LG LSU180HE, LSN242HE, LSN242CE, LSN240HE, LSN182HE Owner’s Manual

Prior to installation, this _ir_onditiontng unit must _ submitted for approva| by
the utHii_ service _ich provides
(EN 6100_2_ EN 6,i00_3 _Orm)i,,
nd thoroughly
Wrile the m_el _d seri,ai humors here: Mo_! ,# _rial # You can find them on a label on the side of each _Jnit
_aleYs Name
Date PurcP_sed I Slap_e your receipt to this page in the event you need
it to prove d_e of pumhase or _orwarranty issues.
Inside you w'i_lfind many helpful hints on how to use
_qd m_n'_ai_ your _r conditioner pro_rly. Just a littie prevenlive c_e on your part can save yo_ a great dea_
of 't+meand money over 'the life of you+ air conditioner You+il find many answers to _._mmon prob+ems in 'the
char1 of troublesh_ting tips. If you review our _art of Troubllleshooting Tips firsl, you may no1 need to ca#
for service at all.
- _ntact the a_horized service technician for repair or'maintenance of this w_it.
Contact the in_aller for ins_llation of _is unit,.
The airr conditioner is not intended for use by
your._ child_n or inwlids without supervision,.
Young cht|dren shou|d b,e su_rvt_d to ensure
that they do not play with the air condi_oner.
-When the power cord is to be replace, d, rep|acement work shal| be performed by
authorized personnel only using only genuine replacement _s.
*installation work must be performed in
accordance with thie National E|ectric Code b,y qua|ified and a_th,o_z_ _rsonne_ o_|y,
Room Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions
To preve_ the iniu_ of the u_r or other _ople and pro_rty _mage, the followingl i_'tll_Cttioins mus't folliowed.
[] Incorr_t operation due toiignori_ instruction willlcause harm or damage. T_ seriousness is ciassifiied by
t_ fo_owing indic,_io,ns,
I A WARNING his symbo_indicatesthe _ssibitity ofdeath or _rious ir_i,u_'. )
[] The meanings of the symbolls used in this manuall _e as shown bellow,
CAUTION -r_i_symboiindicates'the_ssibili_y oi injuryor damage'topropedies oniy, j
m Installation
, T_re isrisk of fireor electric
Thereis riskof fireor eiedtric shock
, T_re is risk ofelectdcs_ck
, T_re isrisk of fireor electric
*Thereis riskof fireor el_tric
, T_re is riskoffire, eleclffc shock,
explosionor injury,
Owner's Manual 3
Safety Pi're_utions
, Sham edges could_u_ injury,
Be es_cially careM ofth_ sharp
, _fthe _se _llapses, the air
cond_io_ercould f_l with it causingpro_r_y damage,product _ailure,and_rso_l injury
*Thereis risk offire electdc chock,
explosion_or iniury,
*Therearesharpmovingpa_s that
couldcau_ _so_l injury
. _tmaycauseinjury'accident, or
dama_ to Me product,
. High-Pressurerefrigentmaycause
_'so_l iqury.
I Operation
_ere is riskof fire or e_ec_ic
4 Room Air Conditioner
*Thereis risk offire or electric
There is risk ,offire, faiilure of the pr_uct, a_/or electric
Safety Precautions
. Thereisr_koffire,faiiu_eofthe
proud, an_or e_ectrics[hock,
, Oxygen deficiencycouldoccur , Someven5lationbyo_ning window
isn_essaryfor thefreshair
, Moisturemaycon_n_ and wet or
ThereWsrisk of explosionorfire
. There isriskof fire or product
. TIh,ereisri_: d fire,Pr_uct faiure,
. There isrisk of pro_rty darnage_
_!ure ofproduct,or eec_ic
* There isrisk of ph#ical i_qiury_
e_ectricshock, or product
, There isriskof e_rica/l shock,
Owner's Manual
Safety Pre_utions
Thereisrisk d fire or electrical s_ck.
* Therecould resu_inperson_
iniuryand productdamage.
. _ere is riskof electricsh_k,
. There are shia_ aM movingpa_s
Rat couldcau_ personalinjury.
Thereis risko_productdamage or failure or uninlendedo_ration,
[] Installation
Abadconnectionmay cau_ water leakage,
6 Room Air Co er
. To avoidvibraion orwater
, It may_use a pro_ for your
[] Operation
Safety Precautions
Avoid£er_na_ injury.
*There isrisk of dama_ or iossof
. Itmay _use _rrosion inthe
product Co_osion_particularlyon
the condens_ and ev®or_or fins,
cou!dcauseproductmalfunction or i_fficient o_ration_
. Itmay cau_ producl_ilure,
This_u_d damageyourhealth
There isriskof fire, electrics_ck or damageto thepliaslic parts ef
the _ucl,
There isrisk of _rso_21 injury.
. T_re is _skof personaiiniury a_
failureof product
A dirtyfilterreducestheefficiency of the air conditionerand_uld
cau_ productm_function or
Owner's Manual
Safety Pre_utions
Itis _t sanitarya_ couldcause seriousheath issues.
[] Disuse
* Theymay burn orexplode°
.8e ca_refu_a_ avoid personal
The chemicalsin #_tteriescouldcause burnsor other heaithhazards.
- Thereis riskoffire orexplosion,
8 Room Air Co er
1, Contact an installation speci_ist for inst_[ation.
2. P'lug inthe _wer plug properly.
3. Use a dedicated circuff
4. Do _t use an extension _rd
5. Do _t start/stop o_ration by plugging/unplugging the po_r cord,
6. ff the cordipfug is damaged, ony repUaceit wRh an autf-#rized replaceme_ part,,
1,8ei_ ex_sed to direct airflow _ora long tiime may be h_ardous to your health. Do not expo_
oiccupar4s,,pets, ,orplants to ,direct ai#low for aiong time.
2,.Ventilate the room when the air conditioner is us_ wF_ho_her beating devices. _he_ise the oxygen
supp,llymay be inadequate.
3,.Do not use this air co,nd_fionerfor non°s_cified sp_ial pur_ (e,£. pre_i_ pr_ision devices too,&
pets, plants, or _ o,bjects)_ Such use may damage your pro_ies.
1. Do not touch the metal p_rts of the unit when removing the filter. Injury can o,ocur.
2. Do not use water to clean insidethe air conditioner° Exposure to water can destroy t_ insulation, leadingto electric shock.
3. When deaningl the unit, flint make sure that _ie power and breaker are _rned off. The fan rotates _ a ve_ high speed during o_ration. There isa po_.ibility of inju_ ifthe unit _wer is.accidenfly tum_ on while t_ interiorof the unff is being cleaned.
For re_ir and maintenance_ oonta,ct your authorized _rvice dealer.
Owner's Manual 9
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