LG Neon II, GW370 Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide
Use your phone for more than just talking.
• Text and Picture Messaging
• Mobile Email
• AT&T Music
• AT&T Navigator
• Multitasking
Actual color of the phone may vary.
See User Manual for Spanish instructions.
Additional charges may apply. Visit att.com for more details. Phone features subject to change without prior notice. All phone screens are simulated. Services may not be available in all markets.
Service provided by AT&T Mobility. © 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are proprietary to their respective owners.
Getting to Know Your Phone
* Press and hold the Volume Down Key
to toggle Vibration Mode on and off.
microSD™ Memory Slot
Multitasking Key
Camera Key
Left Soft Key
Dial Pad Key
Call Key
Reflective Mirror
Micro USB Charging Port
For more information, visit att.com/devicesupport.
OK Key/ 4-Way Navigation Thumb Pad**
Create Message
Contact List
My Stuff IM
Right Soft Key
Power/End Key Clear & Back Key
QWERTY Keyboard
Browse the web, take notes, and send messages with the slide-out QWERTY keyboard! Access your favorite features from standby mode with the shortcut keys on the left or the arrow keys on the right.
Function LED
Shift LED
Left Soft Key
Message Key
Mobile Web Key
Mobile Email Key
Space Key Left Arrow Key*
Symbol Key
Shift Key Function Key
OK/Enter Key
Delete Key
Right Soft Key
Up Arrow Key*
(Create Message)
Right Arrow Key*
Down Arrow Key* (Contact List)
(My Stuff)
AT&T Social Net
Keep on top of your world with AT&T Social Net, which allows you to access the latest news as well as popular social networks all in one place.
Access AT&T Social Net
1. From standby mode, tap the Right Soft Key to access the main menu and select Social Net (3) with the Key.
2. To accept data charges if asked, tap the Left Soft Key for Continue. To accept the End User License Agreement, tap the Left Soft Key for Accept.
3. You may need to enter your phone number. When you’re finished, tap the Left Soft Key for Done.
4. Push left or right on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and more.
Use AT&T Social Net
• Select , , or to quickly update your status.
• Select information.
• Select status updates.
for the latest news and
for a snapshot of all your
to access
Text and Picture Messaging
When you need to communicate privately and quickly, use text messaging. Send text messages to other wireless phones and email addresses.
1. With the phone horizontal and the slide open, press the Key.
2. Enter your message with the keyboard and press the
3. Select a contact by highlighting it with the arrow keys and pressing the Key. To enter a number or email address or to adjust other options, press the
Left Soft Key for Options and select Enter Number (1). When you are ready,
press the Right Soft Key for Send.
Insert a Picture
1. Once you have created a message, press the Right Soft Key for Insert.
2. Press the 2 Key for Picture, and then press the the highlighted thumbnail.
3. Press the follow the instructions from Step 3 above.
Please don’t text and drive.
Key for Send To.
Key for Insert to attach
Key for Send To and
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