Lg LRE3061ST Rebate Form

3,646 SAVE $1,341
Electric Kitchen Package
Models LRSES2706V, LRE3061ST,
LMV2031ST and LDF5545SS
3,746 SAVE $1,396
Gas Kitchen Package
Models LRSES2706V, LRG3061ST,
LMV2031ST and LDF5545SS
Get an LG Visa® Prepaid Card1 in the amount of 10% of the pre-tax purchase price
plus an additional $85 bonus by mail when you purchase an eligible LG 4-Piece
Kitchen Package from participating retailers 6/17/20 through 7/8/20.
Consumers who purchase an LG Kitchen package containing (1) LRSES2706V Refrigerator + (1) LRE3061ST Electric Range or (1) LRG3061ST Gas Range + (1) LMV2031ST Over-the-Range Microwave Oven + (1) LDF5545SS Dishwasher in a single purchase between June 17, 2020 and July 8, 2020 (the “Program Period”) will be qualified to receive a 10% rebate of the total pre-tax purchase price plus an additional $85 bonus in the form of an LG Visa Prepaid Card by mail subject to the terms and conditions on the next page. Consumers may submit their claim to LG Electronics USA using the 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package—Visa Prepaid Card Promotional Offer redemption form by mailing their claim to LG Electronics USA for the program or by submitting it online at: www.lgrebatecenter.com. This offer cannot be combined with any other special programs or rebates.
When compared with $3,646 MSRP for models LRSES2706V, LRE3061ST, LMV2031ST and LDF5545SS. **When compared with $3,746 MSRP for models LRSES2706V,
LRG3061ST, LMV2031ST and LDF5545SS. Rebate amount is based on the net price paid on receipt after any discounts and excludes sales tax.
Visa prepaid card issued by MetaBank®, N. A., Member FDIC. Terms and expiration apply —see rebate form for details.
Maximum number of products of the same category allowed to qualify for rebate is 1.
LG 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package— Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer:
The eligible LG Major Appliances products for the LG 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer redemption are as follows:
LG branded Refrigerator (LRSES2706V), Electric Range (LRE3061ST) or Gas Range (LRG3061ST), Over-the-Range Microwave Oven (LMV2031ST) and Dishwasher (LDF5545SS).
1. Complete this rebate form or submit online by 8/8/20 at: www.lgrebatecenter.com
2. Mail-in completed rebate form and sales receipt postmarked by 8/8/20 to:
G Electronics USA, Inc.
L LG 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package— Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer C/O The Advertising Checking Bureau, Inc. Offer #752200 PO B ox 1919 Memphis, TN 38101
3. Keep a copy of all rebate submission materials for your records
4. Comply with all the terms and conditions of this offer
Please allow 8-10 weeks for processing,
or as otherwise required by law
First Name Last Name
City State Zip Code
For the rebate status, please call 1-877-333-9203 or check online at www.lgrebatecenter.com and reference the LG 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer.
Please check here if your items are on back order. If your items are on back order, please submit rebate form without serial numbers. You have 30 days from your delivery date to provide your serial numbers. Rebate claims without serial numbers will not be processed in full.
Expected Delivery Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Over-the-Range Microwave Oven
End-use r consumer purc hasers who pu rchase a bundl e of qualifyi ng new LG brande d Kitchen mode ls at partic ipating reta ilers in the 50 U.S . states, D.C. , or P.R. dur ing the Progra m Period (define d below) will be elig ible to receive t he specif ied LG Visa Pre paid Card by mail s ubject to the te rms and condit ions below. For th e purposes of t his promotion al offer, “bundl e of qualifyi ng new LG Kitche n models” refe rs to new in-box a ppliances out lined above. Op en-box items and disp lay models are n ot eligible. No m odel or color subs titutions a llowed. Maxi mum number of pro ducts of the s ame categor y allowed to qual ify for reba te is 1. Except as othe rwise requi red by law, this pro motional of fer is limited t o one LG Vis a Prepaid Card p er household on e ach qualify ing new LG brand ed Kitchen bun dle purchase d between Jun e 17, 2020 and July 8, 2020 (the “Pr ogram Period ”). Purchase da te is determin ed by receipt. P urchase of qua lifying new L G applia nce models dur ing the Progra m Period must a ppear on the sam e sales receip t. Consumers su bmitting cl aims by mail must s ubmit the foll owing in one enve lope: (1) original, da ted sales recei pt of eligible pr oducts purc hased durin g the prog ram period or l egible copies o f original date d sales receip t from parti cipating ret ailers dated b etween June 17, 2020 and July 8, 2020, a nd (2) redemption f orm, complet ely and legibl y filled out. Cl aims may also be s ubmitted onl ine at www.lgrebatecenter.com. For a list of participating retailers please visit http://www.lg.com/us/authorizeddealers-HA/lg_online_authorized_retailers.jsp. LG Visa Prepaid Card offer claims must be postmarked no later than August 8,
2020. Online s ubmissions mus t be received b y 11:59 PM Pa cific Time on Au gust 8, 2020. Omissi on of the sales re ceipt or other re quested inf ormation (i.e ., serial numb ers) may delay or sto p the processi ng of this promot ional offer. Redemp tion form and r eceipt become t he propert y of LG Electron ics U.S.A. , Inc. upon subm ission, and wil l not be return ed. No group or org anization re quests will b e honored. Requ ests for ful fillment to PO B oxes will not be ac cepted.
This promotional offer is not combinable with any other special programs or rebates. Purcha sed merchand ise must not be re turned or els e rebate will be s ubject to for feiture. Du plicate submi ssions of off icial form or
cash re gister receip t will not be accep ted. Purchases made at The Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement Center, Best Buy, Pacific Sales Kitchen and Bath, Spencers, Sam’s Club and Conn’s HomePlus will
qualif y for this rebate at the point of sale and do not qualify for this mail-in rebate offer. Purchases made at Nav y Exchange do not q ualif y for this mail-in rebate of fer. Participating reta ilers may n ot utilize this offer in combination with any additional package offers including product bundles with LG Electronics models.
prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Online purchases from internet auction sites or purchases of refurbished or reconditioned merchandise are not eligible for this promotional offer. Promotional offer is not valid on free, giveaway, or other co mplimentar y promotion al merchandis e. Valid only in th e fifty (50) stat es, Distric t of Columbia an d Puerto Rico. L G Electronic s U.S.A., In c. is not respon sible for late, l ost, mutila ted, stolen , misdirecte d or postage- due request s or mail, computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program malfunctions, or other errors, failures or delays in computer transmissions or network connections that are human or technical in nature.
Card is issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months from the issue date; unused funds will for feit af ter the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply.
Pleas e see the priva cy policy loc ated at http: //www. lg.com/us/gene ral/priva cy.jsp for det ails of LG Elect ronics U.S. A., Inc.’s poli cy regarding t he use of person al informati on collecte d in connectio n with this promo tional off er. LG Elect ronics U.S. A., Inc. res erves the ri ght at its sole di scretion, to d isqualify a ny individual (an d all of his or her cla ims) who tampers w ith the claim s ubmission proc ess. Use of fic titious name s or addresses c ould result in fe deral prosec ution for U.S . mail fraud. V isa prepaid ca rds are paid in U.S . funds.
©2020 LG Electr onics U.S.A ., Inc. All rig hts reser ved. “LG Life’s Go od” is a register ed trademar k of LG Corp. All oth er product and b rand names ar e trademark s or registere d trademark s of their respe ctive owne rs. Design, f eatures and specifications are subject to change without notice.
I/we hereby understand and accept the above requirements for receipt of this LG 4-Piece Kitchen Power Package—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer.
Customer Signature Date
Illegible or incomplete requests will not be honored. Promotional offer void where