Lg MF-FM12E1K, MF-FM12E1W User Manual [sv]

Important safety instructions

Please follow the safety instructions closely to reduce the risk of acci­dents or damage to equipment.
Do not place an object on the product.
Do not drop an object or give shock on the product.
Keep this product away from the heat.
Keep your computing envi­ronment clean and free of dust.
Do not use this product while driving a car or operat­ing other machines.
Do not disassemble, repair, or remodel the product.

Viktig säkerhetsinformation

Följ säkerhetsinstruktionerna noga för att minska risken för personska­dor eller skador på utrustningen.
Placera inga föremål på spelaren.
Tappa ingenting på spela­ren. Utsätt den inte heller för stötar.
Håll spelaren borta från värmekällor.
Se till att din datorplats är ren och dammfri.
Använd inte produkten medan du kör bil eller an­vänder tunga maskiner.
Försök inte att plocka isär eller reparera produkten.

Vigtige sikkerhedsinstruktioner

Følg sikkerhedsinstruktionerne for at reducere risikoen for uheld eller beskadigelse af udstyret.

Anbring ikke genstande oven på produktet.
Tab ikke en genstand på produktet, og udsæt det ikke for stød.
Hold dette produkt på af­stand af varmekilder.
Hold computermiljøet rent og frit for støv.
Brug ikke dette produkt, mens du kører bil eller be­tjener andre maskiner.
Produktet må ikke skilles ad, repareres eller ombyg­ges.

Viktig om sikkerhet

Følg sikkerhetsinstruksene nøye for å redusere risikoen for ulykker eller skade på utstyret.

Ikke sett noe på produktet.
Ikke slipp produktet ned el­ler utsett det for støt.
Ikke utsett produktet for he­te.
Hold alltid miljøet der du driver med data fritt for støv.
Ikke bruk produktet når du kjører bil eller bruker andre maskiner.
Ikke forsøk å demontere, reparere eller remodellere produktet.

Tärkeitä turvallisuusohjeita

Noudata turvallisuusohjeita tarkoin vähentääksesi onnettomuuksien tai laitteen vahingoittumisen riskiä.

Älä laita tuotteen päälle mi­tään esinettä.
Älä pudota tuotteen päälle esinettä tai altista tuotetta iskulle.
Pidä tämä tuote poissa kuumuudesta.
Pidä tietokoneen ympäristö puhtaana ja pölyttömänä.
Älä käytä tätä tuotetta, kun ajat autoa tai käytät muita koneita.
Älä pura, korjaa, tai muuta tuotetta.

Table of Contents

Important safety instructions ..................................................i
Viktig säkerhetsinformation .....................................................i
Vigtige sikkerhedsinstruktioner ............................................ii
Viktig om sikkerhet .......................................................................ii
Tärkeitä turvallisuusohjeita ....................................................iii
Package contents ......................................................................... 3
Name of each component ........................................................ 3
Installation and connection .................................................... 4
Installing software ....................................................................... 5
Basic operation ............................................................................. 6
Selecting language ...................................................................... 7
Downloading ................................................................................... 8
Följande medföljer ....................................................................... 9
Namn på de olika delarna ........................................................ 9
Installation och anslutning ................................................... 10
Installera programvaran ......................................................... 11
Grundläggande funktioner .................................................... 12
Välja språk ...................................................................................... 13
Filnedladdning ............................................................................. 14
Pakkens indhold ......................................................................... 15
De enkelte komponenters navne ....................................... 15
Installation og tilslutning ....................................................... 16
Installation af softwaren ......................................................... 17
Grundlæggende brug ............................................................... 18
Valg af sprog ................................................................................. 19
Download ........................................................................................ 20
Pakkens innhold ......................................................................... 21
Navn på hver komponent ....................................................... 21
Installasjon og tilkobling ........................................................ 22
Installere software ..................................................................... 23
Enkel bruk ...................................................................................... 24
Velg språk ....................................................................................... 25
Nedlasting ...................................................................................... 26
Pakkauksen sisältö ................................................................... 27
Kunkin komponentin nimi ..................................................... 27
Asennus ja yhdistäminen ...................................................... 28
Ohjelmistojen asentaminen .................................................. 29
Peruskäyttö .................................................................................... 30
Kielen valitseminen ................................................................... 31
Lataamassa .................................................................................... 32

Package contents

Main body USB cable Earphones Line-In cable
Software CD
- Components of this product are subject to change without prior notice for per­formance improvement.
Quick Setup
Neck strap

Name of each component

1. Display
2. MENU (pressing and holding open Home menu), FF/REW (changes selection), Volume
3. Hold button
4. Neck strap holder
5. Earphones connector
6. Record button
7. Repeat/Bookmark
8. ON/OFF/Play/Pause
9. MIC
10. USB sliding button
11. USB connect o r

Installation and connection

Inserting the battery

1. Push the battery cover to the direction of the arrow.
2. Insert one AAA-type battery with +/- aligned.
3. Close the battery chamber cover.

Battery Info

This product dose not come with an AC adapter.
1. Running Hours: Max 18 hrs (In the case of MP3 128 Kbps/44.4 KHz, EQ Normal, Volume 15 and alkaline batt ery)
2. When the battery is almost used up, icon will appear.
3. When the battery is at a certain level, icon will be displayed for two seconds and the player will be turned off.

Connecting the USB cable

1. Press and push USB sliding bar to expose USB connector and insert the connector to USB socket.
2. icon will be displayed.
1. Remove the battery when not used for long.
2. When the battery leaked, clean the chamber and replace it with a new one.

Installing software

Check the specifications of your PC before using LG portable Flash MP3 Player.

Minimum system requirements

- CD ROM drive / Pentium3 or higher CPU / 128MB or more memory / 100MB or more hard disc
- 800X600 mode / High Color (16 bit) or better video card / Sound card

Before using the MP3 player, Updating Firmware program should be installed.

1. Insert the operation program CD into the CD ROM.
2. Available software list for the installation will be shown.
3. Click on the application program to install, an d follow the d isplayed instructions.
4. During the installation of the LG Media Center, you can install the Windows Media Player and the Internet Explorer for the operating environment.
5. After the installation is completed, click [Finish] to exit the setup.
6. The manager program icon will be created on the Desktop and under Start > All Programs Menu is completed.

Basic operation

Power on/off

1. Press and hold ON/OFF button over 1 second to turn on, and repeat it over 3 seconds to trun off.
- Initial selection of the button while the power is off will turn on the player. Buttons will function properly once the player is turned on.

Controlling the volume

Push the Volume Up/Down button to adjust volume.


1. Slide bar to the direction of the arrow to enable Hold.
2. To disable Hold, slide bar to the direction of the arrow.
- In Hold mode, will be displayed. Whenever the user presses a function key, will be displayed for two seconds.

Selecting features (FM is option.)

Home Menu comprises 5 modes.
1. Press and hold MENU button to open home menu.
2. Select a mode by pressing Left/Right button and press MENU but­ton to enter the mode.

Selecting language

The default language is English

This device supports English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Korean, Russian, French, Portuguese, German, and Spanish.
1. Press MEMU button to start Home menu.
2. Select [Setting] by pushing FF/REW button and press MENU but­ton.
3. Select [Display] by pushing FF/REW button and press MENU but­ton.
4. Select [Language] by pushing Volume +/- button and press MENU button.
5. Select a Language by pusing Volume +/- button and press MENU button.


Removable Storage device

- Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP
Downloading in Explorer (Drag & Drop)
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