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Ter naldea acondlclonadoembalado
0 6 e e, , ]
and thoroughly
air conditioner.
future ref_ence after

Write the mode_ _d _rial numbers here:
M_el #
_rlal #
You can find them on a label on the side of eacthunit,
Deaier's Name
Date Purchased
[] S_p/e your receiptto this pagein t_ e've_you _ed it
to provedateof purcha_ or for wa_antyissues.
Inside you wili find many helpful hints on how to use and
maintain your air conditioner propedy Just a little
preventive care on your pa_ can save you a ,great dea_
of time and money ever ttqe life of your air cond&ioner,,
You'l! find many answers to commo_ p_ob!ems i# the
chart of troub_esh®_ng tips. If yoP_review our ch&rt of
Troublesh_ting Tips first_ you may not need fo call for
servioe at ali.
• Contactthe a_horized servicet_hnician for r_ir or
maintenance of this un,_,.
• Contactthe installer'for in_allatton, o,fthisuniL
• The air c,ond_ioneris,not Int_d_ for use by young
childrenor iinw=Mswithout supervision.
• Young childr_ should be supe_ised to ensureth_
theydo not play withthe air conditioner,
• When the _wer cord is to be rephz_ replacement
work sha|i_ pe_oirm_ by authorized personnel only
using on_ genuine re,piasementpar_s,
• _nstailation work must _ performed in accordance
with the National Electric ,Code by qualified and
authoriz_ personnel only_

To preve_ injury and pro_y damage, follow these i_tructions
Incorrect operation due t,oignoring inst_c_ions wiB cause _3rm or damage, the sedousn_s o,fwhich is
indic_:ed by the follllowing symbols.
[ ......... ver0O0o li
[] The foiiowing i(t:emsareclassified bythese symbols.
• Otherwise, it wili cause e!_'tric
shock or fire,due to heat
generation or e_e_nc shock
• Itwill cause e_ectricshock or fire
due to heat generation,
* It wi# cause f_lure of machine or
electric shock.
• Itmay cause fire and electric
• It_1_cause eiec_c shock or fire
due to heat generaSon.
.,It wil_c_s,e ele,ctic shock
• No installation may cause,fire
_d electric shock accident.
'i It:may cause electric shock.
, it wil! cause electric shock or fire.
• Ifthesfupp_t®_d_ _mag_, itmurat
replac_bythe_siufia_ter orits_vme
_ent o_a.similarlyqaal_i_per_b_in
or_r toavoida/b_, IYa_chme_)
•N,ogroundingmay cause electric
sh_k {_, _ns'taJlationM_,ual).
• Itmay cause fire _d electric
shock accident,
,/tmay cause fire
• Itmay cause fire and e_ec_icshock,
• Itmay cause anexplosion or fire

• _tmay cause expbsion fire, and burn
, It may cause failure and electdc shock
' They are sharp and may cause , Water may enter the unit and
degrade the insu!ation. It may
cause an electric shock,
• Since the fan rotates at high
speed during operation, it may
cause injury
• Thiscould injure the pet or plmqt
•An oxygen shortage may occur.
• Itmay causedamage of animus
or veg_:aNes or loss of property
• Operation 'withwmdows open_
may cause we_ing of indoor and
soaking of household furniture.
, i:tmay cause f_lure of appliance
or accident.
• Appearm%e may be deteriorated
due to change of produ_ color or
scratching of its surface.
• Itmay c_se el,ec_c shock and
• if ieaving appliance damaged,
there is ,concernof damage due
to _e falling of pr_u,ct.
• There is danger of fire or eiectric
, This could damage your health.
•It may cause failure of ipr_uct or
•Operation withoutfilters wiil
cause faiiure.
• Itcontains containments andwill
make you sick.

_ ContactaninstallationspecialistforinstaHafon,
_Do notshare_esameoutletwi_o_er_pliances
_Do notuseanextension_rd,
Beingex_sedtodirectairflowforanextended period of time could b,eh_atdous 'to your hea_t:h._Do not
expose occupants, peG, or p_antsto direct airflow 'forextended periods of time
Dueto the _ssibi_ity of oxygen ,deficiency,ventilate the room when used together with stoves or other
Do not usethis air conditioner for nomspecified sp_iai purposes (e9. presewing precisiol_devices,
food_pets_pl&qts and a_ obiec_s), Usage in such a manner could harm such prope_y,
Do not touch the metal pa_s ofthe un_ when removing the fi_ter Injuries can occur when handling sharp
metal edges
:;_ Do not:use water to clean inside the air cond_ioner Exposure to water can destroy the insu_a#on,leading
to possiNe electric sh_k,
_!_ When cleaning the unit first make sure that the power and breaker are tum_ off. The fan rotates at a
very hiighspeed during operation _here is a possibility of iniury if the un_'s power is accidentally
triggered on while cleaning inner Ipa_sof the unit
For repair a_d maintenance, contact your authoriz_ sewice dea_er,
LP090CEM :C_ing with elec_c heat.
LP120CEM :C,_iin 9 with electric heat.
LP090HEM :Heat pump with electric heat,
LP120HEM :Heat pump w_h electric heat.