LG MIB3OI User Manual

Owner's manual
Edition 07.2019
Golf Owner's manual
Owner's manual Golf Print status: 20.03.2019 English: 2019.07
Vehicle data sticker
Fig. 1 1: Vehicle identification number; 2: Vehicle type, engine power, gearbox type; 3: Engine code, gearbox code, paint number, interior equipment; 4: Optional extras, PR numbers
Pre-delivery inspection carried out on:
Date of delivery to customer/initial registration:
Volkswagen dealership stamp Volkswagen dealership stamp
Whichever comes first.
Volkswagen works continuously to develop and fur­ther improve all models. Please understand that we must therefore reserve the right to alter any part of the vehicle and its equipment or technical specifica­tions at any time. The information provided con­cerning scope of delivery, appearance, performance, dimensions, weights, fuel consumption, standards and vehicle functions is all correct at the time of go­ing to print. Some of the equipment and functions described might not yet be available in a particular vehicle (information can be provided by your local Volkswagen dealership), or may be available only in certain countries. The vehicle illustrated on the cov­er may have certain items of optional equipment which are only available at extra cost, or which are only available in certain markets. Your Volkswagen dealership will be able to inform you about varia-
tions in different countries. Subject to alteration and amendment. No legal commitment may be inferred from the information, illustrations or descriptions in this manual.
No part of this manual may be reprinted, reproduced or translated without the written permission of Volkswagen AG.
All rights under the laws of copyright are expressly reserved by Volkswagen AG. Subject to alteration and amendment.
Printed in Germany.
© 2019 Volkswagen AG
This paper was bleached without the use of chlorine.
Thank you for choosing Volkswagen
By purchasing this Volkswagen, you have become the owner of a vehicle fitted with the most up-to-date technology and a multitude of convenience functions for your use and enjoyment.
Before using your vehicle for the first time, please read and observe the information in this owner's manual. It will quickly help you to become familiar with your vehicle and all of its functions as well as making you aware of dangers to yourself and others and of how these dangers can be avoided.
If you have any further questions about your vehicle, or if you think that the vehicle wallet has not covered everything, please get in touch with your Volkswagen dealership. They will always be happy to deal with your questions, suggestions or problems. We hope you enjoy driving your new vehicle. Happy motoring.
Volkswagen AG
Getting started
Introduction to the topic
The function and settings of the Infotainment sys­tem depend on the country and vehicle equipment.
Before using for the first time
Before using the device for the first time, please ob­serve the following points so you can make full use of the available functions and settings:
— Observe the basic safety instructions
→ page 190.
— Reset the Infotainment system to factory set-
— Find your favourite radio stations and store them
to station buttons for quick access → page 202.
— Use only suitable audio sources and data media
→ page 205.
— Pair a mobile device to make calls using the tele-
phone interface → page 212.
— Use current map data for the navigation
→ page 207.
— Register with Volkswagen We Connect to use the
corresponding services → page 177.
Other applicable documents
In addition to this manual, please observe the fol­lowing documents when using this Infotainment system and its components:
— Supplements to the vehicle wallet of your vehicle. — The operating instructions for the mobile device
or audio sources.
— The operating instructions for external data media
and playback devices.
— Instructions for any Infotainment accessories sub-
sequently installed or additionally used.
— Service description when using Volkswagen We
Connect services.
— Digital operating instructions in the Infotainment
system (where available)
Safety notes
Please refer to and on page 190.
— Some functions may contain links to websites
that are operated by third parties. Volkswagen AG
does not assume ownership of the third-party websites that are reached via links and is not re­sponsible for their content.
— Some functions may contain external information
supplied by third parties. Volkswagen AG is not responsible for external information being cor­rect, up-to-date and complete, or for any in­fringement of third-party rights.
— The radio stations or owners of the data storage
media and audio sources are responsible for the content provided.
— Multi-storey car parks, tunnels, high buildings,
mountains, and other electrical devices, e.g. bat­tery chargers, can also impair radio reception.
— Films or metal-coated stickers on the aerial and
on the windows can interfere with radio recep­tion.
The central computer of the Infotainment system is networked with the control units installed in the vehicle. Incorrect repair or incorrect removal and installation of the central computer therefore lead to an increase risk of accident and injury.
Never replace the central computer with a used
central computer from end-of-life vehicles or from recycling.
Have the central computer removed and instal-
led or repaired only by a qualified workshop. Volkswagen recommends using a Volkswagen dealership for this purpose.
The factory-installed radio with integrated hard­ware is networked with the control units installed in the vehicle. Incorrect repair or incorrect removal and installation of the radio therefore lead to an increase risk of accident and injury.
Never replace the radio with a used radio from
end-of-life vehicles or from recycling. Have the radio removed and installed or re-
paired only by a qualified workshop. Volkswa­gen recommends using a Volkswagen dealer­ship for this purpose.
Accidents and injuries can occur if the driver is dis­tracted. Reading information off the screen and operating the Infotainment system can distract you from the road and cause accidents.
Always drive carefully and responsibly.
190 Infotainment
Connecting, inserting or removing data media or audio sources while the vehicle is in motion can distract you from the road and lead to accidents.
Set the volume so that noises outside the vehicle (e.g. emergency service sirens) can be easily heard at all times.
Setting the volume too high may damage your
hearing. This is the case even if you are only ex­posed to high volumes for short periods.
The following conditions can lead to situations where emergency calls, telephone calls and data transmission are not possible or are interrupted:
If your current location is in an area with no or
insufficient mobile communications and GPS re­ception. This can also include tunnels, streets with tall buildings, garages, underpasses, moun­tains and valleys.
If you are in an area with sufficient mobile com-
munications and GPS reception but the tele­communications provider's mobile network is out of order or is not available.
If the components in the vehicle required for
emergency calls, telephone calls and data trans­mission are damaged, not working or do not have sufficient electrical power.
If the rechargeable battery in the mobile device
is flat or has insufficient charge level.
In some countries and mobile networks, a call for assistance or an emergency call can be made only if a mobile device is connected to the vehicle's mobile phone interface that contains an “un­locked” SIM card with sufficient credit, and if there is sufficient network coverage.
Read and follow the appropriate operating man­uals of the respective manufacturer when using mobile devices, data media, external devices, ex­ternal audio and media sources.
Arrange the wires for external devices and audio sources so that they do not obstruct the driver.
The volume level may suddenly change when you switch the audio or media source or connect a new source.
Reduce the volume before switching the audio
or media source or connecting a new source.
The limit values for electromagnetic radiation in the vehicle may be exceeded, and thus the health of the driver and vehicle occupants may be endan­gered when operating a mobile or wireless device without a connection to an external aerial. This al­so applies to external aerials which have not been correctly installed.
Maintain a minimum distance of 20 centimetres
between the aerials of the mobile device and an active medical implant, since the mobile devices may impair the function of active medical im­plants.
Do not carry an operational mobile device close
to or directly above an active medical implant, e.g. in a breast pocket.
Switch off mobile devices immediately if you
suspect they may be interfering with an active medical implant or any other medical device.
Mobile devices, external devices and accessories in the vehicle that are not properly secured can be flung though the vehicle interior and cause injuries in the event of a sudden driving or braking ma­noeuvre or in the event of an accident.
Secure any mobile devices and accessories out-
side the deployment zone of the airbags or stow them safely.
The centre armrest can obstruct the driver's arm movements. This can cause accidents and severe injuries.
Always keep the stowage compartment in the
centre armrest closed while the vehicle is in motion.
Unfavourable light conditions and a damaged or dirty screen may result in displays and information not being read or not being read correctly from the screen.
Displays and information on the screen must
never cause you to take safety risks. The screen
Getting started 191
is no substitute for full concentration on the part of the driver.
Radio stations can transmit catastrophe and dan­ger warnings. The following conditions can pre­vent these warnings from being received or issued:
If your current location is in an area with no or
insufficient radio signal reception. This can also include tunnels, streets with tall buildings, ga­rages, underpasses, mountains and valleys.
If the frequency bands of the radio stations are
subject to interference or are not available in areas with adequate radio signal reception.
If the loudspeakers and the components re-
quired for radio reception in the vehicle are damaged, not working or do not have a suffi­cient power supply.
When the Infotainment system is switched off.
Switch off mobile devices in areas with a risk of explosion.
Driving recommendations and traffic symbols dis­played by the navigation system may differ from the current traffic situation.
Road signs, traffic signals, traffic regulations
and local conditions have priority over the rec­ommendations and displays provided by the navigation system.
Adapt your speed and driving style to suit visi-
bility, weather, road and traffic conditions. Certain events can make the originally planned
driving time and route to the destination con­siderably longer or make navigation there tem­porarily impossible, e.g. due to a road being closed.
Your mobile device must always be switched off in areas where special regulations apply and when the use of mobile devices is forbidden. The radiation produced by the mobile device when switched on may interfere with sensitive technical and medical equipment, possibly resulting in malfunction or damage to the equipment.
The loudspeakers may be damaged if the volume is too high or the sound is distorted.
Notes on use
Please refer to and on page 190.
— The Infotainment system needs a few seconds for
a complete system start and does not respond to inputs during this time. During system startup, only the rear view camera image can be dis­played.
— The Infotainment system needs to start up com-
pletely before all displays are available and before it is possible to run functions. The duration of a system start depends on the functional scope of the Infotainment system and can also take longer than usual particularly at low and high tempera­tures.
— When using the Infotainment system and the cor-
responding accessories, such as a headset or ear­phones, please observe the country-specific regu­lations and legal requirements.
— Some Infotainment functions require an active
We Connect user account for the vehicle and an online connection to the Internet. The data trans­fer must not be restricted for the execution of the functions.
— Lightly pressing the buttons or touching the
touchscreen is sufficient to operate the Infotain­ment system.
— To ensure that the Infotainment system works
properly, it is important to make sure the system is switched on and that the correct date and time are set in the vehicle – where available.
— A missing function button on the screen does not
constitute a fault in the unit; it corresponds to the country-specific equipment.
— Some functions of the Infotainment system are
available only when the vehicle is stationary. In some countries, the selector lever must addition­ally be in parking position P or neutral position N. This is not a malfunction, but simply a legal re­quirement.
— There may be restrictions on the use of Blue-
tooth® devices in some countries. Information is available from the local authorities.
— Switch the ignition on before switching the Info-
tainment system back on if the 12-volt vehicle battery has been disconnected.
— Changes to settings may cause the display con-
tent to vary and some aspects of the Infotain­ment system operation to differ from the descrip­tions given in this manual.
— Repairs and modifications to the Infotainment
system should be carried out only by a qualified
192 Infotainment
workshop. Volkswagen recommends using a Volkswagen dealership for this purpose.
— Using a mobile device in the vehicle may cause
noise from the speakers.
— In some countries, the Infotainment system is au-
tomatically switched off when the engine is switched off and when the 12-volt vehicle battery charge level is low.
— In certain vehicles with Park Distance Control, the
volume of the current audio source is lowered au­tomatically when reverse gear is engaged. It is possible to lower the volume.
— Information on the included software and the li-
cence conditions is stored under:
— If you sell your vehicle or loan it to somebody
else, make sure that all the stored data, files and settings are deleted and that the SD card, external audio sources and data media are removed where applicable.
Main menus on the start screen
Air conditioning
Media Control
Users, User management
Auxiliary heater
→ page 106
→ page 198
→ page 207
→ page 176
→ page 202, → page 205
→ page 198
→ page 110
→ page 212
Start screen HOME
Please refer to and on page 190.
You can configure the layout of the tiles, views and displays on the start screen of the display and oper­ating unit or have them positioned on the basis of factory layout templates.
If a tile is not present, this is not a fault but corre­sponds to the country-specific equipment of your vehicle.
The following main menus may be included as tiles on the start screen:
Main menus on the start screen
(not available in all countries)
Background lighting
Driver assist systems
on the functions and operation of the Info­tainment system.
→ page 183
→ page 133
: here you can find further information
Technical data
Please refer to and on page 190.
Radio with integrated hardware (8.25")
The radio installed in the vehicle at the factory con­tains country-specific components and software for connectivity and for execution of Infotainment, con­venience and vehicle functions.
The corresponding displays are shown on the screen of the radio and in some cases in the instrument cluster and head-up display.
— Capacitive colour screen:
— 8.25-inch variant, TFT display, WVGA: 1,082 x
480 pixels.
— Device operation by touching the screen, rotary/
push knob, menu control and buttons on the mul­tifunction steering wheel.
Central computer with display and operating unit (10")
The central computer installed in the vehicle at the factory contains country-specific components and software for connectivity and for execution of Info­tainment, convenience and vehicle functions.
The corresponding displays are shown on the screen of the display and operating unit and in some cases in the instrument cluster and head-up display.
— Capacitive colour screen:
— 10-inch variant, TFT display, HD: 1,280 x 720
Getting started
— Device operation by:
— Sensor fields. Touch operation. — Buttons on the multifunction steering wheel. — Proximity sensor (driver/front passenger detec-
tion, gesture control).
Convenience and vehicle functions
— Settings for driver assist systems — Settings for heating and air conditioning system. — Settings for light and vision functions. — Settings for convenience functions. — Settings for parking and manoeuvring
Sound system
Please refer to and on page 190.
Basic equipment:
The Infotainment system available from the factory is equipped as follows:
— Two to four loudspeakers, in different installation
locations. — Amplifier output power, max. 5 x 20 watts. — Setting options:
— Treble, Mid, Bass.
— Volume distribution front, rear and left, right
(balance, fader).
Optional sound system
The Infotainment system can be extended as follows by an optional sound system:
— Up to 9 loudspeakers, in different installation lo-
cations and with different power ratings (watt). — External amplifier (DSP-Ethernet). — Separate subwoofer. — Setting options:
— Equaliser, Treble, Mid, Bass.
— Volume distribution front, rear and left, right
(balance, fader).
— Seat-dependent sound optimisation (sound fo-
cus). — Subwoofer volume. — Surround settings.
Please refer to and on page 190.
Wi-Fi (only for 10")
— Wi-Fi in accordance with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac. — Transfer in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. — Three Wi-Fi modes simultaneously:
— Tethering (2.4 or 5 GHz), — 2.4 GHz access point, — 5 GHz access point.
— Wi-Fi aerial.
— One multiband aerial each for 2.4 and 5 GHz.
— Up to 8 Wi-Fi devices can be connected simulta-
— Internet connection via Wi-Fi:
— Tethering via customer telephone,
— Hotspot for clients in the vehicle. — Apple CarPlay via Wi-Fi. — Audio and video streaming via Wi-Fi — Simplified coupling process via WPS, NFC or QR
Bluetooth® profiles
A maximum of three Bluetooth® devices can be con­nected at the same time.
The Infotainment system is delivered with a version
4.2 Bluetooth® interface. These Bluetooth® profiles may be present: — HFP 1.7 (Hands-Free Profile)
— Telephony and speakerphone. — A2DP 1.3 (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile).
— Music playback. — AVRCP 1.6 (Audio Video Remote Control Profile)
— Display and operation of music playback.
— Transmission of Cover Arts. — PBAP 1.2 (Phone Book Access Profile)
— Access to phone book and call lists. — MAP 1.3 (Message Access Profile)
— Access to SMS and e-mail. — SSP 1.2 (Serial Port Profile).
— Serial data transmission via Bluetooth®.
194 Infotainment
Overview and controls: 10 inch
Please refer to and on page 190.
Fig. 129 Overview: display and control unit of the 10 inch version (10”).
Status of privacy settings with number of possi-
ble notifications.
button: .
Status display for seat heating and seat ventila-
tion. Sensor field (Infotainment system on or off).
Touch slider for temperature.
Touch slider for volume.
Views (the current view is highlighted).
8 9 Temperature display (adjustment via 6 ).
Scroll bar.
Drop-down menu.
Function buttons for main menus (tiles).
Screen (touchscreen).
Gesture control is switched on.
Opens the start page. — Touch .
5 Sensor field (on or off)
Switches the Infotainment system manually on and off.
— Touch the sensor field.
6 Touch slider for temperature
Touch slider for the driver position, touch slider for the front passenger position.
— Swipe to the left to reduce the temperature. — Swipe to the right to increase the temperature.
7 Touch slider for volume
— Swipe to the left to reduce the volume. — Swipe to the right to increase the volume.
Further information and tips on operating the Infotainment system can be found at
→ page 197, Operating the Infotainment system.
Getting started 195
Submenus and functions have several views with different content. Active views are marked by being highlighted in colour.
— Touch a marking to change the view. — Swipe left or right across the screen to switch be-
tween views.
10 Scroll bar
Some menus and functions have further content above or below the current screen view.
— Touch the scroll bar and pull it up or down.
11 Drop-down menu
Further function buttons for functions and notifica­tions can be found in the drop-down menu. Dis­played functions can be configured → page 198.
— Touch a marking and pull it down to open the
drop-down menu.
Overview and controls: 8.25 inch
Please refer to and on page 190.
12 Function buttons for main menus (tiles)
Open the main menus using the function buttons. The position of the function buttons can be config­ured → page 198.
— Touch to open a main menu, e.g. for the tele-
phone interface.
13 Screen
Operate the functions of the Infotainment system via the screen. A detailed description of the various finger movements can be found in the digital in­structions.
— Touch
Fig. 130 Overview: radio of the 8.25 inch version (8.25”).
Rotary/push knob.
196 Infotainment
Status of privacy settings with number of possi-
ble notifications.
+ 22 hidden pages