LG VC2320NND, VC3320NNTC, VC2320NNT Owner's Manual [sr]

VC23**** VC33****
Új típusú Cyclone porszívó
Jelen használati útmutatóban fontos utasításokat találhatnak a porszívó biztonságos üzemeltetésére és
tartalmára. Kérjük, a használati útmutatót tartsa jól hozzáférhető helyen, hogy szükség esetén kéznél legyen.
Нова прахосмукачка тип циклон
Този материал съдържа важни указания за безопасното използване и обслужване на прахосмукачката. Моля прочетете изцяло информацията, особено тази на стр. 16 и 19, която се отнася за Вашата безопасност. Дръжте това ръководството на леснодостъпно място и го използвайте за справка при всяка необходимост.
Kjo broshurë përmban informacion të rëndësishëm për përdorim të sigurt dhe ruajtjen e produktit. Informacioni në faqet 20 dhe 23 është shumë i rëndësishëm. Mbajeni këtë broshurë me kujdes, dhe lexoni atë, kur keni nevojë për ndihmë.
Нови циклон усисивач
Ова брошура садржи важне информације о безбедном коришћењу и одржавању производа. Информације на страницама 24 и 27 су веома важне. Чувајте пажљиво ову књижицу, и прочитајте када вам је потребна помоћ.
Novi ciklon usisivač
Ova knjižica sadrži važne upute za sigurnu upotrebu i održavanje usisivača. Molimo, za vašu sigurnost pročitajte upute na stranicama 28 i 31. Molimo, čuvajte ovaj priručnik na lako dostupnom mjestu i upotrijebite ga kad god je potrebno.
Нов тип на циклонска правосмукалка
Ова упатство содржи важни информации за безбедно користење и одржување на правосмукалката. Посебно внимание обрнете на страниците 32 и 35. Чувајте го ова упатство внимателно повторно прочитајте го доколку има потреба.
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Komponente kryesore
Komponentë opsional
VC23**** VC33****
Numri dhe sasia e komponenteve në vijim varet nga modele të ndryshme ju e keni blerë.
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Këto specifikime mund të ndryshojnë në bazë të kërkesës së agjentit ose të blerësit.
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Основни делови
VC23**** VC33****
Дополнителни делови
Бројот и количините на следниве делови зависат од моделот на правосмукалка што сте го купиле.
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Дополнителни делови
Komponentë opsional
Projection Kiszerelés Устройство и демонтаж Projekcija Ndërtimi
Испупчени део Продолжна цевка
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Tank handle Portartály-fogantyú
Дръжка на контейнера Ručka rezervoara Drška spremnika za prašinu Doreza e depozitës Рачка за носење
Carrier handle
Hordozó fogantyú Дръжка за носене Ručka za nošenje Drška za prenošenje Doreza e fshesës Рачка за носење
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Read and follow all instructions before using your vacuum cleaner to prevent the risk of fire,electric shock, personal injury,or damage when using the vacuum cleaner.This guide do not cover all possible conditions that may occur.Always contact your service agent or manufacturer about problems that you do not understand. This appliance complies with the following ECDirectives:-2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive-2004/108/EC EMC Directive.
This is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others.
All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the word “WARNING” or “CAUTION.” These words mean:
This symbol will alert you to hazards or unsafe practices which could cause serious bodily harm or death.
This symbol will alert you to hazards or unsafe practices which could cause bodily injury or property damage.
Do not use the vacuum cleaner if the power cord
or plug is damaged or faulty.
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by an approved LG Electronics Service Agent to avoid a hazard.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sen­sory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given su­pervision or instruction concerning use of the ap­pliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
This appliance can be used by children aged from
8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given
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supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the haz­ards involved. Children shall not play with the ap­pliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
Disconnect electrical supply before servicing
or cleaning the unit or when cleaner is not in use.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Do not vacuum liquid, blade, gesso,
• substances, or small particles like cement, burning or smoking such as cigarettes, or hot ashes in cleaning.
Do not vacuum flammable or explosive
substances such as gasoline, benzene, thinners, propane (liquids or gases).
The fumes from these substances can create a fire hazard or explosion. Doing so could result in death or personal injury.
Do not handle plug or vacuum cleaner with
• wet hands.
Doing so could result in death or electrical shock.
• • Do not unplug by pulling on cord.
Doing so could result in product damage or electrical shock. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.
Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of the body away from openings and moving parts.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a
• handle, close a door on cord, or pull cord
around sharp edges or corners. Do not run vacuum cleaner over cord. Keep cord away
from heated surfaces.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury or fire or product damage.
Do not allow to be used as toy. Close
• attention is necessary when used by or near children.
Personal injury or product damage could result.
Do not use vacuum cleaner if it has been under water.
Personal injury or product damage could result. In these cases, contact LG Electronics Service Agent to avoid hazard.
Do not continue to vacuum if any parts appear missing or d amaged.
Personal injury or product damage could result. In these cases, contact LG Electronics Service Agent to avoid hazard.
Do not use an extension cord with this vacuum cleaner
Fire hazard or product damage could result.
Using proper voltage.
Using improper voltage may result in damage to the motor and possible injury to the user. Proper voltage is listed onthe bottom of vacuum cleaner.
Turn off all controls before unplugging.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Do not change the plug in any way.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury or product damage. Doing so result in death. If plug does not fit, conta ct a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet .
Repairs to elec trical appliances m ay only be performed by qualified service engineers.
Improper repairs may lead to serious hazards for the user.
Do not plug in if control knob is not in OFF position.
Personal injury or product damage could result. (Depending on model)
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Keep children away and beware of obstructions when rewinding the cord to prevent personal injury.
The cord moves rapidly when rewinding. (Depending on model)
Do not put any objects into openings.
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Do not use with any opening blocked: keep free of dust, lint, hair, and anything that may reduce air flow.
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Do not use vacuum cleaner without dust tank and/or
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Do not use vacuum cleaner to pick up sharp hard objects, small toys, pins, paper clips, etc.
They may damage the cleaner or dust bin.
Store the vacuum cleaner indoors.
Put the vacuum cleaner away after use to prevent tripping over it.
Only use parts produced or recommended by LG Electronics Service Agents.
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Use only as described in this manual. Use only with LG recommended or approved attachments and accessories.
Failure to do so could result in personal injury or product damage.
To avoid personal injury and to prevent the machine from falling when cleaning stairs, always place it at the bottom of stairs.
Failure to do so could result in personal injury or product damage.
filters in place.
The hose contains electrical wires. Do not use it if it is damaged, cut or punctured.
Failure to do so could result in death,or electrical shock. (Depending on model)
Use accessory nozzles in sofa mode.
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Make sure the filters (exhaust filter and motor safety filter) are completely dry before replacing in the machine.
Failure to do so could result in product damage.
Do not dry the filter in an oven or microwave.
Failure to do so could result in fire hazard.
Do not dry the filter in a clothes dryer.
Failure to do so could result in fire hazard.
Do not dry near an open flame.
Failure to do so could result in fire hazard.
Always clean the dust bin after vacuuming carpet cleaners or fresheners, powders and fine dust.
These products clog the filters,reduce airflow and can cause damage to the cleaner. Failure to clean the dust bin could cause permanent damage to the cleaner. (Depending on model)
Don ’t grasp the tank handle when you are moving the vacuum cleaner.
The vacuum cleaner s body may fall when separating tank and body. Personal injury or product damage could result. You should grasp the carrier handle when you aremoving the
(Depending on model)
If after emptying the dust tank the indicator light is on(red), clean the dust tank.
Failure to do so could result in product damage. (Depending on model)
vacuum cleaner.
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Thermal protector :
This vacuum cleaner has a special thermostat that protects the vacuum cleaner in case of motor overheating. If the vacuum cleaner suddenly shuts off, turn off the switch and unplug the vacuum cleaner. Check the vacuum cleaner for possible source of overheating such as a full dust tank, a blocked hose or clogged filter. If these conditions are found, fix them and wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to use the vacuum cleaner. After the 30 minute period, plug the vacuum cleaner back in and turn on the switch.
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Ne használja a porszívót, ha a tápkábel vagy a csatlakozó sérült vagy hibás.
Ez személyi sérülést okozhat és a készülék megrongálódhat. llyen esetben értesítse az LG Electronics hivatalos szakszervizét.
Csökkent fizikai, érzékelési vagy szellemi
képességű,tapasztalattal és gyakorlattal nem rendelkező személyek (és gyerekek)
felügyelet nélkül nem használhatják a
készüléket, hacsak a biztonságukért felelős személyek előzőleg erre ki nem oktatták őket.
Gyermekek a készüléket csak felügyelet mellett használhatják annak érdekében, hogy ne játszhassanak a készülékkel.
Ezt a készüléket 8. életévüket betöltött gyerekek és csökkentett fizikai, érzékszervi
vagy szellemi képességű, illetve
tapasztalatlan vagy képzetlen személyek is
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használhatják, amennyiben megkapták a készülék biztonságos használatára vonatkozó felügyeletet és utasításokat, és megértik a készülék használatával járó kockázatokat. Ne engedjék, hogy a gyerekek játékszernek tekintsék a készüléket. A készülék tisztítását és karbantartását nem szabad felügyelet nélküli gyerekekre bízni.
Ne porszívózzon folyadékot, füvet, gipszet tartalmazó anyagokat, vagy apró
szemcsékből állóakat, mint a cement, illetve égő vagy füstölő anyagogat, mint a cigaretta vagy hamu/parázs.
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Не засмуквайте течностите, остри предмети, гипс, субстанции (цимент), горящи или пушещи (цигари) или гореща пепел и въглени при почистване.
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