http., lw_ w ,lgscr_ _cc,_x m
Ple_e read the o_rating [nstru_ions ,_d safety precautions carefully
_d th,oroughliy before [ns,tallin,g _d o_ratingi yo,ur a,Jrconditioner.

Write the model and serial numbers here:
Mode| #
Serial #
You can fi_ them on a label on the side of each ue_.
D_i_er's Name
Date Purchas_
III S[ap[e you[ _aceip[ 1o [his page in [he event you [_ed it
to prove d_e of purchase or for warranty issues_
inside you will find many helipful hints, on hc_wto use and
maintain your air condit:i(_er pr_eHy: Just: a li_le
p_eventive care on you_ part c:,ansave you a great dea_ o7
time a_ld mo,_y over the life of your air cond_ioner.
You1! |ind many arlswers to common p_lems in the chart
of tr_b_esho_ing t#s. Illyou [eview ,our chair of
Troubles.hooting Tips first:, you may not need to, c,aJlfor
serv_e at ,all,
, Contac_ an autho#z_ _rvice 't_hrtlclan for repair or
maintenance of this unR.
,.Con_ct the installer |or installation of this unit.
.The air conditioner is not intended for use by young
children e.r invalids without supep_tsion.
, Young children should be supervi_ to ensure that
they do not play wRh the air conditioner.
*,When the power cord is to be repla_d, r'ep|ace_n4
work shall be pe,_r'med Iby auth,orized perso, nnel
only using only genui#e mpliace_nt parts.
, installation work must _ p_orm_ in accordance
with the National Eleclric Code by qualifi,_ and
authortz_ personnel o#ly,
2 Room Air Conditioner

To prevent injury [oi the user o,r other people _d prope_y damage, the bHowiing instructions
must be followed,
[] Incorrect ,opemti,on due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness
is classified by the foHowiing indications,
WARNING Th,s sym_l mdl,cates the poss_b_U_yof death r senous _njury,
/, CAUTION Thissyrnbo indicates the possibility .of injury or d_age to. properties only:)
ii Meanings of symbols us_ in this manuaJ are as shown _lo'w°
Don't do this!
B,esure to follow the instruction,
[] Installation,
• It may cau_ a fire or eJectri_l • It may cause a 'fire ,orelectrical
shock sho_,
• It may _use failure and
• Sharp _ges may cau_
It will _,u_ electric sh_k or fire
due _ heat generahon.
•It may cause exp!_bn or fk'e,
Owner_ Manual 3

1 Operation
• There =sdanger of fire or eiedric
• it may cause fire and electric
• An ovedoa_d circuit is a fire
• {twil{ cause f_lure of machine or
e{ectdc shock.
•.litmay cause a fire or electric_
, The,@_arance of the air
conditioner may deteriorate,
change eolor.,or d_ve{op
surface flaws.
, I!tcou{d represent a fire hazed,
, Oxygen dep{etion _u{d ,occur,
4 Room Air Conditioner
, Qthe_i_, it may e!_'t:ric_
sho_ and iailure.
, Moving _:s could _use injury,
., Pre,_nt accide_a{ staftup and
the possibility of injury.

Safety Pr_utions
• _ will _use e_tric shock or fire • litwiB cause electric shock or fire., • Itwill _u_ electric shock.
due to he_ generation,
• ff may cause eledric sh_k and
i| Installation
• Be considerate of your neighbor.
• Qlherwise, ff may cau_ an
explo¢ion and a fire,
• It may cause vibral[on or water ileakage.
• They are,sharp and m_ cause
° 23
Owner_ Manual 5

[] Operation
• ff is not g_d to,sit in the draft. • it may cause product failure. • The appearance o! the air
_nditJoner may deteriorate,
change co,lor_or develop surface
•,litmay _use an iqury through
dropping o,f the unit ,or fallling
• A s_ere cut or other injury could
• Operation wffhout fi_ers will
cause failure
- Use,the, ventilation fundion to
ci#culate air without coo_ing or
• it co_._ns ,e,_ry cont_inant
condensed from the air and coiu_d
cause health issues.
• Electdc_ and moving parts
could _use shock or injury.
6 Room Air Conditioner

Befo,_ Operation
1i_ Contact an installation specialist for installation.
This is NOT a d,o-_t-yourself project.
2. Plug in the power plug properly.
3. Use a dedicated circuit.
4. IDo not use an extension cord. Consult a professional installer or electrician.
5. Do not start/stop operation by plugging/unplugging the po,wer cord.
6. If the cord/plug iis damaged, replace it with only an authorized replacement
1. Being exposed tO direct airflow for an extended period o,ftime could be
hazardous to your health. Do not expose occupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time. in other words, don't sit in the draft.
2. Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when used
together with stoves or other heating devices,
3. IDo not use tlhis air conditioner for non-specified special purposes (e.g.
preserving precision devices, food, pets, plants, and art objects). Such usage
could ,damage the items
1. DO not touch the metal parts o,fthe unit when removing the filter. IInjuries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can
destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock.
3. When cleaning the unit, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned
off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a
possibility of injury if the unit's power iis accidentally triggered on while
cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance, ,contact your authorized service dealer.
Owner_ Manual 7

This symbol alerts you to the risk of electric shock,.
This symbol alerts you to hazards that could cause harm to,
the air conditioner.
This symbol indicates, sp_ial notes.
This _pliance should _ ins_Hed in acco,rd_ce with the Nationa_ Electric _,de,
(Avail_e as an; _t_d}
(Horizontal l,,,,,ou_ver)
(Aluminum, ReactGri!le)
{Air I_'_t_e)
8 Room Air Conditioner
(Su_dor for ap,erforrr_nce,)

El_trical Safety
! !5V~ 230V~ 265V~ Power cord may include a current
• - - interrupter _vice_ A test and r_t
button is provided on the plug case The
device should _ tested on a periodic
The shape may be different according to its model,
Use WaltR_tade Power Su_
U_ i5 AMP. _me
delay _J_e ¢_rI5 AMP,
Ct_cutt b_is_ket.
St_dar_ 20&2_V :3_im
9roand#9 _tacle r_ed 1
Use 20 AMP, _me
delay _useot20 A#P,
S_nda_d _B2_V_ 3-wi_,a (2_W _ater _15t_rr_
9tound_ r_o_t_da rated _A Circuit Breaker)
Use 30 AMP, _me
delay _u_ er 30 A#P,
S_ndatd _'2_V, 3-wire
9round_ r_de rated _A
Sta_ar_ _65Vgroun_ (_W I_,_ater-_!5A_
[e_ta¢l_ tared 20A CI_'oJit Bmaka¢)
;Sta_[d 2_}5Vgroun_ Oi_it br÷a_r
re¢_ta¢le rated25A
Citwlt bie&k_t.
_u_ or 20AMP
Use 20AMP,_me delay
Circuit br,aa_r
Use 25AMP,_rae delay
_u_ or 25AMP
Never push _e te_ bu_o,nduring ope[at_n
Otherwise Lh_ plug can damaged.
This devic_ _,ntains chem _!s, inc_udi_ lead, known
Io the StaIed California Io @use car_er, biRh
defe¢ls, or other reprodu_ve harm.
W_h hands after I_nd/ing
Do r_)t remove modify, or immerse this piu9..
_I:this device tdps, the @use should be _r_rected
before furtr_r use.
The_nduclo, rs inside thisco_dare surrounded#j
shields,which monRorleakagecurrent,
Thee shieildsare n_ grounded.
Per_icaHy examinethe co_dto_an},damage,Do
not usethis p_uct inthe e_nt the shielldsbecome
Avo_ sh_k hazard!This un_cannotbe _¢iced,
O_ning the tamper-resistant,sea_ portionof the
un_ voids alllwarrantiesand pedo[ma_e cairn&
This u_it _ _otintendedto be an ON/OFFswi_h_
basis by first preying the TEST button
and Hen the RESF button, ff the TEST
bu_on does not trip o.ritthe RESET
bu_on will not stay engaged,
discontinue use of the air _nditio,ner
and co_a_ a qua_ifi_ _wi_
and 230/208,265Voilt unffs.
AI_wiring sho.uMbe ma_ in accordance with liocal
electrical c_es and regulations.
Aliuminum house wiring may pose sp_iali problems.
Con_.dt a qualified e]e_rician.
Owner_ Manual 9