LG LT1030CR, LT1030C Owner’s Manual

Please read the operating instructions ,and safety precautions carefully and thoroughliy before [ns,taHin,g and op,erating your room air conditioner,
order to p_vent
for any damages
proiper air
Write the model and seria_ numbers here:
Model # _tial #
You can fir_ them o,n a Ilabel _ the side of _ch un_. Dealer's Name
Date Purchas_
II 8[ap[e you_ re_ipl[ to [his page #_#),e e_ar_t yc_ r_ it
to prove date of purchase or for warranty issue.
In,side _,u wil! find many h_pful hints oin h_ to [Be and maintain _ur air conditio,n_ pro_dy, ,,Justa little preventive care on your _t can _ y_ a great: dea_ oi time and money over the life of your air conditioner
YouH find many answers toi common p_oiblems in the c_rt of t_¢_b_ho_ing tips. if _u revi_ our chart o_
Troubleshooting Tips first you may not _ to cal_ for
servia at a&
Contact: the, author_d service t_hntctan for repair or maintenance of this unit.
Contact the installer for installation ,of this unit.
The air conditioner is not lintendied for use by young children or invalids without s,upervision_
,Young children should be _rvis_ to e_s,ure that
they _o not play with the air conditioner"
oWhen tlhe power cord is to be replaced, replacement
work shah be _rformed by authorized[ personnel only'
_si#g o_ly ,g_uine r_lacement p_rts,
install_lon work musl be performed in _cor_#ce
w_th the National El_ri,o C_e [by qualified and
authorized personnel oniy_
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent injury i to the user or other people and property damage, the fo_liowing instructions
_"°'"°'°'_"°.:c_'_o;_la,,oodoe,o,o ,os,,oc,,oo_,,,coosehormo_d o_heser,oosoeso
is classifi_ by the foJ]owJng indications,
I....m.moZh's..mO"od'c--e.theOoss'O'" o*deo*h:rse*'ou.'o.o 1
[., CAUTION This symbo_ indicates the possibility/,of injury or dama_ to properties only J
i Meanings of symbols us_ in this manua_ are as, shown below,
B,esure, not to ,do,
Be sure to follow the instruction,
[] Installation,
* _her,_ise, it may cause a fire
or electrica_ sh_k,
It may _use failure and ellectnc shock.
Otherwi_, it may cau_ a fire or eEectri_l shock,
° Sharp _ges may cause
It willl _u_ ellectric _ock or fire due to heat generation
It may cau_ exp!osbn or fire,
Owner_ Manual 3
!I Operation
There ='sdanger of fire or electric shocL
it may cau_ fire and electric shocL
It will cause electric shock or fire due to heat _neration,
It willcause failure of ma_ine or ele_Eic sh_k_
_iherwise, it may _use a fire or electrica_ sh_k,
The ap_arance of the air cond_ioner may de'_edorate, change color, or develop surfa_
Otherwi_ it may cau_ fire and el_tric shock a_i_nt.
° An oxygen shortage m_ occur,
4 Room Air Conditioner
_henNi_, it m_ry e_ectrical sho_ and failure.
° Since the fan rotates at high
_,_d daring operation, it may
Pr_ent accidenta! startJJpand
the,pei_bility Of iniury.
Hwill cause ebctric shock or fire litwill cause elledric shock or fire. It will _u_ electric chock. due to heat generation_
ff may cause etedric sh_ and _mage
Othe_ise, it:m_y cau_ explosion, and a fire,
III In allatio, n
O_erwi_, it may cause dispute with the neigh_rs.
* _ey are sharp and may cause
° O]he_ise, it may cause vibratio.n or water
Owner_ Manual 5
[] Operation
it may cause inju_,.
It may _use an injury through dropping of the unit or fa!lling
,, it m_ cause produ_ failure.
* O_ration without riflers wiB
_use 'failure
The ap,pearan_ of Me air conditioner m_ dieteriiorate,
change col.or,.ordevelop _rface fl._s.
° it contains con_inmer4s and will
make you sick.
°'_tmay cause injury.
6 Room Air Conditioner
° _her¢_ise, it may do harm to
your heaffh.
* Otherwise, it may cause
pe_ena_ injury.
Before Operation
1. Contact an installation specialist for installation.
2. Pllug in the power plug properlly.
3. Use a dedicat_ circuit.
4. Do not use an extension cord.
5. Do not start/stop operation by pluggin(}/unplugging the _wer cord.
6. if the _rd!plug is damaged, replace it with only an authorized replacement part.
1i_ Being expos_ to direct airflow for an extend_ period of time could be
hazardous to your health, Do, not expose _cupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time.
2. Due to the _ssibilibj of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the r_m when used together with stoves or other heating device&
3 Do not use this air conditioner for nonospecified special purples (e.g,
preserving precision devices, fo_, pets, plants, and art objects). Such u_ge could damage the items,
1 Do not touch the metal _rts of the unit when removing the filter, Injuries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock.
3. When ,cleaning the unit, first make sure that the _wer and breaker are turn,_ off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a _ssiibili#y of injury if the unit's power is a_identally triggered on while cleaning inner parts of the unit,
i!_ ii _i_
For repair and maintenance, contact your authorized service dealer.
Owner_ Manual 7
This symbol alerts you to the, risk of electric shock,.
This symbol alerts you to hazards that could cause harm to, the air cond_ione, r.
This symbol indicates, sp_ial notes.
This, appliance _ouJd _ installed in accordance with the National Electdc Code,
(_ona_ly s_p_ied wi_tli_your unit}
SLEEVE ,ASSEMBLY (l_c_uding Ah,_mi_umReal g_le)
REAR GRILLE (Aluminum Rear grille)
8 Room Air Conditioner
VE N'rT OONTR@.....
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