LG LS301HE, LS301CE Owner’s Manual

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Prior to installation, this air¢onditioning unit must be subm_ for approval by
the uti|ii_yse_iee _ieh provides
(EN 6t000_2_ EN 6i0_-3 Norm)_
WNe the m,_e_ and _,riN nu_rs here: Mo_| # Serial #
You can find them ein a label on the side of each _miL _ler"s Name
_te Purc_sed i Staple your r_eipf to this pa_ in the event you need
it t:oprove date ef pumhar_ or f,or waffanty isgtmg
[nsiide you wiff fi_ many helpful! hints on hew to use
and maintain your air co_iti.0._r pro_rUy. Just a little preventive care on your part can _ve you a great den
N time and money over the Ne of your air _onditioner. You'll find many answers to ,_mmon proNe_ in 'the
chart of troub.llesbooting ti_ ff you review our ch_: of Troulbleshoot_ng Tips first, you may not need to call
for _rvkae at aft,
* Contsct the e_horized service technician 1or
repair or msintenence of this unit_
, Contact the In_a||er for installation of _is unit..
-The air conditioner is not intended for use by your._ children or invalids without supervisi_...
-Young chffd_en shou|d be su_rvlsed to ensure that they do not p|ay with the, air'con,ditioner_
*When the power cord iis to be replsced,
rep|acement work shal| be per|ormed by suthorized personnel only using only genuine
replacement _rts.
-|nstallatlon work must be in
a,ccordance with the National E|ectric Coda by qu_|ified 8rid auth,or_z_ _rsonnel only,
Room Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions
To preventthe injury of the u_r or _her people and property damage, the following i_tructions must be fo_liowed.
[] Ir_orrect _era_on due to ignod_ instr_fio_ willl cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by
t_'__ol_owi_ indicmions,
WARNING his symbo_indicatesthe possibilityo_death or _rious ini_Jr_,,. )
CAUTION This syrnboiindicatesthe possibilityof injuryordamageto prope_ies,only
[] The meanings of the symbolls used in this man_ll are as shown I_llow..
[] Installation
T#_re isrisk offire or eiectric shock.
Thereis riskof fireor eiectnc shock_
T_re is risk ofe_ectrics#_,ck,
T_re isrisk offire or electric shock,
Thereis riskof fireor ele_ric shocL
°T_re is riskoffire elec_ncshock
explosionor injury,
Owner's Manual 3
Safety Pre_utions
Shapeedges couldcau_ injury, Be especiallycare_ ofthesharp
!_thebasecollap_s the ai_ cond_ionercouldfall with it
causingpropertyda_,ge, producl failure and perso_l i_jury
There,is risk d fire e_ectdcshock, explosion,,or iniu_,
[] Operation
There is risk of fire or electric sh_k,
_tmaycauseiqu_ accide_, or d_a_ t,oMeproduct,
There is riskoffire or electric shock
_ere is riskof fire orelectdc shock
4 Room Air Co, er
° Thereis risk of fire or electric
There is riskoffire or electdc shock,
Safety Precautions
Thereisriskoffire,failureofme pr_uc_,and/ore_ec#ic_ock,
Thereisriskoffile,failureofthe [ptodu_,an_brel_ric sh_L
There isriskof explosionorfire,
There isriskof fire orfailure of
'i _m _S r_ Of fire failureof the
,,There is risk of propertyda_ge_
failure of product,or ei,ecl;ic
There isriskof physicaliniuq_ e,le_ric s_ck orpr,odu,_.
,,_ere isriskof e_ec#icalshock.
Owner's Manual
Safety Pre_utions
There isriskoffire orelectrical shock
There isriskof productdamageorfailure, or unintendedoperation,
There isrisk of ele_ric shock,
Therecould res,u_tin _rsonal iniuryand product
[] Installation
failured product
Room Air Co, er
Abadconnectionmay cause w_atter_eakage,
To avoidvibration orw,_er
Safety Precautions
-Avoid personaliniu@o
Itmaycausecorrosioni_the product,Corrosion,padicuiarlyon
the conde_%er,_qdeva_rator fins, couldcau_ pr_ucf ma#unction
or inefliclLer_to_r_ion,
[] Operation
)t d!m_ aI_IQw _ro@m;
, i i
Thiscouldda_ge your health.
T_re is riskof damage or loss,of
There isriskof fire, e_ectrics_ck or da_ge to 'theplasticparts of
the pr_u_
T_re is riskof personalinjury,
There isriskof personalinjuryand failured product,
O'wnerb Manual
Safety Pre_utions
Adidyfi_er reducest_ eflicien_ ofthe air conditioner and_uiid cause productmaffunctionor damage,
Itis ret sanitaryaridcouldcause seriousheath issues,
Be,care4ulard avoid persenial inju_,
Thereare,sharpand_ving partsthat couldcause personaliniu_,
There is riskd fireor explosion
[] Disuse
Room Air Co, er
"i The chemic_s in batteries_uld causeburnsor other
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