain hose shouid not be placed higher than 96 in from the bottom of the washer,
Properly securing the drain hose wilI protect the floor from damage due to water leakage,
This equipment is not designed for maritime use or Ibr mobile installations such as in RV's, aircraft, etc. Turn off tile faucet i[ the machine ksto be left f()r an exlended period or time (e_g. holiday).
When disposing ot' the appliance, cut off the power cable, and desLroy the plug. Disable the door lock to prevent young children being trapped inside. Packa_ng material (e.g. Films, Styrofoam) can be dangerous I_r children, There is a risk or"suffocation[ Keep all packaging from children°
When insta!ling the drain hose at a sink, secure it so itcannot break away and cause flooding and damage
Properly securing the drain hose will protect the floor from damage due to water leakage
n Level adjustment
Leveling the washing machine properly prevents excessive noise and vibration,,
Install the appliance on a solid and level floor surface, preferably in a corner of the room
, if the floor is uneven, adjust the adjustable feet as
required (Do not insert pieces of wood, etc, under the feet.)
NOTE: Exlend tlmefeet no more than a_essary to level
the _asher- The more the feet are extended, the
mnre Ihe wast_er will vibraleo
Make sure that all four feet are stable and resting on the floor and then check that the appliance is perfectly
level (Use a level)
After the washer is level, tighten the lock nuts up
against of the base of the washer All lock nuts must be tightened
it is critical to adjust the feet perfectly This must be done while the washer is spinning with a toad Use the wrench (supplied) to adjust the feet until there is no vibration Then tighten the Iock nuts to prevent further
NOTE: If Iltere are vibration and noise during the spin
cycle, re.check the leveling of Ihe washer, adjust
the feel ms req_fired, and lighten the lock nuls securely to prevent changes in adjuslmenL
Run the washer wilh a lest load to make certain
your washer is properly leveled. Pal
appreximalely 6 peomls of taundry in the machine. Then, press POWER, RINSE+SPIN, and
START/PAUSE, in lhal order. When the machine
spins at high speed, yetiS* thai it is stable. If hal
adjust Ihe feel accordingly.
Adjustable feet
Adjustable feet
* Diagonal Check
When pushing do_lw the edges af th¢ washing machine
top plate diagonally, the machine should not move up attd dowll at all, (Please, elteck both directions,)
If the machine rocks when pushing the machine top plate diagonal!v, adjust the feet again.
1. Fabric Care Labels
Look for a care label on your clothes This will tell you about the fabric content of your garment and how it should be washed
2, Sorting
To get the best res{_lts, sort clothes into loads that can be washed with the same wash cycle,
Different fabrics need to be washed in different ways Always sort dark colors from pale colors and whites. Wash separately as dye and lint transfer can occur causing discoloration of white clothing If possible, do not wash heavily soiled items with Iightiy soi}ed ones
Soil (Heavy Normal Lighl) Separale clolhes according lo amount of soil. [ Colnr (White, L ighls, Darks) Separate while fabrlc_ from colored fabrics.
]Lint (Lint Producers, Colleclors) Wash lint producers am! lint coileclors separately,
3. Check before loading
Combine targe and small items in a !oad Load large items first Large items should not be more than half the total wash load,
Do not wash single items This may cause an out-of-balance load Add one or two similar items
NO_I E: Do not watCh or spin water-proof clothes°
Check all the pockets to make sure that they are empty Things such as clip, matches, pens,
coins, and keys can damage both your washer and your clothes
Close zippers, hooks, and strings to make sure thatthese itemsdo not snag on other clothes
Pretreat dirt and stains by brushing a little detergent dissolved inwater onto stains like collars and cuffs to help lift dirt
The amumatie dispenser censLsts n[ ffmr compartments which h(_lci1) liquid chlorine bleach, 2) liquid fabric sohener; 3) liquid or powdered detergent h_r prewash and 4) liquid or powdered detergent
and color safe btead_ fi}r main wash°
All laundry products can be added at once in their respective dispenser ¢ompartments_ Tlney will be dispensed at the appropriate time for m(tst effective cleaning. After Inading the laundry additives into the dispenser, close Ihe dispenser drawer:
Add detergent, bleach and fabric softener to the automatic dispenser following these steps:
1 Open the dispenser drawer 2 Load the _aundryproducts into the appropriate compartments 3 Close the dispenser drawer
,. About detergent
Low sudsing detergent is recommended for this washer_ Use the manufacturer's recommended amount
If low sudsing detergent is not available, a reduced amount of regular detergent may be used Because reducing the amount of detergent may reduce cleaning, it is important to pretreat stains,
sort carefully by color and soil level, and avoid overloading, Detergent usage may need to be adjusted for water temperature, water hardness, size and soil level of the load. For best results, avoid using too much detergent
L I "-UquidFebr o
//_'\ _U Softener _k _ "_-_._ompartment
\ " Prewash
1. Prewash Detergent Compartment
Add detergent to this compartment when using the Prewash option, Liquid or powdered detergent may be used in this compartment,, The
detergent will automatically be dispensed during
Prewash if the Prewash option is selected,
Add 112the recommended amount of detergent to the Prewash compartment and the
recommended amount of detergent to the main
wash compartment
NOTE :Liquid detergent will drain into the wasiner
drum as iI isadded,
2. Main Wash Detergent Compartment
-Add measured detergent to this compartment for Main wash. Detergent is flushed from the
dispenser at the beginning of the cycle Either powdered or liquid detergent can be used
Liquid or powdered color-safe bleach may be added to the main wash compartment along with
the same type of liquid or powdered detergent..
, When using liquid detergent, make st_re the liquid
detergent box and insert are in place Do not exceed the maximum fill line
For powered detergent, remove both the liquid detergent box and insert
Powdered detergent will not dispense with the
liquiddetergent box and insert in place
4 7 Liquid Detergent
3. Uqutd Bleach Compartment
- Add measured liquid chlorine bleach to this
compartment The bleach willbe automatically dispensed at the proper time during the wash
Do not exceed the maximum fill line Overfilling can cause early dispensing of the bleach which could
result in damaged clothes_
Do not pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach directly onto the toad or into the drum Fabric damage can
, Do not use powdered bleach in this compartment
4. Fabric Softener Compartment
Add recommended amount of fabric softener to this compartment
Dilute concentrated softeners withwarm water to the fit[ line
Do not exceed the maximum fill line, Overfilling can cause early dispensing of the fabric softener which
could resuft in stained ctothes
- Do not pour _abricsoftener directiy on the wash
The fabric softener will be automatically dispensed during the tast rinse cycle
NOTE: Do not place, store, or spill laundry products
(soap, detergent, bleach, softener, etc.) on the
top of your washer or dryer° These products
can damage the finish or controls if left there
too toltg_
m Select cycles designed for different types of fabric and soil levels°
Cycle Fabric type
Sanitary underwear,work
Cotton Cotton, linen,
Towels tewels, shirts,
Normal workclothes,
Perm clothing,poly/ Press cottonblend
Delicates sheeror
Wool/ identified as
Silk machine
Hand Items labeled
Wash "handwashable"
Speed Lightly soiled
Wash clothing
Drain+ Spin
clothes,diapers, elc
Dressshirts/ pants,wrinklefree
clothing,tabledoths Dress shirts/
blouses, nylons, lacy garment
Woolens, silk
DrainlSpin oniy
ExtraHot/Cold High Normal
Warm/Cold High Normal
Warm/Warm Extra High
Hot/Cold No spin Heavy O
Cold/Cold Low Light
Warm!Cold High Normal
Warm/Warm Exlra High
Hot/Cold No spin Heavy O
Cold/Cold Low Light
Wa'n'n/Cold Medium Normal
Warm/Warm High Heavy O
Hot/cold No spin Light
cold/Cold Low
"Cold/cold Medium iNormai '"
Warm/Cold Nospin Heavy O
Warm/Warm Low Light
Cold/Cold Low Normal ............
Warm/Cold Medium Light O
Warm/Warm No spin
Cold/Cold Low Normal
Warm/Cold Medium Light O
Warm/Warm No spin
Extra High
No spin Heavy O
Low Light
No spin
Extra high
No spin
Soil Pm-i QuickStainExtra Rinse+Auto_ad
Level Wash CycleCycleRinse Spin Detectlont)_:
O O o
j , ,
o O
1) Automatic wash toad (weight) detection: Automatically detects the toad and optimizes the washing time After detecting, the estimated time remainlng in
the cycle wilt be displayed,
1_Power (_
. Use this button to turn the Power OnlOff
lUl.i i1.1
. Rotate the Cycle selector knob to select cycle
designed for different types of fabric and soil levels
Each cycle has a preset Water Temperature, Spin Speed, Soil Level, and Option (See page 13)
The preset settings can be changed anytime before Start.
NOTE: This front I, ad washer requires hmger cycle time
and gets dottles much cleaner, yet is more gentle un the fabrics, than top load washer..;. W_hing time can be reduced significantly f(}r small leads
ur lightly _iled h;ads by selecting Quick Cycle with tt_e Option button and setting the Soil Level
button at Light.
3:"Sta_iPause @
- Use this button to start/stop the washer
n lUUl.lUlm
4. Delay Wash
Allows the start of any cycle to be delayed for 1--.19hours
. Choose the wash cycle for your load, and then
press the Delay Wash button once for one hour or
press the button again to increase the delay wash
time up to 19 hours in one hour increments
5. Custom Program
Custom Program allows you to store a customized
wash cycle for future use
]'0 make a Clls|em |)re,ram:
1 Select a cycle
2 Select WashfRinse Temperature, Spin Speed,
and Soil Level.
3 Select other desired Options
4 Press and hoid Custom Program button 3
seconds (2 beep sounds)
The Custom program isnow stored for future
use, To reuse the program, select Custom Program and press StartJPause (_
i i, Jlul, ll_
6. Wash/Rinse Temperature
Select a water temperature based on the type of load you are washing
Follow the fabric care label and chart below for best results
Garment i:
andbaby garments
WhitesandHeavy :
7. Spin speed
To change the spin speed, press the Spin Speed button repeatedly to cycle through available
8• Soil Level
, To change the soil level, press the Soil Level
button repeatedly until the desired setting is on,
i i i iH i ull lull ill IHHHHH"I
9. Beeper
-Pressrepeatedlytoadjustthe volumeof the Beeper
Warm rinses leave the loads dryer than cotd rinses Warm rinses increase wrinkling.
In cold climates, a warm rinse makes the foad more comfortable to handle
. Cold rinses save energy
The Cold rinse temperatures depend on the cotd water at your faucet
+ 33 hidden pages