
Get an LG Visa® Prepaid Card1 worth $1,000 by mail-in rebate when you purchase an
eligible LG STUDIO Refrigerator and Dishwasher plus 2 or more eligible LG STUDIO Appliances
purchases from participating retailers.
Purchase an LG STUDIO Refrigerator and Dishwasher
+ 2 or more LG STUDIO appliances from the
following eligible categories:
Consumers bundling an LG STUDIO Refrigerator and Dishwasher and 2 eligible new LG STUDIO Kitchen Major
Appliance models
be qualified to receive an LG Visa Prepaid Card by mail-in rebate subject to the terms and conditions on the next page.
Consumers may submit their claim to LG Electronics USA using the 2020 LG STUDIO Kitchen Bundle—Visa Prepaid
Card Promotional Offer redemption form by mailing their claim to LG Electronics USA for the program or by submitting
it online at: www.lgrebatecenter.com. This offer cannot be combined with any other special programs or rebates.
Visa prepaid card issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC. Terms and expiration apply —see rebate form for details.
*Consumers must purchase, on a single receipt, new LG STUDIO branded appliances (1 Refrigerator and 1 Dishwasher
plus 2 or more additional LG STUDIO Kitchen Major Appliances) in order to qualify for the rebate of $1,000.
at participating retailers between April 2, 2020 and December 31, 2020 (the “Program Period”) will
Maximum number of products of the same category allowed to qualify for rebate is 1.

The eligible LG Major Appliances products for the 2020 LG STUDIO Kitchen Bundle—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer
redemption are as follows:
All LG STUDIO branded models are eligible for this offer except Countertop Microwave Ovens
1. Complete this rebate form or submit online
by 1/31/21 at: www.lgrebatecenter.com
2. Mail-in completed rebate form an d sales
receipt postmarked by 1/31/2 1 to:
LG Electronics USA, I nc.
2020 LG STUDIO Kitchen Bundle—
Visa Prepaid C ard Promo Offer
C/O The Adve rtising Checking B ureau , Inc.
Offer #747000
PO Box 1919
Memphis, TN 38101
3. Keep a copy of all rebate submission materials
for your re cords
4. Comply with all the terms and conditions
of this offer
5. Please allow 8-10 weeks for processing,
or as otherwise required by law
First Name Last Name
City State Zip Cod e
For the rebate status, please call 1- 877-333 -9203 or check online at www.lgrebatecenter.com and
reference the 2020 LG STUDIO Kitchen Bundle —Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer.
Please check here if your items are on back order. If your items are on back order, please submit rebate form without serial numbers. You have 30 days
from your deliver y date to provide your serial numbers. Rebate claims without serial numbers will not be processed in full.
Expected Delivery Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Wall Ove n
Hoo d Ven t
Over-the- Range Mi crowave Oven
End-user consume r purch asers who purchase a bundle of 4 qualifyin g new LG STU DIO Kitchen M ajor Applia nce mod els at participatin g retailers in the 50 U. S. states, D. C., o r
P.R. dur ing the P rogram Perio d (define d below) will be eligible to receive the s pecif ied LG Visa Prep aid Ca rd by mail -in rebate subject to the terms an d conditions b elow. For the
purpo ses of this promo tional offer, “bundl e of 4 qualifyi ng new LG ST UDIO Kitche n Major Appliance mo dels” must in clude an LG STU DIO Refrige rator an d Dishwasher p lus 2 of
the mod els fro m the eli gible m ajor appliance cate gorie s outlined in th e bundles des cribe d on page one. E xcept as otherwise req uired by l aw, this pro motional offer is limited to on e
LG Visa Prepaid C ard pe r household o n each qualif ying new LG STUDIO Kitc hen Ma jor Appliance bund le purchased b etwee n April 2, 2020 a nd December 31, 2020 (the “ Program
Perio d”). P urcha se date is d etermi ned by receipt. Purcha se of qua lify ing new LG appliance mod els during the Progra m Period must a ppea r on the sa me sal es receipt. Co nsumers
submitting claims by mail mus t submit the foll owing in o ne envel ope: ( 1) orig inal, dated sales receipt of eligible products purchased dur ing the p rogra m perio d or legible copies of
original date d sales receipt from pa rtici pating retailers date d betwe en Apr il 2, 202 0 and De cember 31, 2020, a nd (2) red emption form , completely and legi bly filled out . Claims may
also be submit ted online at www.lgrebatecenter.com. For a li st of par ticip ating retaile rs please visit http://www.lg.com/us/au thorize ddea lers- HA/lg_ onli ne_ auth orized _retaile rs.
jsp. LG Visa Prepaid Ca rd offe r claim s must b e postm arked no later than January 3 1, 2021. Online submis sions m ust be re ceived by 11:59 PM Pacif ic Time on January 3 1, 2021. Cl aims
for back ordered items will rece ive an exte nsion o n the cla im subm issio n as long as Expe cted Deliver y Date is provided above. O mission of the sales receipt or other requested
inform ation (i.e., serial numbers) may delay or stop th e processing of this promotion al offer. Redem ption form and receipt b ecome the prop ert y of LG Elec tronics U.S.A ., Inc. upon
submission , and will not be returne d. No group or organization re quests will be honored. Requests for fu lfillment to PO Boxes will not be accepted . Maximum num ber of produc ts of
the sam e categ ory al lowed to qu alif y for reb ate is 1. This promoti onal o ffer i s not com bina ble wi th any other specia l prog rams or rebat es. Pu rchas ed merc handise mus t not be
return ed or else rebate will be su bject to forfe iture. Dupli cate submissions of of ficial form o r cash re gister receipt will not b e accepted. Pu rchases made at Best Buy, Pacific S ales
Kitch en and Bath , Spen cers and Conn’s HomePlus will q uali fy for this re bate at the point of sale and do not qualify for t his ma il-in reba te off er. For pu rchases made at Lowe ’s
Home I mprove ment Center, go to htt ps://ww w.lowes.com/l/rebate-cen ter.html to take adva ntag e of thi s offe r. Participating retail ers may n ot uti lize this offer in combination
with any addi tion al package of fers i nclu ding p roduct bun dles with LG El ectronic s models. Illegi ble or in complete requests w ill not be honored. Promotio nal of fer void where
prohibited, t axed or re stric ted by law. On line purchases from internet auction sites or purchases of refurbishe d or reconditio ned me rchan dise are not eligible for this promotio nal
offer. Promotio nal of fer is not valid on free, g iveaway, or other com plime ntar y promotiona l merch andise. Valid o nly in the fift y (50) sta tes, Di stric t of Colu mbia and Puerto Rico . LG
Electronic s U.S .A ., Inc. is not responsible f or late, lost, mutilate d, stol en, mi sdirected or p ostag e-d ue requests o r mail, computer syste m, phone lin e, hard ware, software or pro gram
malfu nctions, or other errors , failures or delays in co mputer transmissio ns or network co nnec tions that are human or techni cal in nature.
Card is issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments.
Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months from the issue date; unused funds will forfeit
after the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply.
Please see the p rivacy policy located at http://www.lg .com/us/gener al/privacy.jsp for details of LG Electronics U.S. A. , Inc.’s policy regarding the use of persona l information
collected in co nnec tion with this pro motional offer. LG Elec tronic s U.S .A ., In c. reserves the right at its sol e discretion, to disqualify any indi vidua l (and all of his or her c laims) who
tampers with the claim submission process . Use of f ictiti ous names or addresses coul d result in fede ral prosecution for U. S. mail fraud. Visa prep aid cards are pa id in U. S. fu nds.
©2020 LG El ectro nics U.S. A., Inc . All rights reserved . “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. A ll other produ ct and b rand names are trade marks or registered
trademarks of their respec tive owne rs. Design , featu res and s pecif ications are subjec t to chan ge without notice.
I/we hereby understand and accept the above requireme nts for receipt of this 2020 LG STUD IO Kitchen Bundle—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer.
Custom er Signature Date