Please _rea,dthe ,operating instructions and safety precautions ,caref,ully
and thorou,chly before installing and o,pe_ratmcyour room air condiboner
Po_rfavor lea las instru,cci,ones de opera,cton y las precauciones ,de
secu,ndad cu4dadosa y totalmen,te antes de :mstallary operar su
acondl¢_lonadorde aire de ventana.
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
"Youcon fi_ the numbers on a labe_on the side ,ofthe
Dealer's Name
Dale Purchased
IIi Staple your r_r:eipt to this page in the even| yo_=need it
to p_ove date ,ofpurchase or for walrfanty issues,
inside you will find many heip{ul hints oin hc_wto use and
maintain your ,air conditio,r_r pro_dy, Just a liittie pr_entive
care on your _t can save, y_ a great deal of time and
money over the fife of your air conditioner
htbulll find mar_i answers to, common problems in the c#art
of troubiesho_ing t#s Ill you review ,our char of
Troubleshooting Tips tirst, you may rio{ r_ed to, carl for
servia at aft,
• Con_ct an Authorized _r_ce C-enter for repair or
maintenance of this unR Call i-877-7i4-7_6 to
locate the nearest ASC
.,The air condttio, ner is not intended for use by 'young
children or invalids without supervision,
• Young children should be supervi_d to entre that
tlhey do not play with the air ,conditioner,
• if the power cord t_uttes mp,_a_me_, have an
Author_z_ _rvi_t insta|_ an exact _eplacement
• installation work musl: _ perfotm_ in accordance
w_th 'the National Electric Code by q_al#t_ a_d
authorized personnel o_|y.
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent iniury to the user or other _op_e and property damage, the following instructions
must be folllowed.
[] incorrect operation due to ignoring instructions willl cause harm or damage. The seriiousness
is classified by the following indications.
[] Because of the weight of the product, it is re_mmended that you have a helper to assist in
the installation.
[] Meanings of symbols us_ in this manual are as shown below.
Be sure not to do. "/
Be sure to follow t
[] Installation
, improper assemNy or installation may _use
incorrect o_ration,, inclluding injury, fire, and
electric shock hazards.
, It may cause explosion or fire.
, It may cause fire and electric shock.
• It may cause .el.ectric shock and ifaiilure.
Owner_ Manual 3
[] Operation
. ,_he_[se, it'M]] cause
electric shock or fire
. _ will _use electric shock or
• It wi]llcause e_ectricshock or
• It will cause ele_ric sho_ or
•litwill cause ellect:r[cshock or
• No grounding may _use
ele_ric sho_.
. _herw[se it will cause fire
and electric shock accident.
4 Room Air Conditioner
• It may cause fire and electri,c
• It may cause eliectric shock.
. The air conditioner must be operated in a
enclosed area to be most effective
• It may cause explosion, fire, and burn.
. Ut:wi!l cause electric shock or failure of
[] Installation
, They are sharp and may
cause injury.
•_may _use failure of
appliance or performance
.Water may enter the unit: and degrade the
insulation. It may cause an electric shock.
• If the outer case is damaged,
it must be repair_ or
repi_aced immediately.
Leaving it damaged _uld
result in the air _nditioner
hlling out of the _ndow,
creating a _fety hazard.
Owner_ Manual 5
[] Operation
. It may cause injury.
, Since the fan rotates at high
sp.e_ during operation, it:may
cause injury.
• It may cause elec_ic shock
and damage.
• This _.uld iniury the pet o.r
., it will waste power
consumption in vain and it
may cause accident.
• It is an air conditioner, not a
precision refrigeration system
, Operation without fi_ters will
cause failure..
6 Room Air Conditioner
• Tlhe ap_arance of the air
c:ond_i,oner may deteriorate,
change color, or develop
.,It is not sanitary and could
cause illness ,o,r_rs,onal
injury hazard.
1 Plug in the power p,iug properly.
2. Use a dedicated circuit. Overloading the line could create a fire hazard.
3. Do not use an extension cord. See page 10 for more detaiils.
4. Do not staWstop operation by plugging/unplugging the power cord.
5. IIfthe power cord is damaged and requires, replacement, have an Authorized
Servicer install an exact replacement part.
1i_ Being exposed to direct airflow for an extended period o,ftime could b,e
hazardous to your health, Do not expiose occupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time.
2. Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when used
together with stoves or other heating devices.
3 Do not use this air conditioner for non-specified special purposes (e.g.
preserving precision devices, food, peR, plan_, and art objects). Such usage
could damage the, items.
4. The air conditioner is a consumer comfort appliance, not a precision climate
control system.
1. Do not touch the metal parts o,f the unit when removing the filter, injuries ,can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure t,owater can
destroy the insulation, leading to p,ossibi!e electric shock.
3. When cleaning the unit, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned
off. The, fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a
possibility of injury if the unit's power is accidentally triggered on while
cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance, ,contact an Authorized Service Center. See the,
warranty page, for details o,r call ,(800),243-000& Have your mode! number and
serial number available. They should be written on page, 2 of this manual.
Owner_ Manual 7