LG UT60 User Manual [en, de, es, fr, it, cs, pl]

Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.
P/NO : MFL67870307


2 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Ceiling Cassette- Type Air Conditioner Ownerʼs Manual
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on the side of each unit.
Dealer's Name
Date Purchased
Staple your receipt to this page in the event you need it to prove date of purchase or for warranty issues.
Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and maintain your air conditioner properly. Just a little preven­tive care on your part can save you a great deal of time and money over the life of your air conditioner.
You'll find many answers to common problems in the chart of troubleshooting tips. If you review our chart of
Troubleshooting Tips first, you may not need to call for service at all.
Contact the authorized service technician for repair or
maintenance of this unit.
• Contact the installer for installation of this unit.
• The air conditioner is not intended for use by young children or invalids without supervision.
• Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the air conditioner.
• When the power cord is to be replaced, replacement work shall be performed by authorized personnel only using only genuine replacement parts.
• Installation work must be performed in accordance with the National Electric Code by qualified and authorized personnel only.
A. Safety Precautions......................................3
B. Product Introduction...................................6
Name and function of parts ...........................6
What to do before operation ..........................6
Operation Indication Lamps...........................6
Wired Remote Controller ...............................7
Wireless Remote Controller (Accessory).......8
Standard Operation - Standard Cooling ........9
C. Operating instructions................................9
Standard Operation - Heating Mode............10
Standard Operation - Power Cooling...........10
Standard Operation -
Dehumidification Mode ................................11
Auto Changeover Mode...............................11
Standard Operation - Fan Mode..................12
Standard Operation - Auto
Operation Mode...........................................13
Standard Operation - Airflow Setting ...........14
Standard Operation - Temperature
Setting/Room Temperature Check...............15
Sub function - Plasma Purification...............16
Function setting - Child Lock .......................17
Function Setting - Change Temp .................18
Function setting - Elevation Grill..................19
Function setting - Filter Sign Clear ..............20
Function setting - Vane Angle Control .........21
Function setting - Changing Current Time..22
Programming - Simple Reservation.............24
Programming : Weekly Reservation ............25
Programming - Sleep Reservation ..............27
Programming - ON Reservation ..................28
Programming - OFF Reservation ................30
Programming : Holiday Reservation............32
Ventilation Kit Control(Optional) ..................33
D. Maintenance and Service .........................34
Indoor Unit ...................................................34
Purifying filter(Optional) ...............................35
Operation Tips! ............................................36
When the air conditioner is not going.... ......36
Troubleshooting Tips! Save time and
Call the service immediately in the following
situations .....................................................37
Safety Precautions
Owner's Manual 3
Safety Precautions
To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must be followed. n Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by
the following indications.
This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage.
Always ground the product.
• There is a risk of electric shock.
Do not use a defective or underrated cir­cuit breaker. Use the correctly rated breaker and fuse.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock .
Do not use a multi consent. Always use this appliance on a dedicated cicuit and breaker.
• Otherwise it can cause electric shock or fire.
For electrical work, contact the dealer, seller, a qualified electrician, or an Authorized Serv­ice Center. Do not disassemble or repair the product by yourself.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Always ground the product as per the wiring diagram. Do not connect the ground wire to gas or water pipes lighten­ing rod or telephone ground wire.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Install the panel and the cover of control box securely.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock due to dust , water etc.
Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not modify or extend the power cable. If the power cable or cord has scrathes or skin peeled off or deteriorated then it must be replaced.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
For installation, removal or reinstall , al­ways contact the dealer or an Authorized Service Center.
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or injury.
Do not install the product on a defective in­stallation stand. Be sure that the installation area does not deteriorate with age.
• It may cause product to fall.
Never install the outdoor unit on a mov­ing base or a place from where it can fall down.
• The falling outdoor unit can cause damage or injury or even death of a person.
When the product is soaked (flooded or submerged) in water , contact an Author­ized Service Center for repair before using it again.
• There is risk of fire or eletric shock.
Be sure to check the refrigerant to the used. Please read the label on the product.
• Incorrect refrigerant used can prevent the normal operation of the unit.
Don't use a power cord, a plug or a loose socket which is damaged.
• Otherwise it may cause a fire or electrical shock.
Do not touch , operate, or repair the product with wet hands. Hold the plug by hand when taking out
• There is risk of electric shock or fire.
Do not place a heater or other heating ap­pliances near the power cable.
• There is risk of fire and electric shock.
Do not allow water to run into electric parts. Install the unit away from water sources.
• There is risk of fire, failure of the product, or electric shock.
Do not store or use or even allow flamma­ble gas or combustibles near the product.
• There is risk of fire.
Safety Precautions
4 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Indoor/outdoor wiring connections must be secured tightly and the cable should be routed properly so that there is no force pulling the cable from the connec­tion terminals.
• Improper or loose connections can cause heat generation or fire.
Safely dispose off the packing materials. Like screws, nails, batteries, broken things etc after installation or svc and then tear away and thraw away the plastic packaging bags.
• Children may play with them and cause in­jury.
Make sure to check that the power cable plug is not dirty, loose or broken and then only insert the plug completely.
• Dirty, loose or broken power plug can cause electric shock or fire.
Do not use the product in a tightly closed space for a long time. Perform ventilation regularly.
• Oxygen deficiency could occur and hence harm your health.
Do not open the front grille of the product during operation. (Do not touch the electro­static filter, if the unit is so equipped.)
• There is risk of physical injury, electric shock, or product failure.
If strange sounds, smell or smoke comes from product.Immediately turn the breaker off or disconnect the power supply cable.
• There is risk of electric shock or fire.
Ventilate the product room from time to time when operating it together with a stove, or heating element etc.
• Oxygen deficiency can occur and hence harm your health.
Turn the main power off and unplug the unit when cleaning or repairing the prod­uct.
• There is risk of electric shock.
When the product is not to be used for a long time, disconnect the power supply plug or turn off the breaker.
• There is risk of product damage or failure, or unintended operation.
Take care to ensure that nobody espe­cially kids could step on or fall onto the outdoor unit.
• This could result in personal injury and prod­uct damage.
Take care to ensure that power cable could not be pulled out or damaged dur­ing operation.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not place ANYTHING on the power cable.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not plug or unplug the power supply plug to turn the unit ON/OFF .
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
When flammable gas leaks, turn off the gas and open a window for ventilation before turn the product on.
• Do not use the telephone or turn switches on or off. There is risk of ex­plosion or fire.
Two or more people must lift and trans­port the product.
• Avoid personal injury.
Do not install the product where it will be exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly.
• It may cause corrosion on the product.
Install the drain hose to ensure that the condensed water is drained away properly.
• A bad connection may cause water leakage.
Keep level even when installing the prod­uct.
• To avoid vibration or noise.
Do not install the product where the noise or hot air from the outdoor unit could dam­age or disturb the neighborhoods.
• It may cause a problem for your neighbors and hence dispute.
Always check for gas (refrigerant) leak­age after installation or repair of product.
• Low refrigerant levels may cause failure of product.
In outdoor unit the step-up capacitor sup­plies high voltage electricity to the elec­trical components. Be sure to discharge the capacitor completely before conduct­ing the repair work.
• An charged capacitor can cause electrical shock.
When installing the unit, use the installa­tion kit provided with the product.
• Otherwise the unit may fall and cause severe injury.
Be sure to use only those parts which are listed in the svc parts list. Never at­tempt to modify the equipment.
• The use of inappropriate parts can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
Safety Precautions
Owner's Manual 5
Do not use the product for special purposes, such as preserving foods, works of art, etc. It is a consumer air conditioner, not a precision refrigeration system.
• There is risk of damage or loss of property.
Do not block the inlet or outlet of air flow.
• It may cause product failure.
Use a soft cloth to clean. Do not use harsh detergents, solvents or splashing water etc .
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, or damage
to the plastic parts of the product.
Do not touch the metal parts of the prod­uct when removing the air filter.
• There is risk of personal injury.
Do not step on or put anyting on the product. (outdoor units)
• There is risk of personal injury and failure of product.
Always insert the filter securely after cleaning. Clean the filter every two weeks or more often if necessary.
• A dirty filter reduces the efficiency.
Do not insert hands or other objects through the air inlet or outlet while the product is operating.
• There are sharp and moving parts that could cause personal injury.
Be cautious when unpacking and in­stalling the product.
• Sharp edges could cause injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks during the re­pair, do not touch the leakaing refrigerant gas.
• The refrigernat gas can cause frostbite (cold burn)
Do not tilt the unit when removing or uninstalling it.
• The condensed water inside can spill .
Do not mix air or gas other than the spec­ified refrigerant used in the system .
• If air enters the refrigerant system, an exces­sively high pressure results, causing equip­ment damage or injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks during the in­stallation, ventilate the area immediately.
• Otherwise it can be harmfull for your health.
Dismantling the unit, treatment of the re­frigerant oil and eventual parts should be done in accordance with local and na­tional standards.
Replace the all batteries in the remote control with new ones of the same type. Do not mix old and new batteries or dif­ferent types of batteries.
• There is risk of fire or product failure.
Do not recharge or disassemble the bat­teries. Do not dispose off batteries in a fire.
• They may burn or explode.
If the liquid from the batteries gets onto your skin or clothes, wash it well with clean water. Do not use the remote if the batteries have leaked.
• The chemicals in batteries could cause burns or other health hazards.
If you eat the liquid from the batteries, brush your teeth and see doctor. Do not use the remote if the batteries have leaked.
• The chemicals in batteries could cause burns or other health hazard.
Do not let the air conditioner run for a long time when the humidity is very high and a door or a window is left open.
• Moisture may condense and wet or damage furniture.
Do not expose your skin or kids or plants to the cool or hot air draft.
• This could harm to your health.
Do not drink the water drained from the product.
• It is not sanitary and could cause serious health issues.
Use a firm stool or ladder when cleaning, maintaining or repairing the product at an height.
• Be careful and avoid personal injury.
6 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Product Introduction
Operation Indication Lamps
1: Indoor unit 2: Outdoor unit 3: Remote controller 4: Inlet air 5: Discharge air 6: Refrigerant piping, connection elec-
tric wire 7: Drain pipe 8: Ground wire
Wire to ground outdoor unit to pre-
vent electrical shocks.
If your installation has a customized control system, ask your LG dealer for
the operation that corresponds to your system.
1: Unit with remote controller 2: Unit without remote controller (when
used as simultaneous operation)
What to do before operation
Name and function of parts
Product Introduction
Pair system or simultaneous operation system
Multi system
On/Off Filter Sign : Lights up after 2400 hours from the time of first operating unit. Timer : Lights up during Timer operation.
Defrost Mode : Lights up during Defrost Mode or Hot Start operation.(Heat pump model only)
: Lights up during the system operation.
: To operate the unit when the remote control can't be used for any reason.
Owner's Manual 7
Product Introduction
Wired Remote Controller
h Display temperature can be different from actual room temperature if the remote controller is installed at the
place where sun-rays are falling directly or the place nearby heat source.
h The actual product can be different from above contents depending upon model type. h When using simultaneous operation system, whenever press remote controller button, system will approximately
operate after 1~2 minutes.
• Some products don't receive the wireless signals.
• To check the indoor temperature, press button.
9 8
2 3
Please attach the inform label inside of the door. Please choose proper language depend on your country.
14 15
9 10
14 15
j Some functions may not be operated and displayed depending on the product type.
of handling the Remote Controller
• Aim at the signal receiver on the wired remote controller so as to operate.
• The remote control signal can be received at a distance of up to about 7m.
• Be sure that there are no obstructions between the remote controller and the signal receptor.
• Do not drop or throw the remote controller.
• Do not place the remote controller in a location exposed to direct sunlight, or near the heating unit, or any other heat source.
• Block a strong light over the signal receptor with a curtain or etc. so as to prevent the abnormal opera­tion. (ex:electronic quick start, ELBA, inverter type fluorescent lamp)
The wireless remote controller do not operate the vane angle control.(4Way Type)
For more details refer to the Wireless Remote Control Accessory manual.
The actual product can be different from above contents depending upon model type.
The wireless remote controller does not operate When using simultaneous operation system.
8 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Product Introduction
Wireless Remote Controller (Accessory)
This air-conditioner is equipped with wired remote controller basically. But if you want to be available with wire­less remote controller, you pay for it.
Owner's Manual 9
Operating Instructions
Operating instructions
Standard Operation - Standard Cooling
h Setting Temp Range : 18˚C~30˚C (64˚F~86˚F)
It cools the room by comfortable and clean wind.
Press button to turn on the
Press button to select
Cooling operation mode.
Adjust the desired temperature
by pressing buttons. Press button to check the Room temperature. When setting the desired temperature higher than room temperature, only ventilation wind is blow out instead of cooling wind.
10 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
Standard Operation - Power Cooling
It makes the room cool using pleasant and fresh air quickly
It supplies warm wind to the indoor
Standard Operation - Heating Mode
What is Power Cooling?
• Desired temperature: Po (actually 18°C)
• Wind flow: power wind
• Wind direction: fix to air-cooling position
Partial product has no power air-cooling function.
Heating drive only operates at the cooling and heating model.
Heating doesn't operate at cooling exclusive model.
It make room temperature drop fast by running
Press button to trun on the
Press button to select
cooling operation mode.
Press button continuously
until 'Po' displayed.
Press button to turn on the
Press button to select
Heating mode. (To check the indoor temperature, press the room temperature button.)
Adjust the desired temperature
by pressing buttons.
When setting the desired temperature lower than room temperature, there is only ventilation wind.
Owner's Manual 11
Operating Instructions
It removes humidity while air-cooling weakly.
In rainy season or high humidity climate, it is possible to operate simultaneously dehumidifier and
cooling mode to remove humidity effectively.
The menu item of wind powerfulness might not be partially selected according to the product.
Auto Changeover Mode
v Setting Temp Range : 18˚C~30˚C.
Standard Operation - Dehumidification Mode
Press button to turn on the
Press button to select
Dehumidification mode. The temperature setting can not be adjusted during operation this mode.
Press the button to select
airflow rate feeble weak medium strong automatic. (The initial wind powerfulness of humidity removal drive is 'weak'.)
Press button to turn on the indoor.
Press button to select Auto Changeover Mode.
The setting temperature as the right side picture can be set in both
cooling/ heating model.
12 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
Press button to turn on the indoor.
Press button to select Fan Mode.
Every time pressing button, you can select wind flow in order of feeble weak medium strong automatic. When running ventilation, compressor of AHU doesn't work.
Standard Operation - Fan Mode
It blows the air as it is in the indoor, not the cold wind.
Ventilation drive does not release cool wind but general fan
Because it releases the wind that has no temperature difference from the room, it functions to cir-
culate the inside air.
The menu item of wind powerfulness might not be partially selected according to the product.
Owner's Manual 13
Operating Instructions
Press button to turn on the indoor.
Press button to select Artificial intelligence Mode.
You can adjust the temperature as the picture on the right for cooling and heating model.
For the case of cooling exclusive, as the picture on the right, you can adjust the temperature from hot to cold, from "-2" to "2" based on "00".
When cold When cool When appropriate When warm When hot
Standard Operation - Auto Operation Mode
During operating Auto Operation mode:
• We can use the FAN SPEED button
• We can change manually to other operation mode.
Operating Instructions
14 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Standard Operation - Airflow Setting
Wind powerfulness : You can simply adjust desired wind powerfulness.
Please setup desired wind
powerfulness by wind powerfulness button.
• Every time you press wind powerfulness, you can select the wind flow in order of ‘feeble weak weak medium medium medium strong strong power automatic’.
• The menu item might not be partially selected according to product function.
• Please refer to product manual for product’s detailed function.
Wind direction : You can simply adjust desired wind direction.
Please set desired wind direction
by pressing button. You can select wind direction of (comfortable wind Up/Down and Right/Left Right/Left Up/Down) by pressing button. Partial item of wind directions might not be selected according to product function. Please refer to product manual for product’s detailed function.
Operating Instructions
Owner's Manual 15
Standard Operation - Temperature Setting/Room Temperature Check
We can simply adjust the desired temperature.
• Press the buttons to adjust the desired temperature.
: Increase 1˚C or 2˚F per one time pressing : Decrease 1˚C or 2˚F per one time pressing
Cooling operation:
- The cooling mode doesn't work if desired temperature is higher than room temperature Please lower the desired temperature.
Heating operation:
- The heating mode doesn't work if desired temperature is lower than room temperature Please increase the desired temperature.
Whenever press button, the room temperature will be displayed within 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, it turns to display the desired temperature. Because of location of remote controller, the real room temperature and the this displayed value can be different
Temperature Setting
Room Temperature Check
• For air-cooling drive, from 18°C to 30°C, and for heating drive, from 16°C to 30°C, you can select desired temperature.
• 5°C is proper for the difference between room and outside temperature.
• Room temp: Indicate the current room temper­ature.
• Set temp: Indicate the temperature that user want to set.
Depend on what kind of controller, the desired temperature can be adjusted at 0.5˚C or 1˚F.
Operating Instructions
16 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
• Cleaning air function is additional function and it might not be indicated or operated at the partial product.
• Cleaning air function is possible only when product is running.
• If you want independent cleaning air drive, please setup cleaning air by pressing additional drive button at ventilation drive.
Sub function - Plasma Purification
Only products with humidifying function can use this.
The method to setup cleaning air
Repeat pressing button
until icon flash.
Operate or cancel Plasma
Purification function by pressing button.
( icon appears/disappears on display part up to selection )
After setting, press button
to exit.
After setup, it automatically gets out of setup
mode if there is no button input for 25 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set button, the
manipulated value is not reflected.
Owner's Manual 17
Operating Instructions
It is the function to use preventing children or others from careless using.
Function setting - Child Lock
Press button repeatedly until the is flashing.
If moving to 'setup' icon area by using button, 'setup' icon blinks, and child lock function is setup if pressing button at that time.
When cancelling lock function, if moving to 'cancel' icon by pressing button and then, pressing button, child lock function is cancelled.
Press button to exit. After setup, it automatically gets out of
setup mode if there is no button input for 25 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
18 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
Function Setting - Change Temp
Change temperature is the function to setup air-cooling and heating drive automatically changeable according to the temperature at artificial intelligence drive mode.
Repeat pressing button until
icon flash.
Press button to change.
Converting temp value : 1~7
Press button to complete
and active the setting process.
Press button to exit or
system will automatically release without any input after 25 seconds. When exiting without pressing
set button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
Owner's Manual 19
Operating Instructions
This function is to move the indoor filter up/down for cleaning filter.
Function setting - Elevation Grill
Elevation grill function only operates in the indoor unit with the elevation grill.
Press button
Repeat pressing button until icon flash.
Move to descent using button
and press button will display descent icon and the up/down grill will descent.
When up/down grill descents to the
desired position, move to stop icon suing button and press button to stop up/down grill.
When filter cleaning is finished, fix the
filter to the up/down grill, move to ascent icon using button, and press button to ascent up/down grill.
Press button to exit.
After setup, it automatically
gets out of setup mode if there is no button input for 60 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
20 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
This function is to clear the indicator of indoor filter cleaning.
Function setting - Filter Sign Clear
• When filter is covered by dust, it will reduce cooling/heating efficiency and accumulate more elec­tric power. Therefore. do clean the filter whenever cleaning time is expired.
h Filter cleaning indication is automatically cancelled without the separate cancellation after certain
period of time.
Press button repeatedly
until the is flashing.
When the is flashing, press
the to clear this display
Owner's Manual 21
Operating Instructions
This function is to adjust angle at which airflow is blow out.
Function setting - Vane Angle Control
Repeat pressing button until
icon flash.
Press button to select active vane :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / All / Standard Select Vane number using buttons. Vane number : No. 1, 2., 3, 4, all, or
- Selected vane is in operation.
- Please verify the operating vane.
- To set the angle of all the vanes, select 'all'.
- To set as the factory default settings, select 'standard'.
Select wind angle using button, and
press button.
- The boundary of wind angle settings can be changed to 5 levels or 6 levels according to the product.
- When selecting 'standard' for Vane number, the wind angle does not move.
Set the wind angles for the remaining
vanes as the same as above. There are products with vanes with
no. 1 and no. 2 only according to the product types.
Press button to exit. After setup, it automatically
gets out of setup mode if there is no button input for 60 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
Press button to complete and
active the setting process. (Airflow direction function will be released whenever setting vane angle)
Press button to exit or
system will automatically release without any input after 25 seconds.
22 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
Function setting - Changing Current Time
Please press function setup
button. If pressing function setup button repeatedly, it moves to time setup menu. ‘Time setup’ icon is indicated at that time and date blinks at current time indication area.
Ex) Changing Current Time as 'Monday / AM 10:20'.
Press key to adjust the current
Press key to move to AM/ PM setting
mode (the 'AM/ PM segment will flash).
Setting AM/ PM value by pressing button.
Press button to move to 'Hour' setting mode. (the 'Hour' segment will flash)
Setting Hour value by pressing button.
Operating Instructions
Owner's Manual 23
Press button to move to 'Minute'
setting mode. (the 'Minute' segment will flash)
Setting Minute value by pressing
Press button to finish.
In the process, press
button to release and exit from setting mode. (In case of exit with incomplete information, it will return to the previous setting) When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
Operating Instructions
24 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Programming - Simple Reservation
You can set the reservation conveniently in the units of 1 hour from 1 hour to 7 hours.
h When simple reservation setup, product automatically runs or stops after the time that is set.
Press button to enter the
Programming mode. (the segment flashing)
Ex) Setting Simple Reservation time as '3'.
Press button to adjust reservation
Press button to finish setting.
Press button to exit.
After setup, it automatically gets out of
setup mode if there is no button input for 25 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
Operating Instructions
Owner's Manual 25
Programming : Weekly Reservation
You can set the daily reservation in weekly unit. Weekly reservation keeps operating until before you cancel it once you setup
Please move to reservation setup mode by pressing reservation button.
You can setup two weekly reservations for one day, and up to fourteen
reservations for a week. For example, to setup (Tuesday morning 11:30 turned on ~ afternoon 12:30 turned off), you setup in order below.
Please move to 'weekly' by
repeatedly pressing reservation button. 'Weekly' blinks at this time.
Please select weekly reservation or
weekly reservation ¡ by using button. You can setup two reservations,
weekly reservation 1 and weekly reservation 2, for a day.
Please move to 'date' setup part by
using button. If 'date' indication blinks, please setup date. You can setup date from Monday to Sunday.
Please move to 'AM/PM' setup part
of turning on by using button.
Please move to 'hour' setup part of
turning on by using button.
- It is the part to setup the time at which air-conditioner is turned on.
Please change time by using button.
- You can setup hour 0~12.
Please move to 'minute' setup part of turning on by using button.
If 'minute' indication blinks, please setup 'minute' by using button
Operating Instructions
26 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Please move to 'AM/PM' setup part of turning off by using button.
- AM/PM setup is identical with turning on time setup.
Please move to 'hour' setup part of turning off by using Right button.
- It is the part to reserve the time
at which air-conditioner is turned off.
- If 'hour' indication blinks, please
setup 'hour'.
Please setup 'hour' and 'minute' identically with the method to setup turning on time.
If finishing weekly reservation setup, please press setup/cancellation button. Weekly reservation setup for the day that you set is finished.
If you setup with the method identical with above by selecting the day that you'd like to setup, it operates weekly reservation. If you setup both turning on reservation time and turning off reservation time identically, it doesn't operate reservation drive.
Weekly reservation explanation
Turning on time
Under bar: the indication that there is weekly reservation for corresponding day
Reservation number
Turning off time
h Indoor unit is turned on to desired temperature if it is configured using up/down button during preset of weekly operation time.
(Temperature selection range : 18℃~30℃)
- When desired temperature is not set, it is turned on automatically with desired temperature of previous operation.
Operating Instructions
Owner's Manual 27
Programming - Sleep Reservation
Sleep reservation is the function of air-conditioner to run and stop after certain period of time at sleep mode before sleep. When connected to a ventilation product and set the sleep reservation, when it goes to the sleep mode, after the set time has elapsed.
Please reserve proper time at sleeping. (Too much air-cooling is not good for your health.)
• Because it automatically adjusts desired temperature for comfortable air-cooling at sleep drive,
there could be difference between remote controller's desired temperature and air-conditioner body's desired temperature.
• Sleep reservation operates as off reservation for the product whose temperature adjustment isn't
controlled by unit of 0.5°C.
Press button to enter the
Programming mode. Ex) Setting Sleep Reservation time as '3'.
Repeat pressing button to enter the
SLEEP reservation setting mode. ( segment flashing)
Press button to adjust reservation
time. The SLEEP reservation time is from 1 to 7 hours.
Press button to finish setting.
Whenever reservation is done.
Press button to exit.
After setup, it automatically gets out of
setup mode if there is no button input for 60 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
- If reservation is setup, 'sleep' indication shows up at the lower part of LCD screen.
If finishing sleep reservation setup,
air-conditioner product operates sleep drive and stops after the time that is set.
Operating Instructions
28 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Programming - ON Reservation
Automatically turned On at reserved time that you set.
Press button.
Ex) Setting ON Reservation Time as 'AM 10:20'.
Repeat pressing button to
enter the ON reservation setting mode. ( segment flashing)
Press button to adjust AM/ PM
Press button to Hour setting
mode. When the Hour icon flash, please setting time. The setting range is within 1~12.
Press button to shift to Minute setting mode. When the Minute icon flash, please setting minute the setting range is within 00~59.
Press button to finish setting.
Operating Instructions
Owner's Manual 29
Press button to exit.
After setup, it automatically gets out of
setup mode if there is no button input for 25 seconds.
When exiting without pressing set
button, the manipulated value is not reflected.
- If reservation is set, 'turned on' indication shows up at the lower part of LCD screen, and air-conditioner product runs at the time that is set.
- If reservation is cancelled, 'turned on' indication disappears.
Operating Instructions
30 Ceiling Cassette-Type Air Conditioner
Programming - OFF Reservation
Automatically turned Off at reserved time that you set.
Press button.
Ex) Setting OFF Reservation Time as 'AM 10:20'.
Repeatedly pressing button
to enter the OFF reservation setting mode. ( segment flashing)
Press button to adjust AM/ PM
Press button to shift to Hour
setting mode. When the Hour icon flash, please setting time. The setting range is within 1~12.
Press button to shift to Minute setting mode. When the Minute icon flash, please setting minute the setting range is within 00~59.
Press button to finish setting.
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