Get an LG Visa® Prepaid Card1 in the amount of 5% or 10% of the pre-tax purchase price by
digital or physical card when you bundle eligible LG Kitchen, Laundry and select Vacuum
purchases from participating retailers 7/9/20 through 7/22/20.
on Eligible 3-Piece
Appliance Packages
5% will apply to the total invoice price of 3 kitchen, laundry or select vacuum products before taxes. **10% will apply to the total invoice price of 4 or more kitchen, laundry
or select vacuum products before taxes. Qualifying categories include: Refrigerator, Range, Wall Oven, Over-the-Range Microwave Oven (OTR), Cooktop, Hood Vent,
Dishwasher, Washer, Dryer, LG SideKick,™ LG Styler and select Vacuums. Maximum number of products of the same category allowed to qualify for rebate is 1.
Visa prepaid card issued by The Bancorp Bank®, N.A., Member FDIC. Terms and expiration apply —see rebate form for details.
on Eligible Appliance Packages
of 4 or More Pieces
LG Appliance Bundle Savings—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer:
Consumers bundling eligible LG and LG STUDIO Kitchen, Laundry and select Vacuum models in a single purchase between July 9, 2020 and
July 22, 2020 (the “Program Period”) may be eligible to claim a rebate in the form of a Visa digital or physical card subject to the terms and
conditions below. Consumers may submit their claim to LG Electronics USA online at: www.LG-Promos.com/ABS7.
This offer cannot be combined with any other special programs or rebates.
The eligible LG Appliances products for the LG Appliance Bundle Savings—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer redemption are as follows:
All LG and LG STUDIO branded models plus select Vacuums below are eligible for this offer except
Countertop Microwave Ovens, Laundry Pedestal Drawers and LG SIGNATURE branded models.
LG Vacuums
Only available at Costco.
1. Submit your claim online by 8/22/20 at: www.LG-Promos.com/ABS7
2. Comply with all the terms and conditions of this offer
3. Please allow 8-10 weeks for processing, or as otherwise required by law
For the rebate status and other claim-related issues, please call 1-833-900-1626 or check online at www.LG-Promos.com/ABS7 and
reference the LG Appliance Bundle Savings—Visa Prepaid Card Promo Offer.
End-use r consumer purc hasers who pu rchase a bundl e of qualifyi ng new LG and LG STU DIO Kitchen, L aundry and s elect Vacuum m odels at par ticipating re tailers in th e 50 U.S. states , D.C., or P.R. during t he Program Per iod (defined be low)
will be el igible to claim a r ebate in the for m of a Visa digit al or physical ca rd subject to t he terms and con ditions below. F or the purpose s of this promot ional offer, “bu ndle of qualif ying new LG and LG S TUDIO Kitch en, Laundr y and select
Vacuum mo dels” refer s to all new in-box a ppliances. Op en-box items , display units , Counterto p Microwave Ov ens, Laundr y Pedestal Dr awers and LG SIG NATURE branded m odels do not qua lify for this o ffer. Maximu m number of produ cts
of the sa me category a llowed to quali fy for rebate i s 1.
Except a s otherwis e required by law, t his promotio nal offer is lim ited to one LG Vis a Prepaid Card p er household . Qualifyin g new LG and LG STUD IO Kitchen, L aundry and s elect Vacuum bu ndle must be pur chased bet ween July 9, 2020 and
July 22, 2020 (the “ Program Peri od”). Purchas e date is determ ined by receipt . Purchase of q ualifying n ew LG appliance m odels during t he Program Per iod must appe ar on the same sal es receipt.
Consumers may submit claims online to LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. at www.LG-Promos.com/ABS7. Consumers must upload and submit the following proof of purchase: (1) original, dated sales receipt of eligible products purchased during
the prog ram period f rom partici pating retai lers dated bet ween July 9, 2020 and Ju ly 22, 2020, and (2) valid man ufacturer s erial number s. For a list of aut horized ret ailers pleas e visit http: //www. lg.com/us/aut horizeddea lers-HA/l g_
Online s ubmissions mus t be received b y 11:59 PM Pac ific Time on Au gust 22, 2020. Omissio n of the sales rec eipt or other re quested info rmation (i.e ., serial numb ers) may delay or sto p the processin g of this promot ional offer. No gr oup or
organi zation reque sts will be hon ored. Reques ts for fulfil lment to PO Boxes w ill not be accept ed. This promotional offer is not combinable with any other special programs or rebates. Purchased merchandise must not be
retur ned or else reba te will be subje ct to forfei ture. Duplic ate submission s of official f orm or cash reg ister receip t will not be accep ted. Purchases made at T he Home D epot, B est Buy, Pacific Sales K itchen and Bath,
Spencer s, Sam’s Club and Costco Wholesale will qualify for this reb ate at the point of sale and do not qualify for this rebate offer. Purchases made at Nav y Exchange do not q ualif y for this rebate
offer. Purchases made at L owe’s Home Improvement Cente r from July 9, 2020 - July 22, 2020 may qualify f or an equivale nt discount or rebate. See your local Lowe’s ret ailer for details. Participating
retailers may not utilize this offer in combination with any additional package offers including product bundles with LG Electronics models.
prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Online purchases from internet auction sites or purchases of refurbished or reconditioned merchandise are not eligible for this promotional offer. Promotional offer is not valid on free, giveaway, or
other complimentary promotional merchandise. Valid only in the fifty (50) states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
LG Elect ronics U.S. A., Inc. is not r esponsible f or late, lost, m utilated, s tolen, misdir ected or pos tage-due req uests or mail , computer sys tem, phone lin e, hardware, s oftware or p rogram malf unctions, or o ther errors , failures or de lays in
computer transmissions or network connections that are human or technical in nature.
Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards
are accepted. Visa digital or physical card valid for up to 12 months from the issue date; unused funds will forfeit af ter the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply.
Pleas e see the priva cy policy loc ated at http: //www. lg.com/us/gene ral/priva cy.jsp for det ails of LG Elect ronics U.S. A., Inc.’s poli cy regarding t he use of person al informati on collecte d in connectio n with this promo tional off er.
LG Elect ronics U.S. A., Inc. res erves the ri ght at its sole di scretion, to d isqualify a ny individual (an d all of his or her cla ims) who tampers w ith the claim s ubmission proc ess. Use of fic titious name s or addresses c ould result in fe deral
prosec ution for U.S . mail fraud. V isa prepaid ca rds are paid in U.S . funds.
©2020 LG Electr onics U.S.A ., Inc. All rig hts reser ved. “LG Life’s Go od” is a register ed trademar k of LG Corp. All oth er product and b rand names ar e trademark s or registere d trademark s of their respe ctive owne rs. Design, f eatures and
specifications are subject to change without notice.
Incomplete requests will not be honored. Promotional offer void where
Offer #LG000054