7.1.2 Transmitted RF Level and Checks
This section shows the typical RF levels expected throughout the transmitter path. A block diagram
showing the locations of the RF measurement points and levels is shown in Figure 7-5.
Transmitter Testing Set-up
To check the transmitter the following conditions have to be set:
1. Configure the testing equipments as Figure equipment setup.
2. Set the GSM/DCS test equipment to be stand-alone mode (asynchronous mode).
3. Set the BCH and TCH ARFCN ‘62’ for EGSM900 or ‘700’ for DCS1800 on GSM/DCS test
4. Set the DC power supply 4.0volts.
5. Initialize target on service software.
6. Set TCH and BCH value to be same with GSM/DCS test equipment on service software.
7. Select GSM or DCS mode on service software.
8. Set DAC ‘600’ for EGSM900 or ‘700’ for DCS1800 on service software.
9. Click Test.
Note: All RF values shown are only intended as a guide figure and may differ from readings taken
with other test equipment and leads. Lead and connector losses should always be taken into
account when performing such RF measurements.
Testing Transmitter
Using a suitable high frequency probe measure the RF levels at the relevant points shown in
Fig. 7-4 and compare your measurements with those shown in the diagram. If there are any major
difference between the readings taken and those indicated then further investigation of that
particular point will be required. It will also be necessary to ensure that all the following power
supplies and signals are present which control this part of the transmitter circuit:
1. The Control Signal of Antenna Switch(see Figure 7-9, 10, 11)
2. Vreg 1,2,3 (see Figure. 7-7)
3. 2V85_VTCXO (see Figure. 7-8)
4. 13 MHz (see Figure. 7-12)
5. PA_ON, PA_LEVEL, Vapc (see Figure. 7-14)
6. TX IP, IN, QP, QN (see Figure. 7-15)
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