LG LSS464 User Manual [ru]

Smart Station
Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.
4 Features
5 Recommended PC Requirements
5 Before install the Smart Station
Getting Started
6 Install the Smart Station on your
6 Starting the Smart Station
7 Smart Station Overview
8 Menu Bar
10 Tool Bar
11 Function windows
11 Status bar
11 Pop-up menu
12 Live window icons
13 Add the device manually
13 Edit the device
14 Remove the device
14 Create a device group
14 Create a new group folder
14 Delete a group folder
14 Edit a group folder
15 Add the device to the
group folder
15 Connect the device
15 Connect the group device
15 Disconnect the device
16 Device setup
16 Confi guration menu
17 System settings
19 Video & Audio settings
22 Network settings
25 User settings
27 Schedule settings
30 Event settings
33 VA(Video Analytics) settings
38 Event (VA Rule) Setup
Operation and settings
13 Register the device
13 Add the device using
search function
38 Open the rule setting
38 Rule settings
39 Event settings
41 Station Setup
41 Recording Setting
43 System Setting
45 Schedule Setting
47 Recording and Playback
47 Manual recording
47 VA recording
47 Motion recording
48 Schedule recording
48 Search and Playback
49 Export
50 Export Setting
51 EMap
51 EMap Overview
53 PTZ control
56 Log Search
57 LG Smart Player
58 Using the IP Utility
58 Starting the IP Utility
58 IP Utility Overview
60 Troubleshooting
65 Open source software notice
4 Introduction
1 Introduction
The LG Smart Station is an IP-Surveillance software that works with the LG Video Server and LG
he LG Smart Station is an IP-Surveillance software that works with the LG Video Server and LG IP cameras to provide video monitoring, recording setting and event management functions. The software has multiple search functions for recorded events. Remote viewing and playback are also possible with the use of the Smart Station.
This manual contains instructions on how to use and manage the LG Smart Station in your networking environment. Some knowledge of networking environments would be beneficial to the reader.
Should you require any technical assistance, please contact authorized service center.
The LG Smart Station offers the following functions:
Remote setup available for LG IP device.
Video recording with NAS system and Local HDD drive.
EMap support
Device Finder
Intelligent Video Analytics Function
Motion detection Function
64 channels live view
Multiple playback at the same time
Camera Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control
2way audio support
User Privileges
AVI File Export
Various Layout and Intuitive User-Friendly GUI
Recommended PC Requirements
The LG Smart Station must be installed below operating systems for best performance and stability.
Items Requirements
Operating System Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 or above
CPU Intel Quad Core 2 Q6700 (2.66GHz) or above
Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above
DirectX DirectX 9.0 or above
Memory 2GB or above RAM
Graphics Card 256 MB or above Video RAM (Use latest graphics card driver.)
Resolution 1280 x1024 (with 32bit color) or above
100 Megabit Network
(Gigabit Network recommended for larger systems)
Before install the Smart Station program
The description pictures may differ from your OS (Operating System) or Web Browser type. • The pictures used in this manual are based on Windows XP Professional.
Do not use other applications with this Smart Station program. This can cause memory • shortage and program malfunction.
Check that the LG IP Device is(are) connected to the network and that power is supplied.
For more information on product installation, see the user manual of your LG IP device.
6 Getting Started
2 Getting Started
Install the Smart Station on your PC
nstall the Smart Station on your P
You can install the Smart Station software following steps.
1. Insert the Client Program CD which will be started automatically. If the disc does not run automatically on your PC, open the Client Program CD and install the program manually.
2. Run the install file and install the programs to your computer following the on-screen instructions.
3. After finishing installation, you will find the programs in the start menu or on the desk­top.
Starting the Smart Station
1. Run the Smart Station program. To launch Smart Station, select LG Smart Station from your Start > Programs > LG Electronics > Smart Station > Station > LG Smart Station or click the LG Smart Station icon on your desktop. The authorization window is displayed.
2. Enter the user ID and password. (Note that the default user ID and password are “admin”.)
3. Click the [OK] button and then the LG Smart Station window is displayed.
Smart Station Overview
Device Tree window
PTZ Control window
Menu Bar
Tool Bar
7Getting Started
Live window
Playback Control window
Log window
Status bar
8 Getting Started
Menu Bar
Menu Sub-Menu Description
File Print You can print the current live image of the selected
Edit Delete Channel Delete the selected channel.
View Toolbar / Status
User Log-in Selects when you log-in the Smart Station or change
the authorized use.
User Log-out Selects when you want to log-out.
JPEG Saving You can capture and save the current image by JPEG file
format of the selected channel. The save folder is “Root Drive:\LG Exported Files\JPEG”.
1. Select the channel.
2. Select File > JPEG Saving option. Jpeg Saving win- dow is displayed.
3. Specify a location and filename, and click [Save].
Connect All Connect all devices of the current screen division mode.
Disconnect All Disconnect all devices of the current screen division
Exit Exit the Smart Station
Delete Channel All Delete the all channels of the current screen division
Displays or removes the selected function window.
/ PTZ / Tree /
Playback / Log
OSD Displays or removes the OSD in the selected channel
Sequence View all the channels in sequence in the selected screen
division mode. You cannot use sequence mode with the 64 split. While the sequence mode condition, if you change the screen division mode, the sequence func­tion will be canceled.
Language Select the language for Smart Station.
Favorites Add to Favorites You can add the current status of the camera mapping
and screen mode to the Favorites menu bar.
1. Select Favorites > Add to Favorites to Favorites options when you add it to the favorites menu.
2. Type a name for the favorites.
3. Click [OK].
Organize Favorites
Tools Add/Edit/Remove
Station Setup Set the Recording and System options for the Smart
EMap This function gives a visual overview of the cameras
Log Search You can search log history. Logs shows all events and
Window Window1
Live Popup Displays the popup window for EMap or log.
Help About Smart Station Displays the Smart Station Information.
Selects when you want to rename or delete the favorite item.
To rename the favorite item.
1. Select Favorites > Organize Favorites options.
2. Select the favorite item from the favorite list.
3. Type a new name in the [Name] option.
4. Click the [Rename] button to confirm it.
5. Click the [OK] button to exit.
To delete the favorite item.
1. Select Favorites > Organize Favorites options.
2. Select the favorite item from the favorite list.
3. Click the [Delete] button to confirm it.
4. Click the [OK] button to exit.
Add, edit or remove devices in Smart Station.
in your surveillance environment using the imported maps.
user actions.
Displays from the 17 channel to the 32 channel in the one popup window.
Displays from the 33 channel to the 48 channel in the one popup window.
Displays from the 49 channel to the 64 channel in the one popup window.
9Getting Started
10 Getting Started
Tool Bar
Device Setup
Displays the live view workspace. You can see the surveillance camera’s images in the window(s). You can also control the PTZ camera, playback the data or view the system and event log list.
Displays the search workspace. You can search and play the recorded data using the Date/Time or Event search functions.
You can set the configuration of the selected device in the Device Tree window via the network.
Export to AVI
Video Analytics
Full Screen
Add/Edit/Remove Device
Delete Channel
Displays the Export pop-up windows.
You can print the current live and playback image of the selected channel.
Displays the VA ( Video Analytics) event setting pop­up windows.
You can view the live window in full screen mode. To return to the normal screen, press the [Ecs] button on the keyboard.
When the icon is clicked, the screen will be changed to split mode and if the icon is clicked again, the screen will be changed by sequence (except 64 split mode). Choose the screen division mode.
View all the channels in sequence. You cannot use sequence mode with the 64 split.
Displays the Add/Edit/Remove Device pop-up win­dows. Add, edit or remove device in Smart Station.
Displays the EMap pop-up windows. This function gives a visual overview of the cameras in your surveil­lance environment using the imported maps.
Delete the selected channel.
Function windows
Device Tree window
Displays the registered device name and group folder name.
To show or hide a structure level, click the plus (+) or minus (-) signs at the left of the corre­sponding structure.
PTZ Control window
You can control the PTZ unit that the unit connected to the selected device using these but­tons.
Playback Control window
You can playback the recorded data of the selected channel.
Log window
Displays the events and user actions. The log is saved in the “Smart station installed folder\log” folder per each day. You can search the logs by using log search function.
If you click the right mouse button, the pop-up menu is displayed.
Clear All : All logs are deleted in the log view list.
Live Popup : Live video will be popup.
Status bar
11Getting Started
Local Time: Displays the Local Time.
Station User: Displays user level to the smart station.
Device User: Displays the connected user to the selected device.
Framerate/Bitrate: Displays the Frame rate and Bit rate per second of the selected device.
CPU: Displays the present CPU usage of the client PC.
Pop-up menu
Connection: Select to connect the device.
Disconnection: Select to disconnect the device.
Manual Record: Select to record manually.
Play: Select to play the recording data.
Stop: Select to stop the playback.
Relay: Select to run the relay of the device.
Audio Out: Select to activate the two-way audio.
Delete Channel: Select to delete the registered device.
12 Getting Started
Live window icons
Icons Discription
Displays when the audio input function is available in the network device.
Displays when the audio funciton is activated in the network device.
Displays when the PTZ device is connected.
Indicates sensor recording.
Indicates motion detection recording (Yellow icon).
Indicates VA recording (Blue icon).
Indicates Continuous recording.
Indicates instant recording.
3 Operation and settings
Register the device
egister the device
The first time Smart Station is started, you should register a LG IP device to control it by the Smart Station.
The computer running Smart Station must be on the same network with device.
Add the device using search function
1. Select Tools > Add/Edit/Remove Device option on the menu bar.
2. Click the [Search] button. After a few seconds the found device is(are) displayed.
3. Select the device name in the Device list. If you want to register the all devices, check the [Select All] option.
4. Click the [Add] button. The Add Device window is displayed.
5. Specify the Device Name, Video Stream, Protocol, User ID, Password and click the [OK] but­ton.
6. Click the [OK] button repeatedly to exit the window. The registered device name is displayed in the Device Tree windows.
13Operation and settings
Add the device manually
1. Select Tools > Add/Edit/Remove Device option on the menu bar.
2. Click the [Add] button. The Add URL window is displayed.
3. Specify the device Name, Video Stream, Protocol, User ID, Password and click the [OK] but­ton.
4. Click the [OK] button to exit the window. The registered device name is displayed in the Device Tree windows.
Edit the device
1. Select Tools > Add/Edit/Remove Device option on the menu bar.
2. Select the device name on the device list.
3. Click the [Edit] button. The Edit Device window is displayed.
14 Operation and settings
4. Specify the Device Name, Video Stream, Protocol, User ID, Password and click the [OK] but­ton.
5. Click the [OK] button to exit the window.
Remove the device
1. Select Tools > Add/Edit Device option on the menu bar.
2. Select the device name on the device list.
3. Click the [Remove] button. The selected device is removed.
4. Click the [OK] button to exit the window.
Create a device group
You can make the device group to manage it.
Create a new group folder
To create a group under the Device top-level folder, do the following on the Device Tree sec­tion:
1. Click the right mouse button on the Device or group folder.
2. Select the [Add Group] option. The dialog window is displayed.
3. Overwrite the default name “New Group” with a group name of your choice.
4. Click the [OK] button to confirm it. The new group folder is created under the folder you selected.
Delete a group folder
1. Select the required group folder and click the right mouse button.
2. Select the [Delete Group] option.
It is not possible to delete the Device top-level folder.
Deleting a group folder will delete all subgroup folders within the group folder as well. • If you delete the group folder, the device in the group folder will be moved to the upper group folder automatically.
Edit a group folder
1. Select the required group folder and click the right mouse button.
2. Select the [Edit Group] option. The dialog window is displayed.
3. Overwrite the existing group name with a new name of your want.
4. Click the [OK] button to confirm it.
You cannot edit the Device top-level folder.
Add the device to the group folder
1. Select the required device name that you want to group.
2. Click the device name then drag and drop to the group folder.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to group the other devices.
Connect the device
1. Select the required device name.
2. Drag and drop the device name to the required position in the live window. The device is connected automatically and the Live image is displayed in the selected win­dow.
3. Repeat step 1 to 2 to connect the other devices.
15Operation and settings
Connect the group device
1. Select the required device group folder.
2. Drag and drop the device group folder to the required position in the live window. Each devices are connected automatically and the Live image is displayed in each win­dows.
3. Repeat step 1 to 2 to connect the other devices.
Disconnect the device
1. Select the device channel.
2. Click the right mouse button on the live window. Select [Disconnection] option. The device of the selected channel is disconnected. If you want to connect again, click the right mouse button and select [Connection] option.
3. Repeat step 1 to 2 to connect the other devices.
16 Operation and settings
Device setup
You can setup the selected device via the network.
1. Select the live window of the device to setup what you want.
2. Click the Device setup icon.
3. Set the options. For more detail settings, see the next pages.
Con guration menu overview
The following table shows the list of menu items.
Main Menu Sub Menu
Version & Language
Video Audio
Advanced Parameters
Date & Time
RTP stream
DDNS Server
IP filtering
User List
Total Schedule List
Schedule List
Recording server
Event List
Event server
Sensor & Relay
Preset Mode
Basic Parameters
System settings
17Operation and settings
Version & Language
F/W (Firmware version), H/W (Hardware version), S/W (Software version)
Displays the current Firmware, Hardware, Software version.
Web Client Language
Select a language for the Web Client configuration menu and information display.
The System log provides a summary of the status of the selected LG IP device.
View Log
Click this button to display the system log information.
View report
Click this button to display the report window of the system.
Date & Time
Time zone
Select your time zone from the drop-down list.
Time mode
Synchronize with NTP Server: The LG IP device will obtain the time from an NTP > server every selected time. Specify the NTP server’s IP address or URL. Click the
Operation and settings
Server Time
Displays the server time.
System Reboot, Factory Reset, Configuration restore, Firmware upgrade contains • operation of “camera reboot”. Therefore connection is disconnected and all of camera operation is disabled. If network setting of camera is “Static”, connection will be auto­matically reconnected after camera reboot completed. But if network setting of cam­era is “DHCP”, IP address of camera may be changed. For register to device , remove list of changed device and search by “Add/Edit/Remove Device”.
Firmware upgrade contains file uploading and camera reboot and therefore it will may • takes a few minutes.
System Reboot
Click the [Reboot] button to restart the system. Use this method if the unit is not per­formed as expected.
Factory Reset
Click the [System Default Settings] button to reset the factory default values (Except the Network settings, PTZ Protocol and Preset settings). The [System Default Settings] button should be used with caution.
Firmware Upgrade
[Test NTP Server] button to test the server.
Synchronize with personal computer: Set the time from the clock on your com- > puter.
Synchronize manually: This option allows you to manually set the time and > date.
Backup: To take a backup of all of the settings. If necessary, it is then possible > to return to a previous configuration if settings are changed and there is unex­pected behavior.
Restore: >
1. Click the [Path] button.
2. Find and locate the saved backup file.
3. Click the [Restore] button then confirmation window is displayed.
4. Click the [OK] button and then the system settings will be restored to the previous configuration and reboot the system.
Backup and Restore can only be used on the same unit running the same • software version. This feature is not intended for multi-configurations or for firmware upgrades.
Configuration Backup is supported only http protocol, not https.
You can update the system manually.
Operation and settings
1. Click the [Path] button.
2. Find and open the firmware file.
3. Click the [Update] button to update the firmware.
After completing the settings on this page, click [Apply] button to confirm the settings.
Video & Audio settings
Displays the video system of the camera.
Image Control
Contrast: Select the contrast value. >
Brightness: Select the brightness value. >
Hue: Select the Hue value. >
Default Setting: Click this button to reset the default option to its original factory • settings.
Operation and settings
H.264 & MJPEG
Enable: Click to activate the stream function. >
Deinterlacing: Click to use the deinterlacing function. >
Video Stream: Select the video stream between Master and Slave. >
Video Codec: Select the video codec between H.264 and MJPEG. >
Maximum Frame Rate: Select the frame rate. >
NTSC 1 to 30 (fps)
PAL 1 to 25 (fps)
Quality: Select the Quality. >
VBR: The bit rate may vary depending on the complexity of the video to ­meet the selected quality.
CBR: The video quality may vary in order to preserve a constant bit rate. -
Resolution: Select the resolution of the video stream. >
Stream Quality: If the [Quality] option set to VBR, this option is displayed. Select > the network stream quality. (Highest, High, Medium, Low and Lowest)
Bit rate: If the [Quality] option set to CBR, this option is displayed. Enter the bit > rate. Edit the bit rate value from 64 ~ 10240kbps.
GOP Size: Select the GOP size. This setting is valid for H.264. >
Motion detection window is used to detect movement of the object in the video image. Motion detection is used to generate an event whenever movement occurs in the video image. A total of 5 motion detection windows can be configured.
How to set the motion detection event
1. Select Motion Detection window number from the drop-down list.
2. Click one point with the left mouse button on the preview window and drag & drop to adjust the desired size. The Motion detection window will appear in the preview window. If you set to all area, click the [All] button.
3. Set the [Threshold] option.
You can reset the size and position of the Motion detection window. Click one of the dot point and drag & drop to adjust the motion detection area. Click the Motion detection window and drag to the desired position.
If you want to delete the Motion detection window, select window number and click the [Remove] button.
D1 (720 x 480), HALF D1 (720 x240),
CIF (352 x 240) and QCIF (176 x 120)
D1 (720 x 576), HALF D1 (720 x288), CIF (352 x 288) and QCIF (176 x 144)
Operation and settings
Audio in Enable
Click to use the audio in function.
Audio type
Select the audio encoding type. (G711 PCMU, G711 PCMA, G726 24K, G726 32K)
Audio out Enable
Click to use the audio out function.
PTZ (option)
Protocol & PTZ Configuration
Click the [Protocol & PTZ Configuration] button to display the Protocol & PTZ setting window.
Protocol Setting
PTZ Driver >
Follow the instructions below to upload PTZ protocol.
1. Click the [...] button, find and open the file.
2. Click the [Upload PTZ Protocol] button and then the PTZ protocol will be added.
Protocol: Displays the selected PTZ protocol. You can select the other PTZ pro- > tocol from the drop-down list.
Edit: Click to displays the selected PTZ protocol window to check the detail ­option range.
Remove: Click to remove the selected PTZ protocol. -
The PTZ option range differs depending on the PTZ cameras.
Baud rate: Select the desired speed of communication between the IP device > and the PTZ device. Confirm selected parameter to the baud rate of the IP device.
Data bit: Set the number of the data bits for RS-485/422 communication >
Parity: Select the desired parameter. The parity bit, added to the data, to per- > form parity check.
Stop bit: Enter the desired parameter. The stop bit, added to the last of data, in > asynchronous communication.
Save : Click to confirm the settings.
Configuration Setting
Click the [Configuration Setting] button to see the PTZ configuration.
Enable: Click to use the PTZ protocol. >
Camera ID: Enter the PTZ camera ID. Make the same ID as the PTZ camera. >
Pan speed: Enter the panning speed of the PTZ camera. >
Tilt speed: Enter the tilting speed of the PTZ camera. >
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